Merge pull request #2497 from poanetwork/pp-general-ordered-cache
Add generic Ordered Cache behaviour and implementationpull/2570/head
@ -0,0 +1,326 @@ |
defmodule Explorer.Chain.OrderedCache do |
@moduledoc """ |
Behaviour for a cache of ordered elements. |
A macro based on `ConCache` is provided as well, at its minimum it can be used as; |
``` |
use Explorer.Chain.OrderedCache, name |
``` |
where `name is an `t:atom/0` identifying the cache. |
All default values can be modified by overriding their respective function or |
by setting an option. For example (showing all of them): |
``` |
use Explorer.Chain.OrderedCache, |
name: :name, # need to be set |
max_size: 51, # defaults to 100 |
ids_list_key: :ids_key, # defaults to `name` |
preloads: [] # defaults to [] |
``` |
Note: `preloads` can also be set singularly with the option `preload`, e.g.: |
``` |
use Explorer.Chain.OrderedCache, |
name: :cache |
preload: :block |
preload: :address |
preload: [transaction: :hash] |
``` |
Additionally all of the options accepted by `ConCache.start_link/1` can be |
provided as well. By default only `ttl_check_interval:` is set (to `false`). |
It's also possible, and advised, to override the implementation of the `c:prevails?/2` |
and `c:element_to_id/1` callbacks. |
For typechecking purposes it's also recommended to override the `t:element/0` |
and `t:id/0` type definitions. |
""" |
@type element :: struct() |
@type id :: term() |
@doc """ |
An atom that identifies this cache |
""" |
@callback cache_name :: atom() |
@doc """ |
The key used to store the (ordered) list of elements. |
Because this list is stored in the cache itself, one needs to make sure it is |
cannot be equal to any element id. |
""" |
@callback ids_list_key :: term() |
@doc """ |
The size that this cache cannot exceed. |
""" |
@callback max_size :: non_neg_integer() |
@doc """ |
Fields of the stored elements that need to be preloaded. |
For entities that are not stored in `Explorer.Repo` this should be empty. |
""" |
@callback preloads :: [term()] |
@doc """ |
The function that orders the elements and decides the ones that are stored. |
`prevails?(id_a, id_b)` should return `true` if (in case there is no space for both) |
the element with `id_a` should be stored instead of the element with `id_b`, |
`false` otherwise. |
""" |
@callback prevails?(id, id) :: boolean() |
@doc """ |
The function that obtains an unique `t:id/0` from an `t:element/0` |
""" |
@callback element_to_id(element()) :: id() |
@doc "Returns the list ids of the elements currently stored" |
@callback ids_list :: [id] |
@doc """ |
Fetches a element from its id, returns nil if not found |
""" |
@callback get(id) :: element | nil |
@doc """ |
Return the current number of elements stored |
""" |
@callback size() :: non_neg_integer() |
@doc """ |
Checks if there are enough elements stored |
""" |
@callback enough?(non_neg_integer()) :: boolean() |
@doc """ |
Checks if the number of elements stored is already the max allowed |
""" |
@callback full? :: boolean() |
@doc "Returns all the stored elements" |
@callback all :: [element] |
@doc "Returns the `n` most prevailing elements stored, based on `c:prevails?/2`" |
@callback take(integer()) :: [element] |
@doc """ |
Returns the `n` most prevailing elements, based on `c:prevails?/2`, unless there |
are not as many stored, in which case it returns `nil` |
""" |
@callback take_enough(integer()) :: [element] | nil |
@doc """ |
Adds an element, or a list of elements, to the cache. |
When the cache is full, only the most prevailing elements will be stored, based |
on `c:prevails?/2`. |
NOTE: every update is isolated from another one. |
""" |
@callback update([element] | element | nil) :: :ok |
defmacro __using__(name) when is_atom(name), do: do_using(name, []) |
defmacro __using__(opts) when is_list(opts) do |
# name is necessary |
name = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :name) |
do_using(name, opts) |
end |
# credo:disable-for-next-line /Complexity/ |
defp do_using(name, opts) when is_atom(name) and is_list(opts) do |
ids_list_key = Keyword.get(opts, :ids_list_key, name) |
max_size = Keyword.get(opts, :max_size, 100) |
preloads = Keyword.get(opts, :preloads) || Keyword.get_values(opts, :preload) |
concache_params = |
opts |
|> Keyword.drop([:ids_list_key, :max_size, :preloads, :preload]) |
|> Keyword.put_new(:ttl_check_interval, false) |
# credo:disable-for-next-line Credo.Check.Refactor.LongQuoteBlocks |
quote do |
alias Explorer.Chain.OrderedCache |
@behaviour OrderedCache |
### Automatically set functions |
@impl OrderedCache |
def cache_name, do: unquote(name) |
@impl OrderedCache |
def ids_list_key, do: unquote(ids_list_key) |
@impl OrderedCache |
def max_size, do: unquote(max_size) |
@impl OrderedCache |
def preloads, do: unquote(preloads) |
### Settable functions |
@impl OrderedCache |
def prevails?(id_a, id_b), do: id_a > id_b |
@impl OrderedCache |
def element_to_id(element), do: element |
### Straightforward fetching functions |
@impl OrderedCache |
def ids_list, do: ConCache.get(cache_name(), ids_list_key()) || [] |
@impl OrderedCache |
def get(id), do: ConCache.get(cache_name(), id) |
@impl OrderedCache |
def size, do: ids_list() |> Enum.count() |
@impl OrderedCache |
def enough?(amount), do: amount <= size() |
@impl OrderedCache |
def full?, do: max_size() <= size() |
@impl OrderedCache |
def all, do:, &get(&1)) |
@impl OrderedCache |
def take(amount) do |
ids_list() |
|> Enum.take(amount) |
|> |
end |
@impl OrderedCache |
def take_enough(amount) do |
# behaves just like `if enough?(amount), do: take(amount)` but fetching |
# the list only once |
ids = ids_list() |
if amount <= Enum.count(ids) do |
ids |
|> Enum.take(amount) |
|> |
end |
end |
### Updating function |
@impl OrderedCache |
def update(elements) when is_nil(elements), do: :ok |
def update(elements) when is_list(elements) do |
ConCache.update(cache_name(), ids_list_key(), fn ids -> |
updated_list = |
elements |
|>{element_to_id(&1), &1}) |
|> Enum.sort(&prevails?(&1, &2)) |
|> merge_and_update(ids || [], max_size()) |
{:ok, updated_list} |
end) |
end |
def update(element), do: update([element]) |
defp merge_and_update(_candidates, existing, 0) do |
# if there is no more space in the list remove the remaining existing |
# elements and return an empty list |
remove(existing) |
[] |
end |
defp merge_and_update([], existing, size) do |
# if there are no more candidates to be inserted keep as many of the |
# exsisting elements and remove the rest |
{remaining, to_remove} = Enum.split(existing, size) |
remove(to_remove) |
remaining |
end |
defp merge_and_update(candidates, [], size) do |
# if there are still candidates and no more existing value insert as many |
# candidates as possible and ignore the rest |
candidates |
|> Enum.take(size) |
|> {element_id, element} -> |
put_element(element_id, element) |
element_id |
end) |
end |
defp merge_and_update(candidates, existing, size) do |
[{candidate_id, candidate} | to_check] = candidates |
[head | tail] = existing |
cond do |
head == candidate_id -> |
# if a candidate has the id of and existing element, update its value |
put_element(candidate_id, candidate) |
[head | merge_and_update(to_check, tail, size - 1)] |
prevails?(head, candidate_id) -> |
# keep the prevaling existing value and compare all candidates against the rest |
[head | merge_and_update(candidates, tail, size - 1)] |
true -> |
# insert new prevailing candidate and compare the remaining ones with the rest |
put_element(candidate_id, candidate) |
[candidate_id | merge_and_update(to_check, existing, size - 1)] |
end |
end |
defp remove(key) do |
# Always performs async removal so it can wait 1/10 of a second and |
# others have the time to get elements that were in the cache's list. |
# Different updates cannot interfere with the removed element because |
# if this was scheduled for removal it means it is too old, so following |
# updates cannot insert it in the future. |
Task.start(fn -> |
Process.sleep(100) |
if is_list(key) do |
||||, &ConCache.delete(cache_name(), &1)) |
else |
ConCache.delete(cache_name(), key) |
end |
end) |
end |
defp put_element(element_id, element) do |
full_element = |
if Enum.empty?(preloads()) do |
element |
else |
Explorer.Repo.preload(element, preloads()) |
end |
# dirty puts are a little faster than puts with locks. |
# this is not a problem because this is the only function modifying rows |
# and it only gets called inside `update`, which works isolated |
ConCache.dirty_put(cache_name(), element_id, full_element) |
end |
### Supervisor's child specification |
@doc """ |
The child specification for a Supervisor. Note that all the `params` |
provided to this function will override the ones set by using the macro |
""" |
def child_spec(params) do |
params = Keyword.merge(unquote(concache_params), params) |
Supervisor.child_spec({ConCache, params}, id: child_id()) |
end |
def child_id, do: {ConCache, cache_name()} |
defoverridable cache_name: 0, |
ids_list_key: 0, |
max_size: 0, |
preloads: 0, |
prevails?: 2, |
element_to_id: 1 |
end |
end |
end |
Reference in new issue