Blockchain explorer for Ethereum based network and a tool for inspecting and analyzing EVM based blockchains.
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defmodule Explorer.Transaction do
@moduledoc "Models a Web3 transaction."
use Explorer.Schema
alias Explorer.Address
alias Explorer.BlockTransaction
alias Explorer.InternalTransaction
alias Explorer.Receipt
alias Explorer.Transaction
schema "transactions" do
has_one(:receipt, Receipt)
has_one(:block_transaction, BlockTransaction)
has_one(:block, through: [:block_transaction, :block])
belongs_to(:from_address, Address)
belongs_to(:to_address, Address)
has_many(:internal_transactions, InternalTransaction)
field(:hash, :string)
field(:value, :decimal)
field(:gas, :decimal)
field(:gas_price, :decimal)
field(:input, :string)
field(:nonce, :integer)
field(:public_key, :string)
field(:r, :string)
field(:s, :string)
field(:standard_v, :string)
field(:transaction_index, :string)
field(:v, :string)
@required_attrs ~w(hash value gas gas_price input nonce public_key r s
standard_v transaction_index v)a
@optional_attrs ~w(to_address_id from_address_id)a
@doc false
7 years ago
def changeset(%Transaction{} = transaction, attrs \\ %{}) do
|> cast(attrs, @required_attrs ++ @optional_attrs)
|> validate_required(@required_attrs)
|> foreign_key_constraint(:block_id)
|> update_change(:hash, &String.downcase/1)
|> unique_constraint(:hash)
def null, do: %Transaction{}