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const TestPermissioning = artifacts.require('SimpleAccountPermissioning.sol');
var proxy;
var address1 = "0x627306090abaB3A6e1400e9345bC60c78a8BEf57";
var address2 = "0xfe3b557e8fb62b89f4916b721be55ceb828dbd73";
var value = 99;
var gasPrice = 88;
var gasLimit = 77;
var payload = "0x1234";
contract('Permissioning: Accounts', () => {
it('Should NOT permit any transaction when account whitelist is empty', async () => {
proxy = await;
let permitted = await proxy.transactionAllowed(address1, address2, value, gasPrice, gasLimit, payload);
assert.equal(permitted, false, 'expected tx NOT permitted');
it('Should add an account to the whitelist and then permit that node', async () => {
await proxy.addAccount(address1);
let permitted = await proxy.transactionAllowed(address1, address2, value, gasPrice, gasLimit, payload);
assert.equal(permitted, true, 'added address1: expected tx1 to be permitted');
// await another
await proxy.addAccount(address2);
permitted = await proxy.transactionAllowed(address2, address1, value, gasPrice, gasLimit, payload);
assert.equal(permitted, true, 'added address2: expected tx2 to be permitted');
// first one still permitted
permitted = await proxy.transactionAllowed(address1, address2, value, gasPrice, gasLimit, payload);
assert.equal(permitted, true, 'expected tx from address1 to still be permitted');
it('Should remove an account from the whitelist and then NOT permit that account to send tx', async () => {
await proxy.removeAccount(address2);
let permitted = await proxy.transactionAllowed(address2, address1, value, gasPrice, gasLimit, payload);
assert.equal(permitted, false, 'expected removed account (address2) NOT permitted to send tx');
// first one still permitted
permitted = await proxy.transactionAllowed(address1, address2, value, gasPrice, gasLimit, payload);
assert.equal(permitted, true, 'expected tx from address1 to still be permitted');