@ -86,18 +86,17 @@ import picocli.CommandLine.ParameterException;
@SuppressWarnings ( "FieldCanBeLocal" ) // because Picocli injected fields report false positives
@Command (
description = "This command runs the Pantheon Ethereum client full node." ,
abbreviateSynopsis = true ,
name = "pantheon" ,
mixinStandardHelpOptions = true ,
versionProvider = VersionProvider . class ,
header = "Usage:" ,
synopsisHeading = "%n" ,
descriptionHeading = "%nDescription:%n%n" ,
optionListHeading = "%nOptions:%n" ,
footerHeading = "%n" ,
footer = "Pantheon is licensed under the Apache License 2.0"
description = "This command runs the Pantheon Ethereum client full node." ,
abbreviateSynopsis = true ,
name = "pantheon" ,
mixinStandardHelpOptions = true ,
versionProvider = VersionProvider . class ,
header = "Usage:" ,
synopsisHeading = "%n" ,
descriptionHeading = "%nDescription:%n%n" ,
optionListHeading = "%nOptions:%n" ,
footerHeading = "%n" ,
footer = "Pantheon is licensed under the Apache License 2.0" )
public class PantheonCommand implements DefaultCommandValues , Runnable {
private final Logger logger ;
@ -146,10 +145,9 @@ public class PantheonCommand implements DefaultCommandValues, Runnable {
// Completely disables p2p within Pantheon.
@Option (
names = { "--p2p-enabled" } ,
description = "Enable/disable all p2p functionality (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" ,
arity = "1"
names = { "--p2p-enabled" } ,
description = "Enable/disable all p2p functionality (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" ,
arity = "1" )
private final Boolean p2pEnabled = true ;
// Boolean option to indicate if peers should NOT be discovered, default to false indicates that
@ -162,170 +160,153 @@ public class PantheonCommand implements DefaultCommandValues, Runnable {
// Also many other software use the same negative option scheme for false defaults
// meaning that it's probably the right way to handle disabling options.
@Option (
names = { "--discovery-enabled" } ,
description = "Enable p2p peer discovery (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" ,
arity = "1"
names = { "--discovery-enabled" } ,
description = "Enable p2p peer discovery (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" ,
arity = "1" )
private final Boolean peerDiscoveryEnabled = true ;
// A list of bootstrap nodes can be passed
// and a hardcoded list will be used otherwise by the Runner.
// NOTE: we have no control over default value here.
@Option (
names = { "--bootnodes" } ,
paramLabel = "<enode://id@host:port>" ,
description =
"Comma separated enode URLs for P2P discovery bootstrap. "
+ "Default is a predefined list." ,
split = "," ,
arity = "0..*" ,
converter = EnodeToURIPropertyConverter . class
names = { "--bootnodes" } ,
paramLabel = "<enode://id@host:port>" ,
description =
"Comma separated enode URLs for P2P discovery bootstrap. "
+ "Default is a predefined list." ,
split = "," ,
arity = "0..*" ,
converter = EnodeToURIPropertyConverter . class )
private final Collection < URI > bootNodes = null ;
@Option (
names = { "--max-peers" } ,
description = "Maximum p2p peer connections that can be established (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})"
names = { "--max-peers" } ,
description =
"Maximum p2p peer connections that can be established (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" )
private final Integer maxPeers = DEFAULT_MAX_PEERS ;
@Option (
names = { "--banned-node-ids" , "--banned-node-id" } ,
description = "A list of node IDs to ban from the p2p network." ,
split = "," ,
arity = "1..*"
names = { "--banned-node-ids" , "--banned-node-id" } ,
description = "A list of node IDs to ban from the p2p network." ,
split = "," ,
arity = "1..*" )
private final Collection < String > bannedNodeIds = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
@Option (
hidden = true ,
names = { "--sync-mode" } ,
description =
"Synchronization mode (Value can be one of ${COMPLETION-CANDIDATES}, default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})"
hidden = true ,
names = { "--sync-mode" } ,
description =
"Synchronization mode (Value can be one of ${COMPLETION-CANDIDATES}, default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" )
private final SyncMode syncMode = DEFAULT_SYNC_MODE ;
@Option (
names = { "--network" } ,
description =
"Synchronize against the indicated network, possible values are ${COMPLETION-CANDIDATES}."
+ " (default: MAINNET)"
names = { "--network" } ,
description =
"Synchronize against the indicated network, possible values are ${COMPLETION-CANDIDATES}."
+ " (default: MAINNET)" )
private final NetworkName network = null ;
@Option (
names = { "--p2p-host" } ,
description = "Host for p2p peers discovery to listen on (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" ,
arity = "1"
names = { "--p2p-host" } ,
description = "Host for p2p peers discovery to listen on (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" ,
arity = "1" )
private String p2pHost = autoDiscoverDefaultIP ( ) . getHostAddress ( ) ;
@Option (
names = { "--p2p-port" } ,
description = "Port for p2p peers discovery to listen on (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" ,
arity = "1"
names = { "--p2p-port" } ,
description = "Port for p2p peers discovery to listen on (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" ,
arity = "1" )
private final Integer p2pPort = DEFAULT_PORT ;
@Option (
names = { "--network-id" } ,
description =
"P2P network identifier. (default: the selected network chain ID or custom genesis chain ID)" ,
arity = "1"
names = { "--network-id" } ,
description =
"P2P network identifier. (default: the selected network chain ID or custom genesis chain ID)" ,
arity = "1" )
private final Integer networkId = null ;
@Option (
names = { "--rpc-http-enabled" } ,
description = "Set if the JSON-RPC service should be started (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})"
names = { "--rpc-http-enabled" } ,
description = "Set if the JSON-RPC service should be started (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" )
private final Boolean isRpcHttpEnabled = false ;
@Option (
names = { "--rpc-http-host" } ,
description = "Host for HTTP JSON-RPC to listen on (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" ,
arity = "1"
names = { "--rpc-http-host" } ,
description = "Host for HTTP JSON-RPC to listen on (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" ,
arity = "1" )
private String rpcHttpHost = autoDiscoverDefaultIP ( ) . getHostAddress ( ) ;
@Option (
names = { "--rpc-http-port" } ,
description = "Port for HTTP JSON-RPC to listen on (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" ,
arity = "1"
names = { "--rpc-http-port" } ,
description = "Port for HTTP JSON-RPC to listen on (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" ,
arity = "1" )
private final Integer rpcHttpPort = DEFAULT_JSON_RPC_PORT ;
// A list of origins URLs that are accepted by the JsonRpcHttpServer (CORS)
@Option (
names = { "--rpc-http-cors-origins" } ,
description = "Comma separated origin domain URLs for CORS validation (default: none)"
names = { "--rpc-http-cors-origins" } ,
description = "Comma separated origin domain URLs for CORS validation (default: none)" )
private final CorsAllowedOriginsProperty rpcHttpCorsAllowedOrigins =
new CorsAllowedOriginsProperty ( ) ;
@Option (
names = { "--rpc-http-api" , "--rpc-http-apis" } ,
paramLabel = "<api name>" ,
split = "," ,
arity = "1..*" ,
converter = RpcApisConverter . class ,
description = "Comma separated APIs to enable on JSON-RPC channel. default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE}"
names = { "--rpc-http-api" , "--rpc-http-apis" } ,
paramLabel = "<api name>" ,
split = "," ,
arity = "1..*" ,
converter = RpcApisConverter . class ,
description = "Comma separated APIs to enable on JSON-RPC channel. default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE}" )
private final Collection < RpcApi > rpcHttpApis = DEFAULT_JSON_RPC_APIS ;
@Option (
names = { "--rpc-ws-enabled" } ,
description =
"Set if the WS-RPC (WebSocket) service should be started (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})"
names = { "--rpc-ws-enabled" } ,
description =
"Set if the WS-RPC (WebSocket) service should be started (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" )
private final Boolean isRpcWsEnabled = false ;
@Option (
names = { "--rpc-ws-host" } ,
description = "Host for WebSocket JSON-RPC to listen on (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" ,
arity = "1"
names = { "--rpc-ws-host" } ,
description = "Host for WebSocket JSON-RPC to listen on (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" ,
arity = "1" )
private String rpcWsHost = autoDiscoverDefaultIP ( ) . getHostAddress ( ) ;
@Option (
names = { "--rpc-ws-port" } ,
description = "Port for WebSocket JSON-RPC to listen on (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" ,
arity = "1"
names = { "--rpc-ws-port" } ,
description = "Port for WebSocket JSON-RPC to listen on (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" ,
arity = "1" )
private final Integer rpcWsPort = DEFAULT_WEBSOCKET_PORT ;
@Option (
names = { "--rpc-ws-api" , "--rpc-ws-apis" } ,
paramLabel = "<api name>" ,
split = "," ,
arity = "1..*" ,
converter = RpcApisConverter . class ,
description = "Comma separated APIs to enable on WebSocket channel. default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE}"
names = { "--rpc-ws-api" , "--rpc-ws-apis" } ,
paramLabel = "<api name>" ,
split = "," ,
arity = "1..*" ,
converter = RpcApisConverter . class ,
description =
"Comma separated APIs to enable on WebSocket channel. default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE}" )
private final Collection < RpcApi > rpcWsApis = DEFAULT_JSON_RPC_APIS ;
private Long rpcWsRefreshDelay ;
@Option (
names = { "--rpc-ws-refresh-delay" } ,
paramLabel = "<refresh delay>" ,
arity = "1" ,
description =
"Refresh delay of websocket subscription sync in milliseconds. "
+ "default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE}" ,
names = { "--rpc-ws-refresh-delay" } ,
paramLabel = "<refresh delay>" ,
arity = "1" ,
description =
"Refresh delay of websocket subscription sync in milliseconds. "
+ "default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE}" ,
private Long configureRefreshDelay ( final Long refreshDelay ) {
if ( refreshDelay < DEFAULT_MIN_REFRESH_DELAY | | refreshDelay > DEFAULT_MAX_REFRESH_DELAY ) {
throw new ParameterException (
@ -340,158 +321,138 @@ public class PantheonCommand implements DefaultCommandValues, Runnable {
@Option (
names = { "--metrics-enabled" } ,
description = "Set if the metrics exporter should be started (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})"
names = { "--metrics-enabled" } ,
description = "Set if the metrics exporter should be started (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" )
private final Boolean isMetricsEnabled = false ;
@Option (
names = { "--metrics-host" } ,
description = "Host for the metrics exporter to listen on (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" ,
arity = "1"
names = { "--metrics-host" } ,
description = "Host for the metrics exporter to listen on (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" ,
arity = "1" )
private String metricsHost = autoDiscoverDefaultIP ( ) . getHostAddress ( ) ;
@Option (
names = { "--metrics-port" } ,
description = "Port for the metrics exporter to listen on (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" ,
arity = "1"
names = { "--metrics-port" } ,
description = "Port for the metrics exporter to listen on (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" ,
arity = "1" )
private final Integer metricsPort = DEFAULT_METRICS_PORT ;
@Option (
names = { "--metrics-push-enabled" } ,
description =
"Set if the metrics push gateway integration should be started (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})"
names = { "--metrics-push-enabled" } ,
description =
"Set if the metrics push gateway integration should be started (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" )
private final Boolean isMetricsPushEnabled = false ;
@Option (
names = { "--metrics-push-host" } ,
description = "Host of the Prometheus Push Gateway for push mode (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" ,
arity = "1"
names = { "--metrics-push-host" } ,
description = "Host of the Prometheus Push Gateway for push mode (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" ,
arity = "1" )
private String metricsPushHost = autoDiscoverDefaultIP ( ) . getHostAddress ( ) ;
@Option (
names = { "--metrics-push-port" } ,
description = "Port of the Prometheus Push Gateway for push mode (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" ,
arity = "1"
names = { "--metrics-push-port" } ,
description = "Port of the Prometheus Push Gateway for push mode (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" ,
arity = "1" )
private final Integer metricsPushPort = DEFAULT_METRICS_PUSH_PORT ;
@Option (
names = { "--metrics-push-interval" } ,
description =
"Interval in seconds to push metrics when in push mode (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" ,
arity = "1"
names = { "--metrics-push-interval" } ,
description =
"Interval in seconds to push metrics when in push mode (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" ,
arity = "1" )
private final Integer metricsPushInterval = 15 ;
@Option (
names = { "--metrics-push-prometheus-job" } ,
description = "Job name to use when in push mode (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" ,
arity = "1"
names = { "--metrics-push-prometheus-job" } ,
description = "Job name to use when in push mode (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" ,
arity = "1" )
private String metricsPrometheusJob = "pantheon-client" ;
@Option (
names = { "--host-whitelist" } ,
paramLabel = "<hostname>[,<hostname>...]... or * or all" ,
description =
"Comma separated list of hostnames to whitelist for RPC access or * or all to accept any host. default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE}" ,
defaultValue = "localhost"
names = { "--host-whitelist" } ,
paramLabel = "<hostname>[,<hostname>...]... or * or all" ,
description =
"Comma separated list of hostnames to whitelist for RPC access or * or all to accept any host. default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE}" ,
defaultValue = "localhost" )
private final JsonRPCWhitelistHostsProperty hostsWhitelist = new JsonRPCWhitelistHostsProperty ( ) ;
@Option (
names = { "--logging" , "-l" } ,
paramLabel = "<LOG VERBOSITY LEVEL>" ,
description =
"Logging verbosity levels: OFF, FATAL, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, ALL (default: INFO)."
names = { "--logging" , "-l" } ,
paramLabel = "<LOG VERBOSITY LEVEL>" ,
description =
"Logging verbosity levels: OFF, FATAL, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, ALL (default: INFO)." )
private final Level logLevel = null ;
@Option (
names = { "--miner-enabled" } ,
description = "set if node should perform mining (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})"
names = { "--miner-enabled" } ,
description = "set if node should perform mining (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" )
private final Boolean isMiningEnabled = false ;
@Option (
names = { "--miner-coinbase" } ,
description =
"account to which mining rewards are paid. You must specify a valid coinbase if "
+ "mining is enabled using --miner-enabled option." ,
arity = "1"
names = { "--miner-coinbase" } ,
description =
"account to which mining rewards are paid. You must specify a valid coinbase if "
+ "mining is enabled using --miner-enabled option." ,
arity = "1" )
private final Address coinbase = null ;
@Option (
names = { "--min-gas-price" } ,
description =
"the minimum price (in Wei) offered by a transaction for it to be included in a mined "
+ "block (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})." ,
arity = "1"
names = { "--min-gas-price" } ,
description =
"the minimum price (in Wei) offered by a transaction for it to be included in a mined "
+ "block (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})." ,
arity = "1" )
private final Wei minTransactionGasPrice = DEFAULT_MIN_TRANSACTION_GAS_PRICE ;
@Option (
names = { "--miner-extra-data" } ,
description =
"a hex string representing the (32) bytes to be included in the extra data "
+ "field of a mined block. (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})." ,
arity = "1"
names = { "--miner-extra-data" } ,
description =
"a hex string representing the (32) bytes to be included in the extra data "
+ "field of a mined block. (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})." ,
arity = "1" )
private final BytesValue extraData = DEFAULT_EXTRA_DATA ;
@Option (
names = { "--permissions-nodes-enabled" } ,
description = "Set if node level permissions should be enabled (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})"
names = { "--permissions-nodes-enabled" } ,
description = "Set if node level permissions should be enabled (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" )
private final Boolean permissionsNodesEnabled = false ;
@Option (
names = { "--permissions-accounts-enabled" } ,
description = "Set if account level permissions should be enabled (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})"
names = { "--permissions-accounts-enabled" } ,
description =
"Set if account level permissions should be enabled (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" )
private final Boolean permissionsAccountsEnabled = false ;
@Option (
names = { "--permissions-config-path" } ,
description =
"Path to permissions config TOML file (default: a file named \"permissions_config.toml\" in the Pantheon data folder)"
names = { "--permissions-config-path" } ,
description =
"Path to permissions config TOML file (default: a file named \"permissions_config.toml\" in the Pantheon data folder)" )
private String permissionsConfigPath = null ;
@Option (
names = { "--privacy-enabled" } ,
description = "Set if private transaction should be enabled (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})"
names = { "--privacy-enabled" } ,
description = "Set if private transaction should be enabled (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" )
private final Boolean privacyEnabled = false ;
@Option (
names = { "--privacy-url" } ,
description = "The URL on which enclave is running "
names = { "--privacy-url" } ,
description = "The URL on which enclave is running " )
private final URI privacyUrl = PrivacyParameters . DEFAULT_ENCLAVE_URL ;
@Option (
names = { "--privacy-public-key-file" } ,
description = "the path to the enclave's public key "
names = { "--privacy-public-key-file" } ,
description = "the path to the enclave's public key " )
private final File privacyPublicKeyFile = null ;
@Option (
names = { "--privacy-precompiled-address" } ,
description =
"The address to which the privacy pre-compiled contract will be mapped to (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})"
names = { "--privacy-precompiled-address" } ,
description =
"The address to which the privacy pre-compiled contract will be mapped to (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" )
private final Integer privacyPrecompiledAddress = Address . PRIVACY ;
public PantheonCommand (