diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 12ee5af871..bce3c66497 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
- [#2497](https://github.com/poanetwork/blockscout/pull/2497) - Add generic Ordered Cache behaviour and implementation
### Fixes
+- [#2610](https://github.com/poanetwork/blockscout/pull/2610) - use CoinGecko instead of CoinMarketcap for exchange rates
- [#2640](https://github.com/poanetwork/blockscout/pull/2640) - SVG network icons
- [#2635](https://github.com/poanetwork/blockscout/pull/2635) - optimize ERC721 inventory query
- [#2626](https://github.com/poanetwork/blockscout/pull/2626) - Fixing 2 Mobile UI Issues
diff --git a/apps/block_scout_web/lib/block_scout_web/views/chain_view.ex b/apps/block_scout_web/lib/block_scout_web/views/chain_view.ex
index 506d6ff3c8..a5f0ebef50 100644
--- a/apps/block_scout_web/lib/block_scout_web/views/chain_view.ex
+++ b/apps/block_scout_web/lib/block_scout_web/views/chain_view.ex
@@ -3,6 +3,15 @@ defmodule BlockScoutWeb.ChainView do
alias BlockScoutWeb.LayoutView
+ defp market_cap(:standard, %{available_supply: available_supply, usd_value: usd_value})
+ when is_nil(available_supply) or is_nil(usd_value) do
+ Decimal.new(0)
+ end
+ defp market_cap(:standard, %{available_supply: available_supply, usd_value: usd_value}) do
+ Decimal.mult(available_supply, usd_value)
+ end
defp market_cap(:standard, exchange_rate) do
diff --git a/apps/explorer/config/config.exs b/apps/explorer/config/config.exs
index 93298073e0..10e8a66e82 100644
--- a/apps/explorer/config/config.exs
+++ b/apps/explorer/config/config.exs
@@ -31,8 +31,7 @@ config :explorer, Explorer.ChainSpec.GenesisData, enabled: false, chain_spec_pat
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Cache.BlockNumber, enabled: true
-config :explorer, Explorer.ExchangeRates.Source.CoinMarketCap,
- pages: String.to_integer(System.get_env("COINMARKETCAP_PAGES") || "10")
+config :explorer, Explorer.ExchangeRates.Source.CoinGecko, coin_id: System.get_env("COIN_GECKO_ID", "poa-network")
balances_update_interval =
diff --git a/apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain.ex b/apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain.ex
index 0ab2993b73..1581bd4846 100644
--- a/apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain.ex
+++ b/apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain.ex
@@ -2727,7 +2727,7 @@ defmodule Explorer.Chain do
defp supply_module do
- Application.get_env(:explorer, :supply, Explorer.Chain.Supply.CoinMarketCap)
+ Application.get_env(:explorer, :supply, Explorer.Chain.Supply.ExchangeRate)
@doc """
diff --git a/apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain/supply/coin_market_cap.ex b/apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain/supply/exchange_rate.ex
similarity index 72%
rename from apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain/supply/coin_market_cap.ex
rename to apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain/supply/exchange_rate.ex
index ebaadb3c47..d45a8edc02 100644
--- a/apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain/supply/coin_market_cap.ex
+++ b/apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain/supply/exchange_rate.ex
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-defmodule Explorer.Chain.Supply.CoinMarketCap do
+defmodule Explorer.Chain.Supply.ExchangeRate do
@moduledoc """
- Defines the supply API for calculating supply for coins from coinmarketcap.
+ Defines the supply API for calculating supply for coins from exchange_rate..
use Explorer.Chain.Supply
diff --git a/apps/explorer/lib/explorer/exchange_rates/source.ex b/apps/explorer/lib/explorer/exchange_rates/source.ex
index 41b87c1e29..fdb0e06fc3 100644
--- a/apps/explorer/lib/explorer/exchange_rates/source.ex
+++ b/apps/explorer/lib/explorer/exchange_rates/source.ex
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ defmodule Explorer.ExchangeRates.Source do
@moduledoc """
Behaviour for fetching exchange rates from external sources.
- alias Explorer.ExchangeRates.Source.CoinMarketCap
alias Explorer.ExchangeRates.Token
alias HTTPoison.{Error, Response}
@@ -12,34 +10,18 @@ defmodule Explorer.ExchangeRates.Source do
@spec fetch_exchange_rates(module) :: {:ok, [Token.t()]} | {:error, any}
def fetch_exchange_rates(source \\ exchange_rates_source()) do
- if(source == CoinMarketCap) do
- fetch_exchange_rates_from_paginable_source(source)
- else
- fetch_exchange_rates_request(source)
- end
- end
- defp fetch_exchange_rates_from_paginable_source(source, page \\ 1) do
- case HTTPoison.get(source.source_url(page), headers()) do
- {:ok, %Response{body: body, status_code: 200}} ->
- cond do
- body =~ Explorer.coin() -> {:ok, source.format_data(body)}
- page == source.max_page_number -> {:error, "exchange rates not found for this network"}
- true -> fetch_exchange_rates_from_paginable_source(source, page + 1)
- end
- {:ok, %Response{body: body, status_code: status_code}} when status_code in 400..502 ->
- {:error, decode_json(body)["error"]}
- {:error, %Error{reason: reason}} ->
- {:error, reason}
- end
+ fetch_exchange_rates_request(source)
defp fetch_exchange_rates_request(source) do
case HTTPoison.get(source.source_url(), headers()) do
{:ok, %Response{body: body, status_code: 200}} ->
- {:ok, source.format_data(body)}
+ result =
+ body
+ |> decode_json()
+ |> source.format_data()
+ {:ok, result}
{:ok, %Response{body: body, status_code: status_code}} when status_code in 400..499 ->
{:error, decode_json(body)["error"]}
@@ -83,7 +65,7 @@ defmodule Explorer.ExchangeRates.Source do
@spec exchange_rates_source() :: module()
defp exchange_rates_source do
- config(:source) || Explorer.ExchangeRates.Source.CoinMarketCap
+ config(:source) || Explorer.ExchangeRates.Source.CoinGecko
@spec config(atom()) :: term
diff --git a/apps/explorer/lib/explorer/exchange_rates/source/coin_gecko.ex b/apps/explorer/lib/explorer/exchange_rates/source/coin_gecko.ex
index 4e59537bf6..95ecafb046 100644
--- a/apps/explorer/lib/explorer/exchange_rates/source/coin_gecko.ex
+++ b/apps/explorer/lib/explorer/exchange_rates/source/coin_gecko.ex
@@ -11,43 +11,50 @@ defmodule Explorer.ExchangeRates.Source.CoinGecko do
@behaviour Source
@impl Source
- def format_data(data) do
+ def format_data(%{"market_data" => _} = json_data) do
{:ok, price} = get_btc_price()
btc_price = to_decimal(price)
- for item <- decode_json(data),
- not is_nil(item["total_supply"]) and not is_nil(item["current_price"]) do
- {:ok, last_updated, 0} = DateTime.from_iso8601(item["last_updated"])
+ market_data = json_data["market_data"]
+ {:ok, last_updated, 0} = DateTime.from_iso8601(market_data["last_updated"])
- current_price = to_decimal(item["current_price"])
+ current_price = to_decimal(market_data["current_price"]["usd"])
- id = item["id"]
- btc_value = if id != "btc", do: Decimal.div(current_price, btc_price), else: 1
+ id = json_data["id"]
+ btc_value = if id != "btc", do: Decimal.div(current_price, btc_price), else: 1
+ [
- available_supply: to_decimal(item["total_supply"]),
- total_supply: to_decimal(item["total_supply"]),
+ available_supply: to_decimal(market_data["circulating_supply"]),
+ total_supply: to_decimal(market_data["total_supply"]),
btc_value: btc_value,
- id: id,
+ id: json_data["id"],
last_updated: last_updated,
- market_cap_usd: to_decimal(item["market_cap"]),
- name: item["name"],
- symbol: item["symbol"],
+ market_cap_usd: to_decimal(market_data["market_cap"]["usd"]),
+ name: json_data["name"],
+ symbol: String.upcase(json_data["symbol"]),
usd_value: current_price,
- volume_24h_usd: to_decimal(item["total_volume"])
+ volume_24h_usd: to_decimal(market_data["total_volume"]["usd"])
- end
+ ]
@impl Source
- def source_url(currency \\ "usd") do
- "#{base_url()}/coins/markets?vs_currency=#{currency}"
+ def format_data(_), do: []
+ @impl Source
+ def source_url do
+ "#{base_url()}/coins/#{coin_id()}"
defp base_url do
config(:base_url) || "https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3"
+ defp coin_id do
+ Application.get_env(:explorer, __MODULE__)[:coin_id]
+ end
defp get_btc_price(currency \\ "usd") do
url = "#{base_url()}/exchange_rates"
diff --git a/apps/explorer/lib/explorer/exchange_rates/source/coin_market_cap.ex b/apps/explorer/lib/explorer/exchange_rates/source/coin_market_cap.ex
deleted file mode 100644
index efe592e0fa..0000000000
--- a/apps/explorer/lib/explorer/exchange_rates/source/coin_market_cap.ex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-defmodule Explorer.ExchangeRates.Source.CoinMarketCap do
- @moduledoc """
- Adapter for fetching exchange rates from https://coinmarketcap.com.
- """
- alias Explorer.ExchangeRates.{Source, Token}
- import Source, only: [decode_json: 1, to_decimal: 1]
- @behaviour Source
- @impl Source
- def format_data(data) do
- for item <- decode_json(data), not is_nil(item["last_updated"]) do
- {last_updated_as_unix, _} = Integer.parse(item["last_updated"])
- last_updated = DateTime.from_unix!(last_updated_as_unix)
- %Token{
- available_supply: to_decimal(item["available_supply"]),
- total_supply: to_decimal(item["total_supply"]),
- btc_value: to_decimal(item["price_btc"]),
- id: item["id"],
- last_updated: last_updated,
- market_cap_usd: to_decimal(item["market_cap_usd"]),
- name: item["name"],
- symbol: item["symbol"],
- usd_value: to_decimal(item["price_usd"]),
- volume_24h_usd: to_decimal(item["24h_volume_usd"])
- }
- end
- end
- @impl Source
- def source_url do
- source_url(1)
- end
- def source_url(page) do
- "#{base_url()}/v1/ticker/?start=#{page - 1}00"
- end
- def max_page_number, do: config(:pages)
- defp base_url do
- config(:base_url) || "https://api.coinmarketcap.com"
- end
- @spec config(atom()) :: term
- defp config(key) do
- Application.get_env(:explorer, __MODULE__, [])[key]
- end
diff --git a/apps/explorer/lib/explorer/exchange_rates/source/token_bridge.ex b/apps/explorer/lib/explorer/exchange_rates/source/token_bridge.ex
index 03234ff649..aa2b849a11 100644
--- a/apps/explorer/lib/explorer/exchange_rates/source/token_bridge.ex
+++ b/apps/explorer/lib/explorer/exchange_rates/source/token_bridge.ex
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ defmodule Explorer.ExchangeRates.Source.TokenBridge do
btc_value: original_token.btc_value,
id: original_token.id,
last_updated: original_token.last_updated,
- market_cap_usd: Decimal.mult(to_decimal(Chain.circulating_supply()), original_token.usd_value),
+ market_cap_usd: market_cap_usd(Chain.circulating_supply(), original_token),
name: original_token.name,
symbol: original_token.symbol,
usd_value: original_token.usd_value,
@@ -38,6 +38,14 @@ defmodule Explorer.ExchangeRates.Source.TokenBridge do
+ defp market_cap_usd(nil, _original_token), do: Decimal.new(0)
+ defp market_cap_usd(supply, original_token) do
+ supply
+ |> to_decimal()
+ |> Decimal.mult(original_token.usd_value)
+ end
@impl Source
def source_url do
@@ -45,7 +53,7 @@ defmodule Explorer.ExchangeRates.Source.TokenBridge do
@spec secondary_source() :: module()
defp secondary_source do
- config(:secondary_source) || Explorer.ExchangeRates.Source.CoinMarketCap
+ config(:secondary_source) || Explorer.ExchangeRates.Source.CoinGecko
@spec config(atom()) :: term
diff --git a/apps/explorer/test/explorer/exchange_rates/source/coin_gecko_test.exs b/apps/explorer/test/explorer/exchange_rates/source/coin_gecko_test.exs
index 3c2a9b6feb..b4b3313d6c 100644
--- a/apps/explorer/test/explorer/exchange_rates/source/coin_gecko_test.exs
+++ b/apps/explorer/test/explorer/exchange_rates/source/coin_gecko_test.exs
@@ -18,34 +18,6 @@ defmodule Explorer.ExchangeRates.Source.CoinGeckoTest do
- @json_mkt_data """
- [
- {
- "id": "poa-network",
- "symbol": "poa",
- "name": "POA Network",
- "image": "https://assets.coingecko.com/coins/images/3157/large/poa.jpg?1520829019",
- "current_price": 0.114782883773693,
- "market_cap": 25248999.6735956,
- "market_cap_rank": 185,
- "total_volume": 2344442.13578437,
- "high_24h": 0.115215129840519,
- "low_24h": 0.101039753612939,
- "price_change_24h": 0.0135970966607094,
- "price_change_percentage_24h": 13.437753511298,
- "market_cap_change_24h": 3058195.58191147,
- "market_cap_change_percentage_24h": 13.7813644304017,
- "circulating_supply": "219935174.0",
- "total_supply": 252193195,
- "ath": 0.935923393359191,
- "ath_change_percentage": -87.731057963078,
- "ath_date": "2018-05-10T09:45:31.809Z",
- "roi": null,
- "last_updated": "2018-10-23T01:25:31.764Z"
- }
- ]
- """
describe "format_data/1" do
setup do
bypass = Bypass.open()
@@ -59,31 +31,30 @@ defmodule Explorer.ExchangeRates.Source.CoinGeckoTest do
Conn.resp(conn, 200, @json_btc_price)
- {:ok, expected_date, 0} = "2018-10-23T01:25:31.764Z" |> DateTime.from_iso8601()
+ json_data =
+ "#{File.cwd!()}/test/support/fixture/exchange_rates/coin_gecko.json"
+ |> File.read!()
+ |> Jason.decode!()
expected = [
- available_supply: Decimal.new("252193195"),
- total_supply: Decimal.new("252193195"),
- btc_value: Decimal.new("0.00001753101509231471092879666458"),
+ available_supply: Decimal.new("220167621.0"),
+ total_supply: Decimal.new("252193195.0"),
+ btc_value: Decimal.new("0.000002055310963802830367634997491"),
id: "poa-network",
- last_updated: expected_date,
- market_cap_usd: Decimal.new("25248999.6735956"),
+ last_updated: ~U[2019-08-21 08:36:49.371Z],
+ market_cap_usd: Decimal.new("2962791"),
name: "POA Network",
- symbol: "poa",
- usd_value: Decimal.new("0.114782883773693"),
- volume_24h_usd: Decimal.new("2344442.13578437")
+ symbol: "POA",
+ usd_value: Decimal.new("0.01345698"),
+ volume_24h_usd: Decimal.new("119946")
- assert expected == CoinGecko.format_data(@json_mkt_data)
+ assert expected == CoinGecko.format_data(json_data)
- test "returns nothing when given bad data", %{bypass: bypass} do
- Bypass.expect(bypass, "GET", "/exchange_rates", fn conn ->
- Conn.resp(conn, 200, @json_btc_price)
- end)
+ test "returns nothing when given bad data" do
bad_data = """
[{"id": "poa-network"}]
diff --git a/apps/explorer/test/explorer/exchange_rates/source/coin_market_cap_test.exs b/apps/explorer/test/explorer/exchange_rates/source/coin_market_cap_test.exs
deleted file mode 100644
index e0f1693212..0000000000
--- a/apps/explorer/test/explorer/exchange_rates/source/coin_market_cap_test.exs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-defmodule Explorer.ExchangeRates.Source.CoinMarketCapTest do
- use ExUnit.Case
- alias Explorer.ExchangeRates.Token
- alias Explorer.ExchangeRates.Source.CoinMarketCap
- @json """
- [
- {
- "id": "poa-network",
- "name": "POA Network",
- "symbol": "POA",
- "rank": "103",
- "price_usd": "0.485053",
- "price_btc": "0.00007032",
- "24h_volume_usd": "20185000.0",
- "market_cap_usd": "98941986.0",
- "available_supply": "203981804.0",
- "total_supply": "254473964.0",
- "max_supply": null,
- "percent_change_1h": "-0.66",
- "percent_change_24h": "12.34",
- "percent_change_7d": "49.15",
- "last_updated": "1523473200"
- }
- ]
- """
- describe "format_data/1" do
- test "returns valid tokens with valid data" do
- expected_date = ~N[2018-04-11 19:00:00] |> DateTime.from_naive!("Etc/UTC")
- expected = [
- %Token{
- available_supply: Decimal.new("203981804.0"),
- total_supply: Decimal.new("254473964.0"),
- btc_value: Decimal.new("0.00007032"),
- id: "poa-network",
- last_updated: expected_date,
- market_cap_usd: Decimal.new("98941986.0"),
- name: "POA Network",
- symbol: "POA",
- usd_value: Decimal.new("0.485053"),
- volume_24h_usd: Decimal.new("20185000.0")
- }
- ]
- assert expected == CoinMarketCap.format_data(@json)
- end
- test "returns nothing when given bad data" do
- bad_data = """
- [{"id": "poa-network"}]
- """
- assert [] = CoinMarketCap.format_data(bad_data)
- end
- end
diff --git a/apps/explorer/test/explorer/exchange_rates/source/token_bridge_test.exs b/apps/explorer/test/explorer/exchange_rates/source/token_bridge_test.exs
index d5bd5f9b96..febb9e7722 100644
--- a/apps/explorer/test/explorer/exchange_rates/source/token_bridge_test.exs
+++ b/apps/explorer/test/explorer/exchange_rates/source/token_bridge_test.exs
@@ -1,32 +1,41 @@
defmodule Explorer.ExchangeRates.Source.TokenBridgeTest do
use Explorer.DataCase
+ alias Explorer.ExchangeRates.Source.CoinGecko
alias Explorer.ExchangeRates.Source.TokenBridge
alias Explorer.ExchangeRates.Token
+ alias Plug.Conn
+ @json "#{File.cwd!()}/test/support/fixture/exchange_rates/coin_gecko.json"
+ |> File.read!()
+ |> Jason.decode!()
- @json """
- [
- {
- "id": "poa-network",
- "name": "POA Network",
- "symbol": "POA",
- "rank": "103",
- "price_usd": "0.485053",
- "price_btc": "0.00007032",
- "24h_volume_usd": "20185000.0",
- "market_cap_usd": "98941986.0",
- "available_supply": "203981804.0",
- "total_supply": "254473964.0",
- "max_supply": null,
- "percent_change_1h": "-0.66",
- "percent_change_24h": "12.34",
- "percent_change_7d": "49.15",
- "last_updated": "1523473200"
+ @json_btc_price """
+ {
+ "rates": {
+ "usd": {
+ "name": "US Dollar",
+ "unit": "$",
+ "value": 6547.418,
+ "type": "fiat"
+ }
- ]
+ }
describe "format_data/1" do
- test "bring a list with one %Token{}" do
+ setup do
+ bypass = Bypass.open()
+ Application.put_env(:explorer, CoinGecko, base_url: "http://localhost:#{bypass.port}")
+ {:ok, bypass: bypass}
+ end
+ test "bring a list with one %Token{}", %{bypass: bypass} do
+ Bypass.expect(bypass, "GET", "/exchange_rates", fn conn ->
+ Conn.resp(conn, 200, @json_btc_price)
+ end)
assert [%Token{}] = TokenBridge.format_data(@json)
diff --git a/apps/explorer/test/support/fixture/exchange_rates/coin_gecko.json b/apps/explorer/test/support/fixture/exchange_rates/coin_gecko.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cc110eb402
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/explorer/test/support/fixture/exchange_rates/coin_gecko.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1806 @@
+ "asset_platform_id": null,
+ "block_time_in_minutes": 0,
+ "categories": [],
+ "coingecko_rank": 376,
+ "coingecko_score": 33.7,
+ "community_data": {
+ "facebook_likes": 0,
+ "reddit_accounts_active_48h": 0,
+ "reddit_average_comments_48h": 0.0,
+ "reddit_average_posts_48h": 0.0,
+ "reddit_subscribers": 0,
+ "telegram_channel_user_count": 5125,
+ "twitter_followers": 17737
+ },
+ "community_score": 9.403,
+ "country_origin": "",
+ "description": {
+ "ar": "",
+ "de": "",
+ "en": "",
+ "es": "",
+ "fr": "",
+ "hu": "",
+ "id": "",
+ "it": "",
+ "ja": "",
+ "ko": "",
+ "nl": "",
+ "pl": "",
+ "pt": "",
+ "ro": "",
+ "ru": "",
+ "sv": "",
+ "th": "",
+ "tr": "",
+ "vi": "",
+ "zh": "",
+ "zh-tw": ""
+ },
+ "developer_data": {
+ "closed_issues": 0,
+ "code_additions_deletions_4_weeks": {
+ "additions": 0,
+ "deletions": 0
+ },
+ "commit_count_4_weeks": 0,
+ "forks": 44,
+ "last_4_weeks_commit_activity_series": [
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "pull_request_contributors": 6,
+ "pull_requests_merged": 133,
+ "stars": 58,
+ "subscribers": 8,
+ "total_issues": 0
+ },
+ "developer_score": 52.776,
+ "genesis_date": null,
+ "id": "poa-network",
+ "image": {
+ "large": "https://assets.coingecko.com/coins/images/3157/large/poa-network.png?1548331565",
+ "small": "https://assets.coingecko.com/coins/images/3157/small/poa-network.png?1548331565",
+ "thumb": "https://assets.coingecko.com/coins/images/3157/thumb/poa-network.png?1548331565"
+ },
+ "last_updated": "2019-08-21T08:36:49.371Z",
+ "links": {
+ "announcement_url": [
+ "",
+ ""
+ ],
+ "bitcointalk_thread_identifier": null,
+ "blockchain_site": [
+ "https://blockscout.com/poa/core/",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ ""
+ ],
+ "chat_url": [
+ "",
+ "",
+ ""
+ ],
+ "facebook_username": "",
+ "homepage": [
+ "https://poa.network/",
+ "",
+ ""
+ ],
+ "official_forum_url": [
+ "",
+ "",
+ ""
+ ],
+ "repos_url": {
+ "bitbucket": [],
+ "github": [
+ "https://github.com/poanetwork/poa-network-consensus-contracts"
+ ]
+ },
+ "subreddit_url": null,
+ "telegram_channel_identifier": "oraclesnetwork",
+ "twitter_screen_name": "poanetwork"
+ },
+ "liquidity_score": 19.334,
+ "localization": {
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+ "zar": 11.63
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+ "zar": -98.23009
+ },
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+ "aed": "2018-05-10T00:00:00.000Z",
+ "ars": "2018-05-10T00:00:00.000Z",
+ "aud": "2018-05-10T09:45:31.809Z",
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+ "bdt": "2018-05-10T00:00:00.000Z",
+ "bhd": "2018-05-10T00:00:00.000Z",
+ "bmd": "2018-05-10T00:00:00.000Z",
+ "bnb": "2018-10-16T12:40:17.749Z",
+ "brl": "2018-05-10T09:45:31.809Z",
+ "btc": "2018-05-10T09:45:31.809Z",
+ "cad": "2018-05-10T09:45:31.809Z",
+ "chf": "2018-05-10T09:45:31.809Z",
+ "clp": "2018-05-10T00:00:00.000Z",
+ "cny": "2018-05-10T09:45:31.809Z",
+ "czk": "2018-05-10T00:00:00.000Z",
+ "dkk": "2018-05-10T09:45:31.809Z",
+ "eos": "2018-10-16T12:40:17.749Z",
+ "eth": "2018-04-09T00:00:00.000Z",
+ "eur": "2018-05-10T09:45:31.809Z",
+ "gbp": "2018-05-10T09:45:31.809Z",
+ "hkd": "2018-05-10T09:45:31.809Z",
+ "huf": "2018-05-10T00:00:00.000Z",
+ "idr": "2018-05-10T09:45:31.809Z",
+ "ils": "2018-05-10T00:00:00.000Z",
+ "inr": "2018-05-10T09:45:31.809Z",
+ "jpy": "2018-05-10T09:45:31.809Z",
+ "krw": "2018-05-10T09:45:31.809Z",
+ "kwd": "2018-05-10T00:00:00.000Z",
+ "lkr": "2018-05-10T00:00:00.000Z",
+ "ltc": "2018-05-10T00:00:00.000Z",
+ "mmk": "2018-05-10T00:00:00.000Z",
+ "mxn": "2018-05-10T09:45:31.809Z",
+ "myr": "2018-05-10T09:45:31.809Z",
+ "nok": "2018-05-10T00:00:00.000Z",
+ "nzd": "2018-05-10T09:45:31.809Z",
+ "php": "2018-05-10T09:45:31.809Z",
+ "pkr": "2018-05-10T00:00:00.000Z",
+ "pln": "2018-05-10T09:45:31.809Z",
+ "rub": "2018-05-10T09:45:31.809Z",
+ "sar": "2018-05-10T00:00:00.000Z",
+ "sek": "2018-05-10T09:45:31.809Z",
+ "sgd": "2018-05-10T09:45:31.809Z",
+ "thb": "2018-05-10T00:00:00.000Z",
+ "try": "2018-05-10T00:00:00.000Z",
+ "twd": "2018-05-10T09:45:31.809Z",
+ "uah": "2019-05-27T12:49:29.532Z",
+ "usd": "2018-05-10T09:45:31.809Z",
+ "vef": "2018-05-10T00:00:00.000Z",
+ "vnd": "2019-05-27T12:49:29.532Z",
+ "xag": "2018-05-10T09:45:31.809Z",
+ "xau": "2018-05-10T09:45:31.809Z",
+ "xdr": "2018-05-10T09:45:31.809Z",
+ "xlm": "2018-10-16T12:49:26.379Z",
+ "xrp": "2018-10-16T12:40:17.749Z",
+ "zar": "2018-05-10T09:45:31.809Z"
+ },
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+ "current_price": {
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+ "brl": 0.054544,
+ "btc": 1.32e-06,
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+ "clp": 9.55,
+ "cny": 0.095047,
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+ "vnd": 311.66,
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+ "xdr": 0.00981471,
+ "xlm": 0.1975895,
+ "xrp": 0.05067322,
+ "zar": 0.204922
+ },
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+ "aud": 0.02152674,
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+ "jpy": 1.55,
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+ "pkr": 2.34,
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+ "xlm": 0.20827298,
+ "xrp": 0.05318558,
+ "zar": 0.223696
+ },
+ "last_updated": "2019-08-21T08:36:49.371Z",
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+ "zar": 0.204544
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+ "bid_ask_spread_percentage": 3.247202,
+ "coin_id": "poa-network",
+ "converted_last": {
+ "btc": 1.31e-06,
+ "eth": 7.077e-05,
+ "usd": 0.01332498
+ },
+ "converted_volume": {
+ "btc": 0.1127777,
+ "eth": 6.104291,
+ "usd": 1149.29
+ },
+ "is_anomaly": false,
+ "is_stale": false,
+ "last": 7.087e-05,
+ "last_fetch_at": "2019-08-21T08:35:50+00:00",
+ "last_traded_at": "2019-08-21T08:35:50+00:00",
+ "market": {
+ "has_trading_incentive": false,
+ "identifier": "bibox",
+ "name": "Bibox"
+ },
+ "target": "ETH",
+ "timestamp": "2019-08-21T08:35:50+00:00",
+ "trade_url": "https://www.bibox.com/exchange?coinPair=POA_ETH",
+ "trust_score": "yellow",
+ "volume": 86251.0552
+ },
+ {
+ "base": "POA20",
+ "bid_ask_spread_percentage": 13.032676,
+ "coin_id": "poa-network",
+ "converted_last": {
+ "btc": 1.16e-06,
+ "eth": 6.257e-05,
+ "usd": 0.01177973
+ },
+ "converted_volume": {
+ "btc": 0.00087672,
+ "eth": 0.04748752,
+ "usd": 8.94
+ },
+ "is_anomaly": false,
+ "is_stale": false,
+ "last": 1.1551e-06,
+ "last_fetch_at": "2019-08-21T08:37:38+00:00",
+ "last_traded_at": "2019-08-21T07:08:25+00:00",
+ "market": {
+ "has_trading_incentive": false,
+ "identifier": "hitbtc",
+ "name": "HitBTC"
+ },
+ "target": "BTC",
+ "timestamp": "2019-08-21T07:08:25+00:00",
+ "trade_url": "https://hitbtc.com/POA20-to-BTC",
+ "trust_score": "red",
+ "volume": 759.0
+ },
+ {
+ "base": "POA20",
+ "bid_ask_spread_percentage": 33.072445,
+ "coin_id": "poa-network",
+ "converted_last": {
+ "btc": 1.57e-06,
+ "eth": 8.48e-05,
+ "usd": 0.01595278
+ },
+ "converted_volume": {
+ "btc": 0.00021915,
+ "eth": 0.0118714,
+ "usd": 2.23
+ },
+ "is_anomaly": false,
+ "is_stale": false,
+ "last": 8.4891e-05,
+ "last_fetch_at": "2019-08-21T08:37:21+00:00",
+ "last_traded_at": "2019-08-21T07:37:25+00:00",
+ "market": {
+ "has_trading_incentive": false,
+ "identifier": "hitbtc",
+ "name": "HitBTC"
+ },
+ "target": "ETH",
+ "timestamp": "2019-08-21T07:37:25+00:00",
+ "trade_url": "https://hitbtc.com/POA20-to-ETH",
+ "trust_score": "red",
+ "volume": 140.0
+ },
+ {
+ "base": "POA20",
+ "bid_ask_spread_percentage": 53.1004,
+ "coin_id": "poa-network",
+ "converted_last": {
+ "btc": 1.15e-06,
+ "eth": 6.232e-05,
+ "usd": 0.0117249
+ },
+ "converted_volume": {
+ "btc": 7.478e-05,
+ "eth": 0.00405098,
+ "usd": 0.762119
+ },
+ "is_anomaly": false,
+ "is_stale": false,
+ "last": 0.0117249,
+ "last_fetch_at": "2019-08-21T08:37:46+00:00",
+ "last_traded_at": "2019-08-21T07:37:33+00:00",
+ "market": {
+ "has_trading_incentive": false,
+ "identifier": "hitbtc",
+ "name": "HitBTC"
+ },
+ "target": "USD",
+ "timestamp": "2019-08-21T07:37:33+00:00",
+ "trade_url": "https://hitbtc.com/POA20-to-USD",
+ "trust_score": null,
+ "volume": 65.0
+ },
+ {
+ "base": "POA20",
+ "bid_ask_spread_percentage": null,
+ "coin_id": "poa-network",
+ "converted_last": {
+ "btc": 1.32e-06,
+ "eth": 7.134e-05,
+ "usd": 0.01339322
+ },
+ "converted_volume": {
+ "btc": 0.03831341,
+ "eth": 2.073192,
+ "usd": 389.22
+ },
+ "is_anomaly": false,
+ "is_stale": false,
+ "last": 0.034733328618915156,
+ "last_fetch_at": "2019-08-21T08:21:59+00:00",
+ "last_traded_at": "2019-08-21T08:21:59+00:00",
+ "market": {
+ "has_trading_incentive": false,
+ "identifier": "bancor",
+ "name": "Bancor Network"
+ },
+ "target": "BNT",
+ "timestamp": "2019-08-21T08:21:59+00:00",
+ "trade_url": null,
+ "trust_score": null,
+ "volume": 29061.03634563883
+ },
+ {
+ "base": "POA20",
+ "bid_ask_spread_percentage": null,
+ "coin_id": "poa-network",
+ "converted_last": {
+ "btc": 1.31e-06,
+ "eth": 7.074e-05,
+ "usd": 0.0132809
+ },
+ "converted_volume": {
+ "btc": 0.009587,
+ "eth": 0.51876605,
+ "usd": 97.39
+ },
+ "is_anomaly": false,
+ "is_stale": false,
+ "last": 7.0704231362995e-05,
+ "last_fetch_at": "2019-08-21T08:26:12+00:00",
+ "last_traded_at": "2019-08-21T08:21:13+00:00",
+ "market": {
+ "has_trading_incentive": false,
+ "identifier": "uniswap",
+ "name": "Uniswap"
+ },
+ "target": "ETH",
+ "timestamp": "2019-08-21T08:21:13+00:00",
+ "trade_url": null,
+ "trust_score": null,
+ "volume": 7333.316809051611
+ },
+ {
+ "base": "POA",
+ "bid_ask_spread_percentage": 40.083051,
+ "coin_id": "poa-network",
+ "converted_last": {
+ "btc": 1.33e-06,
+ "eth": 7.005e-05,
+ "usd": 0.01377146
+ },
+ "converted_volume": {
+ "btc": 0.0022752,
+ "eth": 0.12002061,
+ "usd": 23.59
+ },
+ "is_anomaly": false,
+ "is_stale": true,
+ "last": 7.004e-05,
+ "last_fetch_at": "2019-08-21T08:32:14+00:00",
+ "last_traded_at": "2019-08-18T18:43:13+00:00",
+ "market": {
+ "has_trading_incentive": false,
+ "identifier": "ethfinex",
+ "name": "Ethfinex"
+ },
+ "target": "ETH",
+ "timestamp": "2019-08-18T18:43:13+00:00",
+ "trade_url": "https://ethfinex.com",
+ "trust_score": "red",
+ "volume": 1713.3067
+ },
+ {
+ "base": "POA",
+ "bid_ask_spread_percentage": 44.440399,
+ "coin_id": "poa-network",
+ "converted_last": {
+ "btc": 1.33e-06,
+ "eth": 7.311e-05,
+ "usd": 0.013499
+ },
+ "converted_volume": {
+ "btc": 0.00442255,
+ "eth": 0.24305992,
+ "usd": 44.88
+ },
+ "is_anomaly": false,
+ "is_stale": true,
+ "last": 0.013499,
+ "last_fetch_at": "2019-08-21T08:32:13+00:00",
+ "last_traded_at": "2019-08-14T17:19:27+00:00",
+ "market": {
+ "has_trading_incentive": false,
+ "identifier": "ethfinex",
+ "name": "Ethfinex"
+ },
+ "target": "USD",
+ "timestamp": "2019-08-14T17:19:27+00:00",
+ "trade_url": "https://ethfinex.com",
+ "trust_score": "red",
+ "volume": 3324.44883078
+ },
+ {
+ "base": "POA",
+ "bid_ask_spread_percentage": 14.012015,
+ "coin_id": "poa-network",
+ "converted_last": {
+ "btc": 1.36e-06,
+ "eth": 7.49e-05,
+ "usd": 0.01446844
+ },
+ "converted_volume": {
+ "btc": 5.45e-06,
+ "eth": 0.00029958,
+ "usd": 0.057874
+ },
+ "is_anomaly": false,
+ "is_stale": true,
+ "last": 7.4743e-05,
+ "last_fetch_at": "2019-08-21T08:37:09+00:00",
+ "last_traded_at": "2019-08-21T02:52:09+00:00",
+ "market": {
+ "has_trading_incentive": false,
+ "identifier": "hitbtc",
+ "name": "HitBTC"
+ },
+ "target": "ETH",
+ "timestamp": "2019-08-21T02:52:09+00:00",
+ "trade_url": "https://hitbtc.com/POA-to-ETH",
+ "trust_score": null,
+ "volume": 4.0
+ },
+ {
+ "base": "POA",
+ "bid_ask_spread_percentage": 64.645979,
+ "coin_id": "poa-network",
+ "converted_last": {
+ "btc": 1.36e-06,
+ "eth": 7.473e-05,
+ "usd": 0.01443604
+ },
+ "converted_volume": {
+ "btc": 2.72e-06,
+ "eth": 0.00014946,
+ "usd": 0.02887207
+ },
+ "is_anomaly": false,
+ "is_stale": true,
+ "last": 0.0143016,
+ "last_fetch_at": "2019-08-21T08:37:44+00:00",
+ "last_traded_at": "2019-08-21T02:52:25+00:00",
+ "market": {
+ "has_trading_incentive": false,
+ "identifier": "hitbtc",
+ "name": "HitBTC"
+ },
+ "target": "DAI",
+ "timestamp": "2019-08-21T02:52:25+00:00",
+ "trade_url": "https://hitbtc.com/POA-to-DAI",
+ "trust_score": null,
+ "volume": 2.0
+ },
+ {
+ "base": "POA",
+ "bid_ask_spread_percentage": 64.353312,
+ "coin_id": "poa-network",
+ "converted_last": {
+ "btc": 2.23e-06,
+ "eth": 0.00012505,
+ "usd": 0.02310309
+ },
+ "converted_volume": {
+ "btc": 0.00275182,
+ "eth": 0.15430951,
+ "usd": 28.51
+ },
+ "is_anomaly": true,
+ "is_stale": true,
+ "last": 2.23e-06,
+ "last_fetch_at": "2019-08-21T08:32:12+00:00",
+ "last_traded_at": "2019-08-17T12:50:06+00:00",
+ "market": {
+ "has_trading_incentive": false,
+ "identifier": "ethfinex",
+ "name": "Ethfinex"
+ },
+ "target": "BTC",
+ "timestamp": "2019-08-17T12:50:06+00:00",
+ "trade_url": "https://ethfinex.com",
+ "trust_score": "red",
+ "volume": 1234.0
+ },
+ {
+ "base": "POA",
+ "bid_ask_spread_percentage": 21.080977,
+ "coin_id": "poa-network",
+ "converted_last": {
+ "btc": 1.23e-06,
+ "eth": 6.72e-05,
+ "usd": 0.01322824
+ },
+ "converted_volume": {
+ "btc": 0.0,
+ "eth": 0.0,
+ "usd": 0.0
+ },
+ "is_anomaly": true,
+ "is_stale": true,
+ "last": 1.2331e-06,
+ "last_fetch_at": "2019-08-21T08:37:17+00:00",
+ "last_traded_at": "2019-08-20T18:50:31+00:00",
+ "market": {
+ "has_trading_incentive": false,
+ "identifier": "hitbtc",
+ "name": "HitBTC"
+ },
+ "target": "BTC",
+ "timestamp": "2019-08-20T18:50:31+00:00",
+ "trade_url": "https://hitbtc.com/POA-to-BTC",
+ "trust_score": null,
+ "volume": 0.0
+ },
+ {
+ "base": "POA",
+ "bid_ask_spread_percentage": 36.441715,
+ "coin_id": "poa-network",
+ "converted_last": {
+ "btc": 1.22e-06,
+ "eth": 6.66e-05,
+ "usd": 0.0131106
+ },
+ "converted_volume": {
+ "btc": 0.0,
+ "eth": 0.0,
+ "usd": 0.0
+ },
+ "is_anomaly": true,
+ "is_stale": true,
+ "last": 0.0131106,
+ "last_fetch_at": "2019-08-21T08:37:14+00:00",
+ "last_traded_at": "2019-08-20T18:50:15+00:00",
+ "market": {
+ "has_trading_incentive": false,
+ "identifier": "hitbtc",
+ "name": "HitBTC"
+ },
+ "target": "USD",
+ "timestamp": "2019-08-20T18:50:15+00:00",
+ "trade_url": "https://hitbtc.com/POA-to-USD",
+ "trust_score": null,
+ "volume": 0.0
+ },
+ {
+ "base": "POA20",
+ "bid_ask_spread_percentage": 70.656026,
+ "coin_id": "poa-network",
+ "converted_last": {
+ "btc": 7.522e-07,
+ "eth": 4.006e-05,
+ "usd": 0.0080416
+ },
+ "converted_volume": {
+ "btc": 0.0,
+ "eth": 0.0,
+ "usd": 0.0
+ },
+ "is_anomaly": true,
+ "is_stale": true,
+ "last": 0.008,
+ "last_fetch_at": "2019-08-21T08:37:29+00:00",
+ "last_traded_at": "2019-08-19T09:09:06+00:00",
+ "market": {
+ "has_trading_incentive": false,
+ "identifier": "hitbtc",
+ "name": "HitBTC"
+ },
+ "target": "DAI",
+ "timestamp": "2019-08-19T09:09:06+00:00",
+ "trade_url": "https://hitbtc.com/POA20-to-DAI",
+ "trust_score": null,
+ "volume": 0.0
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/docs/env-variables.md b/docs/env-variables.md
index a0fae07bc3..dd01cbe26f 100644
--- a/docs/env-variables.md
+++ b/docs/env-variables.md
@@ -14,54 +14,55 @@ $ export NETWORK=POA
-| Variable | Required | Description | Default | Version | Need recompile |
-| --- | --- | --- | ---| --- | --- |
-| `NETWORK`| :white_check_mark: | Environment variable for the main EVM network such as Ethereum Network or POA Network | POA Network | all | |
-| `SUBNETWORK` | :white_check_mark: | Environment variable for the subnetwork such as Core or Sokol Network | Sokol Testnet | all | |
-| `NETWORK_ICON` | :white_check_mark: | Environment variable for the main network icon or testnet icon. Two options are `_test_network_icon.html` and `_network_icon.html` | `_test_network_icon.html` | all | |
-| `LOGO` | :white_check_mark: | Environment variable for the logo image location. The logo files names for different chains can be found [here](https://github.com/poanetwork/blockscout/tree/master/apps/block_scout_web/assets/static/images) | /images/blockscout_logo.svg | all | |
-| `ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_VARIANT` | :white_check_mark: | This environment variable is used to tell the application which RPC Client the node is using (i.e. Geth, Parity, or Ganache) | parity | all | |
-| `ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_HTTP_URL` | :white_check_mark: | The RPC endpoint used to fetch blocks, transactions, receipts, tokens. | localhost:8545 | all | |
-| `ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_TRACE_URL` | | The RPC endpoint specifically for the Geth/Parity client used by trace_block and trace_replayTransaction. This can be used to designate a tracing node. | localhost:8545 | all | |
-| `ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_WS_URL` | :white_check_mark: | The WebSockets RPC endpoint used to subscribe to the `newHeads` subscription alerting the indexer to fetch new blocks. | ws://localhost:8546 | all | |
-| `NETWORK_PATH` | | Used to set a network path other than what is displayed in the root directory. An example would be to add /eth/mainnet/ to the root directory. | (empty) | all | |
-| `SECRET_KEY_BASE` | :white_check_mark: | Use mix phx.gen.secret to generate a new Secret Key Base string to protect production assets. | (empty) | all | |
-| `CHECK_ORIGIN` | | Used to check the origin of requests when the origin header is present. It defaults to false. In case of true, it will check against the host value. | false | all | |
-| `PORT` | :white_check_mark: | Default port the application runs on is 4000 | 4000 | all | |
-| `COIN` | :white_check_mark: | The coin here is checked via the Coinmarketcap API to obtain USD prices on graphs and other areas of the UI | POA | all | |
-| `METADATA_CONTRACT` | | This environment variable is specifically used by POA Network to obtain Validators information to display in the UI. | (empty) | all | |
-| `VALIDATORS_CONTRACT` | | This environment variable is specifically used by POA Network to obtain the Emission Fund contract. | (empty) | all | |
-| `SUPPLY_MODULE` | | This environment variable is used by the xDai Chain in order to tell the application how to calculate the total supply of the chain. | false | all | |
-| `SOURCE_MODULE` | | This environment variable is used to calculate the exchange rate and is specifically used by the xDai Chain. | false | all | |
-| `DATABASE_URL` | | Production environment variable to define the Database endpoint. | (empty) | all | |
-| `POOL_SIZE` | | Production environment variable to define the number of database connections allowed. | 20 | all | |
-| `ECTO_USE_SSL` | | Production environment variable to use SSL on Ecto queries. | true | all | |
-| `DATADOG_HOST` | | Host configuration setting for [Datadog integration](https://docs.datadoghq.com/integrations/) | (empty) | all | |
-| `DATADOG_PORT` | | Port configuration setting for [Datadog integration](https://docs.datadoghq.com/integrations/). | (empty} | all | |
-| `SPANDEX_BATCH_SIZE` | | [Spandex](https://github.com/spandex-project/spandex) and Datadog configuration setting. | (empty) | all |
-| `SPANDEX_SYNC_THRESHOLD` | | [Spandex](https://github.com/spandex-project/spandex) and Datadog configuration setting. | (empty) | all | |
-| `HEART_BEAT_TIMEOUT` | | Production environment variable to restart the application in the event of a crash. | 30 | all | |
-| `HEART_COMMAND` | | Production environment variable to restart the application in the event of a crash. | systemctl restart explorer.service | all | |
-| `BLOCKSCOUT_VERSION` | | Added to the footer to signify the current BlockScout version. | (empty) | v1.3.4+ | |
-| `RELEASE_LINK` | | The link to Blockscout release notes in the footer. | https: //github.com/poanetwork/
tag/${BLOCKSCOUT_VERSION} | v1.3.5+ | |
-| `ELIXIR_VERSION` | | Elixir version to install on the node before Blockscout deploy. | (empty) | all | |
-| `BLOCK_TRANSFORMER` | | Transformer for blocks: base or clique. | base | v1.3.4+ | |
-| `GRAPHIQL_TRANSACTION` | | Default transaction in query to GraphiQL. | (empty) | v1.2.0+ | :white_check_mark: |
-| `FIRST_BLOCK` | | The block number, where indexing begins from. | 0 | v1.3.8+ | |
-| `LAST_BLOCK` | | The block number, where indexing stops. | (empty) | v2.0.3+ | |
-| `TXS_COUNT_CACHE_PERIOD` | | Interval in seconds to restart the task, which calculates the total txs count. | 60 * 60 * 2 | v1.3.9+ | |
`_UPDATE_INTERVAL`| | Interval in seconds to restart the task, which calculates addresses with balances. | 30 * 60 | v1.3.9+ | |
-| `LINK_TO_OTHER_EXPLORERS` | | true/false. If true, links to other explorers are added in the footer | (empty) | v1.3.0+ | |
-| `COINMARKETCAP_PAGES` | | the number of pages on coinmarketcap to list in order to find token's price | 10 | v1.3.10+ | |
-| `SUPPORTED_CHAINS` | | Array of supported chains that displays in the footer and in the chains dropdown. This var was introduced in this PR [#1900](https://github.com/poanetwork/blockscout/pull/1900) and looks like an array of JSON objects. | (empty) | v2.0.0+ | |
-| `BLOCK_COUNT_CACHE_PERIOD ` | | time to live of cache in seconds. This var was introduced in [#1876](https://github.com/poanetwork/blockscout/pull/1876) | 600 | v2.0.0+ | |
-| `ALLOWED_EVM_VERSIONS ` | | the comma-separated list of allowed EVM versions for contracts verification. This var was introduced in [#1964](https://github.com/poanetwork/blockscout/pull/1964) | "homestead, tangerineWhistle, spuriousDragon, byzantium, constantinople, petersburg" | v2.0.0+ | |
-| `AVERAGE_BLOCK_CACHE_PERIOD` | | Update of average block cache, in seconds | 30 minutes | v2.0.2+ |
-| `MARKET_HISTORY_CACHE_PERIOD` | | Update of market history cache, in seconds | 6 hours | v2.0.2+ |
-| `DISABLE_WEBAPP` | | If `true`, endpoints to webapp are hidden (compile-time) | `false` | v2.0.3+ | :white_check_mark: |
-| `DISABLE_READ_API` | | If `true`, read-only endpoints to API are hidden (compile-time) | `false` | v2.0.3+ | :white_check_mark: |
-| `DISABLE_WRITE_API` | | If `true`, write endpoints to API are hidden (compile-time) | `false` | v2.0.3+ | :white_check_mark: |
-| `DISABLE_INDEXER` | | If `true`, indexer application doesn't run | `false` | v2.0.3+ | :white_check_mark: |
-| `WEBAPP_URL` | | Link to web application instance, e.g. `http://host/path` | (empty) | v2.0.3+ | |
-| `API_URL` | | Link to API instance, e.g. `http://host/path` | (empty) | v2.0.3+ | |
-| `CHAIN_SPEC_PATH` | | Chain specification path (absolute file system path or url) to import block emission reward ranges and genesis account balances from | (empty) | master | |
+| Variable | Required | Description | Default | Version | Need recompile | Deprecated in Version |
+| --- | --- | --- | ---| --- | --- | --- |
+| `NETWORK`| :white_check_mark: | Environment variable for the main EVM network such as Ethereum Network or POA Network | POA Network | all | | |
+| `SUBNETWORK` | :white_check_mark: | Environment variable for the subnetwork such as Core or Sokol Network | Sokol Testnet | all | | |
+| `NETWORK_ICON` | :white_check_mark: | Environment variable for the main network icon or testnet icon. Two options are `_test_network_icon.html` and `_network_icon.html` | `_test_network_icon.html` | all | | |
+| `LOGO` | :white_check_mark: | Environment variable for the logo image location. The logo files names for different chains can be found [here](https://github.com/poanetwork/blockscout/tree/master/apps/block_scout_web/assets/static/images) | /images/blockscout_logo.svg | all | | |
+| `ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_VARIANT` | :white_check_mark: | This environment variable is used to tell the application which RPC Client the node is using (i.e. Geth, Parity, or Ganache) | parity | all | | |
+| `ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_HTTP_URL` | :white_check_mark: | The RPC endpoint used to fetch blocks, transactions, receipts, tokens. | localhost:8545 | all | | |
+| `ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_TRACE_URL` | | The RPC endpoint specifically for the Geth/Parity client used by trace_block and trace_replayTransaction. This can be used to designate a tracing node. | localhost:8545 | all | | |
+| `ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_WS_URL` | :white_check_mark: | The WebSockets RPC endpoint used to subscribe to the `newHeads` subscription alerting the indexer to fetch new blocks. | ws://localhost:8546 | all | | |
+| `NETWORK_PATH` | | Used to set a network path other than what is displayed in the root directory. An example would be to add /eth/mainnet/ to the root directory. | (empty) | all | | |
+| `SECRET_KEY_BASE` | :white_check_mark: | Use mix phx.gen.secret to generate a new Secret Key Base string to protect production assets. | (empty) | all | | |
+| `CHECK_ORIGIN` | | Used to check the origin of requests when the origin header is present. It defaults to false. In case of true, it will check against the host value. | false | all | | |
+| `PORT` | :white_check_mark: | Default port the application runs on is 4000 | 4000 | all | | |
+| `COIN` | :white_check_mark: | The coin here is checked via the CoinGecko API to obtain USD prices on graphs and other areas of the UI | POA | all | | |
+| `METADATA_CONTRACT` | | This environment variable is specifically used by POA Network to obtain Validators information to display in the UI. | (empty) | all | | |
+| `VALIDATORS_CONTRACT` | | This environment variable is specifically used by POA Network to obtain the Emission Fund contract. | (empty) | all | | |
+| `SUPPLY_MODULE` | | This environment variable is used by the xDai Chain in order to tell the application how to calculate the total supply of the chain. | false | all | | |
+| `SOURCE_MODULE` | | This environment variable is used to calculate the exchange rate and is specifically used by the xDai Chain. | false | all | | |
+| `DATABASE_URL` | | Production environment variable to define the Database endpoint. | (empty) | all | | |
+| `POOL_SIZE` | | Production environment variable to define the number of database connections allowed. | 20 | all | | |
+| `ECTO_USE_SSL` | | Production environment variable to use SSL on Ecto queries. | true | all | | |
+| `DATADOG_HOST` | | Host configuration setting for [Datadog integration](https://docs.datadoghq.com/integrations/) | (empty) | all | | |
+| `DATADOG_PORT` | | Port configuration setting for [Datadog integration](https://docs.datadoghq.com/integrations/). | (empty} | all | | |
+| `SPANDEX_BATCH_SIZE` | | [Spandex](https://github.com/spandex-project/spandex) and Datadog configuration setting. | (empty) | all | |
+| `SPANDEX_SYNC_THRESHOLD` | | [Spandex](https://github.com/spandex-project/spandex) and Datadog configuration setting. | (empty) | all | | |
+| `HEART_BEAT_TIMEOUT` | | Production environment variable to restart the application in the event of a crash. | 30 | all | | |
+| `HEART_COMMAND` | | Production environment variable to restart the application in the event of a crash. | systemctl restart explorer.service | all | | |
+| `BLOCKSCOUT_VERSION` | | Added to the footer to signify the current BlockScout version. | (empty) | v1.3.4+ | | |
+| `RELEASE_LINK` | | The link to Blockscout release notes in the footer. | https: //github.com/poanetwork/
tag/${BLOCKSCOUT_VERSION} | v1.3.5+ | | |
+| `ELIXIR_VERSION` | | Elixir version to install on the node before Blockscout deploy. | (empty) | all | | |
+| `BLOCK_TRANSFORMER` | | Transformer for blocks: base or clique. | base | v1.3.4+ | | |
+| `GRAPHIQL_TRANSACTION` | | Default transaction in query to GraphiQL. | (empty) | v1.2.0+ | :white_check_mark: | |
+| `FIRST_BLOCK` | | The block number, where indexing begins from. | 0 | v1.3.8+ | | |
+| `LAST_BLOCK` | | The block number, where indexing stops. | (empty) | v2.0.3+ | | |
+| `TXS_COUNT_CACHE_PERIOD` | | Interval in seconds to restart the task, which calculates the total txs count. | 60 * 60 * 2 | v1.3.9+ | | |
`_UPDATE_INTERVAL`| | Interval in seconds to restart the task, which calculates addresses with balances. | 30 * 60 | v1.3.9+ | | |
+| `LINK_TO_OTHER_EXPLORERS` | | true/false. If true, links to other explorers are added in the footer | (empty) | v1.3.0+ | | |
+| `COINMARKETCAP_PAGES` | | the number of pages on coinmarketcap to list in order to find token's price | 10 | v1.3.10+ | | master |
+| `SUPPORTED_CHAINS` | | Array of supported chains that displays in the footer and in the chains dropdown. This var was introduced in this PR [#1900](https://github.com/poanetwork/blockscout/pull/1900) and looks like an array of JSON objects. | (empty) | v2.0.0+ | | |
+| `BLOCK_COUNT_CACHE_PERIOD ` | | time to live of cache in seconds. This var was introduced in [#1876](https://github.com/poanetwork/blockscout/pull/1876) | 600 | v2.0.0+ | | |
+| `ALLOWED_EVM_VERSIONS ` | | the comma-separated list of allowed EVM versions for contracts verification. This var was introduced in [#1964](https://github.com/poanetwork/blockscout/pull/1964) | "homestead, tangerineWhistle, spuriousDragon, byzantium, constantinople, petersburg" | v2.0.0+ | | |
+| `AVERAGE_BLOCK_CACHE_PERIOD` | | Update of average block cache, in seconds | 30 minutes | v2.0.2+ | |
+| `MARKET_HISTORY_CACHE_PERIOD` | | Update of market history cache, in seconds | 6 hours | v2.0.2+ | |
+| `DISABLE_WEBAPP` | | If `true`, endpoints to webapp are hidden (compile-time) | `false` | v2.0.3+ | :white_check_mark: | |
+| `DISABLE_READ_API` | | If `true`, read-only endpoints to API are hidden (compile-time) | `false` | v2.0.3+ | :white_check_mark: | |
+| `DISABLE_WRITE_API` | | If `true`, write endpoints to API are hidden (compile-time) | `false` | v2.0.3+ | :white_check_mark: | |
+| `DISABLE_INDEXER` | | If `true`, indexer application doesn't run | `false` | v2.0.3+ | :white_check_mark: | |
+| `WEBAPP_URL` | | Link to web application instance, e.g. `http://host/path` | (empty) | v2.0.3+ | | |
+| `API_URL` | | Link to API instance, e.g. `http://host/path` | (empty) | v2.0.3+ | | |
+| `CHAIN_SPEC_PATH` | | Chain specification path (absolute file system path or url) to import block emission reward ranges and genesis account balances from | (empty) | master | | |
+| `COIN_GECKO_ID` | | CoinGecko coin id required for fetching an exchange rate | poa-network | master | | |