Blockchain explorer for Ethereum based network and a tool for inspecting and analyzing EVM based blockchains.
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defmodule EthereumJSONRPCTest do
use EthereumJSONRPC.Case, async: true
import EthereumJSONRPC.Case
import Mox
alias EthereumJSONRPC.Subscription
Reconnect, rerequest, and resubscribe when websocket disconnects * Use struct, `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.WebSocketClient.Options{}` to hold `web_socket_options`. * `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Registration{}` * Record `t:EthereumJSONRPC.request/0` in `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Registration{}`, so that the request can be re-requested if the websocket disconnects and reconnects. * Drop server-side `subscription_id` from `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Registration{}` as it can retrieved from `request` now. * `EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.WebSocketClient` * Track whether the web socket is connected or not, so that requests aren't sent when in the disconnected state. This prevents double-sends as `handle_call` can be called before `onconnect`, which caused that first subscribe to be sent twice. * Instead of the subscriber knowing the server-side subscription id, an opaque `t:reference/0` is used, so that the reference is stable in the subscriber's `%Subscription{}`, but the subscription ID can change on reconnect, which means replacing `subscription_id_to_subscription` in `%WebSocketClient{}` with 3 maps 1. `subscription_id_to_subscription_reference` - used translate server-side, per-connection subscription to the stable reference in `subscription_reference_to_subscription` 2. `subscription_reference_to_subscription_id` - used to convert stable reference to subscription id to unsubscribe. 3. `subscription_reference_to_subscription` - used to get full Subscription, including the subscriber_pid for when subscription messages are delivered or the subscription needs to be resubscribed using the `web_socket_options`. * `ondisconnect`, `:reconnect` immediately. * When disconnecting, tell unsubscribers they were successful. * Hold any json_rpc or subscribe requests to retry on reconnect. * Hold any subscriptions to resubscribe on reconnect. * `onconnect` * re-request the saved json_rpc and subscribe requests. * issue new requests to re-establish the subscriptions that had already succeeded in their subscribe requests. * `%EthereumJSONRPC.Subscription{}` * Replace `id`, which did match the server created ID, with a `t:reference/0`, which allows for indirection and for the server created ID to change on reconnect while the subscriber does not need to care about the reconnections. * `EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket` * `options` is switched from a Keyword.t to a struct, `t`, so that it is easier to pattern match for the reconnect logic in `WebSocketClient`. * `web_socket_options` is no longer a generic `term` because the code did require it to be a map with a `:web_socket` key for the `t:GenServer.server/0`.
6 years ago
alias EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.WebSocketClient
setup :verify_on_exit!
@moduletag :capture_log
describe "fetch_balances/1" do
test "with all valid hash_data returns {:ok, addresses_params}", %{
json_rpc_named_arguments: json_rpc_named_arguments
} do
expected_fetched_balance =
case Keyword.fetch!(json_rpc_named_arguments, :variant) do
EthereumJSONRPC.Geth -> 0
EthereumJSONRPC.Parity -> 1
variant -> raise ArgumentError, "Unsupported variant (#{variant}})"
if json_rpc_named_arguments[:transport] == EthereumJSONRPC.Mox do
expect(EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, :json_rpc, fn _json, _options ->
{:ok, [%{id: 0, result: EthereumJSONRPC.integer_to_quantity(expected_fetched_balance)}]}
hash = "0x8bf38d4764929064f2d4d3a56520a76ab3df415b"
assert EthereumJSONRPC.fetch_balances(
%{block_quantity: "0x1", hash_data: hash}
) ==
address_hash: hash,
block_number: 1,
value: expected_fetched_balance
test "with all invalid hash_data returns {:error, reasons}", %{json_rpc_named_arguments: json_rpc_named_arguments} do
variant = Keyword.fetch!(json_rpc_named_arguments, :variant)
expected_message =
case variant do
EthereumJSONRPC.Geth ->
"invalid argument 0: json: cannot unmarshal hex string of odd length into Go value of type common.Address"
EthereumJSONRPC.Parity ->
"Invalid params: invalid length 1, expected a 0x-prefixed, padded, hex-encoded hash with length 40."
_ ->
raise ArgumentError, "Unsupported variant (#{variant}})"
if json_rpc_named_arguments[:transport] == EthereumJSONRPC.Mox do
expect(EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, :json_rpc, fn _json, _options ->
id: 0,
error: %{
code: -32602,
message: expected_message
assert {:error,
code: -32602,
data: %{"blockNumber" => "0x1", "hash" => "0x0"},
message: ^expected_message
]} =
EthereumJSONRPC.fetch_balances([%{block_quantity: "0x1", hash_data: "0x0"}], json_rpc_named_arguments)
test "with a mix of valid and invalid hash_data returns {:error, reasons}", %{
json_rpc_named_arguments: json_rpc_named_arguments
} do
if json_rpc_named_arguments[:transport] == EthereumJSONRPC.Mox do
expect(EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, :json_rpc, fn _json, _options ->
id: 0,
result: "0x0"
id: 1,
result: "0x1"
id: 2,
error: %{
code: -32602,
"Invalid params: invalid length 1, expected a 0x-prefixed, padded, hex-encoded hash with length 40."
id: 3,
result: "0x3"
id: 4,
error: %{
code: -32602,
"Invalid params: invalid length 1, expected a 0x-prefixed, padded, hex-encoded hash with length 40."
assert {:error, reasons} =
# start with :ok
block_quantity: "0x1",
hash_data: "0x8bf38d4764929064f2d4d3a56520a76ab3df415b"
# :ok, :ok clause
block_quantity: "0x34",
hash_data: "0xe8ddc5c7a2d2f0d7a9798459c0104fdf5e987aca"
# :ok, :error clause
block_quantity: "0x2",
hash_data: "0x3"
# :error, :ok clause
block_quantity: "0x35",
hash_data: "0x8bf38d4764929064f2d4d3a56520a76ab3df415b"
# :error, :error clause
block_quantity: "0x4",
hash_data: "0x5"
assert is_list(reasons)
assert length(reasons) > 1
describe "fetch_beneficiaries/2" do
@tag :no_geth
test "fetches benefeciaries from variant API", %{json_rpc_named_arguments: json_rpc_named_arguments} do
if json_rpc_named_arguments[:transport] == EthereumJSONRPC.Mox do
expect(EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, :json_rpc, fn _, _ ->
{:ok, []}
assert EthereumJSONRPC.fetch_beneficiaries(1..1, json_rpc_named_arguments) == {:ok,}
describe "fetch_block_by_hash/2" do
test "can fetch blocks", %{json_rpc_named_arguments: json_rpc_named_arguments} do
%{block_hash: block_hash, transaction_hash: transaction_hash} =
case Keyword.fetch!(json_rpc_named_arguments, :variant) do
EthereumJSONRPC.Parity ->
block_hash: "0x29c850324e357f3c0c836d79860c5af55f7b651e5d7ee253c1af1b14908af49c",
transaction_hash: "0xa2e81bb56b55ba3dab2daf76501b50dfaad240cccb905dbf89d65c7a84a4a48e"
EthereumJSONRPC.Geth ->
block_hash: "0xe065eed62c152c8c3dd14d6e5948e652c3e36a9cdb10b79853802ef9fa1d536c",
transaction_hash: "0x615506d9872bb07faa2ce17c02b902148eae88ccba0298902be6a0dbba1124de"
if json_rpc_named_arguments[:transport] == EthereumJSONRPC.Mox do
expect(EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, :json_rpc, fn _json, _options ->
block_number = "0x0"
result: %{
"difficulty" => "0x0",
"gasLimit" => "0x0",
"gasUsed" => "0x0",
"hash" => block_hash,
"extraData" => "0x0",
"logsBloom" => "0x0",
"miner" => "0x0",
"number" => block_number,
"parentHash" => "0x0",
"receiptsRoot" => "0x0",
"size" => "0x0",
"sha3Uncles" => "0x0",
"stateRoot" => "0x0",
"timestamp" => "0x0",
"totalDifficulty" => "0x0",
"transactions" => [
"blockHash" => block_hash,
"blockNumber" => block_number,
"from" => "0x0",
"gas" => "0x0",
"gasPrice" => "0x0",
"hash" => transaction_hash,
"input" => "0x",
"nonce" => "0x0",
"r" => "0x0",
"s" => "0x0",
"to" => "0x0",
"transactionIndex" => "0x0",
"v" => "0x0",
"value" => "0x0"
"transactionsRoot" => "0x0",
"uncles" => []
assert {:ok, %{blocks: [_ | _], transactions: [_ | _]}} =
EthereumJSONRPC.fetch_blocks_by_hash([block_hash], json_rpc_named_arguments)
test "returns errors with block hash in data", %{json_rpc_named_arguments: json_rpc_named_arguments} do
if json_rpc_named_arguments[:transport] == EthereumJSONRPC.Mox do
expect(EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, :json_rpc, fn _json, _options ->
error: %{
code: -32602,
message: "Hash too short"
id: 0,
jsonrpc: "2.0"
assert {:error, [%{data: %{hash: "0x0"}}]} =
EthereumJSONRPC.fetch_blocks_by_hash(["0x0"], json_rpc_named_arguments)
test "full batch errors are returned", %{json_rpc_named_arguments: json_rpc_named_arguments} do
# I'm not sure how to reliably trigger this on the real chains, so only do mox
moxed_json_rpc_named_arguments = Keyword.put(json_rpc_named_arguments, :transport, EthereumJSONRPC.Mox)
error = {:error, %{"message" => "methodNotSupported"}}
expect(EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, :json_rpc, fn _json, _options ->
assert EthereumJSONRPC.fetch_blocks_by_hash(["0x0"], moxed_json_rpc_named_arguments) == error
describe "fetch_block_by_range/2" do
test "returns errors with block number in data", %{json_rpc_named_arguments: json_rpc_named_arguments} do
if json_rpc_named_arguments[:transport] == EthereumJSONRPC.Mox do
expect(EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, :json_rpc, fn _json, _options ->
error: %{
code: -32602,
message: "Invalid params: Invalid block number: number too large to fit in target type."
id: 0,
jsonrpc: "2.0"
error: %{
code: -32602,
message: "Invalid params: Invalid block number: number too large to fit in target type."
id: 1,
jsonrpc: "2.0"
assert {:error,
[%{data: %{number: 1_000_000_000_000_000_000_001}}, %{data: %{number: 1_000_000_000_000_000_000_000}}]} =
test "returns only errors if a mix of results and errors", %{json_rpc_named_arguments: json_rpc_named_arguments} do
# Can't be faked reliably on real chain
moxed_json_rpc_named_arguments = Keyword.put(json_rpc_named_arguments, :transport, EthereumJSONRPC.Mox)
expect(EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, :json_rpc, fn _json, _options ->
error: %{
code: -32602,
message: "Invalid params: Invalid block number: number too large to fit in target type."
id: 0,
jsonrpc: "2.0"
id: 1,
result: %{
"difficulty" => "0x0",
"gasLimit" => "0x0",
"gasUsed" => "0x0",
"hash" => "0x0",
"miner" => "0x0",
"number" => "0x0",
"parentHash" => "0x0",
"size" => "0x0",
"timestamp" => "0x0",
"totalDifficulty" => "0x0",
"transactions" => []
jsonrpc: "2.0"
assert {:error, [%{data: %{number: 1_000_000_000_000_000_000_000}}]} =
test "nil result indicated end-of-chain", %{json_rpc_named_arguments: json_rpc_named_arguments} do
# Can't be faked reliably on real chain
moxed_json_rpc_named_arguments = Keyword.put(json_rpc_named_arguments, :transport, EthereumJSONRPC.Mox)
expect(EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, :json_rpc, fn _json, _options ->
id: 0,
result: %{
"difficulty" => "0x0",
"extraData" => "0x0",
"gasLimit" => "0x0",
"gasUsed" => "0x0",
"hash" => "0x0",
"logsBloom" => "0x0",
"miner" => "0x0",
"number" => "0x0",
"parentHash" => "0x0",
"receiptsRoot" => "0x0",
"sha3Uncles" => "0x0",
"size" => "0x0",
"stateRoot" => "0x0",
"timestamp" => "0x0",
"totalDifficulty" => "0x0",
"transactions" => [],
"transactionsRoot" => "0x0",
"uncles" => []
jsonrpc: "2.0"
result: nil,
id: 1,
jsonrpc: "2.0"
assert {:ok, :end_of_chain, %{blocks: [_], transactions: []}} =
EthereumJSONRPC.fetch_blocks_by_range(0..1, moxed_json_rpc_named_arguments)
describe "fetch_block_number_by_tag" do
@tag capture_log: false
test "with earliest", %{json_rpc_named_arguments: json_rpc_named_arguments} do
if json_rpc_named_arguments[:transport] == EthereumJSONRPC.Mox do
expect(EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, :json_rpc, fn _json, _options ->
{:ok, %{"number" => "0x0"}}
fn -> EthereumJSONRPC.fetch_block_number_by_tag("earliest", json_rpc_named_arguments) end,
fn result ->
assert {:ok, 0} = result
@tag capture_log: false
test "with latest", %{json_rpc_named_arguments: json_rpc_named_arguments} do
if json_rpc_named_arguments[:transport] == EthereumJSONRPC.Mox do
expect(EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, :json_rpc, fn _json, _options ->
{:ok, %{"number" => "0x1"}}
fn -> EthereumJSONRPC.fetch_block_number_by_tag("latest", json_rpc_named_arguments) end,
fn result ->
assert {:ok, number} = result
assert number > 0
@tag capture_log: false
test "with pending", %{json_rpc_named_arguments: json_rpc_named_arguments} do
if json_rpc_named_arguments[:transport] == EthereumJSONRPC.Mox do
expect(EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, :json_rpc, fn _json, _options ->
{:ok, nil}
fn -> EthereumJSONRPC.fetch_block_number_by_tag("pending", json_rpc_named_arguments) end,
# Parity after and anything spec-compliant
{:error, reason} ->
assert reason == :not_found
# Parity before
{:ok, number} ->
assert is_integer(number)
assert number > 0
test "unknown errors are returned", %{json_rpc_named_arguments: json_rpc_named_arguments} do
# Can't be faked reliably on real chain
moxed_json_rpc_named_arguments = Keyword.put(json_rpc_named_arguments, :transport, EthereumJSONRPC.Mox)
unknown_error = {:error, %{"code" => 500, "message" => "Unknown error"}}
expect(EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, :json_rpc, fn _json, _options ->
assert {:error, unknown_error} =
EthereumJSONRPC.fetch_block_number_by_tag("latest", moxed_json_rpc_named_arguments)
describe "fetch_pending_transactions/2" do
@tag :no_geth
test "pending transactions are returned", %{json_rpc_named_arguments: json_rpc_named_arguments} do
if json_rpc_named_arguments[:transport] == EthereumJSONRPC.Mox do
expect(EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, :json_rpc, fn _json, _options ->
"blockHash" => nil,
"blockNumber" => nil,
"from" => "0x0",
"gas" => "0x0",
"gasPrice" => "0x0",
"hash" => "0x73c5599001f77bd570e32c4a5e63157200747910a502fae009821767c36b2ac9",
"input" => "0x",
"nonce" => "0x0",
"r" => "0x0",
"s" => "0x0",
"to" => "0x0",
"transactionIndex" => nil,
"v" => "0x0",
"value" => "0x0"
assert {:ok, pending_transactions} = EthereumJSONRPC.fetch_pending_transactions(json_rpc_named_arguments)
# can't say more because there could be no pending transactions on test chains
assert is_list(pending_transactions)
describe "fetch_transaction_receipts/2" do
test "with invalid transaction hash", %{json_rpc_named_arguments: json_rpc_named_arguments} do
hash = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
if json_rpc_named_arguments[:transport] == EthereumJSONRPC.Mox do
expect(EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, :json_rpc, fn _json, _options ->
{:ok, [%{id: 0, jsonrpc: "2.0", result: nil}]}
assert {:error, [%{data: %{hash: ^hash}, message: "Not Found"}]} =
[%{hash: hash, gas: "0x0"}],
test "with valid transaction hash", %{json_rpc_named_arguments: json_rpc_named_arguments} do
hash =
case Keyword.fetch!(json_rpc_named_arguments, :variant) do
EthereumJSONRPC.Parity ->
EthereumJSONRPC.Geth ->
if json_rpc_named_arguments[:transport] == EthereumJSONRPC.Mox do
expect(EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, :json_rpc, fn _json, _options ->
id: 0,
jsonrpc: "2.0",
result: %{
"blockHash" => "0x29c850324e357f3c0c836d79860c5af55f7b651e5d7ee253c1af1b14908af49c",
"blockNumber" => "0x414911",
"contractAddress" => nil,
"cumulativeGasUsed" => "0x5208",
"gasUsed" => "0x5208",
"logs" => [],
"logsBloom" =>
"root" => nil,
"status" => "0x1",
"transactionHash" => hash,
"transactionIndex" => "0x0"
assert {:ok, %{logs: logs, receipts: [_]}} =
EthereumJSONRPC.fetch_transaction_receipts([%{hash: hash, gas: "0x0"}], json_rpc_named_arguments)
assert is_list(logs)
describe "subscribe/2" do
test "can subscribe to newHeads", %{subscribe_named_arguments: subscribe_named_arguments} do
transport = Keyword.fetch!(subscribe_named_arguments, :transport)
transport_options = subscribe_named_arguments[:transport_options]
subscriber_pid = self()
Reconnect, rerequest, and resubscribe when websocket disconnects * Use struct, `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.WebSocketClient.Options{}` to hold `web_socket_options`. * `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Registration{}` * Record `t:EthereumJSONRPC.request/0` in `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Registration{}`, so that the request can be re-requested if the websocket disconnects and reconnects. * Drop server-side `subscription_id` from `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Registration{}` as it can retrieved from `request` now. * `EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.WebSocketClient` * Track whether the web socket is connected or not, so that requests aren't sent when in the disconnected state. This prevents double-sends as `handle_call` can be called before `onconnect`, which caused that first subscribe to be sent twice. * Instead of the subscriber knowing the server-side subscription id, an opaque `t:reference/0` is used, so that the reference is stable in the subscriber's `%Subscription{}`, but the subscription ID can change on reconnect, which means replacing `subscription_id_to_subscription` in `%WebSocketClient{}` with 3 maps 1. `subscription_id_to_subscription_reference` - used translate server-side, per-connection subscription to the stable reference in `subscription_reference_to_subscription` 2. `subscription_reference_to_subscription_id` - used to convert stable reference to subscription id to unsubscribe. 3. `subscription_reference_to_subscription` - used to get full Subscription, including the subscriber_pid for when subscription messages are delivered or the subscription needs to be resubscribed using the `web_socket_options`. * `ondisconnect`, `:reconnect` immediately. * When disconnecting, tell unsubscribers they were successful. * Hold any json_rpc or subscribe requests to retry on reconnect. * Hold any subscriptions to resubscribe on reconnect. * `onconnect` * re-request the saved json_rpc and subscribe requests. * issue new requests to re-establish the subscriptions that had already succeeded in their subscribe requests. * `%EthereumJSONRPC.Subscription{}` * Replace `id`, which did match the server created ID, with a `t:reference/0`, which allows for indirection and for the server created ID to change on reconnect while the subscriber does not need to care about the reconnections. * `EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket` * `options` is switched from a Keyword.t to a struct, `t`, so that it is easier to pattern match for the reconnect logic in `WebSocketClient`. * `web_socket_options` is no longer a generic `term` because the code did require it to be a map with a `:web_socket` key for the `t:GenServer.server/0`.
6 years ago
subscription_transport_options =
case transport do
EthereumJSONRPC.Mox ->
expect(transport, :subscribe, fn "newHeads", [], _ ->
reference: make_ref(),
subscriber_pid: subscriber_pid,
transport: transport,
transport_options: transport_options
EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket ->
update_in(transport_options.web_socket_options, fn %WebSocketClient.Options{} = web_socket_options ->
%WebSocketClient.Options{web_socket_options | event: "newHeads", params: []}
assert {:ok,
Reconnect, rerequest, and resubscribe when websocket disconnects * Use struct, `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.WebSocketClient.Options{}` to hold `web_socket_options`. * `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Registration{}` * Record `t:EthereumJSONRPC.request/0` in `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Registration{}`, so that the request can be re-requested if the websocket disconnects and reconnects. * Drop server-side `subscription_id` from `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Registration{}` as it can retrieved from `request` now. * `EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.WebSocketClient` * Track whether the web socket is connected or not, so that requests aren't sent when in the disconnected state. This prevents double-sends as `handle_call` can be called before `onconnect`, which caused that first subscribe to be sent twice. * Instead of the subscriber knowing the server-side subscription id, an opaque `t:reference/0` is used, so that the reference is stable in the subscriber's `%Subscription{}`, but the subscription ID can change on reconnect, which means replacing `subscription_id_to_subscription` in `%WebSocketClient{}` with 3 maps 1. `subscription_id_to_subscription_reference` - used translate server-side, per-connection subscription to the stable reference in `subscription_reference_to_subscription` 2. `subscription_reference_to_subscription_id` - used to convert stable reference to subscription id to unsubscribe. 3. `subscription_reference_to_subscription` - used to get full Subscription, including the subscriber_pid for when subscription messages are delivered or the subscription needs to be resubscribed using the `web_socket_options`. * `ondisconnect`, `:reconnect` immediately. * When disconnecting, tell unsubscribers they were successful. * Hold any json_rpc or subscribe requests to retry on reconnect. * Hold any subscriptions to resubscribe on reconnect. * `onconnect` * re-request the saved json_rpc and subscribe requests. * issue new requests to re-establish the subscriptions that had already succeeded in their subscribe requests. * `%EthereumJSONRPC.Subscription{}` * Replace `id`, which did match the server created ID, with a `t:reference/0`, which allows for indirection and for the server created ID to change on reconnect while the subscriber does not need to care about the reconnections. * `EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket` * `options` is switched from a Keyword.t to a struct, `t`, so that it is easier to pattern match for the reconnect logic in `WebSocketClient`. * `web_socket_options` is no longer a generic `term` because the code did require it to be a map with a `:web_socket` key for the `t:GenServer.server/0`.
6 years ago
reference: subscription_reference,
subscriber_pid: ^subscriber_pid,
transport: ^transport,
Reconnect, rerequest, and resubscribe when websocket disconnects * Use struct, `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.WebSocketClient.Options{}` to hold `web_socket_options`. * `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Registration{}` * Record `t:EthereumJSONRPC.request/0` in `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Registration{}`, so that the request can be re-requested if the websocket disconnects and reconnects. * Drop server-side `subscription_id` from `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Registration{}` as it can retrieved from `request` now. * `EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.WebSocketClient` * Track whether the web socket is connected or not, so that requests aren't sent when in the disconnected state. This prevents double-sends as `handle_call` can be called before `onconnect`, which caused that first subscribe to be sent twice. * Instead of the subscriber knowing the server-side subscription id, an opaque `t:reference/0` is used, so that the reference is stable in the subscriber's `%Subscription{}`, but the subscription ID can change on reconnect, which means replacing `subscription_id_to_subscription` in `%WebSocketClient{}` with 3 maps 1. `subscription_id_to_subscription_reference` - used translate server-side, per-connection subscription to the stable reference in `subscription_reference_to_subscription` 2. `subscription_reference_to_subscription_id` - used to convert stable reference to subscription id to unsubscribe. 3. `subscription_reference_to_subscription` - used to get full Subscription, including the subscriber_pid for when subscription messages are delivered or the subscription needs to be resubscribed using the `web_socket_options`. * `ondisconnect`, `:reconnect` immediately. * When disconnecting, tell unsubscribers they were successful. * Hold any json_rpc or subscribe requests to retry on reconnect. * Hold any subscriptions to resubscribe on reconnect. * `onconnect` * re-request the saved json_rpc and subscribe requests. * issue new requests to re-establish the subscriptions that had already succeeded in their subscribe requests. * `%EthereumJSONRPC.Subscription{}` * Replace `id`, which did match the server created ID, with a `t:reference/0`, which allows for indirection and for the server created ID to change on reconnect while the subscriber does not need to care about the reconnections. * `EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket` * `options` is switched from a Keyword.t to a struct, `t`, so that it is easier to pattern match for the reconnect logic in `WebSocketClient`. * `web_socket_options` is no longer a generic `term` because the code did require it to be a map with a `:web_socket` key for the `t:GenServer.server/0`.
6 years ago
transport_options: ^subscription_transport_options
}} = EthereumJSONRPC.subscribe("newHeads", subscribe_named_arguments)
Reconnect, rerequest, and resubscribe when websocket disconnects * Use struct, `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.WebSocketClient.Options{}` to hold `web_socket_options`. * `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Registration{}` * Record `t:EthereumJSONRPC.request/0` in `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Registration{}`, so that the request can be re-requested if the websocket disconnects and reconnects. * Drop server-side `subscription_id` from `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Registration{}` as it can retrieved from `request` now. * `EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.WebSocketClient` * Track whether the web socket is connected or not, so that requests aren't sent when in the disconnected state. This prevents double-sends as `handle_call` can be called before `onconnect`, which caused that first subscribe to be sent twice. * Instead of the subscriber knowing the server-side subscription id, an opaque `t:reference/0` is used, so that the reference is stable in the subscriber's `%Subscription{}`, but the subscription ID can change on reconnect, which means replacing `subscription_id_to_subscription` in `%WebSocketClient{}` with 3 maps 1. `subscription_id_to_subscription_reference` - used translate server-side, per-connection subscription to the stable reference in `subscription_reference_to_subscription` 2. `subscription_reference_to_subscription_id` - used to convert stable reference to subscription id to unsubscribe. 3. `subscription_reference_to_subscription` - used to get full Subscription, including the subscriber_pid for when subscription messages are delivered or the subscription needs to be resubscribed using the `web_socket_options`. * `ondisconnect`, `:reconnect` immediately. * When disconnecting, tell unsubscribers they were successful. * Hold any json_rpc or subscribe requests to retry on reconnect. * Hold any subscriptions to resubscribe on reconnect. * `onconnect` * re-request the saved json_rpc and subscribe requests. * issue new requests to re-establish the subscriptions that had already succeeded in their subscribe requests. * `%EthereumJSONRPC.Subscription{}` * Replace `id`, which did match the server created ID, with a `t:reference/0`, which allows for indirection and for the server created ID to change on reconnect while the subscriber does not need to care about the reconnections. * `EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket` * `options` is switched from a Keyword.t to a struct, `t`, so that it is easier to pattern match for the reconnect logic in `WebSocketClient`. * `web_socket_options` is no longer a generic `term` because the code did require it to be a map with a `:web_socket` key for the `t:GenServer.server/0`.
6 years ago
assert is_reference(subscription_reference)
# Infura timeouts on 2018-09-12
@tag :no_geth
test "delivers new heads to caller", %{
block_interval: block_interval,
subscribe_named_arguments: subscribe_named_arguments
} do
transport = Keyword.fetch!(subscribe_named_arguments, :transport)
transport_options = subscribe_named_arguments[:transport_options]
subscriber_pid = self()
if transport == EthereumJSONRPC.Mox do
expect(transport, :subscribe, fn _, _, _ ->
subscription = %Subscription{
Reconnect, rerequest, and resubscribe when websocket disconnects * Use struct, `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.WebSocketClient.Options{}` to hold `web_socket_options`. * `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Registration{}` * Record `t:EthereumJSONRPC.request/0` in `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Registration{}`, so that the request can be re-requested if the websocket disconnects and reconnects. * Drop server-side `subscription_id` from `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Registration{}` as it can retrieved from `request` now. * `EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.WebSocketClient` * Track whether the web socket is connected or not, so that requests aren't sent when in the disconnected state. This prevents double-sends as `handle_call` can be called before `onconnect`, which caused that first subscribe to be sent twice. * Instead of the subscriber knowing the server-side subscription id, an opaque `t:reference/0` is used, so that the reference is stable in the subscriber's `%Subscription{}`, but the subscription ID can change on reconnect, which means replacing `subscription_id_to_subscription` in `%WebSocketClient{}` with 3 maps 1. `subscription_id_to_subscription_reference` - used translate server-side, per-connection subscription to the stable reference in `subscription_reference_to_subscription` 2. `subscription_reference_to_subscription_id` - used to convert stable reference to subscription id to unsubscribe. 3. `subscription_reference_to_subscription` - used to get full Subscription, including the subscriber_pid for when subscription messages are delivered or the subscription needs to be resubscribed using the `web_socket_options`. * `ondisconnect`, `:reconnect` immediately. * When disconnecting, tell unsubscribers they were successful. * Hold any json_rpc or subscribe requests to retry on reconnect. * Hold any subscriptions to resubscribe on reconnect. * `onconnect` * re-request the saved json_rpc and subscribe requests. * issue new requests to re-establish the subscriptions that had already succeeded in their subscribe requests. * `%EthereumJSONRPC.Subscription{}` * Replace `id`, which did match the server created ID, with a `t:reference/0`, which allows for indirection and for the server created ID to change on reconnect while the subscriber does not need to care about the reconnections. * `EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket` * `options` is switched from a Keyword.t to a struct, `t`, so that it is easier to pattern match for the reconnect logic in `WebSocketClient`. * `web_socket_options` is no longer a generic `term` because the code did require it to be a map with a `:web_socket` key for the `t:GenServer.server/0`.
6 years ago
reference: make_ref(),
subscriber_pid: subscriber_pid,
transport: transport,
transport_options: transport_options
Process.send_after(subscriber_pid, {subscription, {:ok, %{"number" => "0x1"}}}, block_interval)
{:ok, subscription}
assert {:ok, subscription} = EthereumJSONRPC.subscribe("newHeads", subscribe_named_arguments)
assert_receive {^subscription, {:ok, %{"number" => _}}}, block_interval * 2
describe "unsubscribe/2" do
# Infura timeouts on 2018-09-10
@tag :no_geth
test "can unsubscribe", %{subscribe_named_arguments: subscribe_named_arguments} do
transport = Keyword.fetch!(subscribe_named_arguments, :transport)
transport_options = subscribe_named_arguments[:transport_options]
subscriber_pid = self()
if transport == EthereumJSONRPC.Mox do
subscription = %Subscription{
Reconnect, rerequest, and resubscribe when websocket disconnects * Use struct, `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.WebSocketClient.Options{}` to hold `web_socket_options`. * `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Registration{}` * Record `t:EthereumJSONRPC.request/0` in `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Registration{}`, so that the request can be re-requested if the websocket disconnects and reconnects. * Drop server-side `subscription_id` from `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Registration{}` as it can retrieved from `request` now. * `EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.WebSocketClient` * Track whether the web socket is connected or not, so that requests aren't sent when in the disconnected state. This prevents double-sends as `handle_call` can be called before `onconnect`, which caused that first subscribe to be sent twice. * Instead of the subscriber knowing the server-side subscription id, an opaque `t:reference/0` is used, so that the reference is stable in the subscriber's `%Subscription{}`, but the subscription ID can change on reconnect, which means replacing `subscription_id_to_subscription` in `%WebSocketClient{}` with 3 maps 1. `subscription_id_to_subscription_reference` - used translate server-side, per-connection subscription to the stable reference in `subscription_reference_to_subscription` 2. `subscription_reference_to_subscription_id` - used to convert stable reference to subscription id to unsubscribe. 3. `subscription_reference_to_subscription` - used to get full Subscription, including the subscriber_pid for when subscription messages are delivered or the subscription needs to be resubscribed using the `web_socket_options`. * `ondisconnect`, `:reconnect` immediately. * When disconnecting, tell unsubscribers they were successful. * Hold any json_rpc or subscribe requests to retry on reconnect. * Hold any subscriptions to resubscribe on reconnect. * `onconnect` * re-request the saved json_rpc and subscribe requests. * issue new requests to re-establish the subscriptions that had already succeeded in their subscribe requests. * `%EthereumJSONRPC.Subscription{}` * Replace `id`, which did match the server created ID, with a `t:reference/0`, which allows for indirection and for the server created ID to change on reconnect while the subscriber does not need to care about the reconnections. * `EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket` * `options` is switched from a Keyword.t to a struct, `t`, so that it is easier to pattern match for the reconnect logic in `WebSocketClient`. * `web_socket_options` is no longer a generic `term` because the code did require it to be a map with a `:web_socket` key for the `t:GenServer.server/0`.
6 years ago
reference: make_ref(),
subscriber_pid: subscriber_pid,
transport: transport,
transport_options: transport_options
|> expect(:subscribe, fn _, _, _ -> {:ok, subscription} end)
|> expect(:unsubscribe, fn ^subscription -> :ok end)
assert {:ok, subscription} = EthereumJSONRPC.subscribe("newHeads", subscribe_named_arguments)
assert :ok = EthereumJSONRPC.unsubscribe(subscription)
# Infura timeouts on 2018-09-10
@tag :no_geth
test "stops messages being sent to subscriber", %{
block_interval: block_interval,
subscribe_named_arguments: subscribe_named_arguments
} do
transport = Keyword.fetch!(subscribe_named_arguments, :transport)
subscriber_pid = self()
if transport == EthereumJSONRPC.Mox do
subscription = %Subscription{
Reconnect, rerequest, and resubscribe when websocket disconnects * Use struct, `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.WebSocketClient.Options{}` to hold `web_socket_options`. * `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Registration{}` * Record `t:EthereumJSONRPC.request/0` in `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Registration{}`, so that the request can be re-requested if the websocket disconnects and reconnects. * Drop server-side `subscription_id` from `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Registration{}` as it can retrieved from `request` now. * `EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.WebSocketClient` * Track whether the web socket is connected or not, so that requests aren't sent when in the disconnected state. This prevents double-sends as `handle_call` can be called before `onconnect`, which caused that first subscribe to be sent twice. * Instead of the subscriber knowing the server-side subscription id, an opaque `t:reference/0` is used, so that the reference is stable in the subscriber's `%Subscription{}`, but the subscription ID can change on reconnect, which means replacing `subscription_id_to_subscription` in `%WebSocketClient{}` with 3 maps 1. `subscription_id_to_subscription_reference` - used translate server-side, per-connection subscription to the stable reference in `subscription_reference_to_subscription` 2. `subscription_reference_to_subscription_id` - used to convert stable reference to subscription id to unsubscribe. 3. `subscription_reference_to_subscription` - used to get full Subscription, including the subscriber_pid for when subscription messages are delivered or the subscription needs to be resubscribed using the `web_socket_options`. * `ondisconnect`, `:reconnect` immediately. * When disconnecting, tell unsubscribers they were successful. * Hold any json_rpc or subscribe requests to retry on reconnect. * Hold any subscriptions to resubscribe on reconnect. * `onconnect` * re-request the saved json_rpc and subscribe requests. * issue new requests to re-establish the subscriptions that had already succeeded in their subscribe requests. * `%EthereumJSONRPC.Subscription{}` * Replace `id`, which did match the server created ID, with a `t:reference/0`, which allows for indirection and for the server created ID to change on reconnect while the subscriber does not need to care about the reconnections. * `EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket` * `options` is switched from a Keyword.t to a struct, `t`, so that it is easier to pattern match for the reconnect logic in `WebSocketClient`. * `web_socket_options` is no longer a generic `term` because the code did require it to be a map with a `:web_socket` key for the `t:GenServer.server/0`.
6 years ago
reference: make_ref(),
subscriber_pid: subscriber_pid,
transport: transport,
transport_options: Keyword.fetch!(subscribe_named_arguments, :transport_options)
{:ok, pid} = Task.start_link(EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Case.Mox, :loop, [%{}])
|> expect(:subscribe, 2, fn "newHeads", [], _ ->
send(pid, {:subscribe, subscription})
{:ok, subscription}
|> expect(:unsubscribe, fn ^subscription ->
send(pid, {:unsubscribe, subscription})
assert {:ok, first_subscription} = EthereumJSONRPC.subscribe("newHeads", [], subscribe_named_arguments)
assert {:ok, second_subscription} = EthereumJSONRPC.subscribe("newHeads", [], subscribe_named_arguments)
wait = block_interval * 2
assert_receive {^first_subscription, {:ok, %{"number" => _}}}, wait
assert_receive {^second_subscription, {:ok, %{"number" => _}}}, wait
assert :ok = EthereumJSONRPC.unsubscribe(first_subscription)
# see the message on the second subscription, so that we don't have to wait for the refute_receive, which would
# wait the full timeout
assert_receive {^second_subscription, {:ok, %{"number" => _}}}, wait
refute_receive {^first_subscription, _}
test "return error if already unsubscribed", %{subscribe_named_arguments: subscribe_named_arguments} do
transport = Keyword.fetch!(subscribe_named_arguments, :transport)
transport_options = subscribe_named_arguments[:transport_options]
subscriber_pid = self()
if transport == EthereumJSONRPC.Mox do
subscription = %Subscription{
Reconnect, rerequest, and resubscribe when websocket disconnects * Use struct, `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.WebSocketClient.Options{}` to hold `web_socket_options`. * `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Registration{}` * Record `t:EthereumJSONRPC.request/0` in `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Registration{}`, so that the request can be re-requested if the websocket disconnects and reconnects. * Drop server-side `subscription_id` from `%EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Registration{}` as it can retrieved from `request` now. * `EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.WebSocketClient` * Track whether the web socket is connected or not, so that requests aren't sent when in the disconnected state. This prevents double-sends as `handle_call` can be called before `onconnect`, which caused that first subscribe to be sent twice. * Instead of the subscriber knowing the server-side subscription id, an opaque `t:reference/0` is used, so that the reference is stable in the subscriber's `%Subscription{}`, but the subscription ID can change on reconnect, which means replacing `subscription_id_to_subscription` in `%WebSocketClient{}` with 3 maps 1. `subscription_id_to_subscription_reference` - used translate server-side, per-connection subscription to the stable reference in `subscription_reference_to_subscription` 2. `subscription_reference_to_subscription_id` - used to convert stable reference to subscription id to unsubscribe. 3. `subscription_reference_to_subscription` - used to get full Subscription, including the subscriber_pid for when subscription messages are delivered or the subscription needs to be resubscribed using the `web_socket_options`. * `ondisconnect`, `:reconnect` immediately. * When disconnecting, tell unsubscribers they were successful. * Hold any json_rpc or subscribe requests to retry on reconnect. * Hold any subscriptions to resubscribe on reconnect. * `onconnect` * re-request the saved json_rpc and subscribe requests. * issue new requests to re-establish the subscriptions that had already succeeded in their subscribe requests. * `%EthereumJSONRPC.Subscription{}` * Replace `id`, which did match the server created ID, with a `t:reference/0`, which allows for indirection and for the server created ID to change on reconnect while the subscriber does not need to care about the reconnections. * `EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket` * `options` is switched from a Keyword.t to a struct, `t`, so that it is easier to pattern match for the reconnect logic in `WebSocketClient`. * `web_socket_options` is no longer a generic `term` because the code did require it to be a map with a `:web_socket` key for the `t:GenServer.server/0`.
6 years ago
reference: make_ref(),
subscriber_pid: subscriber_pid,
transport: transport,
transport_options: transport_options
|> expect(:subscribe, fn _, _, _ -> {:ok, subscription} end)
|> expect(:unsubscribe, fn ^subscription -> :ok end)
|> expect(:unsubscribe, fn ^subscription -> {:error, :not_found} end)
assert {:ok, subscription} = EthereumJSONRPC.subscribe("newHeads", [], subscribe_named_arguments)
assert :ok = EthereumJSONRPC.unsubscribe(subscription)
assert {:error, :not_found} = EthereumJSONRPC.unsubscribe(subscription)
describe "unique_request_id" do
test "returns integer" do
assert is_integer(EthereumJSONRPC.unique_request_id())
describe "execute_contract_functions/3" do
test "executes the functions with the block_number" do
json_rpc_named_arguments = Application.get_env(:explorer, :json_rpc_named_arguments)
functions = [
contract_address: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
data: "0x6d4ce63c",
id: "get"
fn [%{id: id, method: _, params: [%{data: _, to: _}, _]}], _options ->
id: id,
jsonrpc: "2.0",
result: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
blockchain_result =
id: "get",
jsonrpc: "2.0",
result: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
assert EthereumJSONRPC.execute_contract_functions(
block_number: 1000
) == blockchain_result
test "executes the functions even when the block_number is not given" do
json_rpc_named_arguments = Application.get_env(:explorer, :json_rpc_named_arguments)
functions = [
contract_address: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
data: "0x6d4ce63c",
id: "get"
fn [%{id: id, method: _, params: [%{data: _, to: _}, "latest"]}], _options ->
id: id,
jsonrpc: "2.0",
result: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
blockchain_result =
id: "get",
jsonrpc: "2.0",
result: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
assert EthereumJSONRPC.execute_contract_functions(
) == blockchain_result
defp clear_mailbox do
receive do
_ -> clear_mailbox()
0 ->