# Privacy Roadmap This document provides a more detailed view of the privacy roadmap. Like [the overall roadmap](ROADMAP.md), it is a living document, which will evolve and change over time. In particular the features in later versions are likely to be refined and change. We use the approach of `#now`, `#next`, `#later` [used by foursquare](https://medium.com/@noah_weiss/now-next-later-roadmaps-without-the-drudgery-1cfe65656645), with a slightly different time horizon. Our now scale is about 3 months, next about 6 months, and then later is beyond. ## Now (up to v1.2) * Privacy group management added to JSON RPC-API * Support for external key management ## Next * Ability to add and remove members from privacy groups * Many to many relationship between Pantheon nodes and Orion nodes * Privacy group consensus * Cross privacy group communication * On-chain privacy ## Later * Sidechains