Problem: due to the unsatisfying performance of the main page some ETS-based cache has been deemed necessary. In this particular case one for the most recent collated transactions. Solution: implementation of said transactions cachepull/2283/head
@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ |
defmodule Explorer.Chain.TransactionsCache do |
@moduledoc """ |
Caches the latest imported transactions |
""" |
alias Explorer.Chain.Transaction |
alias Explorer.Repo |
@transactions_ids_key "transactions_ids" |
@cache_name :transactions |
@max_size 51 |
@preloads [ |
:block, |
created_contract_address: :names, |
from_address: :names, |
to_address: :names, |
token_transfers: :token, |
token_transfers: :from_address, |
token_transfers: :to_address |
] |
@spec cache_name :: atom() |
def cache_name, do: @cache_name |
@doc """ |
Fetches a transaction from its id ({block_number, index}), returns nil if not found |
""" |
@spec get({non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()}) :: Transaction.t() | nil |
def get(id), do: ConCache.get(@cache_name, id) |
@doc """ |
Return the current number of transactions stored |
""" |
@spec size :: non_neg_integer() |
def size, do: Enum.count(transactions_ids()) |
@doc """ |
Checks if there are enough transactions stored |
""" |
@spec enough?(non_neg_integer()) :: boolean() |
def enough?(amount) do |
amount <= size() |
end |
@doc """ |
Checks if the number of transactions stored is already the max allowed |
""" |
@spec full? :: boolean() |
def full? do |
@max_size <= size() |
end |
@doc "Returns the list ids of the transactions currently stored" |
@spec transactions_ids :: [{non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()}] |
def transactions_ids do |
ConCache.get(@cache_name, @transactions_ids_key) || [] |
end |
@doc "Returns all the stored transactions" |
@spec all :: [Transaction.t()] |
def all, do:, &get(&1)) |
@doc "Returns the `n` most recent transactions stored" |
@spec take(integer()) :: [Transaction.t()] |
def take(amount) do |
transactions_ids() |
|> Enum.take(amount) |
|> |
end |
@doc """ |
Returns the `n` most recent transactions, unless there are not as many stored, |
in which case returns `nil` |
""" |
@spec take_enough(integer()) :: [Transaction.t()] | nil |
def take_enough(amount) do |
if enough?(amount), do: take(amount) |
end |
@doc """ |
Adds a transaction (or a list of transactions). |
If the cache is already full, the transaction will be only stored if it can take |
the place of a less recent one. |
NOTE: each transaction is inserted atomically |
""" |
@spec update([Transaction.t()] | Transaction.t() | nil) :: :ok |
def update(transactions) when is_nil(transactions), do: :ok |
def update(transactions) when is_list(transactions) do |
||||, &update(&1)) |
end |
def update(transaction) do |
ConCache.isolated(@cache_name, @transactions_ids_key, fn -> |
transaction_id = {transaction.block_number, transaction.index} |
ids = transactions_ids() |
if full?() do |
{init, [min]} = Enum.split(ids, -1) |
cond do |
transaction_id < min -> |
:ok |
transaction_id > min -> |
insert_transaction(transaction_id, transaction, init) |
ConCache.delete(@cache_name, min) |
transaction_id == min -> |
put_transaction(transaction_id, transaction) |
end |
else |
insert_transaction(transaction_id, transaction, ids) |
end |
end) |
end |
defp insert_transaction(transaction_id, transaction, ids) do |
put_transaction(transaction_id, transaction) |
ConCache.put(@cache_name, @transactions_ids_key, insert_sorted(transaction_id, ids)) |
end |
defp put_transaction(transaction_id, transaction) do |
full_transaction = Repo.preload(transaction, @preloads) |
ConCache.put(@cache_name, transaction_id, full_transaction) |
end |
defp insert_sorted(id, ids) do |
case ids do |
[] -> |
[id] |
[head | tail] -> |
cond do |
head > id -> [head | insert_sorted(id, tail)] |
head < id -> [id | ids] |
head == id -> ids |
end |
end |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ |
defmodule Explorer.Chain.TransactionsCacheTest do |
use Explorer.DataCase |
alias Explorer.Chain.TransactionsCache |
alias Explorer.Repo |
@size 51 |
describe "update/1" do |
test "adds a new value to a new cache with preloads" do |
transaction = insert(:transaction) |> preload_all() |
TransactionsCache.update(transaction) |
assert TransactionsCache.take(1) == [transaction] |
end |
test "adds several elements, removing the oldest when necessary" do |
transactions = |
1..@size |
|> n -> |
block = insert(:block, number: n) |
insert(:transaction) |> with_block(block) |
end) |
TransactionsCache.update(transactions) |
assert TransactionsCache.all() == Enum.reverse(preload_all(transactions)) |
more_transactions = |
(@size + 1)..(@size + 10) |
|> n -> |
block = insert(:block, number: n) |
insert(:transaction) |> with_block(block) |
end) |
TransactionsCache.update(more_transactions) |
kept_transactions = |
Enum.reverse(transactions ++ more_transactions) |
|> Enum.take(@size) |
|> preload_all() |
assert TransactionsCache.take(@size) == kept_transactions |
end |
test "does not add a transaction too old when full" do |
transactions = |
10..(@size + 9) |
|> n -> |
block = insert(:block, number: n) |
insert(:transaction) |> with_block(block) |
end) |
TransactionsCache.update(transactions) |
loaded_transactions = Enum.reverse(preload_all(transactions)) |
assert TransactionsCache.all() == loaded_transactions |
block = insert(:block, number: 1) |
insert(:transaction) |> with_block(block) |> TransactionsCache.update() |
assert TransactionsCache.all() == loaded_transactions |
end |
test "adds intermediate transactions" do |
blocks = 1..10 |> n -> {n, insert(:block, number: n)} end) |
insert(:transaction) |> with_block(blocks[1]) |> TransactionsCache.update() |
insert(:transaction) |> with_block(blocks[10]) |> TransactionsCache.update() |
assert TransactionsCache.size() == 2 |
insert(:transaction) |> with_block(blocks[5]) |> TransactionsCache.update() |
assert TransactionsCache.size() == 3 |
end |
end |
defp preload_all(transactions) when is_list(transactions) do |
||||, &preload_all(&1)) |
end |
defp preload_all(transaction) do |
Repo.preload(transaction, [ |
:block, |
created_contract_address: :names, |
from_address: :names, |
to_address: :names, |
token_transfers: :token, |
token_transfers: :from_address, |
token_transfers: :to_address |
]) |
end |
end |
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