@ -12,16 +12,24 @@ defmodule Explorer.Chain.Import do |
require Logger |
@stages [ |
Import.Stage.BlockRelated, |
Import.Stage.BlockReferencing, |
Import.Stage.BlockFollowing, |
Import.Stage.BlockPending, |
Import.Stage.ChainTypeSpecific |
[ |
Import.Stage.Main |
], |
[ |
Import.Stage.BlockTransactionReferencing, |
Import.Stage.TokenReferencing, |
Import.Stage.InternalTransactions, |
Import.Stage.ChainTypeSpecific |
] |
] |
# in order so that foreign keys are inserted before being referenced |
@configured_runners Enum.flat_map(@stages, fn stage -> stage.runners() end) |
@all_runners Enum.flat_map(@stages, fn stage -> stage.all_runners() end) |
@configured_runners Enum.flat_map(@stages, fn stage_batch -> |
Enum.flat_map(stage_batch, fn stage -> stage.runners() end) |
end) |
@all_runners Enum.flat_map(@stages, fn stage_batch -> |
Enum.flat_map(stage_batch, fn stage -> stage.all_runners() end) |
end) |
quoted_runner_option_value = |
quote do |
@ -283,9 +291,11 @@ defmodule Explorer.Chain.Import do |
timestamps = timestamps() |
full_options = Map.put(options, :timestamps, timestamps) |
{multis, final_runner_to_changes_list} = |
Enum.flat_map_reduce(@stages, runner_to_changes_list, fn stage, remaining_runner_to_changes_list -> |
stage.multis(remaining_runner_to_changes_list, full_options) |
{multis_batches, final_runner_to_changes_list} = |
Enum.map_reduce(@stages, runner_to_changes_list, fn stage_batch, remaining_runner_to_changes_list -> |
Enum.flat_map_reduce(stage_batch, remaining_runner_to_changes_list, fn stage, inner_remaining_list -> |
stage.multis(inner_remaining_list, full_options) |
end) |
end) |
unless Enum.empty?(final_runner_to_changes_list) do |
@ -293,7 +303,7 @@ defmodule Explorer.Chain.Import do |
"No stages consumed the following runners: #{final_runner_to_changes_list |> Map.keys() |> inspect()}" |
end |
multis |
multis_batches |
end |
def insert_changes_list(repo, changes_list, options) when is_atom(repo) and is_list(changes_list) do |
@ -337,17 +347,21 @@ defmodule Explorer.Chain.Import do |
reraise exception, __STACKTRACE__ |
end |
defp logged_import(multis, options) when is_list(multis) and is_map(options) do |
defp logged_import(multis_batches, options) when is_list(multis_batches) and is_map(options) do |
import_id = :erlang.unique_integer([:positive]) |
Explorer.Logger.metadata(fn -> import_transactions(multis, options) end, import_id: import_id) |
Explorer.Logger.metadata(fn -> import_batch_transactions(multis_batches, options) end, import_id: import_id) |
end |
defp import_transactions(multis, options) when is_list(multis) and is_map(options) do |
Enum.reduce_while(multis, {:ok, %{}}, fn multi, {:ok, acc_changes} -> |
case import_transaction(multi, options) do |
{:ok, changes} -> {:cont, {:ok, Map.merge(acc_changes, changes)}} |
{:error, _, _, _} = error -> {:halt, error} |
defp import_batch_transactions(multis_batches, options) when is_list(multis_batches) and is_map(options) do |
Enum.reduce_while(multis_batches, {:ok, %{}}, fn multis, {:ok, acc_changes} -> |
multis |
|> run_parallel_multis(options) |
|> Task.yield_many(:infinity) |
|> handle_task_results(acc_changes) |
|> case do |
{:ok, changes} -> {:cont, {:ok, changes}} |
error -> {:halt, error} |
end |
end) |
rescue |
@ -358,8 +372,26 @@ defmodule Explorer.Chain.Import do |
end |
end |
defp run_parallel_multis(multis, options) do |
Enum.map(multis, fn multi -> Task.async(fn -> import_transaction(multi, options) end) end) |
end |
defp import_transaction(multi, options) when is_map(options) do |
Repo.logged_transaction(multi, timeout: Map.get(options, :timeout, @transaction_timeout)) |
rescue |
exception -> {:exception, exception, __STACKTRACE__} |
end |
defp handle_task_results(task_results, acc_changes) do |
Enum.reduce_while(task_results, {:ok, acc_changes}, fn {_task, task_result}, {:ok, acc_changes_inner} -> |
case task_result do |
{:ok, {:ok, changes}} -> {:cont, {:ok, Map.merge(acc_changes_inner, changes)}} |
{:ok, {:exception, exception, stacktrace}} -> reraise exception, stacktrace |
{:ok, error} -> {:halt, error} |
{:exit, reason} -> {:halt, reason} |
nil -> {:halt, :timeout} |
end |
end) |
end |
defp set_refetch_needed_for_partially_imported_blocks(%{blocks: %{params: blocks_params}}) do |