@ -89,16 +89,33 @@ defmodule Explorer.Chain.Address.CoinBalance do |
Builds an `Ecto.Query` to fetch a series of balances by day for the given account. Each element in the series |
corresponds to the maximum balance in that day. Only the last 90 days of data are used. |
""" |
def balances_by_day(address_hash, number \\ 60) do |
def balances_by_day(address_hash, block_timestamp \\ nil) do |
CoinBalance |
|> join(:inner, [cb], b in Block, on: cb.block_number == b.number) |
|> where([cb], cb.address_hash == ^address_hash) |
|> limit_time_interval(block_timestamp) |
|> group_by([cb, b], fragment("date_trunc('day', ?)", b.timestamp)) |
|> order_by([cb, b], fragment("date_trunc('day', ?)", b.timestamp)) |
|> select([cb, b], %{date: type(fragment("date_trunc('day', ?)", b.timestamp), :date), value: max(cb.value)}) |
|> limit(^number) |
end |
def limit_time_interval(query, nil) do |
query |> where([cb, b], b.timestamp >= fragment("date_trunc('day', now()) - interval '90 days'")) |
end |
def limit_time_interval(query, %{timestamp: timestamp}) do |
query |> where([cb, b], b.timestamp >= fragment("(? AT TIME ZONE ?) - interval '90 days'", ^timestamp, ^"Etc/UTC")) |
end |
def last_coin_balance_timestamp(address_hash) do |
CoinBalance |
|> join(:inner, [cb], b in Block, on: cb.block_number == b.number) |
|> where([cb], cb.address_hash == ^address_hash) |
|> last(:block_number) |
|> select([cb, b], %{timestamp: b.timestamp}) |
end |
def changeset(%__MODULE__{} = balance, params) do |
balance |
|> cast(params, @allowed_fields) |