@ -1,10 +1,15 @@ |
<div class="tile tile-type-token"> |
<div class="row justify-content"> |
<div class="col-md-12 d-flex flex-column tile-label"> |
<div class="row justify-content align-items-center"> |
<div class="col-md-7 d-flex flex-column mt-3 mt-md-0"> |
<%= link(to: token_path(@conn, :show, @token.contract_address_hash), class: "tile-title-lg") do %> |
<%= token_name(@token) %> |
<% end %> |
<span><%= @token.type %> - <%= number_of_transfers(@token) %></span> |
</div> |
<div class="col-md-5 d-flex flex-column text-md-right mt-3 mt-md-0"> |
<span class="tile-title-lg text-md-right align-bottom"> |
<%= format_according_to_decimals(@token.balance, @token.decimals) %> <%= @token.symbol %> |
</span> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ |
defmodule Explorer.Chain.Address.Token do |
@moduledoc """ |
A projection that represents the relation between a Token and a specific Address. |
This representation is expressed by the following attributes: |
- contract_address_hash - Address of a Token's contract. |
- name - Token's name. |
- symbol - Token's symbol. |
- type - Token's type. |
- decimals - Token's decimals. |
- balance - how much tokens (TokenBalance) the Address has from the Token. |
- transfer_count - a count of how many TokenTransfers of the Token the Address was involved. |
""" |
@enforce_keys [:contract_address_hash, :inserted_at, :name, :symbol, :balance, :decimals, :type, :transfers_count] |
defstruct @enforce_keys |
import Ecto.Query |
alias Explorer.{PagingOptions, Chain} |
alias Explorer.Chain.{Hash, Address, Address.TokenBalance} |
@default_paging_options %PagingOptions{page_size: 50} |
@typep paging_options :: {:paging_options, PagingOptions.t()} |
@doc """ |
It builds a paginated query of Address.Tokens that have a balance higher than zero ordered by type and name. |
""" |
@spec list_address_tokens_with_balance(Hash.t(), [paging_options()]) :: %Ecto.Query{} |
def list_address_tokens_with_balance(address_hash, options \\ []) do |
paging_options = Keyword.get(options, :paging_options, @default_paging_options) |
Chain.Token |
|> Chain.Token.join_with_transfers() |
|> join_with_last_balance(address_hash) |
|> order_filter_and_group(address_hash) |
|> page_tokens(paging_options) |
|> limit(^paging_options.page_size) |
end |
defp order_filter_and_group(query, address_hash) do |
from( |
[token, transfer, balance] in query, |
order_by: fragment("? DESC, LOWER(?) ASC NULLS LAST", token.type,, |
where: |
(transfer.to_address_hash == ^address_hash or transfer.from_address_hash == ^address_hash) and balance.value > 0, |
group_by: [, token.symbol, balance.value, token.type, token.contract_address_hash], |
select: %Address.Token{ |
contract_address_hash: token.contract_address_hash, |
inserted_at: max(token.inserted_at), |
name:, |
symbol: token.symbol, |
balance: balance.value, |
decimals: max(token.decimals), |
type: token.type, |
transfers_count: count(token.contract_address_hash) |
} |
) |
end |
defp join_with_last_balance(queryable, address_hash) do |
last_balance_query = |
from( |
tb in TokenBalance, |
where: tb.address_hash == ^address_hash, |
distinct: :token_contract_address_hash, |
order_by: [desc: :block_number], |
select: %{value: tb.value, token_contract_address_hash: tb.token_contract_address_hash} |
) |
from( |
t in queryable, |
join: tb in subquery(last_balance_query), |
on: tb.token_contract_address_hash == t.contract_address_hash |
) |
end |
@doc """ |
Builds the pagination according to the given key within `PagingOptions`. |
* it just returns the given query when the key is nil. |
* it composes another where clause considering the `type`, `name` and `inserted_at`. |
""" |
def page_tokens(query, %PagingOptions{key: nil}), do: query |
def page_tokens(query, %PagingOptions{key: {nil, type, inserted_at}}) do |
where( |
query, |
[token], |
token.type < ^type or (token.type == ^type and is_nil( and token.inserted_at < ^inserted_at) |
) |
end |
def page_tokens(query, %PagingOptions{key: {name, type, inserted_at}}) do |
upper_name = String.downcase(name) |
where( |
query, |
[token], |
token.type < ^type or |
(token.type == ^type and (fragment("LOWER(?)", > ^upper_name or is_nil( or |
(token.type == ^type and fragment("LOWER(?)", == ^upper_name and token.inserted_at < ^inserted_at) |
) |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,382 @@ |
defmodule Explorer.Chain.Address.TokenTest do |
use Explorer.DataCase |
alias Explorer.Repo |
alias Explorer.Chain.Address |
alias Explorer.Chain.Token |
alias Explorer.PagingOptions |
describe "list_address_tokens_with_balance/2" do |
test "returns tokens with number of transfers and balance value attached" do |
address = insert(:address) |
token = |
:token |
|> insert(name: "token-c", type: "ERC-721", decimals: 0, symbol: "TC") |
|> Repo.preload(:contract_address) |
insert( |
:token_balance, |
address: address, |
token_contract_address_hash: token.contract_address_hash, |
value: 1000 |
) |
insert( |
:token_transfer, |
token_contract_address: token.contract_address, |
from_address: address, |
to_address: build(:address) |
) |
insert( |
:token_transfer, |
token_contract_address: token.contract_address, |
from_address: build(:address), |
to_address: address |
) |
fetched_token = |
address.hash |
|> Address.Token.list_address_tokens_with_balance() |
|> Repo.all() |
|> List.first() |
assert fetched_token == %Explorer.Chain.Address.Token{ |
contract_address_hash: token.contract_address_hash, |
inserted_at: token.inserted_at, |
name: "token-c", |
symbol: "TC", |
balance:, |
decimals: 0, |
type: "ERC-721", |
transfers_count: 2 |
} |
end |
test "returns tokens ordered by type in reverse alphabetical order" do |
address = insert(:address) |
token = |
:token |
|> insert(name: nil, type: "ERC-721", decimals: nil, symbol: nil) |
|> Repo.preload(:contract_address) |
insert( |
:token_balance, |
address: address, |
token_contract_address_hash: token.contract_address_hash, |
value: 1000 |
) |
insert( |
:token_transfer, |
token_contract_address: token.contract_address, |
from_address: address, |
to_address: build(:address) |
) |
token2 = |
:token |
|> insert(name: "token-c", type: "ERC-20", decimals: 0, symbol: "TC") |
|> Repo.preload(:contract_address) |
insert( |
:token_balance, |
address: address, |
token_contract_address_hash: token2.contract_address_hash, |
value: 1000 |
) |
insert( |
:token_transfer, |
token_contract_address: token2.contract_address, |
from_address: address, |
to_address: build(:address) |
) |
fetched_tokens = |
address.hash |
|> Address.Token.list_address_tokens_with_balance() |
|> Repo.all() |
|> &1.contract_address_hash) |
assert fetched_tokens == [token.contract_address_hash, token2.contract_address_hash] |
end |
test "returns tokens of same type by name in lowercase ascending" do |
address = insert(:address) |
token = |
:token |
|> insert(name: "atoken", type: "ERC-721", decimals: nil, symbol: nil) |
|> Repo.preload(:contract_address) |
insert( |
:token_balance, |
address: address, |
token_contract_address_hash: token.contract_address_hash, |
value: 1000 |
) |
insert( |
:token_transfer, |
token_contract_address: token.contract_address, |
from_address: address, |
to_address: build(:address) |
) |
token2 = |
:token |
|> insert(name: "1token-c", type: "ERC-721", decimals: 0, symbol: "TC") |
|> Repo.preload(:contract_address) |
insert( |
:token_balance, |
address: address, |
token_contract_address_hash: token2.contract_address_hash, |
value: 1000 |
) |
insert( |
:token_transfer, |
token_contract_address: token2.contract_address, |
from_address: address, |
to_address: build(:address) |
) |
token3 = |
:token |
|> insert(name: "token-c", type: "ERC-721", decimals: 0, symbol: "TC") |
|> Repo.preload(:contract_address) |
insert( |
:token_balance, |
address: address, |
token_contract_address_hash: token3.contract_address_hash, |
value: 1000 |
) |
insert( |
:token_transfer, |
token_contract_address: token3.contract_address, |
from_address: address, |
to_address: build(:address) |
) |
fetched_tokens = |
address.hash |
|> Address.Token.list_address_tokens_with_balance() |
|> Repo.all() |
|> &1.contract_address_hash) |
assert fetched_tokens == [token2.contract_address_hash, token.contract_address_hash, token3.contract_address_hash] |
end |
test "returns tokens with null name after all the others of same type" do |
address = insert(:address) |
token = |
:token |
|> insert(name: nil, type: "ERC-721", decimals: nil, symbol: nil) |
|> Repo.preload(:contract_address) |
insert( |
:token_balance, |
address: address, |
token_contract_address_hash: token.contract_address_hash, |
value: 1000 |
) |
insert( |
:token_transfer, |
token_contract_address: token.contract_address, |
from_address: address, |
to_address: build(:address) |
) |
token2 = |
:token |
|> insert(name: "token-c", type: "ERC-721", decimals: 0, symbol: "TC") |
|> Repo.preload(:contract_address) |
insert( |
:token_balance, |
address: address, |
token_contract_address_hash: token2.contract_address_hash, |
value: 1000 |
) |
insert( |
:token_transfer, |
token_contract_address: token2.contract_address, |
from_address: address, |
to_address: build(:address) |
) |
token3 = |
:token |
|> insert(name: "token-c", type: "ERC-721", decimals: 0, symbol: "TC") |
|> Repo.preload(:contract_address) |
insert( |
:token_balance, |
address: address, |
token_contract_address_hash: token3.contract_address_hash, |
value: 1000 |
) |
insert( |
:token_transfer, |
token_contract_address: token3.contract_address, |
from_address: address, |
to_address: build(:address) |
) |
fetched_tokens = |
address.hash |
|> Address.Token.list_address_tokens_with_balance() |
|> Repo.all() |
|> &1.contract_address_hash) |
assert fetched_tokens == [token2.contract_address_hash, token3.contract_address_hash, token.contract_address_hash] |
end |
test "does not return tokens with zero balance" do |
address = insert(:address) |
token = |
:token |
|> insert(name: "atoken", type: "ERC-721", decimals: 0, symbol: "AT") |
|> Repo.preload(:contract_address) |
insert( |
:token_balance, |
address: address, |
token_contract_address_hash: token.contract_address_hash, |
value: 0 |
) |
fetched_token = |
address.hash |
|> Address.Token.list_address_tokens_with_balance() |
|> Repo.all() |
|> Enum.find(fn t -> == "atoken" end) |
assert fetched_token == nil |
end |
test "brings the value of the last balance" do |
address = insert(:address) |
token = |
:token |
|> insert(name: "atoken", type: "ERC-721", decimals: 0, symbol: "AT") |
|> Repo.preload(:contract_address) |
insert( |
:token_balance, |
address: address, |
token_contract_address_hash: token.contract_address_hash, |
value: 1000 |
) |
insert( |
:token_balance, |
address: address, |
token_contract_address_hash: token.contract_address_hash, |
value: 1234 |
) |
insert( |
:token_transfer, |
token_contract_address: token.contract_address, |
from_address: address, |
to_address: build(:address) |
) |
fetched_token = |
address.hash |
|> Address.Token.list_address_tokens_with_balance() |
|> Repo.all() |
|> List.first() |
assert fetched_token.balance == |
end |
test "ignores token if the last balance is zero" do |
address = insert(:address) |
token = |
:token |
|> insert(name: "atoken", type: "ERC-721", decimals: 0, symbol: "AT") |
|> Repo.preload(:contract_address) |
insert( |
:token_balance, |
address: address, |
token_contract_address_hash: token.contract_address_hash, |
value: 1000 |
) |
insert( |
:token_balance, |
address: address, |
token_contract_address_hash: token.contract_address_hash, |
value: 0 |
) |
insert( |
:token_transfer, |
token_contract_address: token.contract_address, |
from_address: address, |
to_address: build(:address) |
) |
fetched_token = |
address.hash |
|> Address.Token.list_address_tokens_with_balance() |
|> Repo.all() |
|> List.first() |
assert fetched_token == nil |
end |
end |
describe "page_tokens/2" do |
test "just bring the normal query when PagingOptions.key is nil" do |
options = %PagingOptions{key: nil} |
query = Ecto.Query.from(t in Token) |
assert Address.Token.page_tokens(query, options) == query |
end |
test "add more conditions to the query when PagingOptions.key is not nil" do |
token1 = insert(:token, name: "token-a", type: "ERC-20", decimals: 0, symbol: "TA") |
token2 = insert(:token, name: "token-c", type: "ERC-721", decimals: 0, symbol: "TC") |
options = %PagingOptions{key: {, token2.type, token2.inserted_at}} |
query = Ecto.Query.from(t in Token, order_by: t.type, preload: :contract_address) |
fetched_token = hd(Repo.all(Address.Token.page_tokens(query, options))) |
refute Address.Token.page_tokens(query, options) == query |
assert fetched_token == token1 |
end |
test "tokens with nil name come after other tokens of same type" do |
token1 = insert(:token, name: "token-a", type: "ERC-20", decimals: 0, symbol: "TA") |
token2 = insert(:token, name: nil, type: "ERC-20", decimals: 0, symbol: "TC") |
options = %PagingOptions{key: {, token1.type, token1.inserted_at}} |
query = Ecto.Query.from(t in Token, order_by: t.type, preload: :contract_address) |
fetched_token = hd(Repo.all(Address.Token.page_tokens(query, options))) |
assert fetched_token == token2 |
end |
end |
end |
Reference in new issue