feat: Backfiller for omitted WETH transfers (#10466)
* feat: Backfiller for omitted WETH transfers * todo: add token balance update * done RestoreOmittedWETHTransfers migrator * Remove dbg * remove dbg * Fix credo * Process review commentspull/10497/head
@ -0,0 +1,269 @@ |
defmodule Explorer.Migrator.RestoreOmittedWETHTransfers do |
@moduledoc """ |
Inserts missed WETH token transfers |
""" |
use GenServer, restart: :transient |
alias Explorer.{Chain, Helper} |
alias Explorer.Chain.{Log, TokenTransfer} |
alias Explorer.Migrator.MigrationStatus |
import Explorer.Chain.SmartContract, only: [burn_address_hash_string: 0] |
require Logger |
@enqueue_busy_waiting_timeout 500 |
@migration_timeout 250 |
@migration_name "restore_omitted_weth_transfers" |
def start_link(_) do |
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, :ok, name: __MODULE__) |
end |
@impl true |
def init(_) do |
{:ok, %{}, {:continue, :check_env}} |
end |
@impl true |
def handle_continue(:check_env, state) do |
list = Application.get_env(:explorer, Explorer.Chain.TokenTransfer)[:whitelisted_weth_contracts] |
cond do |
Enum.empty?(list) -> |
{:stop, :normal, state} |
check_token_types(list) -> |
{:noreply, %{}, {:continue, :check_migration_status}} |
true -> |
Logger.error("Stopping") |
{:stop, :normal, state} |
end |
end |
@impl true |
def handle_continue(:check_migration_status, state) do |
case MigrationStatus.get_status(@migration_name) do |
"completed" -> |
{:stop, :normal, state} |
_ -> |
MigrationStatus.set_status(@migration_name, "started") |
{:noreply, %{}, {:continue, :ok}} |
end |
end |
@impl true |
def handle_continue(:ok, _state) do |
%{ref: ref} = |
Task.async(fn -> |
Log.stream_unfetched_weth_token_transfers(&enqueue_if_queue_is_not_full/1) |
end) |
to_insert = |
Application.get_env(:explorer, Explorer.Chain.TokenTransfer)[:whitelisted_weth_contracts] |
|> Enum.map(fn contract_address_hash_string -> |
if !Chain.token_from_address_hash_exists?(contract_address_hash_string, []) do |
%{ |
contract_address_hash: contract_address_hash_string, |
type: "ERC-20" |
} |
end |
end) |
|> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1) |
if !Enum.empty?(to_insert) do |
Chain.import(%{tokens: %{params: to_insert}}) |
end |
Process.send_after(self(), :migrate, @migration_timeout) |
{:noreply, %{queue: [], current_concurrency: 0, stream_ref: ref, stream_is_over: false}} |
end |
defp enqueue_if_queue_is_not_full(log) do |
if GenServer.call(__MODULE__, :not_full?) do |
GenServer.cast(__MODULE__, {:append_to_queue, log}) |
else |
:timer.sleep(@enqueue_busy_waiting_timeout) |
enqueue_if_queue_is_not_full(log) |
end |
end |
@impl true |
def handle_call(:not_full?, _from, %{queue: queue} = state) do |
{:reply, Enum.count(queue) < max_queue_size(), state} |
end |
@impl true |
def handle_cast({:append_to_queue, log}, %{queue: queue} = state) do |
{:noreply, %{state | queue: [log | queue]}} |
end |
@impl true |
def handle_info(:migrate, %{queue: [], stream_is_over: true, current_concurrency: current_concurrency} = state) do |
if current_concurrency > 0 do |
{:noreply, state} |
else |
Logger.info("RestoreOmittedWETHTransfers migration is complete.") |
MigrationStatus.set_status(@migration_name, "completed") |
{:stop, :normal, state} |
end |
end |
# fetch token balances |
@impl true |
def handle_info(:migrate, %{queue: queue, current_concurrency: current_concurrency} = state) do |
if Enum.count(queue) > 0 and current_concurrency < concurrency() do |
to_take = batch_size() * (concurrency() - current_concurrency) |
{to_process, remainder} = Enum.split(queue, to_take) |
spawned_tasks = |
to_process |
|> Enum.chunk_every(batch_size()) |
|> Enum.map(fn batch -> |
run_task(batch) |
end) |
if Enum.empty?(remainder) do |
Process.send_after(self(), :migrate, migration_timeout()) |
else |
Process.send(self(), :migrate, []) |
end |
{:noreply, %{state | queue: remainder, current_concurrency: current_concurrency + Enum.count(spawned_tasks)}} |
else |
Process.send_after(self(), :migrate, migration_timeout()) |
{:noreply, state} |
end |
end |
@impl true |
def handle_info({ref, _answer}, %{stream_ref: ref} = state) do |
{:noreply, %{state | stream_is_over: true}} |
end |
@impl true |
def handle_info({ref, _answer}, %{current_concurrency: counter} = state) do |
Process.demonitor(ref, [:flush]) |
Process.send(self(), :migrate, []) |
{:noreply, %{state | current_concurrency: counter - 1}} |
end |
@impl true |
def handle_info({:DOWN, ref, :process, _pid, _reason}, %{stream_ref: ref} = state) do |
{:noreply, %{state | stream_is_over: true}} |
end |
@impl true |
def handle_info({:DOWN, _ref, :process, _pid, _reason}, %{current_concurrency: counter} = state) do |
Process.send(self(), :migrate, []) |
{:noreply, %{state | current_concurrency: counter - 1}} |
end |
defp migrate_batch(batch) do |
{token_transfers, token_balances} = |
batch |
|> Enum.map(fn log -> |
with %{second_topic: second_topic, third_topic: nil, fourth_topic: nil, data: data} |
when not is_nil(second_topic) <- |
log, |
[amount] <- Helper.decode_data(data, [{:uint, 256}]) do |
{from_address_hash, to_address_hash, balance_address_hash} = |
if log.first_topic == TokenTransfer.weth_deposit_signature() do |
to_address_hash = Helper.truncate_address_hash(to_string(second_topic)) |
{burn_address_hash_string(), to_address_hash, to_address_hash} |
else |
from_address_hash = Helper.truncate_address_hash(to_string(second_topic)) |
{from_address_hash, burn_address_hash_string(), from_address_hash} |
end |
token_transfer = %{ |
amount: Decimal.new(amount || 0), |
block_number: log.block_number, |
block_hash: log.block_hash, |
log_index: log.index, |
from_address_hash: from_address_hash, |
to_address_hash: to_address_hash, |
token_contract_address_hash: log.address_hash, |
transaction_hash: log.transaction_hash, |
token_ids: nil, |
token_type: "ERC-20" |
} |
token_balance = %{ |
address_hash: balance_address_hash, |
token_contract_address_hash: log.address_hash, |
block_number: log.block_number, |
token_id: nil, |
token_type: "ERC-20" |
} |
{token_transfer, token_balance} |
else |
_ -> |
Logger.error( |
"Failed to decode log: (tx_hash, block_hash, index) = #{to_string(log.transaction_hash)}, #{to_string(log.block_hash)}, #{to_string(log.index)}" |
) |
nil |
end |
end) |
|> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1) |
|> Enum.unzip() |
current_token_balances = |
token_balances |
|> Enum.group_by(fn %{ |
address_hash: address_hash, |
token_contract_address_hash: token_contract_address_hash |
} -> |
{address_hash, token_contract_address_hash} |
end) |
|> Enum.map(fn {_, grouped_address_token_balances} -> |
Enum.max_by(grouped_address_token_balances, fn %{block_number: block_number} -> block_number end) |
end) |
|> Enum.sort_by(&{&1.token_contract_address_hash, &1.address_hash}) |
if !Enum.empty?(token_transfers) do |
Chain.import(%{ |
token_transfers: %{params: token_transfers}, |
address_token_balances: %{params: token_balances}, |
address_current_token_balances: %{ |
params: current_token_balances |
} |
}) |
end |
end |
defp run_task(batch) do |
Task.Supervisor.async_nolink(Explorer.WETHMigratorSupervisor, fn -> |
migrate_batch(batch) |
end) |
end |
defp check_token_types(token_address_hashes) do |
token_address_hashes |
|> Chain.get_token_types() |
|> Enum.reduce(true, fn {token_hash, token_type}, acc -> |
if token_type == "ERC-20" do |
acc |
else |
Logger.error("Wrong token type of #{to_string(token_hash)}: #{token_type}") |
false |
end |
end) |
end |
def concurrency, do: Application.get_env(:explorer, __MODULE__)[:concurrency] |
def batch_size, do: Application.get_env(:explorer, __MODULE__)[:batch_size] |
def migration_timeout, do: Application.get_env(:explorer, __MODULE__)[:timeout] |
def max_queue_size, do: concurrency() * batch_size() * 2 |
end |
Reference in new issue