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alpha-wallet-ios/Trust/Vendors/BigInt/MG Benchmark Tools.swift

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MG Benchmark Tools.swift
Created by Marcel Kröker on 03.04.15.
Copyright (c) 2016 Blubyte. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
#if os(Linux)
import Glibc
import CBSD
private func mach_absolute_time() -> UInt64 {
var tv = timeval();
guard gettimeofday(&tv, nil) != -1 else { return 0 }
let t = UInt64(tv.tv_usec) + UInt64(tv.tv_sec) * 1000000
return t;
private struct mach_timebase_info_data_t {
var numer: Int = 1000
var denom: Int = 1
private func mach_timebase_info(_: inout mach_timebase_info_data_t) {}
private func durationNS(_ call: () -> ()) -> Int
var start = UInt64()
var end = UInt64()
start = mach_absolute_time()
end = mach_absolute_time()
let elapsed = end - start
var timeBaseInfo = mach_timebase_info_data_t()
let elapsedNano = Int(elapsed) * Int(timeBaseInfo.numer) / Int(timeBaseInfo.denom)
return elapsedNano
private func adjustPrecision(_ ns: Int, toPrecision: String) -> Int
switch toPrecision
case "ns": // nanoseconds
return ns
case "us": // microseconds
return ns / 1_000
case "ms": // milliseconds
return ns / 1_000_000
default: // seconds
return ns / 1_000_000_000
Measure execution time of trailing closure.
- Parameter precision: Precision of measurement. Possible
- "ns": nanoseconds
- "us": microseconds
- "ms" or omitted parameter: milliseconds
- "s" or invalid input: seconds
public func benchmark(_ precision: String = "ms", _ call: () -> ()) -> Int
// empty call duration to subtract
let emptyCallNano = durationNS({})
let elapsedNano = durationNS(call)
let elapsedCorrected = elapsedNano >= emptyCallNano
? elapsedNano - emptyCallNano
: 0
return adjustPrecision(elapsedCorrected, toPrecision: precision)
Measure execution time of trailing closure, and print result
with description into the console.
- Parameter precision: Precision of measurement. Possible
- "ns": nanoseconds
- "us": microseconds
- "ms" or omitted parameter: milliseconds
- "s" or invalid input: seconds
- Parameter title: Description of benchmark.
public func benchmarkPrint(_ precision: String = "ms", title: String, _ call: () -> ())
print(title + ": \(benchmark(precision, call))" + precision)
Measure the average execution time of trailing closure.
- Parameter precision: Precision of measurement. Possible
- "ns": nanoseconds
- "us": microseconds
- "ms" or omitted parameter: milliseconds
- "s" or invalid input: seconds
- Parameter title: Description of benchmark.
- Parameter times: Amount of executions.
Default when parameter is omitted: 100.
- Returns: Minimum, Average and Maximum execution time of
benchmarks as 3-tuple.
public func benchmarkAvg(
_ precision: String = "ms",
title: String = "",
times: Int = 10,
_ call: () -> ())
-> (min: Int, avg: Int, max: Int)
let emptyCallsNano = durationNS(
for _ in 0..<times {}
var min = Int.max
var max = 0
var elapsedNanoCombined = 0
for _ in 0..<times
let duration = durationNS(call)
if duration < min { min = duration }
if duration > max { max = duration }
elapsedNanoCombined += duration
let elapsedCorrected = elapsedNanoCombined >= emptyCallsNano
? elapsedNanoCombined - emptyCallsNano
: 0
return (adjustPrecision(min, toPrecision: precision),
adjustPrecision(elapsedCorrected / times, toPrecision: precision),
adjustPrecision(max, toPrecision: precision)