@ -580,15 +580,43 @@ defmodule EthereumJSONRPC do |
defp chunk_requests(requests, nil), do: requests |
defp chunk_requests(requests, chunk_size), do: Enum.chunk_every(requests, chunk_size) |
def put_if_present(result, map, keys) do |
Enum.reduce(keys, result, fn {from_key, to_key}, acc -> |
value = map[from_key] |
def put_if_present(result, transaction, keys) do |
Enum.reduce(keys, result, fn key, acc -> |
key_list = key |> Tuple.to_list() |
from_key = Enum.at(key_list, 0) |
to_key = Enum.at(key_list, 1) |
opts = if Enum.count(key_list) > 2, do: Enum.at(key_list, 2), else: %{} |
if value do |
Map.put(acc, to_key, value) |
else |
acc |
end |
value = transaction[from_key] |
validate_key(acc, to_key, value, opts) |
end) |
end |
defp validate_key(acc, _to_key, nil, _opts), do: acc |
defp validate_key(acc, to_key, value, %{:validation => validation}) do |
case validation do |
:address_hash -> |
if address_correct?(value), do: Map.put(acc, to_key, value), else: acc |
_ -> |
Map.put(acc, to_key, value) |
end |
end |
defp validate_key(acc, to_key, value, _validation) do |
Map.put(acc, to_key, value) |
end |
# todo: The similar function exists in Indexer application: |
# Here is the room for future refactoring to keep a single function. |
@spec address_correct?(binary()) :: boolean() |
defp address_correct?(address) when is_binary(address) do |
String.match?(address, ~r/^0x[[:xdigit:]]{40}$/i) |
end |
defp address_correct?(_address) do |
false |
end |
end |