Blockchain explorer for Ethereum based network and a tool for inspecting and analyzing EVM based blockchains.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

824 lines
32 KiB

defmodule Explorer.Factory do
use ExMachina.Ecto, repo: Explorer.Repo
7 years ago
require Ecto.Query
import Ecto.Query
import Kernel, except: [+: 2]
3 years ago
alias Comeonin.Bcrypt
alias Explorer.Accounts.{
3 years ago
3 years ago
alias Explorer.Admin.Administrator
alias Explorer.Chain.Block.{EmissionReward, Range, Reward}
alias Explorer.Chain.{
5 years ago
alias Explorer.SmartContract.Helper
alias Explorer.Market.MarketHistory
alias Explorer.Repo
3 years ago
def account_identity_factory do
uid: sequence("github|"),
email: sequence(:email, &"me-#{&1}"),
name: sequence("John")
def account_watchlist_factory do
name: "default",
identity: build(:account_identity)
def account_watchlist_address_factory do
name: "wallet",
watchlist: build(:account_watchlist),
address: build(:address),
watch_coin_input: true,
watch_coin_output: true,
watch_erc_20_input: true,
watch_erc_20_output: true,
watch_erc_721_input: true,
watch_erc_721_output: true,
watch_erc_1155_input: true,
watch_erc_1155_output: true,
notify_email: true
def address_factory do
hash: address_hash()
def address_name_factory do
address: build(:address),
name: "FooContract"
def unfetched_balance_factory do
address_hash: address_hash(),
block_number: block_number()
def unfetched_balance_daily_factory do
address_hash: address_hash(),
day: Timex.shift(, days: Enum.random(0..100) * -1)
def update_balance_value(%CoinBalance{address_hash: address_hash, block_number: block_number}, value) do
balance in CoinBalance,
where: balance.address_hash == ^address_hash and balance.block_number == ^block_number
set: [value: value, value_fetched_at: DateTime.utc_now()]
def fetched_balance_factory do
|> struct!(value: Enum.random(1..100_000))
def fetched_balance_daily_factory do
|> struct!(value: Enum.random(1..100_000))
def contract_address_factory do
hash: address_hash(),
contract_code: Map.fetch!(contract_code_info(), :bytecode)
def contract_code_info do
name: "SimpleStorage",
source_code: """
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
contract SimpleStorage {
uint storedData;
function set(uint x) public {
storedData = x;
function get() public constant returns (uint) {
return storedData;
abi: [
"constant" => false,
"inputs" => [%{"name" => "x", "type" => "uint256"}],
"name" => "set",
"outputs" => [],
"payable" => false,
"stateMutability" => "nonpayable",
"type" => "function"
"constant" => true,
"inputs" => [],
"name" => "get",
"outputs" => [%{"name" => "", "type" => "uint256"}],
"payable" => false,
"stateMutability" => "view",
"type" => "function"
version: "v0.4.24+commit.e67f0147",
optimized: false
def contract_code_info_modern_compilator do
name: "SimpleStorage",
source_code: """
pragma solidity ^0.8.10;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
contract SimpleStorage {
uint storedData;
function set(uint x) public {
storedData = x;
function get() public view returns (uint) {
return storedData;
abi: [
"inputs" => [],
"name" => "get",
"outputs" => [
"internalType" => "uint256",
"name" => "",
"type" => "uint256"
"stateMutability" => "view",
"type" => "function"
"inputs" => [
"internalType" => "uint256",
"name" => "x",
"type" => "uint256"
"name" => "set",
"outputs" => [],
"stateMutability" => "nonpayable",
"type" => "function"
version: "v0.8.10+commit.fc410830",
optimized: false
def contract_code_info_with_constructor_arguments do
name: "Simple",
source_code: """
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;
contract Simple {
uint256 number = 365485325;
uint256[] array;
constructor(uint256[] memory arr, address[] memory addresses,int[] memory ints, bool[] memory bools, bytes[] memory byts, string[] memory strings) {
array = arr;
abi: [
"inputs" => [
"internalType" => "uint256[]",
"name" => "arr",
"type" => "uint256[]"
"internalType" => "address[]",
"name" => "addresses",
"type" => "address[]"
"internalType" => "int256[]",
"name" => "ints",
"type" => "int256[]"
"internalType" => "bool[]",
"name" => "bools",
"type" => "bool[]"
"internalType" => "bytes[]",
"name" => "byts",
"type" => "bytes[]"
"internalType" => "string[]",
"name" => "strings",
"type" => "string[]"
"stateMutability" => "nonpayable",
"type" => "constructor"
version: "v0.8.4+commit.c7e474f2",
optimized: true,
optimization_runs: 1,
def address_hash do
{:ok, address_hash} =
|> sequence(& &1)
|> Hash.Address.cast()
6 years ago
if to_string(address_hash) == "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" do
def block_factory do
consensus: true,
number: block_number(),
hash: block_hash(),
parent_hash: block_hash(),
nonce: sequence("block_nonce", & &1),
fetched_balance_block_number instead of fetched_balance_at Fixes #243 Instead of getting the address balance at the latest block and recording the timestamp of the insert, which is only loosely correlated with even the latest block's timestamp on-chain, use the block number for the last time an address was used in the indexed address foreign keys in the chain: * blocks * miner_hash * internal_transactions * created_contract_address_hash * from_address_hash * to_address_hash * logs * address_hash * transactions * from_address_hash * to_address_hash To gather `fetched_balance_block_number` on reboot, `Explorer.Chain.stream_unfetched_addresses` queries across the above columns for the `MAX(blocks.number)`, which is used in `Explorer.Indexer.AddressBalanceFetcher.init/2`. During indexing, `Explorer.Indexer.AddressBalanceFetcher.async_fetch_balances/1` now requires a list of `%{block_number: Block.block_number(), hash: Hash.Truncated.t()}` instead of list of `Hash.Truncated.t()`. Having a `block_number` available for all importable entities's addresses required changing `Explorer.Indexer.AddressExtraction` to extract the `block_number` too. The use of `insert` in the factories was making tests that show the count not make sense, so the factories were switched to `build` because it means only the exact count is created when a default value is overridden. This does, unfortunately, mean that `params_for(factory)` no longer generates foreign keys and they must be set explicitly OR the association passed instead of the foreign key. Allow nil extracted fetched_balance_block_number when pending transaction *NOTE*: This is a database drop and reindex change.
7 years ago
miner: build(:address),
difficulty: Enum.random(1..100_000),
total_difficulty: Enum.random(1..100_000),
size: Enum.random(1..100_000),
gas_limit: Enum.random(1..100_000),
gas_used: Enum.random(1..100_000),
timestamp: DateTime.utc_now(),
refetch_needed: false
def contract_method_factory() do
identifier: Base.decode16!("60fe47b1", case: :lower),
abi: %{
"constant" => false,
"inputs" => [%{"name" => "x", "type" => "uint256"}],
"name" => "set",
"outputs" => [],
"payable" => false,
"stateMutability" => "nonpayable",
"type" => "function"
type: "function"
def block_hash do
{:ok, block_hash} =
|> sequence(& &1)
|> Hash.Full.cast()
def block_number do
sequence("block_number", & &1)
def block_second_degree_relation_factory do
uncle_hash: block_hash(),
nephew: build(:block),
index: 0
def with_block(%Transaction{index: nil} = transaction) do
with_block(transaction, insert(:block))
def with_block(transactions) when is_list(transactions) do
block = insert(:block)
with_block(transactions, block)
def with_block(%Transaction{} = transaction, %Block{} = block) do
with_block(transaction, block, [])
# The `transaction.block` must be consensus. Non-consensus blocks can only be associated with the
# `transaction_forks`.
def with_block(transactions, %Block{consensus: true} = block) when is_list(transactions) do, &with_block(&1, block))
def with_block(%Transaction{index: nil} = transaction, collated_params) when is_list(collated_params) do
block = insert(:block)
with_block(transaction, block, collated_params)
def with_block(
%Transaction{index: nil} = transaction,
# The `transaction.block` must be consensus. Non-consensus blocks can only be associated with the
# `transaction_forks`.
%Block{consensus: true, hash: block_hash, number: block_number},
when is_list(collated_params) do
next_transaction_index = block_hash_to_next_transaction_index(block_hash)
cumulative_gas_used = collated_params[:cumulative_gas_used] || Enum.random(21_000..100_000)
gas_used = collated_params[:gas_used] || Enum.random(21_000..100_000)
status = Keyword.get(collated_params, :status, Enum.random([:ok, :error]))
5 years ago
error = (status == :error && collated_params[:error]) || nil
|> Transaction.changeset(%{
block_hash: block_hash,
block_number: block_number,
cumulative_gas_used: cumulative_gas_used,
from_address_hash: transaction.from_address_hash,
to_address_hash: transaction.to_address_hash,
error: error,
gas_used: gas_used,
index: next_transaction_index,
status: status
|> Repo.update!()
|> Repo.preload(:block)
def with_contract_creation(%Transaction{} = transaction, %Address{hash: contract_address_hash}) do
|> Transaction.changeset(%{
created_contract_address_hash: contract_address_hash
|> Repo.update!()
def with_contract_creation(%InternalTransaction{} = internal_transaction, %Address{
contract_code: contract_code,
hash: contract_address_hash
}) do
|> InternalTransaction.changeset(%{
contract_code: contract_code,
created_contract_address_hash: contract_address_hash
|> Repo.update!()
def data(sequence_name) do
unpadded =
|> sequence(& &1)
|> Integer.to_string(16)
unpadded_length = String.length(unpadded)
padded =
case rem(unpadded_length, 2) do
0 -> unpadded
1 -> "0" <> unpadded
{:ok, data} = Data.cast("0x#{padded}")
5 years ago
def pending_block_operation_factory do
# caller MUST supply block
# all operations will default to false
fetch_internal_transactions: false
def internal_transaction_factory() do
gas = Enum.random(21_000..100_000)
gas_used = Enum.random(0..gas)
fetched_balance_block_number instead of fetched_balance_at Fixes #243 Instead of getting the address balance at the latest block and recording the timestamp of the insert, which is only loosely correlated with even the latest block's timestamp on-chain, use the block number for the last time an address was used in the indexed address foreign keys in the chain: * blocks * miner_hash * internal_transactions * created_contract_address_hash * from_address_hash * to_address_hash * logs * address_hash * transactions * from_address_hash * to_address_hash To gather `fetched_balance_block_number` on reboot, `Explorer.Chain.stream_unfetched_addresses` queries across the above columns for the `MAX(blocks.number)`, which is used in `Explorer.Indexer.AddressBalanceFetcher.init/2`. During indexing, `Explorer.Indexer.AddressBalanceFetcher.async_fetch_balances/1` now requires a list of `%{block_number: Block.block_number(), hash: Hash.Truncated.t()}` instead of list of `Hash.Truncated.t()`. Having a `block_number` available for all importable entities's addresses required changing `Explorer.Indexer.AddressExtraction` to extract the `block_number` too. The use of `insert` in the factories was making tests that show the count not make sense, so the factories were switched to `build` because it means only the exact count is created when a default value is overridden. This does, unfortunately, mean that `params_for(factory)` no longer generates foreign keys and they must be set explicitly OR the association passed instead of the foreign key. Allow nil extracted fetched_balance_block_number when pending transaction *NOTE*: This is a database drop and reindex change.
7 years ago
from_address: build(:address),
to_address: build(:address),
call_type: :delegatecall,
gas: gas,
gas_used: gas_used,
input: %Data{bytes: <<1>>},
output: %Data{bytes: <<2>>},
6 years ago
# caller MUST supply `index`
trace_address: [],
fetched_balance_block_number instead of fetched_balance_at Fixes #243 Instead of getting the address balance at the latest block and recording the timestamp of the insert, which is only loosely correlated with even the latest block's timestamp on-chain, use the block number for the last time an address was used in the indexed address foreign keys in the chain: * blocks * miner_hash * internal_transactions * created_contract_address_hash * from_address_hash * to_address_hash * logs * address_hash * transactions * from_address_hash * to_address_hash To gather `fetched_balance_block_number` on reboot, `Explorer.Chain.stream_unfetched_addresses` queries across the above columns for the `MAX(blocks.number)`, which is used in `Explorer.Indexer.AddressBalanceFetcher.init/2`. During indexing, `Explorer.Indexer.AddressBalanceFetcher.async_fetch_balances/1` now requires a list of `%{block_number: Block.block_number(), hash: Hash.Truncated.t()}` instead of list of `Hash.Truncated.t()`. Having a `block_number` available for all importable entities's addresses required changing `Explorer.Indexer.AddressExtraction` to extract the `block_number` too. The use of `insert` in the factories was making tests that show the count not make sense, so the factories were switched to `build` because it means only the exact count is created when a default value is overridden. This does, unfortunately, mean that `params_for(factory)` no longer generates foreign keys and they must be set explicitly OR the association passed instead of the foreign key. Allow nil extracted fetched_balance_block_number when pending transaction *NOTE*: This is a database drop and reindex change.
7 years ago
# caller MUST supply `transaction` because it can't be built lazily to allow overrides without creating an extra
# transaction
5 years ago
# caller MUST supply `block_hash` (usually the same as the transaction's)
# caller MUST supply `block_index`
type: :call,
value: sequence("internal_transaction_value", &
def internal_transaction_create_factory() do
gas = Enum.random(21_000..100_000)
gas_used = Enum.random(0..gas)
contract_code = Map.fetch!(contract_code_info(), :bytecode)
created_contract_code: contract_code,
created_contract_address: build(:address, contract_code: contract_code),
fetched_balance_block_number instead of fetched_balance_at Fixes #243 Instead of getting the address balance at the latest block and recording the timestamp of the insert, which is only loosely correlated with even the latest block's timestamp on-chain, use the block number for the last time an address was used in the indexed address foreign keys in the chain: * blocks * miner_hash * internal_transactions * created_contract_address_hash * from_address_hash * to_address_hash * logs * address_hash * transactions * from_address_hash * to_address_hash To gather `fetched_balance_block_number` on reboot, `Explorer.Chain.stream_unfetched_addresses` queries across the above columns for the `MAX(blocks.number)`, which is used in `Explorer.Indexer.AddressBalanceFetcher.init/2`. During indexing, `Explorer.Indexer.AddressBalanceFetcher.async_fetch_balances/1` now requires a list of `%{block_number: Block.block_number(), hash: Hash.Truncated.t()}` instead of list of `Hash.Truncated.t()`. Having a `block_number` available for all importable entities's addresses required changing `Explorer.Indexer.AddressExtraction` to extract the `block_number` too. The use of `insert` in the factories was making tests that show the count not make sense, so the factories were switched to `build` because it means only the exact count is created when a default value is overridden. This does, unfortunately, mean that `params_for(factory)` no longer generates foreign keys and they must be set explicitly OR the association passed instead of the foreign key. Allow nil extracted fetched_balance_block_number when pending transaction *NOTE*: This is a database drop and reindex change.
7 years ago
from_address: build(:address),
gas: gas,
gas_used: gas_used,
6 years ago
# caller MUST supply `index`
init: data(:internal_transaction_init),
trace_address: [],
fetched_balance_block_number instead of fetched_balance_at Fixes #243 Instead of getting the address balance at the latest block and recording the timestamp of the insert, which is only loosely correlated with even the latest block's timestamp on-chain, use the block number for the last time an address was used in the indexed address foreign keys in the chain: * blocks * miner_hash * internal_transactions * created_contract_address_hash * from_address_hash * to_address_hash * logs * address_hash * transactions * from_address_hash * to_address_hash To gather `fetched_balance_block_number` on reboot, `Explorer.Chain.stream_unfetched_addresses` queries across the above columns for the `MAX(blocks.number)`, which is used in `Explorer.Indexer.AddressBalanceFetcher.init/2`. During indexing, `Explorer.Indexer.AddressBalanceFetcher.async_fetch_balances/1` now requires a list of `%{block_number: Block.block_number(), hash: Hash.Truncated.t()}` instead of list of `Hash.Truncated.t()`. Having a `block_number` available for all importable entities's addresses required changing `Explorer.Indexer.AddressExtraction` to extract the `block_number` too. The use of `insert` in the factories was making tests that show the count not make sense, so the factories were switched to `build` because it means only the exact count is created when a default value is overridden. This does, unfortunately, mean that `params_for(factory)` no longer generates foreign keys and they must be set explicitly OR the association passed instead of the foreign key. Allow nil extracted fetched_balance_block_number when pending transaction *NOTE*: This is a database drop and reindex change.
7 years ago
# caller MUST supply `transaction` because it can't be built lazily to allow overrides without creating an extra
# transaction
5 years ago
# caller MUST supply `block_hash` (usually the same as the transaction's)
# caller MUST supply `block_index`
type: :create,
value: sequence("internal_transaction_value", &
def internal_transaction_selfdestruct_factory() do
from_address: build(:address),
trace_address: [],
# caller MUST supply `transaction` because it can't be built lazily to allow overrides without creating an extra
# transaction
type: :selfdestruct,
value: sequence("internal_transaction_value", &
def log_factory do
5 years ago
block = build(:block)
fetched_balance_block_number instead of fetched_balance_at Fixes #243 Instead of getting the address balance at the latest block and recording the timestamp of the insert, which is only loosely correlated with even the latest block's timestamp on-chain, use the block number for the last time an address was used in the indexed address foreign keys in the chain: * blocks * miner_hash * internal_transactions * created_contract_address_hash * from_address_hash * to_address_hash * logs * address_hash * transactions * from_address_hash * to_address_hash To gather `fetched_balance_block_number` on reboot, `Explorer.Chain.stream_unfetched_addresses` queries across the above columns for the `MAX(blocks.number)`, which is used in `Explorer.Indexer.AddressBalanceFetcher.init/2`. During indexing, `Explorer.Indexer.AddressBalanceFetcher.async_fetch_balances/1` now requires a list of `%{block_number: Block.block_number(), hash: Hash.Truncated.t()}` instead of list of `Hash.Truncated.t()`. Having a `block_number` available for all importable entities's addresses required changing `Explorer.Indexer.AddressExtraction` to extract the `block_number` too. The use of `insert` in the factories was making tests that show the count not make sense, so the factories were switched to `build` because it means only the exact count is created when a default value is overridden. This does, unfortunately, mean that `params_for(factory)` no longer generates foreign keys and they must be set explicitly OR the association passed instead of the foreign key. Allow nil extracted fetched_balance_block_number when pending transaction *NOTE*: This is a database drop and reindex change.
7 years ago
address: build(:address),
5 years ago
block: block,
block_number: block.number,
data: data(:log_data),
first_topic: nil,
fourth_topic: nil,
index: sequence("log_index", & &1),
second_topic: nil,
third_topic: nil,
fetched_balance_block_number instead of fetched_balance_at Fixes #243 Instead of getting the address balance at the latest block and recording the timestamp of the insert, which is only loosely correlated with even the latest block's timestamp on-chain, use the block number for the last time an address was used in the indexed address foreign keys in the chain: * blocks * miner_hash * internal_transactions * created_contract_address_hash * from_address_hash * to_address_hash * logs * address_hash * transactions * from_address_hash * to_address_hash To gather `fetched_balance_block_number` on reboot, `Explorer.Chain.stream_unfetched_addresses` queries across the above columns for the `MAX(blocks.number)`, which is used in `Explorer.Indexer.AddressBalanceFetcher.init/2`. During indexing, `Explorer.Indexer.AddressBalanceFetcher.async_fetch_balances/1` now requires a list of `%{block_number: Block.block_number(), hash: Hash.Truncated.t()}` instead of list of `Hash.Truncated.t()`. Having a `block_number` available for all importable entities's addresses required changing `Explorer.Indexer.AddressExtraction` to extract the `block_number` too. The use of `insert` in the factories was making tests that show the count not make sense, so the factories were switched to `build` because it means only the exact count is created when a default value is overridden. This does, unfortunately, mean that `params_for(factory)` no longer generates foreign keys and they must be set explicitly OR the association passed instead of the foreign key. Allow nil extracted fetched_balance_block_number when pending transaction *NOTE*: This is a database drop and reindex change.
7 years ago
transaction: build(:transaction),
type: sequence("0x")
def token_factory do
name: "Infinite Token",
symbol: "IT",
total_supply: 1_000_000_000,
decimals: 18,
contract_address: build(:address),
type: "ERC-20",
cataloged: true
def token_transfer_log_factory do
token_contract_address = build(:address)
to_address = build(:address)
from_address = build(:address)
transaction = build(:transaction, to_address: token_contract_address, from_address: from_address)
log_params = %{
first_topic: TokenTransfer.constant(),
second_topic: zero_padded_address_hash_string(from_address.hash),
third_topic: zero_padded_address_hash_string(to_address.hash),
address_hash: token_contract_address.hash,
address: nil,
data: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000de0b6b3a7640000",
transaction: transaction
build(:log, log_params)
def token_transfer_log_with_transaction(%Log{} = log, %Transaction{} = transaction) do
params = %{
second_topic: zero_padded_address_hash_string(transaction.from_address.hash),
transaction: transaction
struct!(log, params)
def token_transfer_log_with_to_address(%Log{} = log, %Address{} = to_address) do
%Log{log | third_topic: zero_padded_address_hash_string(to_address.hash)}
def token_transfer_factory do
log = build(:token_transfer_log)
to_address_hash = address_hash_from_zero_padded_hash_string(log.third_topic)
from_address_hash = address_hash_from_zero_padded_hash_string(log.second_topic)
# `to_address` is the only thing that isn't created from the token_transfer_log_factory
to_address = build(:address, hash: to_address_hash)
from_address = build(:address, hash: from_address_hash)
contract_code = Map.fetch!(contract_code_info(), :bytecode)
token_address = insert(:contract_address, contract_code: contract_code)
insert(:token, contract_address: token_address)
block: build(:block),
block_number: block_number(),
from_address: from_address,
to_address: to_address,
token_contract_address: token_address,
transaction: log.transaction,
log_index: log.index
def market_history_factory do
closing_price: price(),
opening_price: price(),
date: Date.utc_today()
def emission_reward_factory do
# Generate ranges like 1 - 10,000; 10,001 - 20,000, 20,001 - 30,000; etc
x = sequence("block_range", & &1)
7 years ago
lower = x * Kernel.+(10_000, 1)
upper = Kernel.+(lower, 9_999)
wei_per_ether =
reward_multiplier =
|> Enum.random()
reward = Decimal.mult(reward_multiplier, wei_per_ether)
block_range: %Range{from: lower, to: upper},
reward: reward
def reward_factory do
address_hash: build(:address).hash,
address_type: :validator,
block_hash: build(:block).hash,
def transaction_factory do
fetched_balance_block_number instead of fetched_balance_at Fixes #243 Instead of getting the address balance at the latest block and recording the timestamp of the insert, which is only loosely correlated with even the latest block's timestamp on-chain, use the block number for the last time an address was used in the indexed address foreign keys in the chain: * blocks * miner_hash * internal_transactions * created_contract_address_hash * from_address_hash * to_address_hash * logs * address_hash * transactions * from_address_hash * to_address_hash To gather `fetched_balance_block_number` on reboot, `Explorer.Chain.stream_unfetched_addresses` queries across the above columns for the `MAX(blocks.number)`, which is used in `Explorer.Indexer.AddressBalanceFetcher.init/2`. During indexing, `Explorer.Indexer.AddressBalanceFetcher.async_fetch_balances/1` now requires a list of `%{block_number: Block.block_number(), hash: Hash.Truncated.t()}` instead of list of `Hash.Truncated.t()`. Having a `block_number` available for all importable entities's addresses required changing `Explorer.Indexer.AddressExtraction` to extract the `block_number` too. The use of `insert` in the factories was making tests that show the count not make sense, so the factories were switched to `build` because it means only the exact count is created when a default value is overridden. This does, unfortunately, mean that `params_for(factory)` no longer generates foreign keys and they must be set explicitly OR the association passed instead of the foreign key. Allow nil extracted fetched_balance_block_number when pending transaction *NOTE*: This is a database drop and reindex change.
7 years ago
from_address: build(:address),
gas: Enum.random(21_000..100_000),
gas_price: Enum.random(10..99) * 1_000_000_00,
hash: transaction_hash(),
input: transaction_input(),
nonce: Enum.random(1..1_000),
r: sequence(:transaction_r, & &1),
s: sequence(:transaction_s, & &1),
fetched_balance_block_number instead of fetched_balance_at Fixes #243 Instead of getting the address balance at the latest block and recording the timestamp of the insert, which is only loosely correlated with even the latest block's timestamp on-chain, use the block number for the last time an address was used in the indexed address foreign keys in the chain: * blocks * miner_hash * internal_transactions * created_contract_address_hash * from_address_hash * to_address_hash * logs * address_hash * transactions * from_address_hash * to_address_hash To gather `fetched_balance_block_number` on reboot, `Explorer.Chain.stream_unfetched_addresses` queries across the above columns for the `MAX(blocks.number)`, which is used in `Explorer.Indexer.AddressBalanceFetcher.init/2`. During indexing, `Explorer.Indexer.AddressBalanceFetcher.async_fetch_balances/1` now requires a list of `%{block_number: Block.block_number(), hash: Hash.Truncated.t()}` instead of list of `Hash.Truncated.t()`. Having a `block_number` available for all importable entities's addresses required changing `Explorer.Indexer.AddressExtraction` to extract the `block_number` too. The use of `insert` in the factories was making tests that show the count not make sense, so the factories were switched to `build` because it means only the exact count is created when a default value is overridden. This does, unfortunately, mean that `params_for(factory)` no longer generates foreign keys and they must be set explicitly OR the association passed instead of the foreign key. Allow nil extracted fetched_balance_block_number when pending transaction *NOTE*: This is a database drop and reindex change.
7 years ago
to_address: build(:address),
v: Enum.random(27..30),
value: Enum.random(1..100_000)
def transaction_to_verified_contract_factory do
smart_contract = build(:smart_contract)
address = %Address{
hash: address_hash(),
verified: true,
contract_code: contract_code_info().bytecode,
smart_contract: smart_contract
input_data =
|> ABI.encode([50])
|> Base.encode16(case: :lower)
build(:transaction, to_address: address, input: "0x" <> input_data)
def transaction_hash do
{:ok, transaction_hash} =
|> sequence(& &1)
|> Hash.Full.cast()
def transaction_input do
def transaction_fork_factory do
hash: transaction_hash(),
index: 0,
uncle_hash: block_hash()
def smart_contract_factory do
contract_code_info = contract_code_info()
bytecode_md5 = Helper.contract_code_md5(contract_code_info.bytecode)
address_hash: insert(:address, contract_code: contract_code_info.bytecode, verified: true).hash,
compiler_version: contract_code_info.version,
contract_source_code: contract_code_info.source_code,
optimization: contract_code_info.optimized,
abi: contract_code_info.abi,
contract_code_md5: bytecode_md5
def decompiled_smart_contract_factory do
contract_code_info = contract_code_info()
address_hash: insert(:address, contract_code: contract_code_info.bytecode, decompiled: true).hash,
decompiler_version: "test_decompiler",
decompiled_source_code: contract_code_info.source_code
def token_instance_factory do
token_contract_address_hash: build(:address),
token_id: 5,
metadata: %{key: "value"},
error: nil
def token_balance_factory do
address: build(:address),
token_contract_address_hash: insert(:token).contract_address_hash,
block_number: block_number(),
value: Enum.random(1..100_000),
value_fetched_at: DateTime.utc_now(),
token_type: "ERC-20"
def address_current_token_balance_factory do
address: build(:address),
token_contract_address_hash: insert(:token).contract_address_hash,
block_number: block_number(),
value: Enum.random(1..100_000),
value_fetched_at: DateTime.utc_now()
7 years ago
defp block_hash_to_next_transaction_index(block_hash) do
import Kernel, except: [+: 2]!(
transaction in Transaction,
select: coalesce(max(transaction.index), -1) + 1,
where: transaction.block_hash == ^block_hash
defp price do
|> Enum.random()
|> Decimal.div(
defp zero_padded_address_hash_string(%Explorer.Chain.Hash{byte_count: 20} = hash) do
"0x" <> hash_string = Explorer.Chain.Hash.to_string(hash)
"0x000000000000000000000000" <> hash_string
defp address_hash_from_zero_padded_hash_string("0x000000000000000000000000" <> hash_string) do
{:ok, hash} = Explorer.Chain.Hash.cast(Explorer.Chain.Hash.Address, "0x" <> hash_string)
def user_factory do
username = sequence("user", &"user#{&1}")
username: username,
password_hash: Bcrypt.hash_pwd_salt("password"),
contacts: [
email: "#{username}@blockscout",
primary: true,
verified: true
def administrator_factory do
role: "owner",
user: build(:user)