/* global artifacts contract describe assert it */ const TestAdoption = artifacts.require('Adoption.sol'); var proxy; contract('Adoption 2', () => { describe('Function: adopt pet 3', () => { it('Should successfully adopt pet within range', async () => { proxy = await TestAdoption.new(); await proxy.adopt(3); assert(true, 'expected adoption of pet within range to succeed'); const isAdopted = await proxy.isAdopted(3); assert.equal(isAdopted, true, 'expected pet 3 to be adopted (adopted in this test method)'); }); it('Pet 2 should NOT be adopted (was adopted in a different test file)', async () => { // check status of pet2 const isAdopted = await proxy.isAdopted(2); assert.equal(isAdopted, false, 'expected pet 2 to NOT be adopted (was adopted in a different test file)'); }); }); });