# Copyright 2018 ConsenSys AG. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on # an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. # Project information site_name: Pantheon site_url: https://docs.pantheon.pegasys.tech/ site_description: Pantheon Java Ethereum client documentation. site_author: Pantheon community copyright: Pantheon and its documentation are licensed under Apache 2.0 license / This Readthedocs.org documentation is maintained with love by PegaSys. #extra project info and template customisation extra: support: gitter: https://gitter.im/PegaSysEng/pantheon email: support@pegasys.tech google: analytics_id: 'UA-117921923-2' site_verification: 'za1cLzyS6LXDGO-pMzvfQdYTZ0Zc67uZtY0asA4YXZ0' # Repository repo_name: PegaSysEng/pantheon repo_url: https://github.com/PegaSysEng/pantheon edit_uri: "" theme: name: material custom_dir: docs/custom_theme palette: primary: blue-grey accent: teal favicon: favicon.ico logo: icon: account_balance nav: - Installation: - Installation Overview: Installation/Overview.md - Install Binary Distribution: Installation/Install-Binaries.md - Build from Source: Installation/Build-From-Source.md - Getting Started: - Getting Started Overview: Getting-Started/Getting-Started.md - Starting Pantheon: Getting-Started/Starting-Pantheon.md - Running Pantheon from Docker Image: Getting-Started/Run-Docker-Image.md - Tutorials: - Private Network Quickstart: Tutorials/Private-Network-Quickstart.md - Create a Private Network using Ethash (Pow): Tutorials/Create-Private-Network.md - Create a Private Network using Clique (PoA): Tutorials/Create-Private-Clique-Network.md - Create a Private Network using IBFT 2.0 (PoA): Tutorials/Create-IBFT-Network.md - Create a Permissioned Network: Tutorials/Create-Permissioned-Network.md - Consensus Protocols: - Pantheon Consensus Protocols: Consensus-Protocols/Overview-Consensus.md - Comparing PoA Consensus Protocols: Consensus-Protocols/Comparing-PoA.md - Clique: Consensus-Protocols/Clique.md - IBFT 2.0: Consensus-Protocols/IBFT.md - JSON-RPC API: - Overview: JSON-RPC-API/JSON-RPC-API.md - Using the JSON-RPC API: JSON-RPC-API/Using-JSON-RPC-API.md - Authentication: JSON-RPC-API/Authentication.md - Configuring Pantheon: - Configuration File: Configuring-Pantheon/Using-Configuration-File.md - Network ID and Chain ID: Configuring-Pantheon/NetworkID-And-ChainID.md - Contracts in Genesis: Configuring-Pantheon/Contracts-in-Genesis.md - Node Keys: Configuring-Pantheon/Node-Keys.md - Networking: Configuring-Pantheon/Networking.md - Accounts for Testing: Configuring-Pantheon/Accounts-for-Testing.md - Logging: Configuring-Pantheon/Logging.md - Bootnodes: Configuring-Pantheon/Bootnodes.md - Passing JVM Options: Configuring-Pantheon/Passing-JVM-Options.md - Permissions: - Nodes and Accounts Whitelists: Permissions/Permissioning.md - Using Pantheon: - Events and Logs: - Overview: Using-Pantheon/Events-and-Logs.md - Accessing Logs Using JSON-RPC API: Using-Pantheon/Accessing-Logs-Using-JSON-RPC.md - Creating and Sending Transactions: Using-Pantheon/Transactions.md - Using Wallets for Account Management: Using-Pantheon/Account-Management.md - Mining: Using-Pantheon/Mining.md - RPC Pub/Sub: Using-Pantheon/RPC-PubSub.md - Debugging Pantheon: Using-Pantheon/Debugging.md - Reference: - Pantheon Command Line: Reference/Pantheon-CLI-Syntax.md - JSON-RPC API Methods: Reference/JSON-RPC-API-Methods.md - JSON-RPC API Objects: Reference/JSON-RPC-API-Objects.md - Resources: - Blog Posts and Webinars: Resources/Resources.md markdown_extensions: - toc: permalink:  toc_depth: 3 - pymdownx.highlight: - markdown_include.include: base_path: docs - admonition - footnotes - def_list - abbr - pymdownx.arithmatex - pymdownx.betterem: smart_enable: all - pymdownx.keys - pymdownx.details - pymdownx.emoji - pymdownx.magiclink - pymdownx.mark - pymdownx.smartsymbols - pymdownx.superfences - pymdownx.tasklist: custom_checkbox: true - pymdownx.tilde - meta - smarty plugins: - search