@ -132,33 +132,35 @@ defmodule Explorer.Chain do |
end |
@doc """ |
Counts the number of `t:Explorer.Chain.Transaction.t/0` to or from the `address`. |
Gets an estimated count of `t:Explorer.Chain.Transaction.t/0` to or from the `address` based on the estimated rows |
resulting in an EXPLAIN of the query plan for the count query. |
""" |
@spec address_to_transaction_count(Address.t()) :: non_neg_integer() |
def address_to_transaction_count(%Address{hash: hash}) do |
{:ok, %{rows: [[result]]}} = |
SQL.query( |
Repo, |
@spec address_to_transaction_count_estimate(Address.t()) :: non_neg_integer() |
def address_to_transaction_count_estimate(%Address{hash: address_hash}) do |
{:ok, %Postgrex.Result{rows: result}} = |
Repo.query( |
""" |
SELECT COUNT(hash) from |
( |
SELECT t0."hash" address |
FROM "transactions" AS t0 |
LEFT OUTER JOIN "internal_transactions" AS i1 ON (i1."transaction_hash" = t0."hash") AND (i1."type" = 'create') |
WHERE (i1."created_contract_address_hash" = $1 AND t0."to_address_hash" IS NULL) |
SELECT t0."hash" address |
FROM "transactions" AS t0 |
WHERE (t0."to_address_hash" = $1) |
OR (t0."from_address_hash" = $1) |
) AS hash |
( |
SELECT t0.hash FROM transactions AS t0 WHERE t0.from_address_hash = $1 |
SELECT t0.hash FROM transactions AS t0 WHERE t0.to_address_hash = $1 |
SELECT t0.hash FROM transactions AS t0 WHERE t0.created_contract_address_hash = $1 |
SELECT tt.transaction_hash AS hash FROM token_transfers AS tt |
WHERE tt.from_address_hash = $1 |
SELECT tt.transaction_hash AS hash FROM token_transfers AS tt |
WHERE tt.to_address_hash = $1 |
) as t |
""", |
[hash.bytes] |
[address_hash.bytes] |
) |
result |
{[unique_explain], _} = List.pop_at(result, 1) |
[[_ | [rows]]] = Regex.scan(~r/rows=(\d+)/, unique_explain) |
String.to_integer(rows) |
end |
@doc """ |
@ -182,14 +184,40 @@ defmodule Explorer.Chain do |
when is_list(options) do |
direction = Keyword.get(options, :direction) |
necessity_by_association = Keyword.get(options, :necessity_by_association, %{}) |
paging_options = Keyword.get(options, :paging_options, @default_paging_options) |
options |
|> Keyword.get(:paging_options, @default_paging_options) |
|> fetch_transactions() |
|> Transaction.where_address_fields_match(address_hash, direction) |
|> join_associations(necessity_by_association) |
|> Transaction.preload_token_transfers(address_hash) |
|> Repo.all() |
transaction_matches = |
direction |
|> case do |
:from -> [:from_address_hash] |
:to -> [:to_address_hash, :created_contract_address_hash] |
_ -> [:from_address_hash, :to_address_hash, :created_contract_address_hash] |
end |
|> Enum.map(fn address_field -> |
paging_options |
|> fetch_transactions() |
|> Transaction.where_address_fields_match(address_hash, address_field) |
|> join_associations(necessity_by_association) |
|> Transaction.preload_token_transfers(address_hash) |
|> Repo.all() |
|> MapSet.new() |
end) |
token_transfer_matches = |
paging_options |
|> fetch_transactions() |
|> TokenTransfer.where_address_fields_match(address_hash, direction) |
|> join_associations(necessity_by_association) |
|> Transaction.preload_token_transfers(address_hash) |
|> Repo.all() |
|> MapSet.new() |
transaction_matches |
|> Enum.reduce(token_transfer_matches, &MapSet.union/2) |
|> MapSet.to_list() |
|> Enum.sort_by(& &1.index, &>=/2) |
|> Enum.sort_by(& &1.block_number, &>=/2) |
|> Enum.slice(0..paging_options.page_size) |
end |
@doc """ |