Update Staking DApp scripts

due to MetaMask breaking changes: https://docs.metamask.io/guide/provider-migration.html
POA 4 years ago
parent 84741f3db5
commit 0634c259e4
  1. 85
  2. 4
  3. 2
  4. 2
  5. 6

@ -158,8 +158,6 @@ if ($stakesPage.length) {
updating = true
const firstMsg = (state.currentBlockNumber === 0)
store.dispatch({ type: 'BLOCK_CREATED', currentBlockNumber: msg.block_number })
// hide tooltip on tooltip triggering element reloading
@ -179,13 +177,9 @@ if ($stakesPage.length) {
msg.epoch_number > state.lastEpochNumber ||
msg.validator_set_apply_block !== state.validatorSetApplyBlock ||
(state.refreshInterval && msg.block_number >= state.refreshBlockNumber + state.refreshInterval) ||
accountChanged(msg.account, state) || msg.by_set_account
accountChanged(msg.account, state) ||
) {
if (firstMsg) {
// Don't refresh the page for the first load
// as it is already refreshed by the `initialize` function.
msg.dont_refresh_page = true
await reloadPoolList(msg, store)
@ -205,7 +199,6 @@ if ($stakesPage.length) {
if (!store.getState().finishRequestResolve) {
$stakesPage.fadeTo(0, 0.5)
delete msg.dont_refresh_page // refresh anyway
await reloadPoolList(msg, store)
@ -308,6 +301,28 @@ function accountChanged (account, state) {
return account !== state.account
async function getAccounts () {
let accounts = []
try {
accounts = await window.ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_accounts' })
} catch (e) {
console.error('eth_accounts request failed. Make sure you are using the latest version of MetaMask')
openErrorModal('Get account', 'Cannot get your account address. Make sure you are using the latest version of MetaMask')
return accounts
async function getNetId (web3) {
let netId = null
if (!window.ethereum.chainId) {
console.error('Cannot get chainId. Make sure you are using the latest MetaMask version')
} else {
const { chainId } = window.ethereum
netId = web3.utils.isHex(chainId) ? web3.utils.hexToNumber(chainId) : chainId
return netId
function hideCurrentModal () {
const $modal = currentModal()
if ($modal) $modal.modal('hide')
@ -316,51 +331,63 @@ function hideCurrentModal () {
function initialize (store) {
if (window.ethereum) {
const web3 = new Web3(window.ethereum)
if (window.ethereum.autoRefreshOnNetworkChange) {
window.ethereum.autoRefreshOnNetworkChange = false
store.dispatch({ type: 'WEB3_DETECTED', web3 })
checkNetworkAndAccount(store, web3)
initNetworkAndAccount(store, web3)
window.ethereum.on('chainChanged', async (chainId) => {
const newNetId = web3.utils.isHex(chainId) ? web3.utils.hexToNumber(chainId) : chainId
setNetwork(newNetId, store)
window.ethereum.on('accountsChanged', async (accs) => {
const newAccount = accs && accs.length > 0 ? accs[0].toLowerCase() : null
if (accountChanged(newAccount, store.getState())) {
await setAccount(newAccount, store)
$stakesTop.on('click', '[data-selector="login-button"]', loginByMetamask)
} else {
// We do the first load immediately if the latest version of MetaMask is not installed
async function checkNetworkAndAccount (store, web3) {
const networkId = await web3.eth.net.getId()
async function initNetworkAndAccount (store, web3) {
const state = store.getState()
let refresh = false
const networkId = await getNetId(web3)
if (!state.network || (networkId !== state.network.id)) {
setNetwork(networkId, store)
refresh = true
const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts()
const accounts = await getAccounts()
const account = accounts[0] ? accounts[0].toLowerCase() : null
if (accountChanged(account, state) && await setAccount(account, store)) {
refresh = false // because refreshing will be done by `onStakingUpdate`
if (refresh) {
if (accountChanged(account, state)) {
await setAccount(account, store)
// We don't call `refreshPageWrapper` in this case because it will be called
// by the `onStakingUpdate` function
} else {
await refreshPageWrapper(store)
setTimeout(() => {
checkNetworkAndAccount(store, web3)
}, 100)
async function loginByMetamask () {
try {
await window.ethereum.enable()
await window.ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_requestAccounts' })
} catch (e) {
console.error('User denied account access')
if (e.code !== 4001) {
console.error('eth_requestAccounts failed. Make sure you are using the latest MetaMask version')
openErrorModal('Request account access', 'Cannot request access to your account in MetaMask. Make sure you are using the latest version of MetaMask')
@ -394,10 +421,8 @@ async function reloadPoolList (msg, store) {
stakingTokenDefined: msg.staking_token_defined,
validatorSetApplyBlock: msg.validator_set_apply_block
if (!msg.dont_refresh_page) {
await refreshPageWrapper(store)
function resetFilterMy (store) {
$stakesPage.find('[pool-filter-my]').prop('checked', false)
@ -417,11 +442,13 @@ function setAccount (account, store) {
'set_account', account
).receive('ok', () => {
if (account) {
<div data-placement="bottom" data-toggle="tooltip" title="${account}">
}).receive('error', () => {
@ -468,7 +495,7 @@ function updateFilters (store, filterType) {
if (filterType === 'my' && !state.account) {
filterMy.prop('checked', false)
openWarningModal('Unauthorized', 'Please login with MetaMask')
openWarningModal('Unauthorized', 'You are not logged in. Please login with the latest version of MetaMask')

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ export async function openBecomeCandidateModal (event, store) {
const state = store.getState()
if (!state.account) {
openWarningModal('Unauthorized', 'You haven\'t approved the reading of account list from your MetaMask or MetaMask is not installed.')
openWarningModal('Unauthorized', 'You haven\'t approved the reading of account list from your MetaMask or the latest MetaMask is not installed.')
@ -93,6 +93,8 @@ async function becomeCandidate ($modal, store, msg) {
console.log(`Call addPool(${stake.toString()}, ${miningAddress})`)
makeContractCall(stakingContract.methods.addPool(stake.toString(), miningAddress), store)
} catch (err) {
openErrorModal('Error', err.message)

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ export function openClaimRewardModal (event, store) {
const state = store.getState()
if (!state.account) {
openWarningModal('Unauthorized', 'Please login with MetaMask')
openWarningModal('Unauthorized', 'You are not logged in. Please login with the latest version of MetaMask')

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ export function openMakeStakeModal (event, store) {
const state = store.getState()
if (!state.account) {
openWarningModal('Unauthorized', 'You haven\'t approved the reading of account list from your MetaMask or MetaMask is not installed.')
openWarningModal('Unauthorized', 'You haven\'t approved the reading of account list from your MetaMask or the latest MetaMask is not installed.')

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ export async function makeContractCall (call, store, gasLimit, callbackFunc) {
if (!from) {
return callbackFunc('Your MetaMask account is undefined. Please, contact support.')
return callbackFunc('Your MetaMask account is undefined. Please, ensure you are using the latest MetaMask and connected it to the page')
} else if (!web3) {
return callbackFunc('Web3 is undefined. Please, contact support.')
@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ export async function makeContractCall (call, store, gasLimit, callbackFunc) {
try {
gasLimit = await call.estimateGas({ from, gasPrice })
} catch (e) {
console.log(`from = ${from}`)
return callbackFunc('Your transaction cannot be mined at the moment. Please, try again in a few blocks.')
@ -128,7 +130,7 @@ export function isSupportedNetwork (store) {
if (state.network && state.network.authorized) {
return true
openWarningModal('Unauthorized', 'Please, connect to the xDai Chain.<br /><a href="https://xdaichain.com" target="_blank">Instructions</a>')
openWarningModal('Unauthorized', 'Please, connect to the xDai Chain.<br /><a href="https://xdaichain.com" target="_blank">Instructions</a>. If you have already connected to, please update MetaMask to the latest version.')
return false
