@ -44,6 +44,16 @@ defmodule Indexer.Fetcher.Arbitrum.Workers.NewConfirmations do
require Logger
@typedoc """
A map containing list of transaction logs for a specific block range .
- the key is the tuple with the start and end of the block range
- the value is the list of transaction logs received for the block range
@type cached_logs :: %{ { non_neg_integer ( ) , non_neg_integer ( ) } = > [ %{ String . t ( ) = > any ( ) } ] }
@logs_per_report 10
@zero_counters %{ pairs_counter : 1 , capped_logs_counter : 0 , report? : false }
# keccak256("SendRootUpdated(bytes32,bytes32)")
@send_root_updated_event " 0xb4df3847300f076a369cd76d2314b470a1194d9e8a6bb97f1860aee88a5f6748 "
@ -732,33 +742,48 @@ defmodule Indexer.Fetcher.Arbitrum.Workers.NewConfirmations do
" Use L1 blocks #{ batch . commitment_transaction . block_number } .. #{ confirmation_desc . l1_block_num - 1 } to look for a rollup block confirmation within #{ batch . start_block } .. #{ batch . end_block } of # #{ batch . number } "
l1_blocks_pairs_to_get_logs (
batch . commitment_transaction . block_number ,
confirmation_desc . l1_block_num - 1 ,
l1_outbox_config . logs_block_range
|> Enum . reduce_while ( { :ok , nil , cache } , fn { log_start , log_end } , { _ , _ , updated_cache } ->
# credo:disable-for-previous-line Credo.Check.Refactor.PipeChainStart
{ status , latest_block_confirmed , new_cache } =
do_check_if_batch_confirmed (
{ batch . start_block , batch . end_block } ,
{ log_start , log_end } ,
l1_outbox_config ,
block_pairs =
l1_blocks_pairs_to_get_logs (
batch . commitment_transaction . block_number ,
confirmation_desc . l1_block_num - 1 ,
l1_outbox_config . logs_block_range
case { status , latest_block_confirmed } do
{ :error , _ } ->
{ :halt , { :error , nil , new_cache } }
block_pairs_length = length ( block_pairs )
{ status , block , new_cache , _ } =
|> Enum . reduce_while ( { :ok , nil , cache , @zero_counters } , fn { log_start , log_end } ,
{ _ , _ , updated_cache , counters } ->
{ status , latest_block_confirmed , new_cache , logs_amount } =
do_check_if_batch_confirmed (
{ batch . start_block , batch . end_block } ,
{ log_start , log_end } ,
l1_outbox_config ,
{ _ , nil } ->
{ :cont , { :ok , nil , new_cache } }
case { status , latest_block_confirmed } do
{ :error , _ } ->
{ :halt , { :error , nil , new_cache , @zero_counters } }
{ _ , previous_confirmed_rollup_block } ->
log_info ( " Confirmed block # #{ previous_confirmed_rollup_block } for the batch found " )
{ :halt , { :ok , previous_confirmed_rollup_block , new_cache } }
end )
{ _ , nil } ->
next_counters = next_counters ( counters , logs_amount )
# credo:disable-for-lines:3 Credo.Check.Refactor.Nesting
if next_counters . report? and block_pairs_length != next_counters . pairs_counter do
log_info ( " Examined #{ next_counters . pairs_counter - 1 } of #{ block_pairs_length } L1 block ranges " )
{ :cont , { :ok , nil , new_cache , next_counters } }
{ _ , previous_confirmed_rollup_block } ->
log_info ( " Confirmed block # #{ previous_confirmed_rollup_block } for the batch found " )
{ :halt , { :ok , previous_confirmed_rollup_block , new_cache , @zero_counters } }
end )
{ status , block , new_cache }
# Generates descending order pairs of start and finish block numbers, ensuring
@ -766,6 +791,9 @@ defmodule Indexer.Fetcher.Arbitrum.Workers.NewConfirmations do
# Examples:
# l1_blocks_pairs_to_get_logs(1, 10, 3) -> [{8, 10}, {5, 7}, {2, 4}, {1, 1}]
# l1_blocks_pairs_to_get_logs(5, 10, 3) -> [{8, 10}, {5, 7}]
@spec l1_blocks_pairs_to_get_logs ( non_neg_integer ( ) , non_neg_integer ( ) , non_neg_integer ( ) ) :: [
{ non_neg_integer ( ) , non_neg_integer ( ) }
defp l1_blocks_pairs_to_get_logs ( start , finish , max_range ) do
# credo:disable-for-lines:9 Credo.Check.Refactor.PipeChainStart
Stream . unfold ( finish , fn cur_finish ->
@ -794,14 +822,26 @@ defmodule Indexer.Fetcher.Arbitrum.Workers.NewConfirmations do
# - `cache`: A cache of previously fetched logs to reduce `eth_getLogs` calls.
# ## Returns
# - A tuple `{:ok, latest_block_confirmed, new_cache}`:
# - A tuple `{:ok, latest_block_confirmed, new_cache, logs_length }`:
# - `latest_block_confirmed` is the highest rollup block number confirmed within
# the specified range.
# - A tuple `{:ok, nil, new_cache}` if no rollup blocks within the specified rang e
# are confirmed.
# - A tuple `{:error, nil, new_cache}` if during parsing logs a rollup block with
# given hash is not being found in the database.
# - A tuple `{:ok, nil, new_cache, logs_length }` if no rollup blocks within the
# specified range are confirmed.
# - A tuple `{:error, nil, new_cache, logs_length }` if during parsing logs a rollup
# block with given hash is not being found in the database.
# For all three cases the `new_cache` contains the updated logs cache.
@spec do_check_if_batch_confirmed (
{ non_neg_integer ( ) , non_neg_integer ( ) } ,
{ non_neg_integer ( ) , non_neg_integer ( ) } ,
:outbox_address = > String . t ( ) ,
:json_rpc_named_arguments = > EthereumJSONRPC . json_rpc_named_arguments ( ) ,
optional ( any ( ) ) = > any ( )
} ,
__MODULE__ . cached_logs ( )
) ::
{ :ok , nil | non_neg_integer ( ) , __MODULE__ . cached_logs ( ) , non_neg_integer ( ) }
| { :error , nil , __MODULE__ . cached_logs ( ) , non_neg_integer ( ) }
defp do_check_if_batch_confirmed (
{ rollup_start_block , rollup_end_block } ,
{ log_start , log_end } ,
@ -824,7 +864,7 @@ defmodule Indexer.Fetcher.Arbitrum.Workers.NewConfirmations do
{ status , latest_block_confirmed } =
|> Enum . reduce_while ( { :ok , nil } , fn event , _acc ->
log_info ( " Examining the transaction #{ event [ " transactionHash " ] } " )
log_debug ( " Examining the transaction #{ event [ " transactionHash " ] } " )
rollup_block_hash = send_root_updated_event_parse ( event )
rollup_block_num = Db . rollup_block_hash_to_num ( rollup_block_hash )
@ -835,16 +875,34 @@ defmodule Indexer.Fetcher.Arbitrum.Workers.NewConfirmations do
{ :halt , { :error , nil } }
value when value >= rollup_start_block and value <= rollup_end_block ->
log_info ( " The rollup block # #{ rollup_block_num } within the range " )
log_debug ( " The rollup block # #{ rollup_block_num } within the range " )
{ :halt , { :ok , rollup_block_num } }
_ ->
log_info ( " The rollup block # #{ rollup_block_num } outside of the range " )
log_debug ( " The rollup block # #{ rollup_block_num } outside of the range " )
{ :cont , { :ok , nil } }
end )
{ status , latest_block_confirmed , new_cache }
{ status , latest_block_confirmed , new_cache , length ( logs ) }
# Simplifies the process of updating counters for the `eth_getLogs` requests
# to be used for logging purposes.
@spec next_counters (
%{ :pairs_counter = > non_neg_integer ( ) , :capped_logs_counter = > non_neg_integer ( ) , optional ( any ( ) ) = > any ( ) } ,
non_neg_integer ( )
) :: %{
:pairs_counter = > non_neg_integer ( ) ,
:capped_logs_counter = > non_neg_integer ( ) ,
:report? = > boolean ( )
defp next_counters ( %{ pairs_counter : pairs_counter , capped_logs_counter : capped_logs_counter } , logs_amount ) do
pairs_counter : pairs_counter + 1 ,
capped_logs_counter : rem ( capped_logs_counter + logs_amount , @logs_per_report ) ,
report? : div ( capped_logs_counter + logs_amount , @logs_per_report ) > 0
# Retrieves logs for `SendRootUpdated` events between specified blocks,
@ -868,6 +926,13 @@ defmodule Indexer.Fetcher.Arbitrum.Workers.NewConfirmations do
# - A tuple containing:
# - The list of logs corresponding to `SendRootUpdated` events.
# - The updated cache with the newly fetched logs.
@spec get_logs_new_confirmations (
non_neg_integer ( ) ,
non_neg_integer ( ) ,
binary ( ) ,
EthereumJSONRPC . json_rpc_named_arguments ( ) ,
__MODULE__ . cached_logs ( )
) :: { [ %{ String . t ( ) = > any ( ) } ] , __MODULE__ . cached_logs ( ) }
defp get_logs_new_confirmations ( start_block , end_block , outbox_address , json_rpc_named_arguments , cache \\ %{ } )
when start_block <= end_block do
# TODO: consider to have a persistent cache in DB to reduce the number of getLogs requests