Ansible role that will install (& uninstall), configure and runs Besu: an enterprise Java Ethereum Client
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

61 lines
1.9 KiB

- name: Create configuration directory
path: "{{ besu_config_dir }}"
state: directory
owner: "{{ besu_user }}"
group: "{{ besu_group }}"
recurse: yes
become: true
- name: Generate config file
src: "{{ besu_config_template }}"
dest: "{{ besu_config_dir }}/config.toml"
owner: "{{ besu_user }}"
group: "{{ besu_group }}"
mode: 0644
become: true
register: config_toml
- name: JWT secret
- name: Check if a JWT secret already exists
path: "{{ besu_engine_jwt_secret }}"
register: stat_result
when: besu_engine_jwt_secret_content is undefined
# Set the value if it is set by the user or if the secret does not already exist,
# if no secret is specified and there is not an existing secret on disk, then set it to a random value.
- name: Set the JWT shared secret
dest: "{{ besu_engine_jwt_secret }}"
content: "{{ besu_engine_jwt_secret_content | default((('%#064x' % ((2 | pow(256) | int ) | random)) | split('x'))[1]) }}"
owner: "{{ besu_user }}"
group: "{{ besu_group }}"
mode: 0400
register: jwt_secret_content
when: besu_engine_jwt_secret_content is defined or not stat_result.stat.exists or stat_result.stat.size == 0
- name: Set updated optionally to trigger a systemd restart at the end
besu_state_updates: "{{ besu_state_updates + ['besu.jwt_secret_content'] }}"
when: jwt_secret_content is changed
when: besu_engine_jwt_secret is defined and besu_engine_jwt_secret != ""
become: yes
- name: Set updated optionally to trigger a systemd restart at the end
besu_state_updates: "{{ besu_state_updates + ['besu.config_toml'] }}"
when: config_toml is changed
- name: Create data directory
path: "{{ besu_data_dir }}"
state: directory
owner: "{{ besu_user }}"
group: "{{ besu_group }}"
recurse: yes
become: true