An advanced Ethereum/EVM mobile wallet
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// Copyright SIX DAY LLC. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import Result
import TrustKeystore
protocol Keystore {
var hasWallets: Bool { get }
var wallets: [Wallet] { get }
var keystoreDirectory: URL { get }
var recentlyUsedWallet: Wallet? { get set }
static var current: Wallet? { get }
@available(iOS 10.0, *)
func createAccount(with password: String, completion: @escaping (Result<Account, KeystoreError>) -> Void)
func importWallet(type: ImportType, completion: @escaping (Result<Wallet, KeystoreError>) -> Void)
func keystore(for privateKey: String, password: String, completion: @escaping (Result<String, KeystoreError>) -> Void)
func importKeystore(value: String, password: String, newPassword: String, completion: @escaping (Result<Account, KeystoreError>) -> Void)
func createAccount(password: String) -> Account
func importKeystore(value: String, password: String, newPassword: String) -> Result<Account, KeystoreError>
func export(account: Account, password: String, newPassword: String) -> Result<String, KeystoreError>
func export(account: Account, password: String, newPassword: String, completion: @escaping (Result<String, KeystoreError>) -> Void)
func exportData(account: Account, password: String, newPassword: String) -> Result<Data, KeystoreError>
func delete(wallet: Wallet) -> Result<Void, KeystoreError>
func delete(wallet: Wallet, completion: @escaping (Result<Void, KeystoreError>) -> Void)
func updateAccount(account: Account, password: String, newPassword: String) -> Result<Void, KeystoreError>
func signPersonalMessage(_ data: Data, for account: Account) -> Result<Data, KeystoreError>
func signMessage(_ data: Data, for account: Account) -> Result<Data, KeystoreError>
func signTransaction(_ signTransaction: UnsignedTransaction) -> Result<Data, KeystoreError>
func getPassword(for account: Account) -> String?
func convertPrivateKeyToKeystoreFile(privateKey: String, passphrase: String) -> Result<[String: Any], KeystoreError>