Merge pull request #1684 from poanetwork/gs-fix-consensus-loss
Discard child block with parent_hash not matching hash of imported blockpull/1665/head
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ |
defmodule Indexer.Block.InvalidConsensus.Supervisor do |
@moduledoc """ |
Supervises process for ensuring blocks with invalid consensus get queued for |
indexing. |
""" |
use Supervisor |
alias Indexer.Block.InvalidConsensus.Worker |
def child_spec([]) do |
child_spec([[]]) |
end |
def child_spec([init_arguments]) do |
child_spec([init_arguments, [name: __MODULE__]]) |
end |
def child_spec([_init_arguments, _gen_server_options] = start_link_arguments) do |
spec = %{ |
id: __MODULE__, |
start: {__MODULE__, :start_link, start_link_arguments}, |
restart: :transient, |
type: :supervisor |
} |
Supervisor.child_spec(spec, []) |
end |
def start_link(init_arguments, gen_server_options \\ []) do |
Supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, init_arguments, gen_server_options) |
end |
@impl Supervisor |
def init(_) do |
children = [ |
{Worker, [[supervisor: self()], [name: Worker]]}, |
{Task.Supervisor, name: Indexer.Block.InvalidConsensus.TaskSupervisor} |
] |
opts = [strategy: :one_for_all] |
Supervisor.init(children, opts) |
end |
end |
@ -1,99 +0,0 @@ |
defmodule Indexer.Block.InvalidConsensus.Worker do |
@moduledoc """ |
Finds blocks with invalid consensus and queues them up to be refetched. This |
process does this once, after the application starts up. |
A block has invalid consensus when it is referenced as the parent hash of a |
block with consensus while not having consensus (consensus=false). Only one |
block can have consensus at a given height (block number). |
""" |
use GenServer |
require Logger |
alias Explorer.Chain |
alias Indexer.Block.Catchup.Fetcher |
alias Indexer.Block.InvalidConsensus.TaskSupervisor |
def child_spec([init_arguments]) do |
child_spec([init_arguments, []]) |
end |
def child_spec([_init_arguments, _gen_server_options] = start_link_arguments) do |
spec = %{ |
id: __MODULE__, |
start: {__MODULE__, :start_link, start_link_arguments}, |
restart: :transient, |
type: :worker |
} |
Supervisor.child_spec(spec, []) |
end |
def start_link(init_arguments, gen_server_options \\ []) do |
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, init_arguments, gen_server_options) |
end |
def init(opts) do |
sup_pid = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :supervisor) |
retry_interval = Keyword.get(opts, :retry_interval, 10_000) |
send(self(), :scan) |
state = %{ |
block_numbers: [], |
retry_interval: retry_interval, |
sup_pid: sup_pid, |
task_ref: nil |
} |
{:ok, state} |
end |
def handle_info(:scan, state) do |
block_numbers = Chain.list_block_numbers_with_invalid_consensus() |
case block_numbers do |
[] -> |
Supervisor.stop(state.sup_pid, :normal) |
{:noreply, state} |
block_numbers -> |
Process.send_after(self(), :push_front_blocks, state.retry_interval) |
{:noreply, %{state | block_numbers: block_numbers}} |
end |
end |
def handle_info(:push_front_blocks, %{block_numbers: block_numbers} = state) do |
%Task{ref: ref} = async_push_front(block_numbers) |
{:noreply, %{state | task_ref: ref}} |
end |
def handle_info({ref, :ok}, %{task_ref: ref, sup_pid: sup_pid}) do |
Process.demonitor(ref, [:flush]) |
Supervisor.stop(sup_pid, :normal) |
{:stop, :shutdown} |
end |
def handle_info({ref, {:error, reason}}, %{task_ref: ref, retry_interval: millis} = state) do |
case reason do |
:queue_unavailable -> :ok |
_ -> Logger.error(fn -> inspect(reason) end) |
end |
Process.demonitor(ref, [:flush]) |
Process.send_after(self(), :push_front_blocks, millis) |
{:noreply, %{state | task_ref: nil}} |
end |
def handle_info({:DOWN, ref, :process, _, _}, %{task_ref: ref, retry_interval: millis} = state) do |
Process.send_after(self(), :push_front_blocks, millis) |
{:noreply, %{state | task_ref: nil}} |
end |
defp async_push_front(block_numbers) do |
Task.Supervisor.async_nolink(TaskSupervisor, Fetcher, :push_front, [block_numbers]) |
end |
end |
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ |
defmodule Indexer.Block.Realtime.ConsensusEnsurer do |
@moduledoc """ |
Triggers a refetch if a given block doesn't have consensus. |
""" |
require Logger |
alias Explorer.Chain |
alias Explorer.Chain.Hash |
alias Indexer.Block.Realtime.Fetcher |
def perform(_, number, _) when not is_integer(number) or number < 0, do: :ok |
def perform(%Hash{byte_count: unquote(Hash.Full.byte_count())} = block_hash, number, block_fetcher) do |
case Chain.hash_to_block(block_hash) do |
{:ok, %{consensus: true} = _block} -> |
:ignore |
_ -> |
|||| -> |
[ |
"refetch from consensus was found on block (", |
to_string(number), |
"). A reorg initiated." |
] |
end) |
# trigger refetch if consensus=false or block was not found |
Fetcher.fetch_and_import_block(number, block_fetcher, true) |
end |
:ok |
end |
end |
@ -1,87 +0,0 @@ |
defmodule Indexer.Block.InvalidConsensus.WorkerTest do |
use Explorer.DataCase |
alias Indexer.Sequence |
alias Indexer.Block.InvalidConsensus.{Worker, TaskSupervisor} |
@moduletag :capture_log |
describe "start_link/1" do |
test "starts the worker" do |
assert {:ok, _pid} = Worker.start_link(supervisor: self()) |
end |
end |
describe "init/1" do |
test "sends message to self" do |
pid = self() |
assert {:ok, %{task_ref: nil, block_numbers: [], sup_pid: ^pid}} = Worker.init(supervisor: self()) |
assert_received :scan |
end |
end |
describe "handle_info with :scan" do |
test "sends shutdown to supervisor" do |
state = %{task_ref: nil, block_numbers: [], sup_pid: self()} |
Task.async(fn -> Worker.handle_info(:scan, state) end) |
assert_receive {_, _, {:terminate, :normal}} |
end |
test "sends message to self when blocks with invalid consensus are found" do |
block1 = insert(:block) |
block2_with_invalid_consensus = insert(:block, parent_hash: block1.hash, consensus: false) |
_block2 = insert(:block, parent_hash: block1.hash, number: block2_with_invalid_consensus.number) |
_block3 = insert(:block, parent_hash: block2_with_invalid_consensus.hash) |
block_number = block2_with_invalid_consensus.number |
expected_state = %{task_ref: nil, block_numbers: [block_number], retry_interval: 1} |
state = %{task_ref: nil, block_numbers: [], retry_interval: 1} |
assert {:noreply, ^expected_state} = Worker.handle_info(:scan, state) |
assert_receive :push_front_blocks |
end |
end |
describe "handle_info with :push_front_blocks" do |
test "starts a task" do |
task_sup_pid = start_supervised!({Task.Supervisor, name: TaskSupervisor}) |
start_supervised!({Sequence, [[ranges: [], step: -1], [name: :block_catchup_sequencer]]}) |
state = %{task_ref: nil, block_numbers: [1]} |
assert {:noreply, %{task_ref: task_ref}} = Worker.handle_info(:push_front_blocks, state) |
assert is_reference(task_ref) |
refute_receive {^task_ref, {:error, :queue_unavailable}} |
assert_receive {^task_ref, :ok} |
stop_supervised(task_sup_pid) |
end |
end |
describe "handle_info with task ref tuple" do |
test "sends shutdown to supervisor on success" do |
ref = Process.monitor(self()) |
state = %{task_ref: ref, block_numbers: [], sup_pid: self()} |
Task.async(fn -> assert Worker.handle_info({ref, :ok}, state) end) |
assert_receive {_, _, {:terminate, :normal}} |
end |
test "sends message to self to try again on failure" do |
ref = Process.monitor(self()) |
state = %{task_ref: ref, block_numbers: [1], sup_pid: self(), retry_interval: 1} |
expected_state = %{state | task_ref: nil} |
assert {:noreply, ^expected_state} = Worker.handle_info({ref, {:error, :queue_unavailable}}, state) |
assert_receive :push_front_blocks |
end |
end |
describe "handle_info with failed task" do |
test "sends message to self to try again" do |
ref = Process.monitor(self()) |
state = %{task_ref: ref, block_numbers: [1], sup_pid: self(), retry_interval: 1} |
assert {:noreply, %{task_ref: nil}} = Worker.handle_info({:DOWN, ref, :process, self(), :EXIT}, state) |
assert_receive :push_front_blocks |
end |
end |
end |
Reference in new issue