* Editorial vale fixes on the CI/README file
Doing just this one file, to give me an updated vale.out file which I can then use for all the rest of the files
Signed-off-by: grantnoble <grant.noble@consensys.net>
* The remaining editorial vale updates
Mostly passive voice to active voice, but some other changes too.
Signed-off-by: grantnoble <grant.noble@consensys.net>
* One last set of changes to a file
Signed-off-by: grantnoble <grant.noble@consensys.net>
| `callType` | Indicates whether the transaction is `call` or `create`.
| `from` | Address from which transaction was sent.
| `callType` | Whether the transaction is `call` or `create`.
| `from` | Address of the transaction sender.
| `gas` | Gas provided by sender.
| `input` | Transaction data.
| `to` | Target of the transaction.
| `value` | Value transferred in transaction.
| `value` | Value transferred in the transaction.
| `result` | Transaction result.
| `gasUsed` | Gas used by the transaction. Includes any refunds of unused gas.
| `output` | Return value of contract call. Contains only the actual value sent by a `RETURN` operation. If a `RETURN` was not executed, the output is empty bytes.
| `output` | Return value of the contract call. Contains only the actual value sent by a `RETURN` operation. If a `RETURN` was not executed, the output is empty bytes.
| `subTraces` | Traces of contract calls made by the transaction.
| `traceAddress` | Tree list address of where the call occurred, address of the parents, and order of the current sub call.
| `type` | Indicates whether the transaction is a `CALL` or `CREATE` series operation.
| `type` | Whether the transaction is a `CALL` or `CREATE` series operation.
## vmTrace
Ordered list of EVM actions when processing the transaction.
An ordered list of EVM actions when processing the transaction.
Besu only reports actual data returned from a `RETURN` opcode. Besu does not
return the contents of the reserved output space for the call operations. As a result:
`vmTrace` only reports actual data returned from a `RETURN` opcode and does not return the
contents of the reserved output space for the call operations. As a result:
* Besu reports null when a call operation ends because of a `STOP`, `HALT`, `REVERT`, running out of
instructions, or any exceptional halts.
* When a `RETURN` operation returns data of a different length to the space reserved by the call, only
the data passed to the `RETURN` operation is reported. Besu does not include pre-existing memory data
or trim the returned data.
* `vmTrace` reports `null` when a call operation ends because of a `STOP`, `HALT`, `REVERT`,
running out of instructions, or any exceptional halts.
* When a `RETURN` operation returns data of a different length to the space reserved by the call,
`vmTrace` reports only the data passed to the `RETURN` operation and does not include
pre-existing memory data or trim the returned data.
For out of gas operations, Besu reports the operation that caused the out of gas exception including
the calculated gas cost. No `ex` values are reported because the operation is not executed.
For out of gas operations, `vmTrace` reports the operation that caused the out of gas exception,
including the calculated gas cost. `vmTrace` does not report `ex` values because the operation is
not executed.
```json tab="vmTrace Example"
@ -88,14 +90,14 @@ the calculated gas cost. No `ex` values are reported because the operation is no