[![Deploy to Azure](http://azuredeploy.net/deploybutton.png)](https://portal.azure.com/#create/Microsoft.Template/uri/https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2FPegaSysEng%2Fpantheon-quickstart%2Fmaster%2Fazure%2Fazuredeploy.json)
If prompted to log in to the Azure Portal, log in before being redirected to the deployment form.
???info "Filling in the Azure Deployment Form"
* **Subscription** : Default
* **Resource group** : Click **Create new** and enter `pantheon-quickstart`
* **Vm Name** : Default
* **Admin Username** : Default
* **Admin Password** : Create a password between 12 and 72 characters with numbers, lower and upper-case
letters, and a special symbol
* **Vm Size** : Standard DS2s v3 is the minimum usable size for this quickstart.
### Deploy Manually
To deploy manually instead of using the [One Click Deploy](#one-click-deploy), expand the
???example "Manual Deployment Steps"
#### Connect to Azure Portal
Log into [Azure portal](https://portal.azure.com/) using your account credentials.
#### Create Resources
On the home page, click **Create resource button** at the top left hand corner.
Search the Marketplace for **Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS** by Canonical and click on it.
An information page is displayed. Accept the default deployment model of Resource Manager and click **Create**.
In **Create a virtual machine**, set the following values for each tab:
##### Basics Step
* Subscription --> Free trial
* Resource group --> Create a group and name it. For example, pantheon-quickstart
* Virtual machine name --> quickstart
* Region --> Default
* Availability options --> No infrastructure redundancy required
* Image --> Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS
* Size --> Default. The quickstart doesn't require a lot of power and disk space.
A **Standard D2s v3 (2 vcpus, 8 GB memory)** is enough and is less expensive.
* Authentication type --> Choose the one you prefer
* Username --> Provide a user name. **azure** is used for this tutorial.
* Depending on the authentication method, enter the password or the public key.
* Login with Azure Active Directory --> **off**
* Public inbound ports --> Allow selected ports
* Select inbound ports --> Select **HTTP** and **SSH**
At the top of the page, select the **Guest config** tab.
##### Guest Config
This step installs the required software (Docker and Docker-compose) on your virtual machine
and retrieves and runs the quickstart private network.
1. Click on the **Select an extension to install** link and a new resource pane is displayed on the right.
1. In the list, click **Custom Script For Linux**. Another pane is displayed with a blue **Create** button at
the bottom.
1. Click the blue **Create** button. A form with two fields is displayed.
1. In another browser tab or window, open [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PegaSysEng/pantheon-quickstart/master/azure/install_and_run.sh](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PegaSysEng/pantheon-quickstart/master/azure/install_and_run.sh)
1. Save (++ctrl+s++) this script to your computer, in any location, called `install_and_run.sh`.
1. Click on the **Script files** field and select the `install_and_run.sh` script you saved.
1. In the **Command** field, enter (replacing the pre filled `sh script.sh`):
sh install_and_run.sh azure
The username is included at the end of this command, **azure** in this example. Use the
username defined in the Basics step.
1. Click **Ok**.
1. Click the **Review + create** blue button at the bottom of the page.
1. When the green **Validation passed** message is displayed at the top of the screen,
press the blue **Create** button.
## Access Resources
Now your Quickstart is deploying, a **Your deployment is underway** screen is displayed.
The deployment takes approximately 5 minutes.
Once the deployment is complete, **Your deployment is complete** is displayed with a list of deployed resources.
![Your deployment is complete screenshot](deployment-complete-screenshot.png)
CLick the **quickstart** resource (the VM) in the list. The machine overview page is displayed.
## Accessing the Alethio EthStats Lite Block Explorer
On the right of the virtual machine page, the **Public IP address** of this machine is displayed.
Copy the public IP address and copy it into the navigation bar of a new browser tab or window.
The EthStats Lite Block Explorer is displayed.
Wait a few seconds and 6 peers and the blocks mined are displayed.