To start a node on an IBFT 2.0 private network, use the [`--genesis-file`](../Reference/ option to specify the custom genesis file.
To propose adding a validator, call `ibft_proposeValidatorVote` specifying the address of the node to be added and `true`.
!!! example "JSON-RPC ibft_proposeValidatorVote Request Example"
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"ibft_proposeValidatorVote","params":["0xFE3B557E8Fb62b89F4916B721be55cEb828dBd73", true], "id":1}' <JSON-RPC-endpoint:port>
When the next block is proposed by the validator, one proposal received from `ibft_proposeValidatorVote` is inserted in the block.
If all proposals have been included in blocks, subsequent blocks proposed by the validator will not contain a vote.
When more than half of the existing validators have published a matching proposal, the proposed validator is added to the validator pool and can begin validating blocks.
Use `ibft_getValidatorsByBlockNumber` to return a list of the validators and confirm your proposed validator has been added.
!!! example "JSON-RPC ibft_getValidatorsByBlockNumber Request Example"
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"ibft_getValidatorsByBlockNumber","params":["latest"], "id":1}' <JSON-RPC-endpoint:port>
To discard your proposal after confirming the validator was added, call `ibft_discardValidatorVote` specifying the address of the proposed validator.
!!! example "JSON-RPC ibft_discardValidatorVote Request Example"
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"ibft_discardValidatorVote","params":["0xFE3B557E8Fb62b89F4916B721be55cEb828dBd73"], "id":1}' <JSON-RPC-endpoint:port>
The process for removing a validator is the same as adding a validator except you specify `false` as the second parameter of `ibft_proposeValidatorVote`.
### Epoch Transition
At each epoch transition, all pending votes collected from received blocks are discarded. Existing proposals remain
in effect and validators re-add their vote the next time they create a block.
An epoch transition occurs every `epochLength` blocks where `epochlength` is defined in the IBFT genesis file.