@ -3715,6 +3715,167 @@ defmodule Explorer.ChainTest do |
end |
end |
describe "update_smart_contract/1" do |
setup do |
smart_contract_bytecode = |
"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" |
created_contract_address = |
insert( |
:address, |
hash: "0x0f95fa9bc0383e699325f2658d04e8d96d87b90c", |
contract_code: smart_contract_bytecode |
) |
transaction = |
:transaction |
|> insert() |
|> with_block() |
insert( |
:internal_transaction_create, |
transaction: transaction, |
index: 0, |
created_contract_address: created_contract_address, |
created_contract_code: smart_contract_bytecode, |
block_number: transaction.block_number, |
block_hash: transaction.block_hash, |
block_index: 0, |
transaction_index: transaction.index |
) |
valid_attrs = %{ |
address_hash: "0x0f95fa9bc0383e699325f2658d04e8d96d87b90c", |
name: "SimpleStorage", |
compiler_version: "0.4.23", |
optimization: false, |
contract_source_code: |
"pragma solidity ^0.4.23; contract SimpleStorage {uint storedData; function set(uint x) public {storedData = x; } function get() public constant returns (uint) {return storedData; } }", |
abi: [ |
%{ |
"constant" => false, |
"inputs" => [%{"name" => "x", "type" => "uint256"}], |
"name" => "set", |
"outputs" => [], |
"payable" => false, |
"stateMutability" => "nonpayable", |
"type" => "function" |
}, |
%{ |
"constant" => true, |
"inputs" => [], |
"name" => "get", |
"outputs" => [%{"name" => "", "type" => "uint256"}], |
"payable" => false, |
"stateMutability" => "view", |
"type" => "function" |
} |
], |
partially_verified: true |
} |
secondary_sources = [ |
%{ |
file_name: "storage.sol", |
contract_source_code: |
"pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;contract Storage {uint256 number;function store(uint256 num) public {number = num;}function retrieve_() public view returns (uint256){return number;}}", |
address_hash: "0x0f95fa9bc0383e699325f2658d04e8d96d87b90c" |
}, |
%{ |
file_name: "storage_1.sol", |
contract_source_code: |
"pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;contract Storage_1 {uint256 number;function store(uint256 num) public {number = num;}function retrieve_() public view returns (uint256){return number;}}", |
address_hash: "0x0f95fa9bc0383e699325f2658d04e8d96d87b90c" |
} |
] |
changed_sources = [ |
%{ |
file_name: "storage_2.sol", |
contract_source_code: |
"pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;contract Storage_2 {uint256 number;function store(uint256 num) public {number = num;}function retrieve_() public view returns (uint256){return number;}}", |
address_hash: "0x0f95fa9bc0383e699325f2658d04e8d96d87b90c" |
}, |
%{ |
file_name: "storage_3.sol", |
contract_source_code: |
"pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;contract Storage_3 {uint256 number;function store(uint256 num) public {number = num;}function retrieve_() public view returns (uint256){return number;}}", |
address_hash: "0x0f95fa9bc0383e699325f2658d04e8d96d87b90c" |
} |
] |
_ = Chain.create_smart_contract(valid_attrs, [], secondary_sources) |
{:ok, |
valid_attrs: valid_attrs, |
address: created_contract_address, |
secondary_sources: secondary_sources, |
changed_sources: changed_sources} |
end |
test "change partially_verified field", %{valid_attrs: valid_attrs, address: address} do |
sc_before_call = Repo.get_by(SmartContract, address_hash: address.hash) |
assert sc_before_call.name == Map.get(valid_attrs, :name) |
assert sc_before_call.partially_verified == Map.get(valid_attrs, :partially_verified) |
assert {:ok, %SmartContract{} = smart_contract} = |
Chain.update_smart_contract(%{address_hash: address.hash, partially_verified: false}) |
sc_after_call = Repo.get_by(SmartContract, address_hash: address.hash) |
assert sc_after_call.name == Map.get(valid_attrs, :name) |
assert sc_after_call.partially_verified == false |
assert sc_after_call.compiler_version == Map.get(valid_attrs, :compiler_version) |
assert sc_after_call.optimization == Map.get(valid_attrs, :optimization) |
assert sc_after_call.contract_source_code == Map.get(valid_attrs, :contract_source_code) |
end |
test "check nothing changed", %{valid_attrs: valid_attrs, address: address} do |
sc_before_call = Repo.get_by(SmartContract, address_hash: address.hash) |
assert sc_before_call.name == Map.get(valid_attrs, :name) |
assert sc_before_call.partially_verified == Map.get(valid_attrs, :partially_verified) |
assert {:ok, %SmartContract{} = smart_contract} = Chain.update_smart_contract(%{address_hash: address.hash}) |
sc_after_call = Repo.get_by(SmartContract, address_hash: address.hash) |
assert sc_after_call.name == Map.get(valid_attrs, :name) |
assert sc_after_call.partially_verified == Map.get(valid_attrs, :partially_verified) |
assert sc_after_call.compiler_version == Map.get(valid_attrs, :compiler_version) |
assert sc_after_call.optimization == Map.get(valid_attrs, :optimization) |
assert sc_after_call.contract_source_code == Map.get(valid_attrs, :contract_source_code) |
end |
test "check additional sources update", %{ |
address: address, |
secondary_sources: secondary_sources, |
changed_sources: changed_sources |
} do |
sc_before_call = Repo.get_by(Address, hash: address.hash) |> Repo.preload(:smart_contract_additional_sources) |
assert sc_before_call.smart_contract_additional_sources |
|> Enum.with_index() |
|> Enum.all?(fn {el, ind} -> |
{:ok, src} = Enum.fetch(secondary_sources, ind) |
el.file_name == Map.get(src, :file_name) and |
el.contract_source_code == Map.get(src, :contract_source_code) |
end) |
assert {:ok, %SmartContract{} = smart_contract} = |
Chain.update_smart_contract(%{address_hash: address.hash}, [], changed_sources) |
sc_after_call = Repo.get_by(Address, hash: address.hash) |> Repo.preload(:smart_contract_additional_sources) |
assert sc_after_call.smart_contract_additional_sources |
|> Enum.with_index() |
|> Enum.all?(fn {el, ind} -> |
{:ok, src} = Enum.fetch(changed_sources, ind) |
el.file_name == Map.get(src, :file_name) and |
el.contract_source_code == Map.get(src, :contract_source_code) |
end) |
end |
end |
describe "stream_unfetched_balances/2" do |
test "with `t:Explorer.Chain.Address.CoinBalance.t/0` with value_fetched_at with same `address_hash` and `block_number` " <> |
"does not return `t:Explorer.Chain.Block.t/0` `miner_hash`" do |