Use lag windowing function to reduce missing block time

Ecto 3.0 gets us easy access to partitions and the windowing function
`lag`.  `lag` is able to keep track of the previous row without a self
join.  Importantly, the new query with `lag` and no more
`generate_series` completes in ~2.5 seconds on Ethereum mainnet
using `, :missing_block_number_ranges, [6889126..0])`
on ETH Mainnet Test DB 40 while the old version doesn't return after 5+

I've heavily commented the new version of the query since this took
awhile to figure out and most importantly finding the proper terminology:
"gaps and islands" was key to find the starting query using `lag`.

The query in SQL is as follows:

SELECT island.last_number + 1,
       island.next_number - 1
  SELECT lag(land.number) OVER "w" AS last_number,
         land.number AS next_number
  FROM (
    SELECT blocks.number AS number
    FROM blocks
    WHERE blocks.consensus = TRUE
      SELECT LEAST(min_blocks.number, before_range_min)
      FROM (
        SELECT min(blocks.number) AS number
        FROM blocks
        WHERE blocks.consensus = TRUE)
      ) AS min_blocks
      WHERE min_blocks.number IS NULL OR
            min_blocks.number != before_range_min
      SELECT GREATEST(max_blocks.number, after_range_max)
      FROM (
        SELECT max(blocks.number) AS number
        FROM blocks
        WHERE blocks.consensus = TRUE
       ) AS max_blocks
       WHERE max_blocks.number IS NULL OR
             max_blocks.number != after_range_max
   ) AS land
   WINDOW "w" AS (ORDER BY land.number)
) AS islands
WHERE islands.last_number != islands.next_number - 1
ORDER BY islands.last_number
Luke Imhoff 6 years ago
parent 24e81e28df
commit 75f9af7f56
  1. 112

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ defmodule Explorer.Chain do
order_by: 2,
order_by: 3,
preload: 2,
subquery: 1,
union_all: 2,
where: 2,
where: 3
@ -1244,54 +1246,76 @@ defmodule Explorer.Chain do
def missing_block_number_ranges(range)
def missing_block_number_ranges(range_start..range_end) do
{step, first, last, direction} =
if range_start <= range_end do
{1, :minimum, :maximum, :asc}
{-1, :maximum, :minimum, :desc}
# subquery so we can check for NULL in `range_min_query`, which happens for empty table
min_query = from(block in Block, select: %{number: min(block.number)}, where: block.consensus == true)
# this acts a fake found block, so it has to before the range of blocks we actually care to check
before_range_min = min(range_start, range_end) - 1
query =
b in Block,
missing_block_number_range in fragment(
# adapted from
(WITH missing_blocks AS
(SELECT number
FROM generate_series(? :: bigint, ? :: bigint, ? :: bigint) AS number
SELECT blocks.number
FROM blocks
WHERE blocks.consensus = true)
SELECT no_previous.number AS minimum,
(SELECT MIN(no_next.number)
FROM missing_blocks AS no_next
LEFT OUTER JOIN missing_blocks AS next
ON no_next.number = next.number - 1
WHERE next.number IS NULL AND
no_next.number >= no_previous.number) AS maximum
FROM missing_blocks as no_previous
LEFT OUTER JOIN missing_blocks AS previous
ON previous.number = no_previous.number - 1
WHERE previous.number IS NULL)
select: %Range{
first: field(missing_block_number_range, ^first),
last: field(missing_block_number_range, ^last)
range_min_query =
from(min_block in subquery(min_query),
select: %{
# `LEAST` ignores `NULL`, so it picks the fake range when there is no `min_block.number`
# because `blocks` is empty
number: fragment("LEAST(?, ?)", min_block.number, ^before_range_min)
order_by: [{^direction, field(missing_block_number_range, ^first)}],
# needed because the join makes a cartesian product with all block rows, but we need to use Block to make
# Ecto work.
distinct: true
# `blocks` is empty
# same number will not be returned by `number_query`
where: is_nil(min_block.number) or min_block.number != ^before_range_min
Repo.all(query, timeout: :infinity)
number_query = from(block in Block, select: %{number: block.number}, where: block.consensus == true)
# subquery so we can check for NULL in `range_max_query`, which happens for empty table
max_query = from(block in Block, select: %{number: max(block.number)}, where: block.consensus == true)
# this acts a fake found block, so it has to after the range of blocks we actually care to check
after_range_max = max(range_start, range_end) + 1
range_max_query =
from(max_block in subquery(max_query),
select: %{
# `GREATEST` ignores `NULL`, so it picks the fake range when there is no `max_block.number`
# because `blocks` is empty
number: fragment("GREATEST(?, ?)", max_block.number, ^after_range_max)
# blocks is empty
# same number will not be returned by `number_query`
where: is_nil(max_block.number) or max_block.number != ^after_range_max
# The actual blocks and a boundary of fake found blocks outside of `range_start..range_end` so that there is always
# a `lag` block
search_range_query =
|> union_all(^range_min_query)
|> union_all(^range_max_query)
# Gaps and Islands is the term-of-art for finding the runs of missing (gaps) and existing (islands) data. If you
# Google for `sql missing ranges` you won't find much, but `sql gaps and islands` will get a lot of hits.
island_query =
search_block in subquery(search_range_query),
windows: [w: [order_by: search_block.number]],
select: %{last_number: search_block.number |> lag() |> over(:w), next_number: search_block.number}
gap_query =
island in subquery(island_query),
where: island.last_number != island.next_number - 1,
select: %Range{first: island.last_number + 1, last: island.next_number - 1},
order_by: island.last_number
ascending = Repo.all(gap_query, timeout: :infinity)
if range_start <= range_end do
|> Enum.reverse()
|> first..last -> last..first end)
@doc """
