properties([ parameters([ string(name: 'BENCHMARKS_FORK', defaultValue: 'PegaSysEng', description: 'The user or org from which to checkout the benchmarks repo', trim: true), string(name: 'BENCHMARKS_BRANCH', defaultValue: 'master', description: 'The benchmarks branch to be checked out', trim: true), string(name: 'NETWORK', defaultValue: 'ropsten', description: 'The name of the network being tested', trim: true), string(name: 'DATASET', defaultValue: 'from-0-by-100k', description: 'The name of the directory containing the benchmark data', trim: true), string(name: 'IMPORT_FILE', defaultValue: 'ropsten-000k-100k.blocks', description: 'The name of the file to import', trim: true) ]) ]) pipeline { agent { docker { image "pantheon-benchmarks/${params.NETWORK}-${params.DATASET}-pantheon:latest" label 'jenkins-benchmark-1' args '-v /benchmarks/block-import:/benchmarks-data' } } stages { stage('Pull pantheon-benchmark') { steps { script { checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: "*/${params.BENCHMARKS_BRANCH}"]], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [[$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: 'pantheon-benchmarks']], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'f3f67c22-eead-47db-a8c1-fe32b483583a', url: "${params.BENCHMARKS_FORK}/pantheon-benchmark.git"]]]) } } } stage('Run benchmarks jenkinsfile') { steps { withEnv([ "DATA_DIR=/data", "BENCHMARKS_DATA=/benchmarks-data", "NETWORK=${params.NETWORK}", "DATASET=${params.DATASET}", "IMPORT_FILE=${params.IMPORT_FILE}", "PANTHEON_SRC_DIR=${WORKSPACE}" ]) { dir('pantheon-benchmarks') { script { evaluate(readFile('jenkins/Jenkinsfile.pantheon-block-import')) } } } } } } }