@ -0,0 +1,672 @@ |
defmodule Explorer.Chain.Import do |
@moduledoc """ |
Bulk importing of data into `Explorer.Repo` |
""" |
import Ecto.Query, only: [from: 2] |
alias Ecto.{Changeset, Multi} |
alias Explorer.Chain.{Address, Balance, Block, Hash, InternalTransaction, Log, Transaction, Wei} |
alias Explorer.Repo |
@typep addresses_option :: {:addresses, [params_option | timeout_option | with_option]} |
@typep balances_option :: {:balances, [params_option | timeout_option]} |
@typep blocks_option :: {:blocks, [params_option | timeout_option]} |
@typep broadcast_option :: {:broadcast, Boolean} |
@typep internal_transactions_option :: {:internal_transactions, [params_option | timeout_option]} |
@typep logs_option :: {:logs, [params_option | timeout_option]} |
@typep on_conflict_option :: {:on_conflict, :nothing | :replace_all} |
@typep params_option :: {:params, [map()]} |
@typep receipts_option :: {:receipts, [params_option | timeout_option]} |
@typep timeout_option :: {:timeout, timeout} |
@typep timestamps :: %{inserted_at: DateTime.t(), updated_at: DateTime.t()} |
@typep timestamps_option :: {:timestamps, timestamps} |
@typep transactions_option :: {:transactions, [on_conflict_option | params_option | timeout_option | with_option]} |
@typep with_option :: {:with, changeset_function_name :: atom} |
@type all_options :: [ |
addresses_option |
| balances_option |
| blocks_option |
| broadcast_option |
| internal_transactions_option |
| logs_option |
| receipts_option |
| timeout_option |
| transactions_option |
] |
@type all_result :: |
{:ok, |
%{ |
optional(:addresses) => [Address.t()], |
optional(:balances) => [ |
%{required(:address_hash) => Hash.Address.t(), required(:block_number) => Block.block_number()} |
], |
optional(:blocks) => [Block.t()], |
optional(:internal_transactions) => [ |
%{required(:index) => non_neg_integer(), required(:transaction_hash) => Hash.Full.t()} |
], |
optional(:logs) => [Log.t()], |
optional(:receipts) => [Hash.Full.t()], |
optional(:transactions) => [Hash.Full.t()] |
}} |
| {:error, [Changeset.t()]} |
| {:error, step ::, failed_value :: any(), |
changes_so_far :: %{optional( => any()}} |
@type internal_transactions_options :: [ |
addresses_option |
| internal_transactions_option |
| timeout_option |
| {:transactions, [{:hashes, [String.t()]} | timeout_option]} |
] |
@type internal_transactions_result :: |
{:ok, |
%{ |
optional(:addresses) => [Hash.Address.t()], |
optional(:internal_transactions) => [ |
%{required(:index) => non_neg_integer(), required(:transaction_hash) => Hash.Full.t()} |
] |
}} |
| {:error, [Changeset.t()]} |
| {:error, step ::, failed_value :: any(), |
changes_so_far :: %{optional( => any()}} |
# timeouts all in milliseconds |
@transaction_timeout 120_000 |
@insert_addresses_timeout 60_000 |
@insert_balances_timeout 60_000 |
@insert_blocks_timeout 60_000 |
@insert_internal_transactions_timeout 60_000 |
@insert_logs_timeout 60_000 |
@insert_transactions_timeout 60_000 |
@doc """ |
Bulk insert all data stored in the `Explorer`. |
The import returns the unique key(s) for each type of record inserted. |
| Key | Value Type | Value Description | |
|--------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| `:addresses` | `[Explorer.Chain.Address.t()]` | List of `t:Explorer.Chain.Address.t/0`s | |
| `:balances` | `[%{address_hash: Explorer.Chain.Hash.t(), block_number: Explorer.Chain.Block.block_number()}]` | List of `t:Explorer.Chain.Address.t/0`s | |
| `:blocks` | `[Explorer.Chain.Block.t()]` | List of `t:Explorer.Chain.Block.t/0`s | |
| `:internal_transactions` | `[%{index: non_neg_integer(), transaction_hash: Explorer.Chain.Hash.t()}]` | List of maps of the `t:Explorer.Chain.InternalTransaction.t/0` `index` and `transaction_hash` | |
| `:logs` | `[Explorer.Chain.Log.t()]` | List of `t:Explorer.Chain.Log.t/0`s | |
| `:transactions` | `[Explorer.Chain.Hash.t()]` | List of `t:Explorer.Chain.Transaction.t/0` `hash` | |
The params for each key are validated using the corresponding `Ecto.Schema` module's `changeset/2` function. If there |
are errors, they are returned in `Ecto.Changeset.t`s, so that the original, invalid value can be reconstructed for any |
error messages. |
Because there are multiple processes potentially writing to the same tables at the same time, |
`c:Ecto.Repo.insert_all/2`'s |
[`:conflict_target` and `:on_conflict` options]( are |
used to perform [upserts]( on all tables, so that |
a pre-existing unique key will not trigger a failure, but instead replace or otherwise update the row. |
## Data Notifications |
On successful inserts, processes interested in certain domains of data will be notified |
that new data has been inserted. See `Explorer.Chain.subscribe_to_events/1` for more information. |
## Options |
* `:addresses` |
* `:params` - `list` of params for `Explorer.Chain.Address.changeset/2`. |
* `:timeout` - the timeout for inserting all addresses. Defaults to `#{@insert_addresses_timeout}` milliseconds. |
* `:with` - the changeset function on `Explorer.Chain.Address` to use validate `:params`. |
* `:balances` |
* `:params` - `list` of params for `Explorer.Chain.Balance.changeset/2`. |
* `:timeout` - the timeout for inserting all balances. Defaults to `#{@insert_balances_timeout}` milliseconds. |
* `:blocks` |
* `:params` - `list` of params for `Explorer.Chain.Block.changeset/2`. |
* `:timeout` - the timeout for inserting all blocks. Defaults to `#{@insert_blocks_timeout}` milliseconds. |
* `:broacast` - Boolean flag indicating whether or not to broadcast the event. |
* `:internal_transactions` |
* `:params` - `list` of params for `Explorer.Chain.InternalTransaction.changeset/2`. |
* `:timeout` - the timeout for inserting all internal transactions. Defaults to |
`#{@insert_internal_transactions_timeout}` milliseconds. |
* `:logs` |
* `:params` - `list` of params for `Explorer.Chain.Log.changeset/2`. |
* `:timeout` - the timeout for inserting all logs. Defaults to `#{@insert_logs_timeout}` milliseconds. |
* `:timeout` - the timeout for the whole `c:Ecto.Repo.transaction/0` call. Defaults to `#{@transaction_timeout}` |
milliseconds. |
* `:transactions` |
* `:on_conflict` - Whether to do `:nothing` or `:replace_all` columns when there is a pre-existing transaction |
with the same hash. |
*NOTE*: Because the repository transaction for a pending `Explorer.Chain.Transaction`s could `COMMIT` after the |
repository transaction for that same transaction being collated into a block, writers, it is recomended to use |
`:nothing` for pending transactions and `:replace_all` for collated transactions, so that collated transactions |
win. |
* `:params` - `list` of params for `Explorer.Chain.Transaction.changeset/2`. |
* `:timeout` - the timeout for inserting all transactions found in the params lists across all |
types. Defaults to `#{@insert_transactions_timeout}` milliseconds. |
* `:with` - the changeset function on `Explorer.Chain.Transaction` to use validate `:params`. |
""" |
@spec all(all_options()) :: all_result() |
def all(options) when is_list(options) do |
broadcast = |
case Keyword.fetch(options, :broadcast) do |
{:ok, broadcast} -> broadcast |
:error -> false |
end |
changes_list_arguments_list = import_options_to_changes_list_arguments_list(options) |
with {:ok, ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map} <- |
changes_list_arguments_list_to_ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map(changes_list_arguments_list), |
{:ok, data} <- insert_ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map(ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map, options) do |
if broadcast, do: broadcast_events(data) |
{:ok, data} |
end |
end |
defp broadcast_events(data) do |
for {event_type, event_data} <- data, event_type in ~w(addresses balances blocks logs transactions)a do |
broadcast_event_data(event_type, event_data) |
end |
end |
defp broadcast_event_data(event_type, event_data) do |
Registry.dispatch(Registry.ChainEvents, event_type, fn entries -> |
for {pid, _registered_val} <- entries do |
send(pid, {:chain_event, event_type, event_data}) |
end |
end) |
end |
defp changes_list_arguments_list_to_ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map(changes_list_arguments_list) do |
changes_list_arguments_list |
|> [params_list, options] -> |
ecto_schema_module = Keyword.fetch!(options, :for) |
{ecto_schema_module, changes_list(params_list, options)} |
end) |
|> Enum.reduce({:ok, %{}}, fn |
{ecto_schema_module, {:ok, changes_list}}, {:ok, ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map} -> |
{:ok, Map.put(ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map, ecto_schema_module, changes_list)} |
{_, {:ok, _}}, {:error, _} = error -> |
error |
{_, {:error, _} = error}, {:ok, _} -> |
error |
{_, {:error, changesets}}, {:error, acc_changesets} -> |
{:error, acc_changesets ++ changesets} |
end) |
end |
@spec changes_list(params :: [map], [{:for, module} | {:with, atom}]) :: {:ok, [map]} | {:error, [Changeset.t()]} |
defp changes_list(params, options) when is_list(options) do |
ecto_schema_module = Keyword.fetch!(options, :for) |
changeset_function_name = Keyword.get(options, :with, :changeset) |
struct = ecto_schema_module.__struct__() |
{status, acc} = |
params |
|>, changeset_function_name, [struct, &1])) |
|> Enum.reduce({:ok, []}, fn |
changeset = %Changeset{valid?: false}, {:ok, _} -> |
{:error, [changeset]} |
changeset = %Changeset{valid?: false}, {:error, acc_changesets} -> |
{:error, [changeset | acc_changesets]} |
%Changeset{changes: changes, valid?: true}, {:ok, acc_changes} -> |
{:ok, [changes | acc_changes]} |
%Changeset{valid?: true}, {:error, _} = error -> |
error |
end) |
{status, Enum.reverse(acc)} |
end |
@import_option_key_to_ecto_schema_module %{ |
addresses: Address, |
balances: Balance, |
blocks: Block, |
internal_transactions: InternalTransaction, |
logs: Log, |
transactions: Transaction |
} |
defp ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map_to_multi(ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map, options) |
when is_list(options) do |
timestamps = timestamps() |
full_options = Keyword.put(options, :timestamps, timestamps) |
|||| |
|> run_addresses(ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map, full_options) |
|> run_balances(ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map, full_options) |
|> run_blocks(ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map, full_options) |
|> run_transactions(ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map, full_options) |
|> run_internal_transactions(ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map, full_options) |
|> run_logs(ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map, full_options) |
end |
defp run_addresses(multi, ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map, options) |
when is_map(ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map) and is_list(options) do |
case ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map do |
%{Address => addresses_changes} -> |
timestamps = Keyword.fetch!(options, :timestamps) |
||||, :addresses, fn _ -> |
insert_addresses( |
addresses_changes, |
timeout: options[:addresses][:timeout] || @insert_addresses_timeout, |
timestamps: timestamps |
) |
end) |
_ -> |
multi |
end |
end |
defp run_balances(multi, ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map, options) |
when is_map(ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map) and is_list(options) do |
case ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map do |
%{Balance => balances_changes} -> |
timestamps = Keyword.fetch!(options, :timestamps) |
||||, :balances, fn _ -> |
insert_balances( |
balances_changes, |
timeout: options[:balances][:timeout] || @insert_balances_timeout, |
timestamps: timestamps |
) |
end) |
_ -> |
multi |
end |
end |
defp run_blocks(multi, ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map, options) |
when is_map(ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map) and is_list(options) do |
case ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map do |
%{Block => blocks_changes} -> |
timestamps = Keyword.fetch!(options, :timestamps) |
||||, :blocks, fn _ -> |
insert_blocks( |
blocks_changes, |
timeout: options[:blocks][:timeout] || @insert_blocks_timeout, |
timestamps: timestamps |
) |
end) |
_ -> |
multi |
end |
end |
defp run_transactions(multi, ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map, options) |
when is_map(ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map) and is_list(options) do |
case ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map do |
%{Transaction => transactions_changes} -> |
# check required options as early as possible |
transactions_options = Keyword.fetch!(options, :transactions) |
on_conflict = Keyword.fetch!(transactions_options, :on_conflict) |
timestamps = Keyword.fetch!(options, :timestamps) |
||||, :transactions, fn _ -> |
insert_transactions( |
transactions_changes, |
on_conflict: on_conflict, |
timeout: transactions_options[:timeout] || @insert_transactions_timeout, |
timestamps: timestamps |
) |
end) |
_ -> |
multi |
end |
end |
defp run_internal_transactions(multi, ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map, options) |
when is_map(ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map) and is_list(options) do |
case ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map do |
%{InternalTransaction => internal_transactions_changes} -> |
timestamps = Keyword.fetch!(options, :timestamps) |
multi |
|>, fn _ -> |
insert_internal_transactions( |
internal_transactions_changes, |
timeout: options[:internal_transactions][:timeout] || @insert_internal_transactions_timeout, |
timestamps: timestamps |
) |
end) |
|>, fn %{internal_transactions: internal_transactions} |
when is_list(internal_transactions) -> |
update_transactions_internal_transactions_indexed_at( |
internal_transactions, |
timeout: options[:transactions][:timeout] || @insert_transactions_timeout, |
timestamps: timestamps |
) |
end) |
_ -> |
multi |
end |
end |
defp run_logs(multi, ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map, options) |
when is_map(ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map) and is_list(options) do |
case ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map do |
%{Log => logs_changes} -> |
timestamps = Keyword.fetch!(options, :timestamps) |
||||, :logs, fn _ -> |
insert_logs( |
logs_changes, |
timeout: options[:logs][:timeout] || @insert_logs_timeout, |
timestamps: timestamps |
) |
end) |
_ -> |
multi |
end |
end |
@spec insert_addresses([%{hash: Hash.Address.t()}], [timeout_option | timestamps_option | with_option]) :: |
{:ok, [Hash.Address.t()]} |
defp insert_addresses(changes_list, named_arguments) |
when is_list(changes_list) and is_list(named_arguments) do |
timestamps = Keyword.fetch!(named_arguments, :timestamps) |
timeout = Keyword.fetch!(named_arguments, :timeout) |
# order so that row ShareLocks are grabbed in a consistent order |
ordered_changes_list = sort_address_changes_list(changes_list) |
insert_changes_list( |
ordered_changes_list, |
conflict_target: :hash, |
on_conflict: |
from( |
address in Address, |
update: [ |
set: [ |
contract_code: fragment("COALESCE(?, EXCLUDED.contract_code)", address.contract_code), |
# ARGMAX on two columns |
fetched_balance: |
fragment( |
""" |
CASE WHEN EXCLUDED.fetched_balance_block_number IS NOT NULL AND |
EXCLUDED.fetched_balance_block_number >= ?) THEN |
EXCLUDED.fetched_balance |
ELSE ? |
""", |
address.fetched_balance_block_number, |
address.fetched_balance_block_number, |
address.fetched_balance |
), |
# MAX on two columns |
fetched_balance_block_number: |
fragment( |
""" |
CASE WHEN EXCLUDED.fetched_balance_block_number IS NOT NULL AND |
EXCLUDED.fetched_balance_block_number >= ?) THEN |
EXCLUDED.fetched_balance_block_number |
ELSE ? |
""", |
address.fetched_balance_block_number, |
address.fetched_balance_block_number, |
address.fetched_balance_block_number |
) |
] |
] |
), |
for: Address, |
returning: true, |
timeout: timeout, |
timestamps: timestamps |
) |
end |
defp sort_address_changes_list(changes_list) do |
Enum.sort_by(changes_list, & &1.hash) |
end |
@spec insert_balances( |
[ |
%{ |
required(:address_hash) => Hash.Address.t(), |
required(:block_number) => Block.block_number(), |
required(:value) => Wei.t() |
} |
], |
[timeout_option] |
) :: |
{:ok, [%{required(:address_hash) => Hash.Address.t(), required(:block_number) => Block.block_number()}]} |
| {:error, [Changeset.t()]} |
defp insert_balances(changes_list, named_arguments) when is_list(changes_list) and is_list(named_arguments) do |
timestamps = Keyword.fetch!(named_arguments, :timestamps) |
timeout = Keyword.fetch!(named_arguments, :timeout) |
# order so that row ShareLocks are grabbed in a consistent order |
ordered_changes_list = Enum.sort_by(changes_list, &{&1.address_hash, &1.block_number}) |
{:ok, _} = |
insert_changes_list( |
ordered_changes_list, |
conflict_target: [:address_hash, :block_number], |
on_conflict: |
from( |
balance in Balance, |
update: [ |
set: [ |
inserted_at: fragment("LEAST(EXCLUDED.inserted_at, ?)", balance.inserted_at), |
updated_at: fragment("GREATEST(EXCLUDED.updated_at, ?)", balance.updated_at), |
value: |
fragment( |
""" |
ELSE ? |
""", |
balance.updated_at, |
balance.value |
) |
] |
] |
), |
for: Balance, |
timeout: timeout, |
timestamps: timestamps |
) |
{:ok,, &Map.take(&1, ~w(address_hash block_number)a))} |
end |
@spec insert_blocks([map()], [timeout_option | timestamps_option]) :: {:ok, [Block.t()]} | {:error, [Changeset.t()]} |
defp insert_blocks(changes_list, named_arguments) |
when is_list(changes_list) and is_list(named_arguments) do |
timestamps = Keyword.fetch!(named_arguments, :timestamps) |
timeout = Keyword.fetch!(named_arguments, :timeout) |
# order so that row ShareLocks are grabbed in a consistent order |
ordered_changes_list = Enum.sort_by(changes_list, &{&1.number, &1.hash}) |
{:ok, blocks} = |
insert_changes_list( |
ordered_changes_list, |
conflict_target: :number, |
on_conflict: :replace_all, |
for: Block, |
returning: true, |
timeout: timeout, |
timestamps: timestamps |
) |
{:ok, blocks} |
end |
@spec insert_internal_transactions([map], [timeout_option | timestamps_option]) :: |
{:ok, [%{index: non_neg_integer, transaction_hash: Hash.t()}]} |
| {:error, [Changeset.t()]} |
defp insert_internal_transactions(changes_list, named_arguments) |
when is_list(changes_list) and is_list(named_arguments) do |
timestamps = Keyword.fetch!(named_arguments, :timestamps) |
# order so that row ShareLocks are grabbed in a consistent order |
ordered_changes_list = Enum.sort_by(changes_list, &{&1.transaction_hash, &1.index}) |
{:ok, internal_transactions} = |
insert_changes_list( |
ordered_changes_list, |
conflict_target: [:transaction_hash, :index], |
for: InternalTransaction, |
on_conflict: :replace_all, |
returning: [:index, :transaction_hash], |
timestamps: timestamps |
) |
{:ok, |
for( |
internal_transaction <- internal_transactions, |
do: Map.take(internal_transaction, [:index, :transaction_hash]) |
)} |
end |
@spec insert_logs([map()], [timeout_option | timestamps_option]) :: |
{:ok, [Log.t()]} |
| {:error, [Changeset.t()]} |
defp insert_logs(changes_list, named_arguments) |
when is_list(changes_list) and is_list(named_arguments) do |
timestamps = Keyword.fetch!(named_arguments, :timestamps) |
timeout = Keyword.fetch!(named_arguments, :timeout) |
# order so that row ShareLocks are grabbed in a consistent order |
ordered_changes_list = Enum.sort_by(changes_list, &{&1.transaction_hash, &1.index}) |
{:ok, _} = |
insert_changes_list( |
ordered_changes_list, |
conflict_target: [:transaction_hash, :index], |
on_conflict: :replace_all, |
for: Log, |
returning: true, |
timeout: timeout, |
timestamps: timestamps |
) |
end |
@spec insert_transactions([map()], [on_conflict_option | timeout_option | timestamps_option]) :: |
{:ok, [Hash.t()]} | {:error, [Changeset.t()]} |
defp insert_transactions(changes_list, named_arguments) |
when is_list(changes_list) and is_list(named_arguments) do |
timestamps = Keyword.fetch!(named_arguments, :timestamps) |
timeout = Keyword.fetch!(named_arguments, :timeout) |
on_conflict = Keyword.fetch!(named_arguments, :on_conflict) |
# order so that row ShareLocks are grabbed in a consistent order |
ordered_changes_list = Enum.sort_by(changes_list, & &1.hash) |
{:ok, transactions} = |
insert_changes_list( |
ordered_changes_list, |
conflict_target: :hash, |
on_conflict: on_conflict, |
for: Transaction, |
returning: [:hash], |
timeout: timeout, |
timestamps: timestamps |
) |
{:ok, for(transaction <- transactions, do: transaction.hash)} |
end |
defp insert_changes_list(changes_list, options) when is_list(changes_list) do |
ecto_schema_module = Keyword.fetch!(options, :for) |
timestamped_changes_list = timestamp_changes_list(changes_list, Keyword.fetch!(options, :timestamps)) |
{_, inserted} = |
Repo.safe_insert_all( |
ecto_schema_module, |
timestamped_changes_list, |
Keyword.delete(options, :for) |
) |
{:ok, inserted} |
end |
defp update_transactions_internal_transactions_indexed_at(internal_transactions, named_arguments) |
when is_list(internal_transactions) and is_list(named_arguments) do |
timeout = Keyword.fetch!(named_arguments, :timeout) |
timestamps = Keyword.fetch!(named_arguments, :timestamps) |
ordered_transaction_hashes = |
internal_transactions |
|> &1.transaction_hash) |
|> Enum.sort() |
query = |
from( |
t in Transaction, |
where: t.hash in ^ordered_transaction_hashes, |
update: [set: [internal_transactions_indexed_at: ^timestamps.updated_at]] |
) |
transaction_count = Enum.count(ordered_transaction_hashes) |
{^transaction_count, result} = Repo.update_all(query, [], timeout: timeout) |
{:ok, result} |
end |
defp timestamp_changes_list(changes_list, timestamps) when is_list(changes_list) do |
||||, ×tamp_params(&1, timestamps)) |
end |
defp timestamp_params(changes, timestamps) when is_map(changes) do |
Map.merge(changes, timestamps) |
end |
defp import_options_to_changes_list_arguments_list(options) do |
Enum.flat_map(@import_option_key_to_ecto_schema_module, fn {option_key, ecto_schema_module} -> |
case Keyword.fetch(options, option_key) do |
{:ok, option_value} when is_list(option_value) -> |
[ |
[ |
Keyword.fetch!(option_value, :params), |
[for: ecto_schema_module, with: Keyword.get(option_value, :with, :changeset)] |
] |
] |
:error -> |
[] |
end |
end) |
end |
defp import_transaction(multi, options) when is_list(options) do |
Repo.transaction(multi, timeout: Keyword.get(options, :timeout, @transaction_timeout)) |
end |
defp insert_ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map(ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map, options) do |
timestamps = timestamps() |
ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map |
|> ecto_schema_module_to_changes_list_map_to_multi(Keyword.put(options, :timestamps, timestamps)) |
|> import_transaction(options) |
end |
@spec timestamps() :: timestamps |
defp timestamps do |
now = DateTime.utc_now() |
%{inserted_at: now, updated_at: now} |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ |
defmodule Explorer.Chain.ImportTest do |
use Explorer.DataCase |
alias Explorer.Chain.Import |
doctest Import |
describe "all/1" do |
test "updates address with contract code" do |
smart_contract_bytecode = |
"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" |
address_hash = "0x1c494fa496f1cfd918b5ff190835af3aaf60987e" |
insert(:address, hash: address_hash) |
from_address_hash = "0x8cc2e4b51b4340cb3727cffe3f1878756e732cee" |
from_address = insert(:address, hash: from_address_hash) |
transaction_string_hash = "0x0705ea0a5b997d9aafd5c531e016d9aabe3297a28c0bd4ef005fe6ea329d301b" |
insert(:transaction, from_address: from_address, hash: transaction_string_hash) |
options = [ |
addresses: [ |
params: [ |
%{ |
contract_code: smart_contract_bytecode, |
hash: address_hash |
} |
] |
], |
internal_transactions: [ |
params: [ |
%{ |
created_contract_address_hash: address_hash, |
created_contract_code: smart_contract_bytecode, |
from_address_hash: from_address_hash, |
gas: 184_531, |
gas_used: 84531, |
index: 0, |
init: |
"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", |
trace_address: [], |
transaction_hash: transaction_string_hash, |
type: "create", |
value: 0 |
} |
] |
] |
] |
assert {:ok, _} = Import.all(options) |
address = in Explorer.Chain.Address, where: address.hash == ^address_hash)) |
assert address.contract_code != nil |
end |
test "with internal_transactions updates Transaction internal_transactions_indexed_at" do |
from_address_hash = "0xe8ddc5c7a2d2f0d7a9798459c0104fdf5e987aca" |
to_address_hash = "0x8bf38d4764929064f2d4d3a56520a76ab3df415b" |
transaction_hash = "0x3a3eb134e6792ce9403ea4188e5e79693de9e4c94e499db132be086400da79e6" |
options = [ |
addresses: [ |
params: [ |
%{hash: from_address_hash}, |
%{hash: to_address_hash} |
] |
], |
transactions: [ |
params: [ |
%{ |
from_address_hash: from_address_hash, |
gas: 4_677_320, |
gas_price: 1, |
hash: transaction_hash, |
input: "0x", |
nonce: 0, |
r: 0, |
s: 0, |
v: 0, |
value: 0 |
} |
], |
on_conflict: :replace_all |
], |
internal_transactions: [ |
params: [ |
%{ |
block_number: 35, |
call_type: "call", |
from_address_hash: from_address_hash, |
gas: 4_677_320, |
gas_used: 27770, |
index: 0, |
output: "0x", |
to_address_hash: to_address_hash, |
trace_address: [], |
transaction_hash: transaction_hash, |
type: "call", |
value: 0 |
} |
] |
] |
] |
refute Enum.any?(options[:transactions][:params], &Map.has_key?(&1, :internal_transactions_indexed_at)) |
assert {:ok, _} = Import.all(options) |
transaction = |
|||| in Explorer.Chain.Transaction, where: transaction.hash == ^transaction_hash)) |
refute transaction.internal_transactions_indexed_at == nil |
end |
end |
end |
Reference in new issue