"Advanced" = "Advanced"; "app.device.jailbreak.description" = "Any 'jailbreak' app can access Trust's keychain data and steal your wallet! Wipe this wallet immediately and restore on a secure device."; "app.device.jailbreak.title" = "DEVICE SECURITY COMPROMISED"; "Cancel" = "Cancel"; "configureTransaction.error.gasFeeTooHigh" = "Gas Fee too high. Max available: %@"; "configureTransaction.error.gasLimitTooHigh" = "Gas Limit too high. Max available: %d"; "configureTransaction.gasLimit.label.description" = "The gas limit prevents smart contracts from consuming all your %@. We will try to calculate the gas limit automatically for you, but some smart contracts may require a custom gas limit."; "configureTransaction.gasLimit.label.title" = "Gas Limit"; "configureTransaction.gasPrice.label.description" = "The higher the gas price, the more expesnive your transaction fee will be, but the quicker your tranasction will be processed by the %@ network."; "configureTransaction.gasPrice.label.title" = "Gas Price"; "configureTransaction.totalNetworkFee.label.title" = "Total network fee"; "confirmPayment.confirm.button.title" = "Confirm"; "confirmPayment.from.label.title" = "From"; "confirmPayment.gasFee.label.title" = "Network Fee"; "confirmPayment.gasLimit.label.title" = "Gas Limit"; "confirmPayment.gasPrice.label.title" = "Gas Price"; "confirmPayment.to.label.title" = "To"; "Copy" = "Copy"; "deposit.buy.button.changelly.title" = "via Changelly"; "deposit.buy.button.coinbase.title" = "via Coinbase"; "deposit.buy.button.shapeShift.title" = "via ShapeShift (Crypto only)"; "deposit.buy.label.title" = "How would you like to buy?"; "Empty" = "Empty"; "emptyView.noTokens.label.title" = "You haven't received any tokens yet!"; "errorView.description.label.title" = "Something went wrong... Try again."; "exchange.error.failedToGetRates" = "exchange.error.failedToGetRates"; "exchange.error.wrongInput" = "exchange.error.wrongInput"; "export.backup.button.title" = "Backup Wallet"; "export.controlYourMoney.label.title" = "Since only you control your money, you'll need to save your backup keystore in case this app is deleted."; "export.enterCurrentPassword.textField.title" = "Enter current password to export your wallet"; "export.enterPassword.textField.title" = "Enter password to encrypt your wallet"; "export.neverStored.label.title" = "Your wallet is never saved to cloud storage or standard device backups."; "export.noBackup.label.title" = "No backup, no %@."; "export.presentBackupOptions.label.title" = "Preparing backup options..."; "export.skip.button.title" = "Do it later"; "importWallet.importingIndicator.label.title" = "Importing wallet..."; "Loading" = "Loading"; "Loading..." = "Loading..."; "Next" = "Next"; "OK" = "OK"; "Password" = "Password"; "Refresh" = "Refresh"; "request.addressCopied.title" = "Address copied"; "request.copyWallet.button.title" = "Copy wallet address"; "request.myAddressIs.label.title" = "My %1$@ address is: %2$@"; "request.myPublicaddress.label.title" = "My Public %@ wallet address"; "Retry" = "Retry"; "Send" = "Send"; "send.amount.textField.placeholder" = "Amount"; "send.error.emptyClipBoard" = "Empty ClipBoard"; "send.error.invalidAddress" = "Invalid Address"; "send.error.wrongInput" = "Wrong Input"; "send.max.button.title" = "Max"; "send.paste.button.title" = "Paste"; "send.recipientAddress.textField.placeholder" = "Recipient Address"; "settings.biometricsDisabled.label.title" = "Passcode"; "settings.biometricsEnabled.label.title" = "Passcode / %@)"; "settings.community.label.title" = "Community"; "settings.donate.button.title" = "Donate"; "settings.emailUs.button.title" = "Email Us"; "settings.error.failedToSendEmail" = "Failed to send email. Make sure you have Mail app installed."; "settings.feedback.email.title" = "Trust Feedback"; "settings.navigation.title" = "Settings"; "settings.network.button.title" = "Network"; "settings.openSourceDevelopment.label.title" = "Open Source Development"; "settings.privacyPolicy.button.title" = "Privacy Policy"; "settings.pushNotifications.button.title" = "Push Notifications"; "settings.rateUsAppStore.button.title" = "Rate Us on App Store"; "settings.reportBug.button.title" = "Report a Bug"; "settings.security.label.title" = "Security"; "settings.sourceCode.button.title" = "Source Code"; "settings.support.label.title" = "Support"; "settings.termsOfService.button.title" = "Terms of Service"; "settings.version.label.title" = "Version"; "transactions.deposit.button.title" = "Buy"; "transactions.myAddress.button.title" = "My Address"; "transactions.noTransactions.label.title" = "No Transactions Yet!"; "wallet.navigation.title" = "Wallets"; "wallets.backup.alertSheet.title" = "Backup Keystore"; "welcome.createWallet.button.title" = "CREATE WALLET"; "welcome.erc20.label.description" = "Support for ERC20 tokens by default. "; "welcome.erc20.label.title" = "ERC20 Compatible"; "welcome.fullyTransparent.label.description" = "Code is open sourced (GPL-3.0 license) and fully audited."; "welcome.fullyTransparent.label.title" = "Fully transparent"; "welcome.importWallet.button.title" = "IMPORT WALLET"; "welcome.privateAndSecure.label.description" = "Private keys never leave your device."; "welcome.privateAndSecure.label.title" = "Private & Secure"; "welcome.ultraReliable.label.description" = "The fastest Ethereum wallet experience on mobile"; "welcome.ultraReliable.label.title" = "Ultra Reliable"; "exchange.tabbar.item.title" = "Exchange"; "tokens.navigation.title" = "Tokens"; "tokens.tabbar.item.title" = "Tokens"; "transactions.tabbar.item.title" = "Transactions"; "import.navigation.title" = "Import Wallet";