# Pantheon release grade Docker image # # What is this image for ? # This image is for using Pantheon within Docker for any purpose, test, dev, production. # The Docker file integrates two steps, first the build with a JDK and then the runnning image with a JRE. # Then you don't need a JDK installed locally to build Pantheon, just run the docker build # command and once the image is created you can use it as if you were using a regular Patheon binary. # # How to use this image: # # first build it (use the name and tag you like) : # # docker build -t mypantheon:myTag . # # then run pantheon: # Either as a simple node with sync on mainnet with a volume for data (keeps the database between runs) and that's all: # # docker run -d --mount source=pantheon_database,target=/opt/pantheon/database --name myPantheon mypantheon:myTag # # or as a simple node with sync on mainnet with a volume for data (keeps the database between runs) and HTTP/WS RPC access : # # docker run -d --mount source=pantheon_database,target=/opt/pantheon/database \ # --name myPantheon -p 8545:8545 -p 8546:8546 mypantheon:myTag \ # --rpc-enabled --rpc-listen= --rpc-cors-origins=mydomain.tld \ # --ws-enabled -ws-listen= # builder temporary image with JDK FROM openjdk:8-jdk-slim as builder # copy all pantheon source to the image COPY . /tmp/pantheon WORKDIR /tmp/pantheon # build the distribution RUN ./gradlew installDist # final image with only jre FROM openjdk:8-jre-slim # copy application from builder image COPY --from=builder /tmp/pantheon/build/install/pantheon /opt/pantheon/ # List Exposed Ports EXPOSE 8546 8545 30303 # specify default command ENTRYPOINT ["/opt/pantheon/bin/pantheon"]