feat: AnyTrust and Celestia support as DA for Arbitrum batches (#10144)
* Initial version of x-level messages indexer * fixes for cspell and credo * new state of x-level messages * Monitoring of new L1-to-L2 messages on L1 * new batches discovery * fetcher workers in separate modules * proper name * Fix for responses without "id", e.g. "Too Many Requests" * update DB with new batches and corresponding data * update DB with confirmed blocks * fixes for cspell and credo * tracking commitments confirmations for L1 to L2 messages * Proper usign of max function * tracking completion of L2 to L1 messages * catchup historical messages to L2 * incorrect version of committed file * catchup historical messages from L2 and completion of L1-to-L2 messages * historical batches catchup * status for historical l2-to-l1 messages * address matching issue * catchup historical executions of L2-to-L1 messages * db query to find unconfirmed blocks gaps * first changes to catchup historical confirmations * finalized catchup of historical confirmations * 4844 blobs support * fix for the issue with multiple confirmations * limit amount of batches to handle at once * Use latest L1 block by fetchers if start block is not configured * merge issue fix * missed file * historical messages discovery * reduce logs severity * first iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * second iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * third iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * fourth iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * fifth iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * final iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * Arbitrum related info in Transaction and Block views * Views to get info about batches and messages * usage of committed for batches instead of confirmed * merge issues addressed * merge issues addressed * code review issues addressed * code review issues addressed * fix merge issue * raising exception in the case of DB inconsistency * fix formatting issue * termination case for RollupMessagesCatchup * code review comments addressed * code review comments addressed * consistency in primary keys * dialyzer fix * code review comments addressed * missed doc comment * code review comments addressed * changes after merge * formatting issue fix * block and transaction views extended * updated indices creation as per code review comments * code review comment addressed * fix merge issue * configuration of intervals as time variables * TODO added to reflect improvement ability * database fields refactoring * association renaming * associations and fields in api response renamed * format issue addressed * feat: APIv2 endpoints for Arbitrum messages and batches (#9963) * Arbitrum related info in Transaction and Block views * Views to get info about batches and messages * usage of committed for batches instead of confirmed * merge issues addressed * changes after merge * formatting issue fix * code review comment addressed * associations and fields in api response renamed * format issue addressed * feat: Arbitrum-specific fields in the block and transaction API endpoints (#10067) * Arbitrum related info in Transaction and Block views * Views to get info about batches and messages * usage of committed for batches instead of confirmed * merge issues addressed * changes after merge * formatting issue fix * block and transaction views extended * code review comment addressed * associations and fields in api response renamed * format issue addressed * fix credo issue * fix tests issues * ethereumjsonrpc test fail investigation * test issues fixes * initial version to get DA infromation from batch transactions * merge issues fix * keep discovered da information in db * show the batch data source in API response * formatting, spelling and credo issues * Documentation and specs improved * covered a case with empty extra data * API endpoints updated * changed order of params for celestia * more robust string hash identification * duplcitated alias removed * missed field in the type documentation * mapset used instead of map * comments for unfolding results of getKeysetCreationBlock call * common function to get data key for Celestia blobspull/10390/head
@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ |
defmodule Explorer.Chain.Arbitrum.DaMultiPurposeRecord do |
@moduledoc """ |
Models a multi purpose record related to Data Availability for Arbitrum. |
Changes in the schema should be reflected in the bulk import module: |
- Explorer.Chain.Import.Runner.Arbitrum.DAMultiPurposeRecords |
Migrations: |
- Explorer.Repo.Arbitrum.Migrations.AddDaInfo |
""" |
use Explorer.Schema |
alias Explorer.Chain.Hash |
alias Explorer.Chain.Arbitrum.L1Batch |
@optional_attrs ~w(batch_number)a |
@required_attrs ~w(data_key data_type data)a |
@allowed_attrs @optional_attrs ++ @required_attrs |
@typedoc """ |
Descriptor of the a multi purpose record related to Data Availability for Arbitrum rollups: |
* `data_key` - The hash of the data key. |
* `data_type` - The type of the data. |
* `data` - The data |
* `batch_number` - The number of the Arbitrum batch associated with the data for the |
records where applicable. |
""" |
@type to_import :: %{ |
data_key: binary(), |
data_type: non_neg_integer(), |
data: map(), |
batch_number: non_neg_integer() | nil |
} |
@typedoc """ |
* `data_key` - The hash of the data key. |
* `data_type` - The type of the data. |
* `data` - The data to be stored as a json in the database. |
* `batch_number` - The number of the Arbitrum batch associated with the data for the |
records where applicable. |
* `batch` - An instance of `Explorer.Chain.Arbitrum.L1Batch` referenced by `batch_number`. |
""" |
@primary_key false |
typed_schema "arbitrum_da_multi_purpose" do |
field(:data_key, Hash.Full) |
field(:data_type, :integer) |
field(:data, :map) |
belongs_to(:batch, L1Batch, |
foreign_key: :batch_number, |
references: :number, |
type: :integer |
) |
timestamps() |
end |
@doc """ |
Validates that the `attrs` are valid. |
""" |
@spec changeset(Ecto.Schema.t(), map()) :: Ecto.Schema.t() |
def changeset(%__MODULE__{} = da_records, attrs \\ %{}) do |
da_records |
|> cast(attrs, @allowed_attrs) |
|> validate_required(@required_attrs) |
|> foreign_key_constraint(:batch_number) |
|> unique_constraint(:data_key) |
end |
end |
defmodule Explorer.Chain.Arbitrum.DaMultiPurposeRecord.Helper do |
@moduledoc """ |
Helper functions to work with `Explorer.Chain.Arbitrum.DaMultiPurposeRecord` data |
""" |
alias Explorer.Chain.Hash |
@doc """ |
Calculates the data key for `Explorer.Chain.Arbitrum.DaMultiPurposeRecord` that contains Celestia blob data. |
## Parameters |
- `height`: The height of the block in the Celestia network. |
- `tx_commitment`: The transaction commitment. |
## Returns |
- A binary representing the calculated data key for the record containing |
Celestia blob data. |
""" |
@spec calculate_celestia_data_key(binary() | non_neg_integer(), binary() | Explorer.Chain.Hash.t()) :: binary() |
def calculate_celestia_data_key(height, tx_commitment) when is_binary(height) do |
calculate_celestia_data_key(String.to_integer(height), tx_commitment) |
end |
def calculate_celestia_data_key(height, %Hash{} = tx_commitment) when is_integer(height) do |
calculate_celestia_data_key(height, tx_commitment.bytes) |
end |
def calculate_celestia_data_key(height, tx_commitment) when is_integer(height) and is_binary(tx_commitment) do |
:crypto.hash(:sha256, :binary.encode_unsigned(height) <> tx_commitment) |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ |
defmodule Explorer.Chain.Import.Runner.Arbitrum.DaMultiPurposeRecords do |
@moduledoc """ |
Bulk imports of Explorer.Chain.Arbitrum.DaMultiPurposeRecord. |
""" |
require Ecto.Query |
alias Ecto.{Changeset, Multi, Repo} |
alias Explorer.Chain.Arbitrum.DaMultiPurposeRecord |
alias Explorer.Chain.Import |
alias Explorer.Prometheus.Instrumenter |
import Ecto.Query, only: [from: 2] |
@behaviour Import.Runner |
# milliseconds |
@timeout 60_000 |
@type imported :: [DaMultiPurposeRecord.t()] |
@impl Import.Runner |
def ecto_schema_module, do: DaMultiPurposeRecord |
@impl Import.Runner |
def option_key, do: :arbitrum_da_multi_purpose_records |
@impl Import.Runner |
@spec imported_table_row() :: %{:value_description => binary(), :value_type => binary()} |
def imported_table_row do |
%{ |
value_type: "[#{ecto_schema_module()}.t()]", |
value_description: "List of `t:#{ecto_schema_module()}.t/0`s" |
} |
end |
@impl Import.Runner |
@spec run(Multi.t(), list(), map()) :: Multi.t() |
def run(multi, changes_list, %{timestamps: timestamps} = options) do |
insert_options = |
options |
|> Map.get(option_key(), %{}) |
|> Map.take(~w(on_conflict timeout)a) |
|> Map.put_new(:timeout, @timeout) |
|> Map.put(:timestamps, timestamps) |
Multi.run(multi, :insert_da_multi_purpose_records, fn repo, _ -> |
Instrumenter.block_import_stage_runner( |
fn -> insert(repo, changes_list, insert_options) end, |
:block_referencing, |
:arbitrum_da_multi_purpose_records, |
:arbitrum_da_multi_purpose_records |
) |
end) |
end |
@impl Import.Runner |
def timeout, do: @timeout |
@spec insert(Repo.t(), [map()], %{required(:timeout) => timeout(), required(:timestamps) => Import.timestamps()}) :: |
{:ok, [DaMultiPurposeRecord.t()]} |
| {:error, [Changeset.t()]} |
def insert(repo, changes_list, %{timeout: timeout, timestamps: timestamps} = options) when is_list(changes_list) do |
on_conflict = Map.get_lazy(options, :on_conflict, &default_on_conflict/0) |
# Enforce Arbitrum.DaMultiPurposeRecord ShareLocks order (see docs: sharelock.md) |
ordered_changes_list = Enum.sort_by(changes_list, & &1.data_key) |
{:ok, inserted} = |
Import.insert_changes_list( |
repo, |
ordered_changes_list, |
for: DaMultiPurposeRecord, |
returning: true, |
timeout: timeout, |
timestamps: timestamps, |
conflict_target: :data_key, |
on_conflict: on_conflict |
) |
{:ok, inserted} |
end |
defp default_on_conflict do |
from( |
rec in DaMultiPurposeRecord, |
update: [ |
set: [ |
# don't update `data_key` as it is a primary key and used for the conflict target |
data_type: fragment("EXCLUDED.data_type"), |
data: fragment("EXCLUDED.data"), |
batch_number: fragment("EXCLUDED.batch_number"), |
inserted_at: fragment("LEAST(?, EXCLUDED.inserted_at)", rec.inserted_at), |
updated_at: fragment("GREATEST(?, EXCLUDED.updated_at)", rec.updated_at) |
] |
], |
where: |
fragment( |
"(EXCLUDED.data_type, EXCLUDED.data, EXCLUDED.batch_number) IS DISTINCT FROM (?, ?, ?)", |
rec.data_type, |
rec.data, |
rec.batch_number |
) |
) |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ |
defmodule Explorer.Repo.Arbitrum.Migrations.AddDaInfo do |
use Ecto.Migration |
def change do |
execute( |
"CREATE TYPE arbitrum_da_containers_types AS ENUM ('in_blob4844', 'in_calldata', 'in_celestia', 'in_anytrust')", |
"DROP TYPE arbitrum_da_containers_types" |
) |
alter table(:arbitrum_l1_batches) do |
add(:batch_container, :arbitrum_da_containers_types) |
end |
create table(:arbitrum_da_multi_purpose, primary_key: false) do |
add(:data_key, :bytea, null: false, primary_key: true) |
add(:data_type, :integer, null: false) |
add(:data, :map, null: false) |
add(:batch_number, :integer) |
timestamps(null: false, type: :utc_datetime_usec) |
end |
create(index(:arbitrum_da_multi_purpose, [:data_type, :data_key])) |
create(index(:arbitrum_da_multi_purpose, [:data_type, :batch_number])) |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,414 @@ |
defmodule Indexer.Fetcher.Arbitrum.DA.Anytrust do |
@moduledoc """ |
Provides functionality for handling AnyTrust data availability information |
within the Arbitrum rollup context. |
""" |
import Indexer.Fetcher.Arbitrum.Utils.Logging, only: [log_error: 1, log_info: 1, log_debug: 1] |
import Explorer.Helper, only: [decode_data: 2] |
alias Indexer.Fetcher.Arbitrum.Utils.{Db, Rpc} |
alias Indexer.Fetcher.Arbitrum.Utils.Helper, as: ArbitrumHelper |
alias Indexer.Helper, as: IndexerHelper |
alias Explorer.Chain.Arbitrum |
@enforce_keys [ |
:batch_number, |
:keyset_hash, |
:data_hash, |
:timeout, |
:signers_mask, |
:bls_signature |
] |
defstruct @enforce_keys |
@typedoc """ |
AnyTrust DA info struct: |
* `batch_number` - The batch number in the Arbitrum rollup associated with the |
AnyTrust data blob. |
* `keyset_hash` - The hash identifying a keyset that defines the rules (threshold |
and committee members) to issue the DA certificate. |
* `data_hash` - The hash of the data blob stored by the AnyTrust committee. |
* `timeout` - Expiration timeout for the data blob. |
* `signers_mask` - Mask identifying committee members who guaranteed data availability. |
* `bls_signature` - Aggregated BLS signature of the committee members. |
""" |
@type t :: %__MODULE__{ |
batch_number: non_neg_integer(), |
keyset_hash: binary(), |
data_hash: binary(), |
timeout: DateTime.t(), |
signers_mask: non_neg_integer(), |
bls_signature: binary() |
} |
@typedoc """ |
AnyTrust DA certificate struct: |
* `keyset_hash` - The hash identifying a keyset that defines the rules (threshold |
and committee members) to issue the DA certificate. |
* `data_hash` - The hash of the data blob stored by the AnyTrust committee. |
* `timeout` - Expiration timeout for the data blob. |
* `signers_mask` - Mask identifying committee members who guaranteed data availability. |
* `bls_signature` - Aggregated BLS signature of the committee members. |
""" |
@type certificate :: %{ |
:keyset_hash => String.t(), |
:data_hash => String.t(), |
:timeout => DateTime.t(), |
:signers_mask => non_neg_integer(), |
:bls_signature => String.t() |
} |
@typedoc """ |
AnyTrust committee member public key struct: |
* `trusted` - A boolean indicating whether the member is trusted. |
* `key` - The public key of the member. |
* `proof` - The proof of the member's public key. |
""" |
@type signer :: %{ |
:trusted => boolean(), |
:key => String.t(), |
optional(:proof) => String.t() |
} |
@typedoc """ |
AnyTrust committee struct: |
* `threshold` - The threshold of honest members for the keyset. |
* `pubkeys` - A list of public keys of the committee members. |
""" |
@type keyset :: %{ |
:threshold => non_neg_integer(), |
:pubkeys => [signer()] |
} |
# keccak256("SetValidKeyset(bytes32,bytes)") |
@set_valid_keyset_event "0xabca9b7986bc22ad0160eb0cb88ae75411eacfba4052af0b457a9335ef655722" |
@set_valid_keyset_event_unindexed_params [:bytes] |
@doc """ |
Parses batch accompanying data to extract AnyTrust data availability information. |
This function decodes the provided binary data to extract information related to |
AnyTrust data availability. |
## Parameters |
- `batch_number`: The batch number associated with the AnyTrust data. |
- `binary_data`: The binary data to be parsed, containing AnyTrust data fields. |
## Returns |
- `{:ok, :in_anytrust, da_info}` if the parsing is successful, where `da_info` is |
the AnyTrust data availability information struct. |
- `{:error, nil, nil}` if the parsing fails. |
""" |
@spec parse_batch_accompanying_data(non_neg_integer(), binary()) :: |
{:ok, :in_anytrust, __MODULE__.t()} | {:error, nil, nil} |
def parse_batch_accompanying_data(batch_number, << |
keyset_hash::binary-size(32), |
data_hash::binary-size(32), |
timeout::big-unsigned-integer-size(64), |
_version::size(8), |
signers_mask::big-unsigned-integer-size(64), |
bls_signature::binary-size(96) |
>>) do |
# https://github.com/OffchainLabs/nitro/blob/ad9ab00723e13cf98307b9b65774ad455594ef7b/arbstate/das_reader.go#L95-L151 |
{:ok, :in_anytrust, |
%__MODULE__{ |
batch_number: batch_number, |
keyset_hash: keyset_hash, |
data_hash: data_hash, |
timeout: IndexerHelper.timestamp_to_datetime(timeout), |
signers_mask: signers_mask, |
bls_signature: bls_signature |
}} |
end |
def parse_batch_accompanying_data(_, _) do |
log_error("Can not parse Anytrust DA message.") |
{:error, nil, nil} |
end |
@doc """ |
Prepares AnyTrust data availability information for import. |
This function prepares a list of data structures for import into the database, |
ensuring that AnyTrust DA information and related keysets are included. It |
verifies if the keyset associated with the AnyTrust DA certificate is already |
known or needs to be fetched from L1. |
To avoid fetching the same keyset multiple times, the function uses a cache. |
## Parameters |
- `source`: The initial list of data to be imported. |
- `da_info`: The AnyTrust DA info struct containing details about the data blob. |
- `l1_connection_config`: A map containing the address of the Sequencer Inbox contract |
and configuration parameters for the JSON RPC connection. |
- `cache`: A set of unique elements used to cache the checked keysets. |
## Returns |
- A tuple containing: |
- An updated list of data structures ready for import, including the DA |
certificate (`data_type` is `0`) and potentially a new keyset (`data_type` |
is `1`) if required. |
- The updated cache with the checked keysets. |
""" |
@spec prepare_for_import( |
list(), |
__MODULE__.t(), |
%{ |
:sequencer_inbox_address => String.t(), |
:json_rpc_named_arguments => EthereumJSONRPC.json_rpc_named_arguments() |
}, |
MapSet.t() |
) :: |
{[Arbitrum.DaMultiPurposeRecord.to_import()], MapSet.t()} |
def prepare_for_import(source, %__MODULE__{} = da_info, l1_connection_config, cache) do |
data = %{ |
keyset_hash: ArbitrumHelper.bytes_to_hex_str(da_info.keyset_hash), |
data_hash: ArbitrumHelper.bytes_to_hex_str(da_info.data_hash), |
timeout: da_info.timeout, |
signers_mask: da_info.signers_mask, |
bls_signature: ArbitrumHelper.bytes_to_hex_str(da_info.bls_signature) |
} |
res = [ |
%{ |
data_type: 0, |
data_key: da_info.data_hash, |
data: data, |
batch_number: da_info.batch_number |
} |
] |
{check_result, keyset_map, updated_cache} = check_if_new_keyset(da_info.keyset_hash, l1_connection_config, cache) |
updated_res = |
case check_result do |
:new_keyset -> |
[ |
%{ |
data_type: 1, |
data_key: da_info.keyset_hash, |
data: keyset_map, |
batch_number: nil |
} |
| res |
] |
_ -> |
res |
end |
{updated_res ++ source, updated_cache} |
end |
# Verifies the existence of an AnyTrust committee keyset in the database and fetches it from L1 if not found. |
# |
# To avoid fetching the same keyset multiple times, the function uses a cache. |
# |
# ## Parameters |
# - `keyset_hash`: A binary representing the hash of the keyset. |
# - `l1_connection_config`: A map containing the address of the Sequencer Inbox |
# contract and configuration parameters for the JSON RPC |
# connection. |
# - `cache`: A set of unique elements used to cache the checked keysets. |
# |
# ## Returns |
# - `{:new_keyset, keyset_info, updated_cache}` if the keyset is not found and fetched from L1. |
# - `{:existing_keyset, nil, cache}` if the keyset is found in the cache or database. |
@spec check_if_new_keyset( |
binary(), |
%{ |
:sequencer_inbox_address => binary(), |
:json_rpc_named_arguments => EthereumJSONRPC.json_rpc_named_arguments() |
}, |
MapSet.t() |
) :: |
{:new_keyset, __MODULE__.keyset(), MapSet.t()} |
| {:existing_keyset, nil, MapSet.t()} |
defp check_if_new_keyset(keyset_hash, l1_connection_config, cache) do |
if MapSet.member?(cache, keyset_hash) do |
{:existing_keyset, nil, cache} |
else |
updated_cache = MapSet.put(cache, keyset_hash) |
case Db.anytrust_keyset_exists?(keyset_hash) do |
true -> |
{:existing_keyset, nil, updated_cache} |
false -> |
{:new_keyset, get_keyset_info_from_l1(keyset_hash, l1_connection_config), updated_cache} |
end |
end |
end |
# Retrieves and decodes AnyTrust committee keyset information from L1 using the provided keyset hash. |
# |
# This function fetches the block number when the keyset was applied, retrieves |
# the raw keyset data from L1, and decodes it to extract the threshold and public |
# keys information. |
# |
# ## Parameters |
# - `keyset_hash`: The hash of the keyset to be retrieved. |
# - A map containing: |
# - `:sequencer_inbox_address`: The address of the Sequencer Inbox contract. |
# - `:json_rpc_named_arguments`: Configuration parameters for the JSON RPC connection. |
# |
# ## Returns |
# - A map describing an AnyTrust committee. |
@spec get_keyset_info_from_l1( |
binary(), |
%{ |
:sequencer_inbox_address => binary(), |
:json_rpc_named_arguments => EthereumJSONRPC.json_rpc_named_arguments() |
} |
) :: __MODULE__.keyset() |
defp get_keyset_info_from_l1(keyset_hash, %{ |
sequencer_inbox_address: sequencer_inbox_address, |
json_rpc_named_arguments: json_rpc_named_arguments |
}) do |
keyset_applied_block_number = |
Rpc.get_block_number_for_keyset(sequencer_inbox_address, keyset_hash, json_rpc_named_arguments) |
log_debug("Keyset applied block number: #{keyset_applied_block_number}") |
raw_keyset_data = |
get_keyset_raw_data(keyset_hash, keyset_applied_block_number, sequencer_inbox_address, json_rpc_named_arguments) |
decode_keyset(raw_keyset_data) |
end |
# Retrieves the raw data of a keyset by querying logs for the `SetValidKeyset` event. |
# |
# This function fetches logs for the `SetValidKeyset` event within a specific block |
# emitted by the Sequencer Inbox contract and extracts the keyset data if available. |
# |
# ## Parameters |
# - `keyset_hash`: The hash of the keyset to retrieve. |
# - `block_number`: The block number to search for the logs. |
# - `sequencer_inbox_address`: The address of the Sequencer Inbox contract. |
# - `json_rpc_named_arguments`: Configuration parameters for the JSON RPC connection. |
# |
# ## Returns |
# - The raw data of the keyset if found, otherwise `nil`. |
@spec get_keyset_raw_data( |
binary(), |
non_neg_integer(), |
binary(), |
EthereumJSONRPC.json_rpc_named_arguments() |
) :: binary() | nil |
defp get_keyset_raw_data(keyset_hash, block_number, sequencer_inbox_address, json_rpc_named_arguments) do |
{:ok, logs} = |
IndexerHelper.get_logs( |
block_number, |
block_number, |
sequencer_inbox_address, |
[@set_valid_keyset_event, ArbitrumHelper.bytes_to_hex_str(keyset_hash)], |
json_rpc_named_arguments |
) |
if length(logs) > 0 do |
log_info("Found #{length(logs)} SetValidKeyset logs") |
set_valid_keyset_event_parse(List.first(logs)) |
else |
log_error("No SetValidKeyset logs found in the block #{block_number}") |
nil |
end |
end |
defp set_valid_keyset_event_parse(event) do |
[keyset_data] = decode_data(event["data"], @set_valid_keyset_event_unindexed_params) |
keyset_data |
end |
# Decodes an AnyTrust committee keyset from a binary input. |
# |
# This function extracts the threshold of committee members configured for the |
# keyset and the number of member public keys from the binary input, then decodes |
# the specified number of public keys. |
# |
# Implemented as per: https://github.com/OffchainLabs/nitro/blob/ad9ab00723e13cf98307b9b65774ad455594ef7b/arbstate/das_reader.go#L217-L248 |
# |
# ## Parameters |
# - A binary input containing the threshold value, the number of public keys, |
# and the public keys themselves. |
# |
# ## Returns |
# - A map describing an AnyTrust committee. |
@spec decode_keyset(binary()) :: __MODULE__.keyset() |
defp decode_keyset(<< |
threshold::big-unsigned-integer-size(64), |
num_keys::big-unsigned-integer-size(64), |
rest::binary |
>>) |
when num_keys <= 64 do |
{pubkeys, _} = decode_pubkeys(rest, num_keys, []) |
%{ |
threshold: threshold, |
pubkeys: pubkeys |
} |
end |
# Decodes a list of AnyTrust committee member public keys from a binary input. |
# |
# This function recursively processes a binary input to extract a specified number |
# of public keys. |
# |
# ## Parameters |
# - `data`: The binary input containing the public keys. |
# - `num_keys`: The number of public keys to decode. |
# - `acc`: An accumulator list to collect the decoded public keys. |
# |
# ## Returns |
# - A tuple containing: |
# - `{:error, "Insufficient data to decode public keys"}` if the input is insufficient |
# to decode the specified number of keys. |
# - A list of decoded AnyTrust committee member public keys and a binary entity |
# of zero length, if successful. |
@spec decode_pubkeys(binary(), non_neg_integer(), [ |
signer() |
]) :: {:error, String.t()} | {[signer()], binary()} |
defp decode_pubkeys(<<>>, 0, acc), do: {Enum.reverse(acc), <<>>} |
defp decode_pubkeys(<<>>, _num_keys, _acc), do: {:error, "Insufficient data to decode public keys"} |
defp decode_pubkeys(data, num_keys, acc) when num_keys > 0 do |
<<high_byte, low_byte, rest::binary>> = data |
pubkey_len = high_byte * 256 + low_byte |
<<pubkey_data::binary-size(pubkey_len), remaining::binary>> = rest |
pubkey = parse_pubkey(pubkey_data) |
decode_pubkeys(remaining, num_keys - 1, [pubkey | acc]) |
end |
# Parses a public key of an AnyTrust AnyTrust committee member from a binary input. |
# |
# This function extracts either the public key (for trusted sources) or the proof |
# bytes and key bytes (for untrusted sources). |
# |
# Implemented as per: https://github.com/OffchainLabs/nitro/blob/35bd2aa59611702e6403051af581fddda7c17f74/blsSignatures/blsSignatures.go#L206C6-L242 |
# |
# ## Parameters |
# - A binary input containing the proof length and the rest of the data. |
# |
# ## Returns |
# - A map describing an AnyTrust committee member public key. |
@spec parse_pubkey(binary()) :: signer() |
defp parse_pubkey(<<proof_len::size(8), rest::binary>>) do |
if proof_len == 0 do |
# Trusted source, no proof bytes, the rest is the key |
%{trusted: true, key: ArbitrumHelper.bytes_to_hex_str(rest)} |
else |
<<proof_bytes::binary-size(proof_len), key_bytes::binary>> = rest |
%{ |
trusted: false, |
proof: ArbitrumHelper.bytes_to_hex_str(proof_bytes), |
key: ArbitrumHelper.bytes_to_hex_str(key_bytes) |
} |
end |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ |
defmodule Indexer.Fetcher.Arbitrum.DA.Celestia do |
@moduledoc """ |
Provides functionality for parsing and preparing Celestia data availability |
information associated with Arbitrum rollup batches. |
""" |
import Indexer.Fetcher.Arbitrum.Utils.Logging, only: [log_error: 1] |
import Explorer.Chain.Arbitrum.DaMultiPurposeRecord.Helper, only: [calculate_celestia_data_key: 2] |
alias Indexer.Fetcher.Arbitrum.Utils.Helper, as: ArbitrumHelper |
alias Explorer.Chain.Arbitrum |
@enforce_keys [:batch_number, :height, :tx_commitment, :raw] |
defstruct @enforce_keys |
@typedoc """ |
Celestia Blob Pointer struct: |
* `batch_number` - The batch number in Arbitrum rollup associated with the |
Celestia data. |
* `height` - The height of the block in Celestia. |
* `tx_commitment` - Data commitment in Celestia. |
* `raw` - Unparsed blob pointer data containing data root, proof, etc. |
""" |
@type t :: %__MODULE__{ |
batch_number: non_neg_integer(), |
height: non_neg_integer(), |
tx_commitment: binary(), |
raw: binary() |
} |
@typedoc """ |
Celestia Blob Descriptor struct: |
* `height` - The height of the block in Celestia. |
* `tx_commitment` - Data commitment in Celestia. |
* `raw` - Unparsed blob pointer data containing data root, proof, etc. |
""" |
@type blob_descriptor :: %{ |
:height => non_neg_integer(), |
:tx_commitment => String.t(), |
:raw => String.t() |
} |
@doc """ |
Parses the batch accompanying data for Celestia. |
This function extracts Celestia blob descriptor information, representing |
information required to address a data blob and prove data availability, |
from a binary input associated with a given batch number. |
## Parameters |
- `batch_number`: The batch number in the Arbitrum rollup associated with the Celestia data. |
- `binary`: A binary input containing the Celestia blob descriptor data. |
## Returns |
- `{:ok, :in_celestia, da_info}` if the data is successfully parsed. |
- `{:error, nil, nil}` if the data cannot be parsed. |
""" |
@spec parse_batch_accompanying_data(non_neg_integer(), binary()) :: |
{:ok, :in_celestia, __MODULE__.t()} | {:error, nil, nil} |
def parse_batch_accompanying_data( |
batch_number, |
<< |
height::big-unsigned-integer-size(64), |
_start_index::binary-size(8), |
_shares_length::binary-size(8), |
_key::big-unsigned-integer-size(64), |
_num_leaves::big-unsigned-integer-size(64), |
_tuple_root_nonce::big-unsigned-integer-size(64), |
tx_commitment::binary-size(32), |
_data_root::binary-size(32), |
_side_nodes_length::big-unsigned-integer-size(64), |
_rest::binary |
>> = raw |
) do |
# https://github.com/celestiaorg/nitro-contracts/blob/celestia/blobstream/src/bridge/SequencerInbox.sol#L334-L360 |
{:ok, :in_celestia, %__MODULE__{batch_number: batch_number, height: height, tx_commitment: tx_commitment, raw: raw}} |
end |
def parse_batch_accompanying_data(_, _) do |
log_error("Can not parse Celestia DA message.") |
{:error, nil, nil} |
end |
@doc """ |
Prepares Celestia Blob data for import. |
## Parameters |
- `source`: The initial list of data to be imported. |
- `da_info`: The Celestia blob descriptor struct containing details about the data blob. |
## Returns |
- An updated list of data structures ready for import, including the Celestia blob descriptor. |
""" |
@spec prepare_for_import(list(), __MODULE__.t()) :: [Arbitrum.DaMultiPurposeRecord.to_import()] |
def prepare_for_import(source, %__MODULE__{} = da_info) do |
data = %{ |
height: da_info.height, |
tx_commitment: ArbitrumHelper.bytes_to_hex_str(da_info.tx_commitment), |
raw: ArbitrumHelper.bytes_to_hex_str(da_info.raw) |
} |
[ |
%{ |
data_type: 0, |
data_key: calculate_celestia_data_key(da_info.height, da_info.tx_commitment), |
data: data, |
batch_number: da_info.batch_number |
} |
| source |
] |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ |
defmodule Indexer.Fetcher.Arbitrum.DA.Common do |
@moduledoc """ |
This module provides common functionalities for handling data availability (DA) |
information in the Arbitrum rollup. |
""" |
import Indexer.Fetcher.Arbitrum.Utils.Logging, only: [log_error: 1] |
alias Indexer.Fetcher.Arbitrum.DA.{Anytrust, Celestia} |
alias Explorer.Chain.Arbitrum |
@doc """ |
Examines the batch accompanying data to determine its type and parse it accordingly. |
This function examines the batch accompanying data to identify its type and then |
parses it based on the identified type if necessary. |
## Parameters |
- `batch_number`: The batch number in the Arbitrum rollup. |
- `batch_accompanying_data`: The binary data accompanying the batch. |
## Returns |
- `{status, da_type, da_info}` where `da_type` is one of `:in_blob4844`, |
`:in_calldata`, `:in_celestia`, `:in_anytrust`, or `nil` if the accompanying |
data cannot be parsed or is of an unsupported type. `da_info` contains the DA |
info descriptor for Celestia or Anytrust. |
""" |
@spec examine_batch_accompanying_data(non_neg_integer(), binary()) :: |
{:ok, :in_blob4844, nil} |
| {:ok, :in_calldata, nil} |
| {:ok, :in_celestia, Celestia.t()} |
| {:ok, :in_anytrust, Anytrust.t()} |
| {:error, nil, nil} |
def examine_batch_accompanying_data(batch_number, batch_accompanying_data) do |
case batch_accompanying_data do |
nil -> {:ok, :in_blob4844, nil} |
_ -> parse_data_availability_info(batch_number, batch_accompanying_data) |
end |
end |
@doc """ |
Prepares data availability (DA) information for import. |
This function processes a list of DA information, either from Celestia or Anytrust, |
preparing it for database import. |
## Parameters |
- `da_info`: A list of DA information structs. |
- `l1_connection_config`: A map containing the address of the Sequencer Inbox contract |
and configuration parameters for the JSON RPC connection. |
## Returns |
- A list of data structures ready for import, each containing: |
- `:data_key`: A binary key identifying the data. |
- `:data_type`: An integer indicating the type of data, which can be `0` |
for data blob descriptors and `1` for Anytrust keyset descriptors. |
- `:data`: A map containing the DA information. |
- `:batch_number`: The batch number associated with the data, or `nil`. |
""" |
@spec prepare_for_import([Celestia.t() | Anytrust.t() | map()], %{ |
:sequencer_inbox_address => String.t(), |
:json_rpc_named_arguments => EthereumJSONRPC.json_rpc_named_arguments() |
}) :: [Arbitrum.DaMultiPurposeRecord.to_import()] |
def prepare_for_import([], _), do: [] |
def prepare_for_import(da_info, l1_connection_config) do |
da_info |
|> Enum.reduce({[], MapSet.new()}, fn info, {acc, cache} -> |
case info do |
%Celestia{} -> |
{Celestia.prepare_for_import(acc, info), cache} |
%Anytrust{} -> |
Anytrust.prepare_for_import(acc, info, l1_connection_config, cache) |
_ -> |
{acc, cache} |
end |
end) |
|> Kernel.elem(0) |
end |
@doc """ |
Determines if data availability information requires import. |
This function checks the type of data availability (DA) and returns whether |
the data should be imported based on its type. |
## Parameters |
- `da_type`: The type of data availability, which can be `:in_blob4844`, `:in_calldata`, |
`:in_celestia`, `:in_anytrust`, or `nil`. |
## Returns |
- `true` if the DA type is `:in_celestia` or `:in_anytrust`, indicating that the data |
requires import. |
- `false` for all other DA types, indicating that the data does not require import. |
""" |
@spec required_import?(:in_blob4844 | :in_calldata | :in_celestia | :in_anytrust | nil) :: boolean() |
def required_import?(da_type) do |
da_type in [:in_celestia, :in_anytrust] |
end |
# Parses data availability information based on the header flag. |
@spec parse_data_availability_info(non_neg_integer(), binary()) :: |
{:ok, :in_calldata, nil} |
| {:ok, :in_celestia, Celestia.t()} |
| {:ok, :in_anytrust, Anytrust.t()} |
| {:error, nil, nil} |
defp parse_data_availability_info(batch_number, << |
header_flag::size(8), |
rest::binary |
>>) do |
# https://github.com/OffchainLabs/nitro-contracts/blob/90037b996509312ef1addb3f9352457b8a99d6a6/src/bridge/SequencerInbox.sol#L69-L81 |
case header_flag do |
0 -> |
{:ok, :in_calldata, nil} |
12 -> |
Celestia.parse_batch_accompanying_data(batch_number, rest) |
32 -> |
log_error("ZERO HEAVY messages are not supported.") |
{:error, nil, nil} |
128 -> |
log_error("DAS messages are not supported.") |
{:error, nil, nil} |
136 -> |
Anytrust.parse_batch_accompanying_data(batch_number, rest) |
_ -> |
log_error("Unknown header flag found during an attempt to parse DA data: #{header_flag}") |
{:error, nil, nil} |
end |
end |
defp parse_data_availability_info(_, _) do |
log_error("Failed to parse data availability information.") |
{:error, nil, nil} |
end |
end |
Reference in new issue