pragma solidity ^0.4.17; import "truffle/Assert.sol"; import "truffle/DeployedAddresses.sol"; import "../contracts/Adoption.sol"; contract TestAdoption { Adoption adoption = Adoption(DeployedAddresses.Adoption()); // Testing the adopt() function function testUserCanAdoptPet() public { uint returnedId = adoption.adopt(8); uint expected = 8; Assert.equal(returnedId, expected, "Adoption of pet ID 8 should be recorded."); } // Testing retrieval of a single pet's owner function testGetAdopterAddressByPetId() public { // Expected owner is this contract address expected = this; address adopter = adoption.adopters(8); Assert.equal(adopter, expected, "Owner of pet ID 8 should be recorded."); } // Testing retrieval of all pet owners function testGetAdopterAddressByPetIdInArray() public { // Expected owner is this contract address expected = this; // Store adopters in memory rather than contract's storage address[16] memory adopters = adoption.getAdopters(); Assert.equal(adopters[8], expected, "Owner of pet ID 8 should be recorded."); } // Testing the unadopt() function function testUserCanUnadoptPet() public { uint returnedId = adoption.unadopt(8); uint expected = 8; Assert.equal(returnedId, expected, "Adoption of pet ID 8 should be recorded."); // Store adopters in memory rather than contract's storage address[16] memory adopters = adoption.getAdopters(); Assert.equal(adopters[8], 0, "owner should be reset after unadopt"); } }