--- version: 2.1 orbs: win: circleci/windows@2.2.0 executors: besu_executor_small: docker: - image: cimg/openjdk:11.0 resource_class: small working_directory: ~/project environment: GRADLE_OPTS: -Dorg.gradle.daemon=false -Dorg.gradle.parallel=true -Dorg.gradle.workers.max=2 besu_executor_med: # 2cpu, 4G ram docker: - image: cimg/openjdk:11.0 resource_class: medium working_directory: ~/project environment: architecture: "amd64" GRADLE_OPTS: -Dorg.gradle.daemon=false -Dorg.gradle.parallel=true -Dorg.gradle.workers.max=2 besu_arm64_executor_med: # 2cpu, 8G ram machine: image: ubuntu-2004:202101-01 resource_class: arm.medium working_directory: ~/project environment: architecture: "arm64" GRADLE_OPTS: -Dorg.gradle.daemon=false -Dorg.gradle.parallel=true -Dorg.gradle.workers.max=2 besu_executor_xl: # 8cpu, 16G ram docker: - image: cimg/openjdk:11.0 resource_class: xlarge working_directory: ~/project environment: GRADLE_OPTS: -Dorg.gradle.daemon=false -Dorg.gradle.parallel=true -Dorg.gradle.workers.max=4 quorum_ats_executor_med: docker: - image: cimg/openjdk:11.0 resource_class: medium working_directory: ~/project environment: GRADLE_OPTS: -Dorg.gradle.daemon=false xl_machine_executor: machine: image: ubuntu-2004:202101-01 resource_class: xlarge trivy_executor: docker: - image: docker:stable-git resource_class: small working_directory: ~/project notify: webhooks: - url: $HUBOT_URL commands: prepare: description: "Prepare" steps: - checkout - run: name: Install Packages - LibSodium, nssdb command: | sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y libsodium23 libsodium-dev apt-transport-https haveged libnss3-tools sudo service haveged restart - restore_gradle_cache restore_gradle_cache: description: "Restore Gradle cache" steps: - restore_cache: name: Restore cached gradle dependencies keys: - deps-{{ checksum "gradle/versions.gradle" }}-{{ .Branch }}-{{ .Revision }} - deps-{{ checksum "gradle/versions.gradle" }} - deps- capture_test_results: description: "Capture test results" steps: - run: name: Jacoco command: | ./gradlew --no-daemon jacocoTestReport - run: name: Gather test results when: always command: | FILES=`find . -name test-results` for FILE in $FILES do MODULE=`echo "$FILE" | sed -e 's@./\(.*\)/build/test-results@\1@'` TARGET="build/test-results/$MODULE" mkdir -p "$TARGET" cp -rf ${FILE}/*/* "$TARGET" done - store_test_results: path: build/test-results - store_artifacts: path: besu/build/reports/jacoco capture_test_logs: description: "Capture test logs" steps: - store_artifacts: path: acceptance-tests/tests/build/acceptanceTestLogs destination: acceptance-tests-logs - store_artifacts: path: acceptance-tests/tests/build/jvmErrorLogs jobs: assemble: executor: besu_executor_xl steps: - prepare - run: name: Assemble command: | ./gradlew --no-daemon clean compileJava compileTestJava assemble - save_cache: name: Caching gradle dependencies key: deps-{{ checksum "gradle/versions.gradle" }}-{{ .Branch }}-{{ .Revision }} paths: - .gradle - ~/.gradle - persist_to_workspace: root: ~/project paths: - ./ - store_artifacts: name: Distribution artifacts path: build/distributions destination: distributions when: always dco: executor: besu_executor_small steps: - checkout - restore_gradle_cache - run: name: DCO check command: | ./scripts/dco_check.sh spotless: executor: besu_executor_small steps: - checkout - restore_gradle_cache - run: name: Spotless command: | ./gradlew --no-daemon --parallel clean spotlessCheck testWindows: executor: win/default steps: - attach_workspace: at: ~/project - run: name: Unzip Windows build no_output_timeout: 20m command: | cd build/distributions unzip besu-*.zip -d besu-tmp cd besu-tmp mv besu-* ../besu - run: name: Test Besu Windows executable no_output_timeout: 10m command: | build\distributions\besu\bin\besu.bat --help build\distributions\besu\bin\besu.bat --version dockerScan: executor: trivy_executor steps: - checkout - restore_gradle_cache - setup_remote_docker: docker_layer_caching: true - run: name: Install trivy command: | apk add --update-cache --upgrade curl bash curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aquasecurity/trivy/main/contrib/install.sh | sh -s -- -b /usr/local/bin - run: name: Scan with trivy shell: /bin/sh command: | for FILE in $(ls docker) do if [[ $FILE == "test.sh" || $FILE == "tests" ]]; then continue fi docker pull -q "hyperledger/besu:develop-$FILE" trivy -q image --exit-code 1 --no-progress --severity HIGH,CRITICAL "hyperledger/besu:develop-$FILE" done unitTests: executor: besu_executor_xl steps: - prepare - attach_workspace: at: ~/project - run: name: Build no_output_timeout: 20m command: | ./gradlew --no-daemon build - capture_test_results - run: name: SonarQube no_output_timeout: 30m command: ./gradlew --no-daemon jacocoRootReport sonarqube -Dsonar.login=$SONAR_TOKEN integrationTests: executor: xl_machine_executor steps: - prepare - attach_workspace: at: ~/project - run: name: IntegrationTests command: | ./gradlew --no-daemon integrationTest - run: name: Javadoc command: | ./gradlew --no-daemon javadoc - run: name: CompileJmh command: | ./gradlew --no-daemon compileJmh - capture_test_results referenceTests: executor: besu_executor_xl steps: - prepare - attach_workspace: at: ~/project - run: name: ReferenceTests no_output_timeout: 30m command: | git submodule update --init --recursive ./gradlew --no-daemon referenceTest - capture_test_results acceptanceTests: parallelism: 6 executor: xl_machine_executor steps: - prepare - attach_workspace: at: ~/project - run: name: AcceptanceTests no_output_timeout: 30m command: | CLASSNAMES=$(circleci tests glob "acceptance-tests/tests/src/test/java/**/*.java" \ | sed 's@.*/src/test/java/@@' \ | sed 's@/@.@g' \ | sed 's/.\{5\}$//' \ | circleci tests split --split-by=timings --timings-type=classname) # Format the arguments to "./gradlew test" GRADLE_ARGS=$(echo $CLASSNAMES | awk '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) print "--tests",$i}') ./gradlew --no-daemon acceptanceTest $GRADLE_ARGS - capture_test_results - capture_test_logs acceptanceTestsQuorum: parallelism: 1 executor: quorum_ats_executor_med steps: - attach_workspace: at: ~/project - setup_remote_docker - run: name: Quorum Acceptance Tests no_output_timeout: 30m command: ./gradlew --no-daemon acceptanceTestsQuorum - store_artifacts: path: build/quorum-at destination: quorum-at-artifacts - store_test_results: path: build/quorum-at/openjdk-latest/reports/xml-report buildDocker: executor: besu_executor_med steps: - prepare - attach_workspace: at: ~/project - setup_remote_docker - run: name: hadoLint_openjdk_11 command: | docker run --rm -i hadolint/hadolint < docker/openjdk-11/Dockerfile - run: name: hadoLint_openjdk_11_debug command: | docker run --rm -i hadolint/hadolint < docker/openjdk-11-debug/Dockerfile - run: name: hadoLint_openjdk_latest command: | docker run --rm -i hadolint/hadolint < docker/openjdk-latest/Dockerfile - run: name: hadoLint_graalvm command: | docker run --rm -i hadolint/hadolint < docker/graalvm/Dockerfile - run: name: build image command: | ./gradlew --no-daemon distDocker - run: name: test image command: | mkdir -p docker/reports curl -L https://github.com/aelsabbahy/goss/releases/download/v0.3.9/goss-linux-amd64 -o ./docker/tests/goss-linux-amd64 ./gradlew --no-daemon testDocker buildArm64Docker: executor: besu_arm64_executor_med steps: - prepare - attach_workspace: at: ~/project - run: name: hadoLint_openjdk_11 command: | docker run --rm -i hadolint/hadolint < docker/openjdk-11/Dockerfile - run: name: hadoLint_openjdk_latest command: | docker run --rm -i hadolint/hadolint < docker/openjdk-latest/Dockerfile - run: name: hadoLint_graalvm command: | docker run --rm -i hadolint/hadolint < docker/graalvm/Dockerfile - run: name: build image command: | ./gradlew --no-daemon distDocker - run: name: test image command: | mkdir -p docker/reports curl -L https://github.com/aelsabbahy/goss/releases/download/v0.3.9/goss-linux-arm -o ./docker/tests/goss-linux-arm64 ./gradlew --no-daemon testDocker publish: executor: besu_executor_med steps: - prepare - attach_workspace: at: ~/project - run: name: Publish command: | ./gradlew --no-daemon artifactoryPublish publishDocker: executor: besu_executor_med steps: - prepare - attach_workspace: at: ~/project - setup_remote_docker - run: name: Publish Docker command: | docker login --username "${DOCKER_USER_RW}" --password "${DOCKER_PASSWORD_RW}" ./gradlew --no-daemon "-Pbranch=${CIRCLE_BRANCH}" dockerUpload publishArm64Docker: executor: besu_arm64_executor_med steps: - prepare - attach_workspace: at: ~/project - run: name: Publish Docker command: | docker login --username "${DOCKER_USER_RW}" --password "${DOCKER_PASSWORD_RW}" ./gradlew --no-daemon "-Pbranch=${CIRCLE_BRANCH}" dockerUpload manifestDocker: executor: besu_executor_med steps: - prepare - setup_remote_docker - run: name: Create and publish docker manifest command: | docker login --username "${DOCKER_USER_RW}" --password "${DOCKER_PASSWORD_RW}" ./gradlew --no-daemon "-Pbranch=${CIRCLE_BRANCH}" --parallel manifestDocker workflows: version: 2 default: jobs: - dco - spotless - assemble: requires: - dco - spotless - unitTests: context: SonarCloud requires: - assemble - testWindows: requires: - assemble - referenceTests: requires: - assemble - integrationTests: requires: - assemble - acceptanceTests: requires: - assemble - buildDocker: requires: - assemble - buildArm64Docker: requires: - assemble - publish: filters: branches: only: - main - /^release-.*/ requires: - assemble - integrationTests - unitTests - acceptanceTests - referenceTests - buildDocker - publishDocker: filters: branches: only: - main - /^release-.*/ requires: - assemble - integrationTests - unitTests - acceptanceTests - referenceTests - buildDocker context: - besu-dockerhub-ro - besu-dockerhub-rw - besu-acr-rw - publishArm64Docker: filters: branches: only: - main - /^release-.*/ requires: - integrationTests - unitTests - acceptanceTests - referenceTests - buildArm64Docker context: - besu-dockerhub-ro - besu-dockerhub-rw - besu-acr-rw - manifestDocker: filters: branches: only: - main - /^release-.*/ requires: - publishDocker - publishArm64Docker context: - besu-dockerhub-ro - besu-dockerhub-rw - besu-acr-rw nightly: triggers: - schedule: cron: "0 19 * * *" filters: branches: only: - main jobs: - assemble - acceptanceTestsQuorum: requires: - assemble - dockerScan