@ -59,52 +59,52 @@ extra_javascript:
- assets/javascripts/zoomify.min.js
- How T o:
- Get S tarted with Besu:
- System R equirements:
- Private N etwork : HowTo/Get-Started/System-Requirements/System-Requirements-Private.md
- Public N etwork : HowTo/Get-Started/System-Requirements/System-Requirements-Public.md
- How t o:
- Get s tarted with Besu:
- System r equirements:
- Private n etwork : HowTo/Get-Started/System-Requirements/System-Requirements-Private.md
- Public n etwork : HowTo/Get-Started/System-Requirements/System-Requirements-Public.md
- Install Besu:
- Options : HowTo/Get-Started/Installation-Options/Options.md
- Run Besu from Docker I mage : HowTo/Get-Started/Installation-Options/Run-Docker-Image.md
- Install Binary D istribution : HowTo/Get-Started/Installation-Options/Install-Binaries.md
- Build from S ource : HowTo/Get-Started/Installation-Options/Build-from-source.md
- Run Besu from Docker i mage : HowTo/Get-Started/Installation-Options/Run-Docker-Image.md
- Install binary d istribution : HowTo/Get-Started/Installation-Options/Install-Binaries.md
- Build from s ource : HowTo/Get-Started/Installation-Options/Build-from-source.md
- Start Besu : HowTo/Get-Started/Starting-node.md
- Configure Besu:
- Consensus P rotocols:
- Consensus p rotocols:
- Clique : HowTo/Configure/Consensus-Protocols/Clique.md
- IBFT 2.0 : HowTo/Configure/Consensus-Protocols/IBFT.md
- QBFT : HowTo/Configure/Consensus-Protocols/QBFT.md
- Quorum IBFT 1.0 N etwork : HowTo/Configure/Consensus-Protocols/QuorumIBFT.md
- Add and Remove V alidators : HowTo/Configure/Consensus-Protocols/Add-Validators.md
- Create Besu Genesis F ile : HowTo/Configure/Genesis-File.md
- Specify Options in a Configuration F ile : HowTo/Configure/Using-Configuration-File.md
- Configure a Free Gas N etwork : HowTo/Configure/FreeGas.md
- Quorum IBFT 1.0 n etwork : HowTo/Configure/Consensus-Protocols/QuorumIBFT.md
- Add and remove v alidators : HowTo/Configure/Consensus-Protocols/Add-Validators.md
- Create Besu genesis f ile : HowTo/Configure/Genesis-File.md
- Specify options in a configuration f ile : HowTo/Configure/Using-Configuration-File.md
- Configure a free gas n etwork : HowTo/Configure/FreeGas.md
- Configure TLS : HowTo/Configure/Configure-TLS.md
- High A vailability:
- Configure High A vailability of APIs : HowTo/Configure/Configure-HA/High-Availability.md
- Sample Load Balancer C onfigurations : HowTo/Configure/Configure-HA/Sample-Configuration.md
- Predeploy a Contract in the Genesis F ile : HowTo/Configure/Contracts-in-Genesis.md
- Configure M ining : HowTo/Configure/Configure-Mining.md
- Pass JVM O ptions : HowTo/Configure/Passing-JVM-Options.md
- Alternative Elliptic C urves : HowTo/Configure/Alternative-EC-Curves.md
- Interact with N ode:
- High a vailability:
- Configure high a vailability of APIs : HowTo/Configure/Configure-HA/High-Availability.md
- Sample load balancer c onfigurations : HowTo/Configure/Configure-HA/Sample-Configuration.md
- Predeploy a contract in the genesis f ile : HowTo/Configure/Contracts-in-Genesis.md
- Configure m ining : HowTo/Configure/Configure-Mining.md
- Pass JVM o ptions : HowTo/Configure/Passing-JVM-Options.md
- Alternative elliptic c urves : HowTo/Configure/Alternative-EC-Curves.md
- Interact with n ode:
- Besu APIs:
- Access Besu APIs : HowTo/Interact/APIs/API.md
- Use JSON-RPC API over HTTP or WebSockets : HowTo/Interact/APIs/Using-JSON-RPC-API.md
- Use RPC Pub/Sub API over WebSockets : HowTo/Interact/APIs/RPC-PubSub.md
- Use GraphQL over HTTP : HowTo/Interact/APIs/GraphQL.md
- Authenticate JSON-RPC R equests : HowTo/Interact/APIs/Authentication.md
- Client L ibraries:
- Use the web3js-eea Client L ibrary : HowTo/Interact/Client-Libraries/web3js-eea.md
- Authenticate JSON-RPC r equests : HowTo/Interact/APIs/Authentication.md
- Client l ibraries:
- Use the web3js-eea client l ibrary : HowTo/Interact/Client-Libraries/web3js-eea.md
- Filters:
- Access Logs U sing JSON-RPC API : HowTo/Interact/Filters/Accessing-Logs-Using-JSON-RPC.md
- Find and Connect to P eers:
- Specify B ootnodes : HowTo/Find-and-Connect/Bootnodes.md
- Configure Static N odes : HowTo/Find-and-Connect/Static-Nodes.md
- Configure Ports for A ccess : HowTo/Find-and-Connect/Configuring-Ports.md
- Manage P eers : HowTo/Find-and-Connect/Managing-Peers.md
- Specify NAT M ethod : HowTo/Find-and-Connect/Specifying-NAT.md
- Access logs u sing JSON-RPC API : HowTo/Interact/Filters/Accessing-Logs-Using-JSON-RPC.md
- Find and connect to p eers:
- Specify b ootnodes : HowTo/Find-and-Connect/Bootnodes.md
- Configure static n odes : HowTo/Find-and-Connect/Static-Nodes.md
- Configure ports for a ccess : HowTo/Find-and-Connect/Configuring-Ports.md
- Manage p eers : HowTo/Find-and-Connect/Managing-Peers.md
- Specify NAT m ethod : HowTo/Find-and-Connect/Specifying-NAT.md
- Monitor nodes:
- Use metrics : HowTo/Monitor/Metrics.md
- Use Elastic Stack : HowTo/Monitor/Elastic-Stack.md
@ -112,118 +112,118 @@ nav:
- Use Splunk : HowTo/Monitor/Splunk-Enterprise.md
- Use OpenTelemetry : HowTo/Monitor/OpenTelemetry-Collector.md
- Configure logging : HowTo/Monitor/Logging.md
- Send T ransactions:
- Use Wallets for Key M anagement : HowTo/Send-Transactions/Account-Management.md
- Create and Send T ransactions : HowTo/Send-Transactions/Transactions.md
- Create and Send Private T ransactions : HowTo/Send-Transactions/Creating-Sending-Private-Transactions.md
- Send Concurrent Private T ransactions : HowTo/Send-Transactions/Concurrent-Private-Transactions.md
- Include Revert R eason : HowTo/Send-Transactions/Revert-Reason.md
- Limit Access to N ode:
- Use Local P ermissioning : HowTo/Limit-Access/Local-Permissioning.md
- Update Onchain A llowlists : HowTo/Limit-Access/Updating-Permission-Lists.md
- Specify Interface V ersion : HowTo/Limit-Access/Specify-Perm-Version.md
- Use Privacy F eatures:
- Use EEA-compliant P rivacy : HowTo/Use-Privacy/EEA-Compliant.md
- Use Besu-extended P rivacy : HowTo/Use-Privacy/Privacy.md
- Create and Manage Privacy G roups : HowTo/Use-Privacy/Create-Manage-Privacy-Groups.md
- Sign Privacy Marker T ransactions : HowTo/Use-Privacy/Sign-Privacy-Marker-Transactions.md
- Access Private and Privacy Marker T ransactions : HowTo/Use-Privacy/Access-Private-Transactions.md
- Send t ransactions:
- Use wallets for key m anagement : HowTo/Send-Transactions/Account-Management.md
- Create and send t ransactions : HowTo/Send-Transactions/Transactions.md
- Create and send private t ransactions : HowTo/Send-Transactions/Creating-Sending-Private-Transactions.md
- Send concurrent private t ransactions : HowTo/Send-Transactions/Concurrent-Private-Transactions.md
- Include revert r eason : HowTo/Send-Transactions/Revert-Reason.md
- Limit access to n ode:
- Use local p ermissioning : HowTo/Limit-Access/Local-Permissioning.md
- Update onchain a llowlists : HowTo/Limit-Access/Updating-Permission-Lists.md
- Specify interface v ersion : HowTo/Limit-Access/Specify-Perm-Version.md
- Use privacy f eatures:
- Use EEA-compliant p rivacy : HowTo/Use-Privacy/EEA-Compliant.md
- Use Besu-extended p rivacy : HowTo/Use-Privacy/Privacy.md
- Create and manage privacy g roups : HowTo/Use-Privacy/Create-Manage-Privacy-Groups.md
- Sign privacy marker t ransactions : HowTo/Use-Privacy/Sign-Privacy-Marker-Transactions.md
- Access private and privacy marker t ransactions : HowTo/Use-Privacy/Access-Private-Transactions.md
- Run Tessera with Besu : HowTo/Use-Privacy/Run-Tessera-With-Besu.md
- Use Flexible P rivacy : HowTo/Use-Privacy/Use-FlexiblePrivacy.md
- Use GoQuorum-compatibile P rivacy : HowTo/Use-Privacy/Use-GoQuorum-compatible-privacy.md
- Deploy for P roduction:
- Deploy to the C loud : HowTo/Deploy/Cloud.md
- Use Ansible to D eploy Besu : HowTo/Deploy/Ansible.md
- Use Kubernetes to Deploy a Private N etwork : HowTo/Deploy/Kubernetes.md
- Configure B ootnodes : HowTo/Deploy/Bootnodes.md
- Configure V alidators : HowTo/Deploy/Validators.md
- Deploy Permissioning Management D app : HowTo/Deploy/Production.md
- Use flexible p rivacy : HowTo/Use-Privacy/Use-FlexiblePrivacy.md
- Use GoQuorum-compatibile p rivacy : HowTo/Use-Privacy/Use-GoQuorum-compatible-privacy.md
- Deploy for p roduction:
- Deploy to the c loud : HowTo/Deploy/Cloud.md
- Use Ansible to d eploy Besu : HowTo/Deploy/Ansible.md
- Use Kubernetes to deploy a private n etwork : HowTo/Deploy/Kubernetes.md
- Configure b ootnodes : HowTo/Deploy/Bootnodes.md
- Configure v alidators : HowTo/Deploy/Validators.md
- Deploy permissioning management d app : HowTo/Deploy/Production.md
- Use Alethio Lite Explorer : HowTo/Deploy/Lite-Block-Explorer.md
- Use Alethio EthStats Lite Network M onitor : HowTo/Deploy/Lite-Network-Monitor.md
- Backup and R estore : HowTo/Backup/Backup.md
- Use Alethio EthStats Lite network m onitor : HowTo/Deploy/Lite-Network-Monitor.md
- Backup and r estore : HowTo/Backup/Backup.md
- Upgrade:
- Upgrade N ode : HowTo/Upgrade/Upgrade-Node.md
- Upgrade P rotocol : HowTo/Upgrade/Upgrade-Protocol.md
- Develop D apps on Besu:
- Upgrade n ode : HowTo/Upgrade/Upgrade-Node.md
- Upgrade p rotocol : HowTo/Upgrade/Upgrade-Protocol.md
- Develop d apps on Besu:
- Use Truffle : HowTo/Develop-Dapps/Truffle.md
- Use Client L ibraries : HowTo/Develop-Dapps/Client-Libraries.md
- Use client l ibraries : HowTo/Develop-Dapps/Client-Libraries.md
- Troubleshoot:
- Use EVM tool : HowTo/Troubleshoot/Use-EVM-Tool.md
- Collect Java runtime data : HowTo/Troubleshoot/Java-Flight-Recording.md
- Trace T ransactions : HowTo/Troubleshoot/Trace-Transactions.md
- Solve Common P roblems : HowTo/Troubleshoot/Troubleshooting.md
- Trace t ransactions : HowTo/Troubleshoot/Trace-Transactions.md
- Solve common p roblems : HowTo/Troubleshoot/Troubleshooting.md
- Tutorials:
- Examples:
- Private Network E xample : Tutorials/Examples/Private-Network-Example.md
- Private Network Example for Private T ransactions : Tutorials/Examples/Privacy-Example.md
- Private network e xample : Tutorials/Examples/Private-Network-Example.md
- Private network example for private t ransactions : Tutorials/Examples/Privacy-Example.md
- Configure Kubernetes mode in NAT Manager : Tutorials/Examples/Nat-Manager-Kubernetes.md
- Deploy on Microsoft Azure : Tutorials/Examples/Private-Network-Example-Azure.md
- Create a Private N etwork:
- Create a private n etwork:
- Using Ethash (Pow) : Tutorials/Private-Network/Create-Private-Network.md
- Using Clique (PoA) : Tutorials/Private-Network/Create-Private-Clique-Network.md
- Using IBFT 2.0 (PoA) : Tutorials/Private-Network/Create-IBFT-Network.md
- Using QBFT (PoA) : Tutorials/Private-Network/Create-QBFT-Network.md
- Adding and Removing IBFT 2.0 V alidators : Tutorials/Private-Network/Adding-removing-IBFT-validators.md
- Adding and removing IBFT 2.0 v alidators : Tutorials/Private-Network/Adding-removing-IBFT-validators.md
- Permissioning:
- Create a Permissioned N etwork : Tutorials/Permissioning/Create-Permissioned-Network.md
- Get Started with Onchain P ermissioning : Tutorials/Permissioning/Getting-Started-Onchain-Permissioning.md
- Create a permissioned n etwork : Tutorials/Permissioning/Create-Permissioned-Network.md
- Get started with onchain p ermissioning : Tutorials/Permissioning/Getting-Started-Onchain-Permissioning.md
- Upgrade the permissioning contract : Tutorials/Permissioning/Upgrade-Permissioning-Contract.md
- Smart Contracts and T ransactions:
- Deploy a C ontract : Tutorials/Contracts/Deploying-Contracts.md
- Interact with a Deployed C ontract : Tutorials/Contracts/Calling-Contract-Functions.md
- Transfer Account F unds : Tutorials/Contracts/Account-Funds-Transfers.md
- Smart contracts and t ransactions:
- Deploy a c ontract : Tutorials/Contracts/Deploying-Contracts.md
- Interact with a deployed c ontract : Tutorials/Contracts/Calling-Contract-Functions.md
- Transfer account f unds : Tutorials/Contracts/Account-Funds-Transfers.md
- Privacy:
- Create a Privacy-Enabled N etwork : Tutorials/Privacy/Configuring-Privacy.md
- Configure a Multi-Tenant N etwork : Tutorials/Privacy/Configuring-Multi-Tenancy.md
- Use web3js-eea Multinode E xample : Tutorials/Privacy/web3js-eea-Multinode-example.md
- Create a privacy-enabled n etwork : Tutorials/Privacy/Configuring-Privacy.md
- Configure a multi-tenant n etwork : Tutorials/Privacy/Configuring-Multi-Tenancy.md
- Use web3js-eea multinode e xample : Tutorials/Privacy/web3js-eea-Multinode-example.md
- Developer Quickstart : Tutorials/Developer-Quickstart.md
- Concepts:
- Architecture : Concepts/ArchitectureOverview.md
- Consensus P rotocols:
- Consensus p rotocols:
- Overview : Concepts/Consensus-Protocols/Overview-Consensus.md
- Comparing PoA Consensus P rotocols : Concepts/Consensus-Protocols/Comparing-PoA.md
- Comparing PoA consensus p rotocols : Concepts/Consensus-Protocols/Comparing-PoA.md
- Plugins : Concepts/Plugins.md
- Privacy:
- Overview : Concepts/Privacy/Privacy-Overview.md
- Private T ransactions : Concepts/Privacy/Private-Transactions.md
- Privacy G roups : Concepts/Privacy/Privacy-Groups.md
- Processing Private T ransactions : Concepts/Privacy/Private-Transaction-Processing.md
- Flexible Privacy G roups : Concepts/Privacy/Flexible-PrivacyGroups.md
- Multi-T enancy : Concepts/Privacy/Multi-Tenancy.md
- Private t ransactions : Concepts/Privacy/Private-Transactions.md
- Privacy g roups : Concepts/Privacy/Privacy-Groups.md
- Processing private t ransactions : Concepts/Privacy/Private-Transaction-Processing.md
- Flexible privacy g roups : Concepts/Privacy/Flexible-PrivacyGroups.md
- Multi-t enancy : Concepts/Privacy/Multi-Tenancy.md
- Privacy plugin : Concepts/Privacy/Plugin-Privacy.md
- Permissioning:
- Overview : Concepts/Permissioning/Permissioning-Overview.md
- Onchain P ermissioning : Concepts/Permissioning/Onchain-Permissioning.md
- Onchain p ermissioning : Concepts/Permissioning/Onchain-Permissioning.md
- Permissioning plugin : Concepts/Permissioning/Plugin-Permissioning.md
- Protocol U pgrades : Concepts/Protocol-Upgrades.md
- Protocol u pgrades : Concepts/Protocol-Upgrades.md
- Pruning : Concepts/Pruning.md
- Transactions:
- Transaction T ypes : Concepts/Transactions/Transaction-Types.md
- Transaction P ool : Concepts/Transactions/Transaction-Pool.md
- Validating T ransactions : Concepts/Transactions/Transaction-Validation.md
- Transaction t ypes : Concepts/Transactions/Transaction-Types.md
- Transaction p ool : Concepts/Transactions/Transaction-Pool.md
- Validating t ransactions : Concepts/Transactions/Transaction-Validation.md
- Monitoring : Concepts/Monitoring.md
- Events and L ogs : Concepts/Events-and-Logs.md
- TLS C ommunication : Concepts/TLS.md
- Node T ypes : Concepts/Node-Types.md
- Node K eys : Concepts/Node-Keys.md
- Network vs Node C onfiguration : Concepts/Network-vs-Node.md
- Network ID and C hain ID : Concepts/NetworkID-And-ChainID.md
- Events and l ogs : Concepts/Events-and-Logs.md
- TLS c ommunication : Concepts/TLS.md
- Node t ypes : Concepts/Node-Types.md
- Node k eys : Concepts/Node-Keys.md
- Network vs node c onfiguration : Concepts/Network-vs-Node.md
- Network ID and c hain ID : Concepts/NetworkID-And-ChainID.md
- Mining : Concepts/Mining.md
- Reference:
- Besu Command L ine:
- Besu command l ine:
- Options : Reference/CLI/CLI-Syntax.md
- Subcommands : Reference/CLI/CLI-Subcommands.md
- Besu API M ethods : Reference/API-Methods.md
- Besu API O bjects : Reference/API-Objects.md
- Transaction Trace T ypes : Reference/Trace-Types.md
- Genesis File I tems : Reference/Config-Items.md
- web3js-eaa R eference : https://consensys.github.io/web3js-eea/latest/
- Plugin API I nterfaces : Reference/Plugin-API-Interfaces.md
- Accounts for T esting : Reference/Accounts-for-Testing.md
- EVM T ool : Reference/Evm-Tool.md
- Projects U sing Besu : Reference/Projects-Using-Besu.md
- Security Disclosure P olicy : Reference/Responsible-Disclosure.md
- Blog Posts and W ebinars : Reference/Resources.md
- Besu API m ethods : Reference/API-Methods.md
- Besu API o bjects : Reference/API-Objects.md
- Transaction trace t ypes : Reference/Trace-Types.md
- Genesis file i tems : Reference/Config-Items.md
- web3js-eaa r eference : https://consensys.github.io/web3js-eea/latest/
- Plugin API i nterfaces : Reference/Plugin-API-Interfaces.md
- Accounts for t esting : Reference/Accounts-for-Testing.md
- EVM t ool : Reference/Evm-Tool.md
- Projects u sing Besu : Reference/Projects-Using-Besu.md
- Security disclosure p olicy : Reference/Responsible-Disclosure.md
- Blog posts and w ebinars : Reference/Resources.md
- toc: