@ -14,6 +14,49 @@ The following lists the Pantheon JSON-RPC API commands:
The `ADMIN` API methods are not enabled by default. Use the [`--rpc-http-api` ](Pantheon-CLI-Syntax.md#rpc-http-api )
or [`--rpc-ws-api` ](Pantheon-CLI-Syntax.md#rpc-ws-api ) options to enable the `ADMIN` API methods.
### admin_addPeer
Adds a node to the list of tracked static nodes. The node attempts to maintain connectivity to tracked static nodes.
If the remote connection goes down, the node attempts to reconnect every 60 seconds.
`string` : Enode of peer to add
The enode is `enode://<id>@<host:port>` where:
* `<id>` is the node public key excluding the initial 0x.
* `<host:port>` is the host and port the node is listening on for P2P peer discovery.
Specified by the [`--p2p-host` ](../Reference/Pantheon-CLI-Syntax.md#p2p-host ) and
[`--p2p-port` ](../Reference/Pantheon-CLI-Syntax.md#p2p-port ) options.
!!! example
If the [`--p2p-host` ](../Reference/Pantheon-CLI-Syntax.md#p2p-host ) or [`--p2p-port` ](../Reference/Pantheon-CLI-Syntax.md#p2p-port ) options are not specified and the node public key is `0xc35c3ec90a8a51fd5703594c6303382f3ae6b2ecb9589bab2c04b3794f2bc3fc2631dabb0c08af795787a6c004d8f532230ae6e9925cbbefb0b28b79295d615f`
The enode URL is:
`result` : `boolean` - `true` if peer added or `false` if peer already on list of static nodes.
!!! example
```bash tab="curl HTTP request"
$ curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"admin_addPeer","params":["enode://f59c0ab603377b6ec88b89d5bb41b98fc385030ab1e4b03752db6f7dab364559d92c757c13116ae6408d2d33f0138e7812eb8b696b2a22fe3332c4b5127b22a3@"],"id":1}' < JSON-RPC-http-endpoint:port >
```bash tab="wscat WS request"
```json tab="JSON result"
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"result": true
### admin_peers
Returns networking information about connected remote nodes.