<palign="center">Blockchain Explorer for inspecting and analyzing EVM Chains.</p>
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@ -283,6 +283,33 @@ BlockScout is setup to export [Prometheus](https://prometheus.io/) metrics at `/
3. Click "Load"
6. View the dashboards. (You will need to click-around and use BlockScout for the web-related metrics to show up.)
## Tracing
Blockscout supports tracing via
[Spandex](http://git@github.com:spandex-project/spandex.git). Each application
has its own tracer, that is configured internally to that application. In order
to enable it, visit each application's `config/<env>.ex` and update its tracer
configuration to change `disabled?: true` to `disabled?: false`. Do this for
each application you'd like included in your trace data.
Currently, only [Datadog](https://www.datadoghq.com/) is supported as a
tracing backend, but more will be added soon.
### DataDog
If you would like to use DataDog, after enabling `Spandex`, set
`"DATADOG_HOST"` and `"DATADOG_PORT"` environment variables to the
host/port that your Datadog agent is running on. For more information on
Datadog and the Datadog agent, see their
### Other
If you want to use a different backend, remove the
`SpandexDatadog.ApiServer``Supervisor.child_spec` from
`Explorer.Application` and follow any instructions provided in `Spandex`
for setting up that backend.
## Memory Usage
The work queues for building the index of all blocks, balances (coin and token), and internal transactions can grow quite large. By default, the soft-limit is 1 GiB, which can be changed in `apps/indexer/config/config.exs`: