@ -0,0 +1,178 @@ |
defmodule BlockScoutWeb.API.V2.VerificationController do |
use BlockScoutWeb, :controller |
import Explorer.SmartContract.Solidity.Verifier, only: [parse_boolean: 1] |
alias BlockScoutWeb.AccessHelpers |
alias BlockScoutWeb.API.V2.ApiView |
alias Explorer.Chain |
alias Explorer.SmartContract.Solidity.PublisherWorker, as: SolidityPublisherWorker |
alias Explorer.SmartContract.Solidity.PublishHelper |
alias Explorer.SmartContract.Vyper.PublisherWorker, as: VyperPublisherWorker |
alias Explorer.SmartContract.{CompilerVersion, RustVerifierInterface, Solidity.CodeCompiler} |
action_fallback(BlockScoutWeb.API.V2.FallbackController) |
def config(conn, _params) do |
evm_versions = CodeCompiler.allowed_evm_versions() |
solidity_compiler_versions = CompilerVersion.fetch_version_list(:solc) |
vyper_compiler_versions = CompilerVersion.fetch_version_list(:vyper) |
verification_options = |
["flattened_code", "standard_input", "vyper_code"] |
|> (&if(Application.get_env(:explorer, Explorer.ThirdPartyIntegrations.Sourcify)[:enabled], |
do: ["sourcify" | &1], |
else: &1 |
)).() |
|> (&if(RustVerifierInterface.enabled?(), do: ["multi_part" | &1], else: &1)).() |
conn |
|> json(%{ |
evm_versions: evm_versions, |
solidity_compiler_versions: solidity_compiler_versions, |
vyper_compiler_versions: vyper_compiler_versions, |
verification_options: verification_options |
}) |
end |
def verification_via_flattened_code( |
conn, |
%{"address_hash" => address_hash_string, "compiler_version" => compiler_version, "source_code" => source_code} = |
params |
) do |
with {:format, {:ok, address_hash}} <- {:format, Chain.string_to_address_hash(address_hash_string)}, |
{:ok, false} <- AccessHelpers.restricted_access?(address_hash_string, params), |
{:already_verified, false} <- {:already_verified, Chain.smart_contract_fully_verified?(address_hash)} do |
verification_params = |
%{ |
"address_hash" => String.downcase(address_hash_string), |
"compiler_version" => compiler_version, |
"contract_source_code" => source_code |
} |
|> Map.put("optimization", Map.get(params, "is_optimization_enabled", false)) |
|> (&if(params |> Map.get("is_optimization_enabled", false) |> parse_boolean(), |
do: Map.put(&1, "optimization_runs", Map.get(params, "optimization_runs", 200)), |
else: &1 |
)).() |
|> Map.put("evm_version", Map.get(params, "evm_version", "default")) |
|> Map.put("autodetect_constructor_args", Map.get(params, "autodetect_constructor_args", true)) |
|> Map.put("constructor_arguments", Map.get(params, "constructor_args", "")) |
|> Map.put("name", Map.get(params, "contract_name", "")) |
|> Map.put("external_libraries", Map.get(params, "libraries", %{})) |
Que.add(SolidityPublisherWorker, {"flattened_api_v2", verification_params}) |
conn |
|> put_view(ApiView) |
|> render(:message, %{message: "Verification started"}) |
end |
end |
# sobelow_skip ["Traversal.FileModule"] |
def verification_via_standard_input( |
conn, |
%{"address_hash" => address_hash_string, "files" => files, "compiler_version" => compiler_version} = params |
) do |
with {:format, {:ok, address_hash}} <- {:format, Chain.string_to_address_hash(address_hash_string)}, |
{:ok, false} <- AccessHelpers.restricted_access?(address_hash_string, params), |
{:already_verified, false} <- {:already_verified, Chain.smart_contract_fully_verified?(address_hash)}, |
files_array <- PublishHelper.prepare_files_array(files), |
{:no_json_file, %Plug.Upload{path: path}} <- |
{:no_json_file, PublishHelper.get_one_json(files_array)}, |
{:file_error, {:ok, json_input}} <- {:file_error,} do |
verification_params = |
%{ |
"address_hash" => String.downcase(address_hash_string), |
"compiler_version" => compiler_version |
} |
|> Map.put("autodetect_constructor_args", Map.get(params, "autodetect_constructor_args", false)) |
|> Map.put("constructor_arguments", Map.get(params, "constructor_args", "")) |
|> Map.put("name", Map.get(params, "contract_name", "")) |
Que.add(SolidityPublisherWorker, {"json_api_v2", verification_params, json_input}) |
conn |
|> put_view(ApiView) |
|> render(:message, %{message: "Verification started"}) |
end |
end |
def verification_via_sourcify(conn, %{"address_hash" => address_hash_string, "files" => files} = params) do |
with {:not_found, true} <- |
{:not_found, Application.get_env(:explorer, Explorer.ThirdPartyIntegrations.Sourcify)[:enabled]}, |
{:format, {:ok, address_hash}} <- {:format, Chain.string_to_address_hash(address_hash_string)}, |
{:ok, false} <- AccessHelpers.restricted_access?(address_hash_string, params), |
{:already_verified, false} <- {:already_verified, Chain.smart_contract_fully_verified?(address_hash)}, |
files_array <- PublishHelper.prepare_files_array(files), |
{:no_json_file, %Plug.Upload{path: _path}} <- |
{:no_json_file, PublishHelper.get_one_json(files_array)}, |
files_content <- PublishHelper.read_files(files_array) do |
Que.add(SolidityPublisherWorker, {"sourcify_api_v2", address_hash_string, files_content, conn}) |
conn |
|> put_view(ApiView) |
|> render(:message, %{message: "Verification started"}) |
end |
end |
def verification_via_multi_part( |
conn, |
%{"address_hash" => address_hash_string, "compiler_version" => compiler_version, "files" => files} = params |
) do |
with {:not_found, true} <- {:not_found, RustVerifierInterface.enabled?()}, |
{:format, {:ok, address_hash}} <- {:format, Chain.string_to_address_hash(address_hash_string)}, |
{:ok, false} <- AccessHelpers.restricted_access?(address_hash_string, params), |
{:already_verified, false} <- {:already_verified, Chain.smart_contract_fully_verified?(address_hash)}, |
libraries <- Map.get(params, "libraries", "{}"), |
{:libs_format, {:ok, json}} <- {:libs_format, Jason.decode(libraries)} do |
verification_params = |
%{ |
"address_hash" => String.downcase(address_hash_string), |
"compiler_version" => compiler_version |
} |
|> Map.put("optimization", Map.get(params, "is_optimization_enabled", false)) |
|> (&if(params |> Map.get("is_optimization_enabled", false) |> parse_boolean(), |
do: Map.put(&1, "optimization_runs", Map.get(params, "optimization_runs", 200)), |
else: &1 |
)).() |
|> Map.put("evm_version", Map.get(params, "evm_version", "default")) |
|> Map.put("external_libraries", json) |
files_array = |
files |
|> Map.values() |
|> PublishHelper.read_files() |
Que.add(SolidityPublisherWorker, {"multipart_api_v2", verification_params, files_array}) |
conn |
|> put_view(ApiView) |
|> render(:message, %{message: "Verification started"}) |
end |
end |
def verification_via_vyper_code( |
conn, |
%{"address_hash" => address_hash_string, "compiler_version" => compiler_version, "source_code" => source_code} = |
params |
) do |
with {:format, {:ok, address_hash}} <- {:format, Chain.string_to_address_hash(address_hash_string)}, |
{:ok, false} <- AccessHelpers.restricted_access?(address_hash_string, params), |
{:already_verified, false} <- {:already_verified, Chain.smart_contract_fully_verified?(address_hash)} do |
verification_params = |
%{ |
"address_hash" => String.downcase(address_hash_string), |
"compiler_version" => compiler_version, |
"contract_source_code" => source_code |
} |
|> Map.put("constructor_arguments", Map.get(params, "constructor_args", "") || "") |
|> Map.put("name", Map.get(params, "contract_name", "Vyper_contract")) |
Que.add(VyperPublisherWorker, {address_hash_string, verification_params}) |
conn |
|> put_view(ApiView) |
|> render(:message, %{message: "Verification started"}) |
end |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,217 @@ |
defmodule Explorer.SmartContract.Solidity.PublishHelper do |
@moduledoc """ |
Module responsible for preparing and publishing smart contracts |
""" |
alias Ecto.Changeset |
alias Explorer.Chain |
alias Explorer.Chain.Events.Publisher, as: EventsPublisher |
alias Explorer.Chain.SmartContract |
alias Explorer.SmartContract.Solidity.Publisher |
alias Explorer.ThirdPartyIntegrations.Sourcify |
def verify_and_publish(address_hash_string, files_array, conn, api_v2? \\ false) do |
with {:ok, _verified_status} <- Sourcify.verify(address_hash_string, files_array), |
{:ok, _verified_status} <- Sourcify.check_by_address(address_hash_string) do |
get_metadata_and_publish(address_hash_string, conn, api_v2?) |
else |
{:error, "partial"} -> |
{:ok, status, metadata} = Sourcify.check_by_address_any(address_hash_string) |
process_metadata_and_publish(address_hash_string, metadata, status == "partial", conn, api_v2?) |
{:error, %{"error" => error}} -> |
EventsPublisher.broadcast( |
prepare_verification_error(error, address_hash_string, conn, api_v2?), |
:on_demand |
) |
{:error, error} -> |
EventsPublisher.broadcast( |
prepare_verification_error(error, address_hash_string, conn, api_v2?), |
:on_demand |
) |
_ -> |
EventsPublisher.broadcast( |
prepare_verification_error("Unexpected error", address_hash_string, conn, api_v2?), |
:on_demand |
) |
end |
end |
def get_metadata_and_publish(address_hash_string, conn, api_v2? \\ false) do |
case Sourcify.get_metadata(address_hash_string) do |
{:ok, verification_metadata} -> |
process_metadata_and_publish(address_hash_string, verification_metadata, false, conn, api_v2?) |
{:error, %{"error" => error}} -> |
return_sourcify_error(conn, error, address_hash_string, api_v2?) |
end |
end |
defp process_metadata_and_publish(address_hash_string, verification_metadata, is_partial, conn \\ nil, api_v2?) do |
case Sourcify.parse_params_from_sourcify(address_hash_string, verification_metadata) do |
%{ |
"params_to_publish" => params_to_publish, |
"abi" => abi, |
"secondary_sources" => secondary_sources, |
"compilation_target_file_path" => compilation_target_file_path |
} -> |
publish( |
conn, |
%{ |
"addressHash" => address_hash_string, |
"params" => Map.put(params_to_publish, "partially_verified", is_partial), |
"abi" => abi, |
"secondarySources" => secondary_sources, |
"compilationTargetFilePath" => compilation_target_file_path |
}, |
api_v2? |
) |
{:error, :metadata} -> |
return_sourcify_error(conn, Sourcify.no_metadata_message(), address_hash_string, api_v2?) |
_ -> |
return_sourcify_error(conn, Sourcify.failed_verification_message(), address_hash_string, api_v2?) |
end |
end |
defp return_sourcify_error(nil, error, _address_hash_string, _api_v2?) do |
{:error, error: error} |
end |
defp return_sourcify_error(conn, error, address_hash_string, api_v2?) do |
EventsPublisher.broadcast( |
prepare_verification_error(error, address_hash_string, conn, api_v2?), |
:on_demand |
) |
end |
def prepare_files_array(files) do |
if is_map(files), do:, fn {_, file} -> file end), else: [] |
end |
def get_one_json(files_array) do |
files_array |
|> Enum.filter(fn file -> file.content_type == "application/json" end) |
|> |
end |
# sobelow_skip ["Traversal.FileModule"] |
def read_files(plug_uploads) do |
Enum.reduce(plug_uploads, %{}, fn %Plug.Upload{path: path, filename: file_name}, acc -> |
{:ok, file_content} = |
Map.put(acc, file_name, file_content) |
end) |
end |
def prepare_verification_error(msg, address_hash_string, conn, api_v2? \\ false) |
def prepare_verification_error(msg, address_hash_string, conn, false) do |
[ |
{:contract_verification_result, |
{address_hash_string, |
{:error, |
%Changeset{ |
action: :insert, |
errors: [ |
files: {msg, []} |
], |
data: %SmartContract{address_hash: address_hash_string}, |
valid?: false |
}}, conn}} |
] |
end |
def prepare_verification_error(msg, address_hash_string, _conn, true) do |
changeset = |
SmartContract.invalid_contract_changeset(%SmartContract{address_hash: address_hash_string}, %{}, msg, nil, true) |
[ |
{:contract_verification_result, {address_hash_string, {:error, changeset}}} |
] |
end |
def check_and_verify(address_hash_string) do |
if Chain.smart_contract_fully_verified?(address_hash_string) do |
{:ok, :already_fully_verified} |
else |
if Application.get_env(:explorer, Explorer.ThirdPartyIntegrations.Sourcify)[:enabled] do |
if Chain.smart_contract_verified?(address_hash_string) do |
case Sourcify.check_by_address(address_hash_string) do |
{:ok, _verified_status} -> |
get_metadata_and_publish(address_hash_string, nil) |
_ -> |
{:error, :not_verified} |
end |
else |
case Sourcify.check_by_address_any(address_hash_string) do |
{:ok, "full", metadata} -> |
process_metadata_and_publish(address_hash_string, metadata, false, false) |
{:ok, "partial", metadata} -> |
process_metadata_and_publish(address_hash_string, metadata, true, false) |
_ -> |
{:error, :not_verified} |
end |
end |
else |
{:error, :sourcify_disabled} |
end |
end |
end |
def publish_without_broadcast( |
%{"addressHash" => address_hash, "abi" => abi, "compilationTargetFilePath" => file_path} = input |
) do |
params = proccess_params(input) |
address_hash |
|> Publisher.publish_smart_contract(params, abi, file_path) |
|> proccess_response() |
end |
def publish_without_broadcast(%{"addressHash" => address_hash, "abi" => abi} = input) do |
params = proccess_params(input) |
address_hash |
|> Publisher.publish_smart_contract(params, abi) |
|> proccess_response() |
end |
def publish(nil, %{"addressHash" => _address_hash} = input, _) do |
publish_without_broadcast(input) |
end |
def publish(conn, %{"addressHash" => address_hash} = input, api_v2?) do |
result = publish_without_broadcast(input) |
if api_v2? do |
EventsPublisher.broadcast([{:contract_verification_result, {address_hash, result}}], :on_demand) |
else |
EventsPublisher.broadcast([{:contract_verification_result, {address_hash, result, conn}}], :on_demand) |
end |
end |
def proccess_params(input) do |
if Map.has_key?(input, "secondarySources") do |
input["params"] |
|> Map.put("secondary_sources", Map.get(input, "secondarySources")) |
else |
input["params"] |
end |
end |
def proccess_response(response) do |
case response do |
{:ok, _contract} = result -> |
result |
{:error, changeset} -> |
{:error, changeset} |
end |
end |
end |
Reference in new issue