feat: Advanced Filters (#9769)
* feat: Advanced Filters * Fix query performance * Fix timestamp filtering; Fix query construction * Add csv export * Frontend integration Add search_params to response Add limit to tokens endpoint Add fee in api response Add exclusion/inclusion of from/to addresses Remove raw_input from api response * Remove comment * Add methods search; Optimize internal txs query * Fix `method_id_to_name_from_params` * Fix filtering by amount; add filter by native * Fix review comments * Handle all token types * Optimize query * Process review comments * Process review comments --------- Co-authored-by: Viktor Baranov <baranov.viktor.27@gmail.com>pull/10240/head
@ -0,0 +1,372 @@ |
defmodule BlockScoutWeb.API.V2.AdvancedFilterController do |
use BlockScoutWeb, :controller |
import BlockScoutWeb.Chain, only: [default_paging_options: 0, split_list_by_page: 1, next_page_params: 4] |
alias BlockScoutWeb.API.V2.{AdvancedFilterView, CSVExportController, TransactionView} |
alias Explorer.{Chain, PagingOptions} |
alias Explorer.Chain.{AdvancedFilter, ContractMethod, Data, Token, Transaction} |
alias Explorer.Chain.CSVExport.Helper, as: CSVHelper |
alias Plug.Conn |
action_fallback(BlockScoutWeb.API.V2.FallbackController) |
@api_true [api?: true] |
@methods [ |
%{method_id: "0xa9059cbb", name: "transfer"}, |
%{method_id: "0xa0712d68", name: "mint"}, |
%{method_id: "0x095ea7b3", name: "approve"}, |
%{method_id: "0x40993b26", name: "buy"}, |
%{method_id: "0x3593564c", name: "execute"}, |
%{method_id: "0x3ccfd60b", name: "withdraw"}, |
%{method_id: "0xd0e30db0", name: "deposit"}, |
%{method_id: "0x0a19b14a", name: "trade"}, |
%{method_id: "0x4420e486", name: "register"}, |
%{method_id: "0x5f575529", name: "swap"}, |
%{method_id: "0xd9627aa4", name: "sellToUniswap"}, |
%{method_id: "0xe9e05c42", name: "depositTransaction"}, |
%{method_id: "0x23b872dd", name: "transferFrom"}, |
%{method_id: "0xa22cb465", name: "setApprovalForAll"}, |
%{method_id: "0x2e7ba6ef", name: "claim"}, |
%{method_id: "0x0502b1c5", name: "unoswap"}, |
%{method_id: "0xb2267a7b", name: "sendMessage"}, |
%{method_id: "0x9871efa4", name: "unxswapByOrderId"}, |
%{method_id: "0xbf6eac2f", name: "stake"}, |
%{method_id: "0x3ce33bff", name: "bridge"}, |
%{method_id: "0xeb672419", name: "requestL2Transaction"}, |
%{method_id: "0xe449022e", name: "uniswapV3Swap"}, |
%{method_id: "0x0162e2d0", name: "swapETHForExactTokens"} |
] |
@methods_id_to_name_map Map.new(@methods, fn %{method_id: method_id, name: name} -> {method_id, name} end) |
@methods_name_to_id_map Map.new(@methods, fn %{method_id: method_id, name: name} -> {name, method_id} end) |
@methods_filter_limit 20 |
@tokens_filter_limit 20 |
@doc """ |
Function responsible for `api/v2/advanced-filters/` endpoint. |
""" |
@spec list(Plug.Conn.t(), map()) :: Plug.Conn.t() |
def list(conn, params) do |
full_options = params |> extract_filters() |> Keyword.merge(paging_options(params)) |> Keyword.merge(@api_true) |
advanced_filters_plus_one = AdvancedFilter.list(full_options) |
{advanced_filters, next_page} = split_list_by_page(advanced_filters_plus_one) |
{decoded_transactions, _abi_acc, methods_acc} = |
advanced_filters |
|> Enum.map(fn af -> %Transaction{to_address: af.to_address, input: af.input, hash: af.hash} end) |
|> TransactionView.decode_transactions(true) |
next_page_params = |
next_page |> next_page_params(advanced_filters, Map.take(params, ["items_count"]), &paging_params/1) |
render(conn, :advanced_filters, |
advanced_filters: advanced_filters, |
decoded_transactions: decoded_transactions, |
search_params: %{ |
method_ids: method_id_to_name_from_params(full_options[:methods] || [], methods_acc), |
tokens: contract_address_hash_to_token_from_params(full_options[:token_contract_address_hashes]) |
}, |
next_page_params: next_page_params |
) |
end |
@doc """ |
Function responsible for `api/v2/advanced-filters/csv` endpoint. |
""" |
@spec list_csv(Plug.Conn.t(), map()) :: Plug.Conn.t() |
def list_csv(conn, params) do |
with {:recaptcha, true} <- |
{:recaptcha, |
Application.get_env(:block_scout_web, :recaptcha)[:is_disabled] || |
CSVHelper.captcha_helper().recaptcha_passed?(params["recaptcha_response"])} do |
full_options = |
params |
|> extract_filters() |
|> Keyword.merge(paging_options(params)) |
|> Keyword.update(:paging_options, %PagingOptions{page_size: CSVHelper.limit()}, fn paging_options -> |
%PagingOptions{paging_options | page_size: CSVHelper.limit()} |
end) |
full_options |
|> AdvancedFilter.list() |
|> AdvancedFilterView.to_csv_format() |
|> CSVHelper.dump_to_stream() |
|> Enum.reduce_while(CSVExportController.put_resp_params(conn), fn chunk, conn -> |
case Conn.chunk(conn, chunk) do |
{:ok, conn} -> |
{:cont, conn} |
{:error, :closed} -> |
{:halt, conn} |
end |
end) |
end |
end |
@doc """ |
Function responsible for `api/v2/advanced-filters/methods` endpoint, |
including `api/v2/advanced-filters/methods/?q=:search_string`. |
""" |
@spec list_methods(Plug.Conn.t(), map()) :: {:method, nil | Explorer.Chain.ContractMethod.t()} | Plug.Conn.t() |
def list_methods(conn, %{"q" => query}) do |
case {@methods_id_to_name_map[query], @methods_name_to_id_map[query]} do |
{name, _} when is_binary(name) -> |
render(conn, :methods, methods: [%{method_id: query, name: name}]) |
{_, id} when is_binary(id) -> |
render(conn, :methods, methods: [%{method_id: id, name: query}]) |
_ -> |
mb_contract_method = |
case Data.cast(query) do |
{:ok, %Data{bytes: <<_::bytes-size(4)>> = binary_method_id}} -> |
ContractMethod.find_contract_method_by_selector_id(binary_method_id, @api_true) |
_ -> |
ContractMethod.find_contract_method_by_name(query, @api_true) |
end |
with {:method, %ContractMethod{abi: %{"name" => name}, identifier: identifier}} <- {:method, mb_contract_method} do |
render(conn, :methods, methods: [%{method_id: "0x" <> Base.encode16(identifier, case: :lower), name: name}]) |
end |
end |
end |
def list_methods(conn, _params) do |
render(conn, :methods, methods: @methods) |
end |
defp method_id_to_name_from_params(prepared_method_ids, methods_acc) do |
{decoded_method_ids, method_ids_to_find} = |
Enum.reduce(prepared_method_ids, {%{}, []}, fn method_id, {decoded, to_decode} -> |
{:ok, method_id_hash} = Data.cast(method_id) |
case {Map.get(@methods_id_to_name_map, method_id), |
methods_acc |
|> Map.get(method_id_hash.bytes, []) |
|> Enum.find( |
&match?(%ContractMethod{abi: %{"type" => "function", "name" => name}} when is_binary(name), &1) |
)} do |
{name, _} when is_binary(name) -> |
{Map.put(decoded, method_id, name), to_decode} |
{_, %ContractMethod{abi: %{"type" => "function", "name" => name}}} when is_binary(name) -> |
{Map.put(decoded, method_id, name), to_decode} |
{nil, nil} -> |
{decoded, [method_id_hash.bytes | to_decode]} |
end |
end) |
method_ids_to_find |
|> ContractMethod.find_contract_methods(@api_true) |
|> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn contract_method, acc -> |
case contract_method do |
%ContractMethod{abi: %{"name" => name}, identifier: identifier} when is_binary(name) -> |
Map.put(acc, "0x" <> Base.encode16(identifier, case: :lower), name) |
_ -> |
acc |
end |
end) |
|> Map.merge(decoded_method_ids) |
end |
defp contract_address_hash_to_token_from_params(tokens) do |
token_contract_address_hashes_to_include = tokens[:include] || [] |
token_contract_address_hashes_to_exclude = tokens[:exclude] || [] |
token_contract_address_hashes_to_include |
|> Kernel.++(token_contract_address_hashes_to_exclude) |
|> Enum.reject(&(&1 == "native")) |
|> Enum.uniq() |
|> Enum.take(@tokens_filter_limit) |
|> Token.get_by_contract_address_hashes(@api_true) |
|> Map.new(fn token -> {token.contract_address_hash, token} end) |
end |
defp extract_filters(params) do |
[ |
tx_types: prepare_tx_types(params["tx_types"]), |
methods: params["methods"] |> prepare_methods(), |
age: prepare_age(params["age_from"], params["age_to"]), |
from_address_hashes: |
prepare_include_exclude_address_hashes( |
params["from_address_hashes_to_include"], |
params["from_address_hashes_to_exclude"], |
&prepare_address_hash/1 |
), |
to_address_hashes: |
prepare_include_exclude_address_hashes( |
params["to_address_hashes_to_include"], |
params["to_address_hashes_to_exclude"], |
&prepare_address_hash/1 |
), |
address_relation: prepare_address_relation(params["address_relation"]), |
amount: prepare_amount(params["amount_from"], params["amount_to"]), |
token_contract_address_hashes: |
params["token_contract_address_hashes_to_include"] |
|> prepare_include_exclude_address_hashes( |
params["token_contract_address_hashes_to_exclude"], |
&prepare_token_address_hash/1 |
) |
|> Enum.map(fn |
{key, value} when is_list(value) -> {key, Enum.take(value, @tokens_filter_limit)} |
key_value -> key_value |
end) |
] |
end |
@allowed_tx_types ~w(COIN_TRANSFER ERC-20 ERC-404 ERC-721 ERC-1155) |
defp prepare_tx_types(tx_types) when is_binary(tx_types) do |
tx_types |
|> String.upcase() |
|> String.split(",") |
|> Enum.filter(&(&1 in @allowed_tx_types)) |
end |
defp prepare_tx_types(_), do: nil |
defp prepare_methods(methods) when is_binary(methods) do |
methods |
|> String.downcase() |
|> String.split(",") |
|> Enum.filter(fn |
"0x" <> method_id when byte_size(method_id) == 8 -> |
case Base.decode16(method_id, case: :mixed) do |
{:ok, _} -> true |
_ -> false |
end |
_ -> |
false |
end) |
|> Enum.uniq() |
|> Enum.take(@methods_filter_limit) |
end |
defp prepare_methods(_), do: nil |
defp prepare_age(from, to), do: [from: parse_date(from), to: parse_date(to)] |
defp parse_date(string_date) do |
case string_date && DateTime.from_iso8601(string_date) do |
{:ok, date, _utc_offset} -> date |
_ -> nil |
end |
end |
defp prepare_address_hashes(address_hashes, map_filter_function) |
when is_binary(address_hashes) do |
address_hashes |
|> String.split(",") |
|> Enum.flat_map(&map_filter_function.(&1)) |
end |
defp prepare_address_hashes(_, _), do: nil |
defp prepare_address_hash(maybe_address_hash) do |
case Chain.string_to_address_hash(maybe_address_hash) do |
{:ok, address_hash} -> [address_hash] |
_ -> [] |
end |
end |
defp prepare_token_address_hash(token_address_hash) do |
case String.downcase(token_address_hash) do |
"native" -> ["native"] |
_ -> prepare_address_hash(token_address_hash) |
end |
end |
defp prepare_address_relation(relation) do |
case relation && String.downcase(relation) do |
r when r in [nil, "or"] -> :or |
"and" -> :and |
_ -> nil |
end |
end |
defp prepare_amount(from, to), do: [from: parse_decimal(from), to: parse_decimal(to)] |
defp parse_decimal(string_decimal) do |
case string_decimal && Decimal.parse(string_decimal) do |
{decimal, ""} -> decimal |
_ -> nil |
end |
end |
defp prepare_include_exclude_address_hashes(include, exclude, map_filter_function) do |
[ |
include: prepare_address_hashes(include, map_filter_function), |
exclude: prepare_address_hashes(exclude, map_filter_function) |
] |
end |
# Paging |
defp paging_options(%{ |
"block_number" => block_number_string, |
"transaction_index" => tx_index_string, |
"internal_transaction_index" => internal_tx_index_string, |
"token_transfer_index" => token_transfer_index_string, |
"token_transfer_batch_index" => token_transfer_batch_index_string |
}) do |
with {block_number, ""} <- block_number_string && Integer.parse(block_number_string), |
{tx_index, ""} <- tx_index_string && Integer.parse(tx_index_string), |
{:ok, internal_tx_index} <- parse_nullable_integer_paging_parameter(internal_tx_index_string), |
{:ok, token_transfer_index} <- parse_nullable_integer_paging_parameter(token_transfer_index_string), |
{:ok, token_transfer_batch_index} <- parse_nullable_integer_paging_parameter(token_transfer_batch_index_string) do |
[ |
paging_options: %{ |
default_paging_options() |
| key: %{ |
block_number: block_number, |
transaction_index: tx_index, |
internal_transaction_index: internal_tx_index, |
token_transfer_index: token_transfer_index, |
token_transfer_batch_index: token_transfer_batch_index |
} |
} |
] |
else |
_ -> [paging_options: default_paging_options()] |
end |
end |
defp paging_options(_), do: [paging_options: default_paging_options()] |
defp parse_nullable_integer_paging_parameter(""), do: {:ok, nil} |
defp parse_nullable_integer_paging_parameter(string) when is_binary(string) do |
case Integer.parse(string) do |
{integer, ""} -> {:ok, integer} |
_ -> {:error, :invalid_paging_parameter} |
end |
end |
defp parse_nullable_integer_paging_parameter(_), do: {:error, :invalid_paging_parameter} |
defp paging_params(%AdvancedFilter{ |
block_number: block_number, |
transaction_index: tx_index, |
internal_transaction_index: internal_tx_index, |
token_transfer_index: token_transfer_index, |
token_transfer_batch_index: token_transfer_batch_index |
}) do |
%{ |
block_number: block_number, |
transaction_index: tx_index, |
internal_transaction_index: internal_tx_index, |
token_transfer_index: token_transfer_index, |
token_transfer_batch_index: token_transfer_batch_index |
} |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ |
defmodule BlockScoutWeb.API.V2.AdvancedFilterView do |
use BlockScoutWeb, :view |
alias BlockScoutWeb.API.V2.{Helper, TokenView, TransactionView} |
alias Explorer.Chain.{Address, Data, Transaction} |
alias Explorer.Market |
alias Explorer.Market.MarketHistory |
def render("advanced_filters.json", %{ |
advanced_filters: advanced_filters, |
decoded_transactions: decoded_transactions, |
search_params: %{ |
method_ids: method_ids, |
tokens: tokens |
}, |
next_page_params: next_page_params |
}) do |
%{ |
items: |
advanced_filters |
|> Enum.zip(decoded_transactions) |
|> Enum.map(fn {af, decoded_input} -> prepare_advanced_filter(af, decoded_input) end), |
search_params: prepare_search_params(method_ids, tokens), |
next_page_params: next_page_params |
} |
end |
def render("methods.json", %{methods: methods}) do |
methods |
end |
def to_csv_format(advanced_filters) do |
exchange_rate = Market.get_coin_exchange_rate() |
date_to_prices = |
Enum.reduce(advanced_filters, %{}, fn af, acc -> |
date = DateTime.to_date(af.timestamp) |
if Map.has_key?(acc, date) do |
acc |
else |
market_history = MarketHistory.price_at_date(date) |
Map.put( |
acc, |
date, |
{market_history && market_history.opening_price, market_history && market_history.closing_price} |
) |
end |
end) |
row_names = [ |
"TxHash", |
"Type", |
"MethodId", |
"UtcTimestamp", |
"FromAddress", |
"ToAddress", |
"Value", |
"TokenContractAddressHash", |
"TokenDecimals", |
"TokenSymbol", |
"BlockNumber", |
"Fee", |
"CurrentPrice", |
"TxDateOpeningPrice", |
"TxDateClosingPrice" |
] |
af_lists = |
advanced_filters |
|> Stream.map(fn advanced_filter -> |
method_id = |
case advanced_filter.input do |
%{bytes: <<method_id::binary-size(4), _::binary>>} -> method_id |
_ -> nil |
end |
{opening_price, closing_price} = date_to_prices[DateTime.to_date(advanced_filter.timestamp)] |
[ |
to_string(advanced_filter.hash), |
advanced_filter.type, |
method_id, |
advanced_filter.timestamp, |
Address.checksum(advanced_filter.from_address.hash), |
Address.checksum(advanced_filter.to_address.hash), |
advanced_filter.value, |
if(advanced_filter.type != "coin_transfer", |
do: advanced_filter.token_transfer.token.contract_address_hash, |
else: nil |
), |
if(advanced_filter.type != "coin_transfer", do: advanced_filter.token_transfer.token.decimals, else: nil), |
if(advanced_filter.type != "coin_transfer", do: advanced_filter.token_transfer.token.symbol, else: nil), |
advanced_filter.block_number, |
advanced_filter.fee, |
exchange_rate.usd_value, |
opening_price, |
closing_price |
] |
end) |
Stream.concat([row_names], af_lists) |
end |
defp prepare_advanced_filter(advanced_filter, decoded_input) do |
%{ |
hash: advanced_filter.hash, |
type: advanced_filter.type, |
method: |
if(advanced_filter.type != "coin_transfer", |
do: |
TransactionView.method_name( |
%Transaction{ |
to_address: %Address{ |
hash: advanced_filter.token_transfer.token.contract_address_hash, |
contract_code: "0x" |> Data.cast() |> elem(1) |
}, |
input: advanced_filter.input |
}, |
decoded_input |
), |
else: |
TransactionView.method_name( |
%Transaction{to_address: advanced_filter.to_address, input: advanced_filter.input}, |
decoded_input |
) |
), |
from: |
Helper.address_with_info( |
nil, |
advanced_filter.from_address, |
advanced_filter.from_address.hash, |
false |
), |
to: |
Helper.address_with_info( |
nil, |
advanced_filter.to_address, |
advanced_filter.to_address.hash, |
false |
), |
value: advanced_filter.value, |
total: |
if(advanced_filter.type != "coin_transfer", |
do: TransactionView.prepare_token_transfer_total(advanced_filter.token_transfer), |
else: nil |
), |
token: |
if(advanced_filter.type != "coin_transfer", |
do: TokenView.render("token.json", %{token: advanced_filter.token_transfer.token}), |
else: nil |
), |
timestamp: advanced_filter.timestamp, |
block_number: advanced_filter.block_number, |
transaction_index: advanced_filter.transaction_index, |
internal_transaction_index: advanced_filter.internal_transaction_index, |
token_transfer_index: advanced_filter.token_transfer_index, |
token_transfer_batch_index: advanced_filter.token_transfer_batch_index, |
fee: advanced_filter.fee |
} |
end |
defp prepare_search_params(method_ids, tokens) do |
tokens_map = |
Map.new(tokens, fn {contract_address_hash, token} -> |
{contract_address_hash, TokenView.render("token.json", %{token: token})} |
end) |
%{methods: method_ids, tokens: tokens_map} |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,945 @@ |
defmodule BlockScoutWeb.API.V2.AdvancedFilterControllerTest do |
use BlockScoutWeb.ConnCase |
import Mox |
alias Explorer.Chain.{AdvancedFilter, Data} |
alias Explorer.{Factory, TestHelper} |
describe "/advanced_filters" do |
test "empty list", %{conn: conn} do |
request = get(conn, "/api/v2/advanced-filters") |
assert response = json_response(request, 200) |
assert response["items"] == [] |
assert response["next_page_params"] == nil |
end |
test "get and paginate advanced filter (transactions split between pages)", %{conn: conn} do |
first_tx = :transaction |> insert() |> with_block() |
insert_list(3, :token_transfer, transaction: first_tx) |
for i <- 0..2 do |
insert(:internal_transaction, |
transaction: first_tx, |
block_hash: first_tx.block_hash, |
index: i, |
block_index: i |
) |
end |
insert_list(51, :transaction) |> with_block() |
request = get(conn, "/api/v2/advanced-filters") |
assert response = json_response(request, 200) |
request_2nd_page = get(conn, "/api/v2/advanced-filters", response["next_page_params"]) |
assert response_2nd_page = json_response(request_2nd_page, 200) |
check_paginated_response(AdvancedFilter.list(), response["items"], response_2nd_page["items"]) |
end |
test "get and paginate advanced filter (token transfers split between pages)", %{conn: conn} do |
first_tx = :transaction |> insert() |> with_block() |
insert_list(3, :token_transfer, transaction: first_tx) |
for i <- 0..2 do |
insert(:internal_transaction, |
transaction: first_tx, |
block_hash: first_tx.block_hash, |
index: i, |
block_index: i |
) |
end |
second_tx = :transaction |> insert() |> with_block() |
insert_list(50, :token_transfer, transaction: second_tx, block_number: second_tx.block_number) |
request = get(conn, "/api/v2/advanced-filters") |
assert response = json_response(request, 200) |
request_2nd_page = get(conn, "/api/v2/advanced-filters", response["next_page_params"]) |
assert response_2nd_page = json_response(request_2nd_page, 200) |
check_paginated_response(AdvancedFilter.list(), response["items"], response_2nd_page["items"]) |
end |
test "get and paginate advanced filter (batch token transfers split between pages)", %{conn: conn} do |
first_tx = :transaction |> insert() |> with_block() |
insert_list(3, :token_transfer, transaction: first_tx) |
for i <- 0..2 do |
insert(:internal_transaction, |
transaction: first_tx, |
block_hash: first_tx.block_hash, |
index: i, |
block_index: i |
) |
end |
second_tx = :transaction |> insert() |> with_block() |
insert_list(5, :token_transfer, |
transaction: second_tx, |
block_number: second_tx.block_number, |
token_type: "ERC-1155", |
token_ids: 0..10 |> Enum.to_list(), |
amounts: 10..20 |> Enum.to_list() |
) |
request = get(conn, "/api/v2/advanced-filters") |
assert response = json_response(request, 200) |
request_2nd_page = get(conn, "/api/v2/advanced-filters", response["next_page_params"]) |
assert response_2nd_page = json_response(request_2nd_page, 200) |
check_paginated_response(AdvancedFilter.list(), response["items"], response_2nd_page["items"]) |
end |
test "get and paginate advanced filter (internal transactions split between pages)", %{conn: conn} do |
first_tx = :transaction |> insert() |> with_block() |
insert_list(3, :token_transfer, transaction: first_tx) |
for i <- 0..2 do |
insert(:internal_transaction, |
transaction: first_tx, |
block_hash: first_tx.block_hash, |
index: i, |
block_index: i |
) |
end |
second_tx = :transaction |> insert() |> with_block() |
for i <- 0..49 do |
insert(:internal_transaction, |
transaction: second_tx, |
block_hash: second_tx.block_hash, |
index: i, |
block_index: i |
) |
end |
request = get(conn, "/api/v2/advanced-filters") |
assert response = json_response(request, 200) |
request_2nd_page = get(conn, "/api/v2/advanced-filters", response["next_page_params"]) |
assert response_2nd_page = json_response(request_2nd_page, 200) |
check_paginated_response(AdvancedFilter.list(), response["items"], response_2nd_page["items"]) |
end |
test "filter by tx_type", %{conn: conn} do |
30 |> insert_list(:transaction) |> with_block() |
tx = insert(:transaction) |> with_block() |
for token_type <- ~w(ERC-20 ERC-404 ERC-721 ERC-1155), |
_ <- 0..4 do |
insert(:token_transfer, transaction: tx, token_type: token_type) |
end |
tx = :transaction |> insert() |> with_block() |
for i <- 0..29 do |
insert(:internal_transaction, |
transaction: tx, |
block_hash: tx.block_hash, |
index: i, |
block_index: i |
) |
end |
for tx_type_filter_string <- |
tx_type_filter = tx_type_filter_string |> String.split(",") |
request = get(conn, "/api/v2/advanced-filters", %{"tx_types" => tx_type_filter_string}) |
assert response = json_response(request, 200) |
assert Enum.all?(response["items"], fn item -> String.upcase(item["type"]) in tx_type_filter end) |
if response["next_page_params"] do |
request_2nd_page = |
get( |
conn, |
"/api/v2/advanced-filters", |
Map.merge(%{"tx_types" => tx_type_filter_string}, response["next_page_params"]) |
) |
assert response_2nd_page = json_response(request_2nd_page, 200) |
assert Enum.all?(response_2nd_page["items"], fn item -> String.upcase(item["type"]) in tx_type_filter end) |
check_paginated_response( |
AdvancedFilter.list(tx_types: tx_type_filter), |
response["items"], |
response_2nd_page["items"] |
) |
end |
end |
end |
test "filter by methods", %{conn: conn} do |
TestHelper.get_eip1967_implementation_zero_addresses() |
tx = :transaction |> insert() |> with_block() |
smart_contract = build(:smart_contract) |
contract_address = |
insert(:address, |
hash: address_hash(), |
verified: true, |
contract_code: Factory.contract_code_info().bytecode, |
smart_contract: smart_contract |
) |
method_id1_string = "0xa9059cbb" |
method_id2_string = "0xa0712d68" |
method_id3_string = "0x095ea7b3" |
method_id4_string = "0x40993b26" |
{:ok, method1} = Data.cast(method_id1_string <> "ab0ba0") |
{:ok, method2} = Data.cast(method_id2_string <> "ab0ba0") |
{:ok, method3} = Data.cast(method_id3_string <> "ab0ba0") |
{:ok, method4} = Data.cast(method_id4_string <> "ab0ba0") |
for i <- 0..4 do |
insert(:internal_transaction, |
transaction: tx, |
to_address_hash: contract_address.hash, |
to_address: contract_address, |
block_hash: tx.block_hash, |
index: i, |
block_index: i, |
input: method1 |
) |
end |
for i <- 5..9 do |
insert(:internal_transaction, |
transaction: tx, |
to_address_hash: contract_address.hash, |
to_address: contract_address, |
block_hash: tx.block_hash, |
index: i, |
block_index: i, |
input: method2 |
) |
end |
5 |
|> insert_list(:transaction, to_address_hash: contract_address.hash, to_address: contract_address, input: method2) |
|> with_block() |
5 |
|> insert_list(:transaction, to_address_hash: contract_address.hash, to_address: contract_address, input: method3) |
|> with_block() |
method3_transaction = |
:transaction |
|> insert(to_address_hash: contract_address.hash, to_address: contract_address, input: method3) |
|> with_block() |
method4_transaction = |
:transaction |
|> insert(to_address_hash: contract_address.hash, to_address: contract_address, input: method4) |
|> with_block() |
5 |> insert_list(:token_transfer, transaction: method3_transaction) |
5 |> insert_list(:token_transfer, transaction: method4_transaction) |
request = get(conn, "/api/v2/advanced-filters", %{"methods" => "0xa0712d68,0x095ea7b3"}) |
assert response = json_response(request, 200) |
assert Enum.all?(response["items"], fn item -> |
String.slice(item["method"], 0..9) in [method_id2_string, method_id3_string] |
end) |
assert Enum.count(response["items"]) == 21 |
end |
test "filter by age", %{conn: conn} do |
first_timestamp = ~U[2023-12-12 00:00:00.000000Z] |
for i <- 0..4 do |
tx = :transaction |> insert() |> with_block(block_timestamp: Timex.shift(first_timestamp, days: i)) |
insert(:internal_transaction, |
transaction: tx, |
block_hash: tx.block_hash, |
index: i, |
block_index: i |
) |
insert(:token_transfer, transaction: tx, block_number: tx.block_number, log_index: i) |
end |
request = |
get(conn, "/api/v2/advanced-filters", %{ |
"age_from" => "2023-12-14T00:00:00Z", |
"age_to" => "2023-12-16T00:00:00Z" |
}) |
assert response = json_response(request, 200) |
assert Enum.count(response["items"]) == 9 |
end |
test "filter by from address include", %{conn: conn} do |
address = insert(:address) |
for i <- 0..4 do |
tx = :transaction |> insert() |> with_block() |
if i < 2 do |
:transaction |> insert(from_address_hash: address.hash, from_address: address) |> with_block() |
insert(:internal_transaction, |
transaction: tx, |
from_address_hash: address.hash, |
from_address: address, |
block_hash: tx.block_hash, |
index: i, |
block_index: i |
) |
insert(:token_transfer, |
from_address_hash: address.hash, |
from_address: address, |
transaction: tx, |
block_number: tx.block_number, |
log_index: i |
) |
else |
insert(:internal_transaction, |
transaction: tx, |
block_hash: tx.block_hash, |
index: i, |
block_index: i |
) |
insert(:token_transfer, transaction: tx, block_number: tx.block_number, log_index: i) |
end |
end |
request = get(conn, "/api/v2/advanced-filters", %{"from_address_hashes_to_include" => to_string(address.hash)}) |
assert response = json_response(request, 200) |
assert Enum.count(response["items"]) == 6 |
end |
test "filter by from address exclude", %{conn: conn} do |
address = insert(:address) |
for i <- 0..4 do |
tx = :transaction |> insert() |> with_block() |
if i < 4 do |
:transaction |> insert(from_address_hash: address.hash, from_address: address) |> with_block() |
insert(:internal_transaction, |
transaction: tx, |
from_address_hash: address.hash, |
from_address: address, |
block_hash: tx.block_hash, |
index: i, |
block_index: i |
) |
insert(:token_transfer, |
from_address_hash: address.hash, |
from_address: address, |
transaction: tx, |
block_number: tx.block_number, |
log_index: i |
) |
else |
insert(:internal_transaction, |
transaction: tx, |
block_hash: tx.block_hash, |
index: i, |
block_index: i |
) |
insert(:token_transfer, transaction: tx, block_number: tx.block_number, log_index: i) |
end |
end |
request = get(conn, "/api/v2/advanced-filters", %{"from_address_hashes_to_exclude" => to_string(address.hash)}) |
assert response = json_response(request, 200) |
assert Enum.count(response["items"]) == 7 |
end |
test "filter by from address include and exclude", %{conn: conn} do |
address_to_include = insert(:address) |
address_to_exclude = insert(:address) |
for i <- 0..2 do |
tx = |
:transaction |
|> insert(from_address_hash: address_to_exclude.hash, from_address: address_to_exclude) |
|> with_block() |
if i < 4 do |
:transaction |
|> insert(from_address_hash: address_to_include.hash, from_address: address_to_include) |
|> with_block() |
insert(:internal_transaction, |
transaction: tx, |
from_address_hash: address_to_include.hash, |
from_address: address_to_include, |
block_hash: tx.block_hash, |
index: i, |
block_index: i |
) |
insert(:token_transfer, |
from_address_hash: address_to_include.hash, |
from_address: address_to_include, |
transaction: tx, |
block_number: tx.block_number, |
log_index: i |
) |
else |
insert(:internal_transaction, |
transaction: tx, |
block_hash: tx.block_hash, |
index: i, |
block_index: i |
) |
insert(:token_transfer, transaction: tx, block_number: tx.block_number, log_index: i) |
end |
end |
request = |
get(conn, "/api/v2/advanced-filters", %{ |
"from_address_hashes_to_include" => to_string(address_to_include.hash), |
"from_address_hashes_to_exclude" => to_string(address_to_exclude.hash) |
}) |
assert response = json_response(request, 200) |
assert Enum.count(response["items"]) == 9 |
end |
test "filter by to address include", %{conn: conn} do |
address = insert(:address) |
for i <- 0..4 do |
tx = :transaction |> insert() |> with_block() |
if i < 2 do |
:transaction |> insert(to_address_hash: address.hash, to_address: address) |> with_block() |
insert(:internal_transaction, |
transaction: tx, |
to_address_hash: address.hash, |
to_address: address, |
block_hash: tx.block_hash, |
index: i, |
block_index: i |
) |
insert(:token_transfer, |
to_address_hash: address.hash, |
to_address: address, |
transaction: tx, |
block_number: tx.block_number, |
log_index: i |
) |
else |
insert(:internal_transaction, |
transaction: tx, |
block_hash: tx.block_hash, |
index: i, |
block_index: i |
) |
insert(:token_transfer, transaction: tx, block_number: tx.block_number, log_index: i) |
end |
end |
request = get(conn, "/api/v2/advanced-filters", %{"to_address_hashes_to_include" => to_string(address.hash)}) |
assert response = json_response(request, 200) |
assert Enum.count(response["items"]) == 6 |
end |
test "filter by to address exclude", %{conn: conn} do |
address = insert(:address) |
for i <- 0..4 do |
tx = :transaction |> insert() |> with_block() |
if i < 4 do |
:transaction |> insert(to_address_hash: address.hash, to_address: address) |> with_block() |
insert(:internal_transaction, |
transaction: tx, |
to_address_hash: address.hash, |
to_address: address, |
block_hash: tx.block_hash, |
index: i, |
block_index: i |
) |
insert(:token_transfer, |
to_address_hash: address.hash, |
to_address: address, |
transaction: tx, |
block_number: tx.block_number, |
log_index: i |
) |
else |
insert(:internal_transaction, |
transaction: tx, |
block_hash: tx.block_hash, |
index: i, |
block_index: i |
) |
insert(:token_transfer, transaction: tx, block_number: tx.block_number, log_index: i) |
end |
end |
request = get(conn, "/api/v2/advanced-filters", %{"to_address_hashes_to_exclude" => to_string(address.hash)}) |
assert response = json_response(request, 200) |
assert Enum.count(response["items"]) == 7 |
end |
test "filter by to address include and exclude", %{conn: conn} do |
address_to_include = insert(:address) |
address_to_exclude = insert(:address) |
for i <- 0..2 do |
tx = |
:transaction |
|> insert(to_address_hash: address_to_exclude.hash, to_address: address_to_exclude) |
|> with_block() |
if i < 4 do |
:transaction |
|> insert(to_address_hash: address_to_include.hash, to_address: address_to_include) |
|> with_block() |
insert(:internal_transaction, |
transaction: tx, |
to_address_hash: address_to_include.hash, |
to_address: address_to_include, |
block_hash: tx.block_hash, |
index: i, |
block_index: i |
) |
insert(:token_transfer, |
to_address_hash: address_to_include.hash, |
to_address: address_to_include, |
transaction: tx, |
block_number: tx.block_number, |
log_index: i |
) |
else |
insert(:internal_transaction, |
transaction: tx, |
block_hash: tx.block_hash, |
index: i, |
block_index: i |
) |
insert(:token_transfer, transaction: tx, block_number: tx.block_number, log_index: i) |
end |
end |
request = |
get(conn, "/api/v2/advanced-filters", %{ |
"to_address_hashes_to_include" => to_string(address_to_include.hash), |
"to_address_hashes_to_exclude" => to_string(address_to_exclude.hash) |
}) |
assert response = json_response(request, 200) |
assert Enum.count(response["items"]) == 9 |
end |
test "filter by from and to address", %{conn: conn} do |
from_address = insert(:address) |
to_address = insert(:address) |
for i <- 0..8 do |
tx = :transaction |> insert() |> with_block() |
cond do |
i < 2 -> |
:transaction |> insert(from_address_hash: from_address.hash, from_address: from_address) |> with_block() |
insert(:internal_transaction, |
transaction: tx, |
from_address_hash: from_address.hash, |
from_address: from_address, |
block_hash: tx.block_hash, |
index: i, |
block_index: i |
) |
insert(:token_transfer, |
from_address_hash: from_address.hash, |
from_address: from_address, |
transaction: tx, |
block_number: tx.block_number, |
log_index: i |
) |
i < 4 -> |
:transaction |> insert(to_address_hash: to_address.hash, to_address: to_address) |> with_block() |
insert(:internal_transaction, |
transaction: tx, |
to_address_hash: to_address.hash, |
to_address: to_address, |
block_hash: tx.block_hash, |
index: i, |
block_index: i |
) |
insert(:token_transfer, |
to_address_hash: to_address.hash, |
to_address: to_address, |
transaction: tx, |
block_number: tx.block_number, |
log_index: i |
) |
i < 6 -> |
:transaction |
|> insert( |
to_address_hash: to_address.hash, |
to_address: to_address, |
from_address_hash: from_address.hash, |
from_address: from_address |
) |
|> with_block() |
insert(:internal_transaction, |
transaction: tx, |
to_address_hash: to_address.hash, |
to_address: to_address, |
from_address_hash: from_address.hash, |
from_address: from_address, |
block_hash: tx.block_hash, |
index: i, |
block_index: i |
) |
insert(:token_transfer, |
to_address_hash: to_address.hash, |
to_address: to_address, |
from_address_hash: from_address.hash, |
from_address: from_address, |
transaction: tx, |
block_number: tx.block_number, |
log_index: i |
) |
true -> |
insert(:internal_transaction, |
transaction: tx, |
block_hash: tx.block_hash, |
index: i, |
block_index: i |
) |
insert(:token_transfer, transaction: tx, block_number: tx.block_number, log_index: i) |
end |
end |
request = |
get(conn, "/api/v2/advanced-filters", %{ |
"from_address_hashes_to_include" => to_string(from_address.hash), |
"to_address_hashes_to_include" => to_string(to_address.hash), |
"address_relation" => "AnD" |
}) |
assert response = json_response(request, 200) |
assert Enum.count(response["items"]) == 6 |
end |
test "filter by from or to address", %{conn: conn} do |
from_address = insert(:address) |
to_address = insert(:address) |
for i <- 0..8 do |
tx = :transaction |> insert() |> with_block() |
cond do |
i < 2 -> |
:transaction |> insert(from_address_hash: from_address.hash, from_address: from_address) |> with_block() |
insert(:internal_transaction, |
transaction: tx, |
from_address_hash: from_address.hash, |
from_address: from_address, |
block_hash: tx.block_hash, |
index: i, |
block_index: i |
) |
insert(:token_transfer, |
from_address_hash: from_address.hash, |
from_address: from_address, |
transaction: tx, |
block_number: tx.block_number, |
log_index: i |
) |
i < 4 -> |
:transaction |> insert(to_address_hash: to_address.hash, to_address: to_address) |> with_block() |
insert(:internal_transaction, |
transaction: tx, |
to_address_hash: to_address.hash, |
to_address: to_address, |
block_hash: tx.block_hash, |
index: i, |
block_index: i |
) |
insert(:token_transfer, |
to_address_hash: to_address.hash, |
to_address: to_address, |
transaction: tx, |
block_number: tx.block_number, |
log_index: i |
) |
i < 6 -> |
:transaction |
|> insert( |
to_address_hash: to_address.hash, |
to_address: to_address, |
from_address_hash: from_address.hash, |
from_address: from_address |
) |
|> with_block() |
insert(:internal_transaction, |
transaction: tx, |
to_address_hash: to_address.hash, |
to_address: to_address, |
from_address_hash: from_address.hash, |
from_address: from_address, |
block_hash: tx.block_hash, |
index: i, |
block_index: i |
) |
insert(:token_transfer, |
to_address_hash: to_address.hash, |
to_address: to_address, |
from_address_hash: from_address.hash, |
from_address: from_address, |
transaction: tx, |
block_number: tx.block_number, |
log_index: i |
) |
true -> |
insert(:internal_transaction, |
transaction: tx, |
block_hash: tx.block_hash, |
index: i, |
block_index: i |
) |
insert(:token_transfer, transaction: tx, block_number: tx.block_number, log_index: i) |
end |
end |
request = |
get(conn, "/api/v2/advanced-filters", %{ |
"from_address_hashes_to_include" => to_string(from_address.hash), |
"to_address_hashes_to_include" => to_string(to_address.hash) |
}) |
assert response = json_response(request, 200) |
assert Enum.count(response["items"]) == 18 |
end |
test "filter by amount", %{conn: conn} do |
for i <- 0..4 do |
tx = :transaction |> insert(value: i * 10 ** 18) |> with_block() |
insert(:internal_transaction, |
transaction: tx, |
block_hash: tx.block_hash, |
index: 0, |
block_index: 0, |
value: i * 10 ** 18 |
) |
token = insert(:token, decimals: 10) |
insert(:token_transfer, |
amount: i * 10 ** 10, |
token_contract_address: token.contract_address, |
transaction: tx, |
block_number: tx.block_number, |
log_index: 0 |
) |
end |
request = get(conn, "/api/v2/advanced-filters", %{"amount_from" => "0.5", "amount_to" => "2.99"}) |
assert response = json_response(request, 200) |
assert Enum.count(response["items"]) == 6 |
end |
test "filter by token contract address include", %{conn: conn} do |
token_a = insert(:token) |
token_b = insert(:token) |
token_c = insert(:token) |
tx = :transaction |> insert() |> with_block() |
for token <- [token_a, token_b, token_c, token_a, token_b, token_c, token_a, token_b, token_c] do |
insert(:token_transfer, |
token_contract_address: token.contract_address, |
transaction: tx, |
block_number: tx.block_number, |
log_index: 0 |
) |
end |
request = |
get(conn, "/api/v2/advanced-filters", %{ |
"token_contract_address_hashes_to_include" => |
"#{token_b.contract_address_hash},#{token_c.contract_address_hash}" |
}) |
assert response = json_response(request, 200) |
assert Enum.count(response["items"]) == 6 |
end |
test "filter by token contract address exclude", %{conn: conn} do |
token_a = insert(:token) |
token_b = insert(:token) |
token_c = insert(:token) |
tx = :transaction |> insert() |> with_block() |
for token <- [token_a, token_b, token_c, token_a, token_b, token_c, token_a, token_b, token_c] do |
insert(:token_transfer, |
token_contract_address: token.contract_address, |
transaction: tx, |
block_number: tx.block_number, |
log_index: 0 |
) |
end |
request = |
get(conn, "/api/v2/advanced-filters", %{ |
"token_contract_address_hashes_to_exclude" => |
"#{token_b.contract_address_hash},#{token_c.contract_address_hash}" |
}) |
assert response = json_response(request, 200) |
assert Enum.count(response["items"]) == 4 |
end |
test "filter by token contract address include with native", %{conn: conn} do |
token_a = insert(:token) |
token_b = insert(:token) |
token_c = insert(:token) |
tx = :transaction |> insert() |> with_block() |
for token <- [token_a, token_b, token_c, token_a, token_b, token_c, token_a, token_b, token_c] do |
insert(:token_transfer, |
token_contract_address: token.contract_address, |
transaction: tx, |
block_number: tx.block_number, |
log_index: 0 |
) |
end |
request = |
get(conn, "/api/v2/advanced-filters", %{ |
"token_contract_address_hashes_to_include" => |
"#{token_b.contract_address_hash},#{token_c.contract_address_hash},native" |
}) |
assert response = json_response(request, 200) |
assert Enum.count(response["items"]) == 7 |
end |
test "filter by token contract address exclude with native", %{conn: conn} do |
token_a = insert(:token) |
token_b = insert(:token) |
token_c = insert(:token) |
tx = :transaction |> insert() |> with_block() |
for token <- [token_a, token_b, token_c, token_a, token_b, token_c, token_a, token_b, token_c] do |
insert(:token_transfer, |
token_contract_address: token.contract_address, |
transaction: tx, |
block_number: tx.block_number, |
log_index: 0 |
) |
end |
request = |
get(conn, "/api/v2/advanced-filters", %{ |
"token_contract_address_hashes_to_exclude" => |
"#{token_b.contract_address_hash},#{token_c.contract_address_hash},native" |
}) |
assert response = json_response(request, 200) |
assert Enum.count(response["items"]) == 3 |
end |
end |
describe "/advanced_filters/methods?q=" do |
test "returns 404 if method does not exist", %{conn: conn} do |
request = get(conn, "/api/v2/advanced-filters/methods", %{"q" => "foo"}) |
assert response = json_response(request, 404) |
assert response["message"] == "Not found" |
end |
test "finds method by name", %{conn: conn} do |
insert(:contract_method) |
request = get(conn, "/api/v2/advanced-filters/methods", %{"q" => "set"}) |
assert response = json_response(request, 200) |
assert response == [%{"method_id" => "0x60fe47b1", "name" => "set"}] |
end |
test "finds method by id", %{conn: conn} do |
insert(:contract_method) |
request = get(conn, "/api/v2/advanced-filters/methods", %{"q" => "0x60fe47b1"}) |
assert response = json_response(request, 200) |
assert response == [%{"method_id" => "0x60fe47b1", "name" => "set"}] |
end |
end |
defp check_paginated_response(all_advanced_filters, first_page, second_page) do |
assert all_advanced_filters |
|> Enum.map( |
&{&1.block_number, &1.transaction_index, &1.internal_transaction_index, &1.token_transfer_index, |
&1.token_transfer_batch_index} |
) == |
Enum.map( |
first_page ++ second_page, |
&{&1["block_number"], &1["transaction_index"], &1["internal_transaction_index"], |
&1["token_transfer_index"], &1["token_transfer_batch_index"]} |
) |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,706 @@ |
defmodule Explorer.Chain.AdvancedFilter do |
@moduledoc """ |
Models an advanced filter. |
""" |
use Explorer.Schema |
import Ecto.Query |
alias Explorer.{Chain, Helper, PagingOptions} |
alias Explorer.Chain.{Address, Data, Hash, InternalTransaction, TokenTransfer, Transaction} |
@primary_key false |
typed_embedded_schema null: false do |
field(:hash, Hash.Full) |
field(:type, :string) |
field(:input, Data) |
field(:timestamp, :utc_datetime_usec) |
belongs_to( |
:from_address, |
Address, |
foreign_key: :from_address_hash, |
references: :hash, |
type: Hash.Address |
) |
belongs_to( |
:to_address, |
Address, |
foreign_key: :to_address_hash, |
references: :hash, |
type: Hash.Address |
) |
field(:value, :decimal, null: true) |
has_one(:token_transfer, TokenTransfer, foreign_key: :transaction_hash, references: :hash, null: true) |
field(:fee, :decimal) |
field(:block_number, :integer) |
field(:transaction_index, :integer) |
field(:internal_transaction_index, :integer, null: true) |
field(:token_transfer_index, :integer, null: true) |
field(:token_transfer_batch_index, :integer, null: true) |
end |
@typep tx_types :: {:tx_types, [String.t()] | nil} |
@typep methods :: {:methods, [String.t()] | nil} |
@typep age :: {:age, [{:from, DateTime.t() | nil} | {:to, DateTime.t() | nil}] | nil} |
@typep from_address_hashes :: {:from_address_hashes, [Hash.Address.t()] | nil} |
@typep to_address_hashes :: {:to_address_hashes, [Hash.Address.t()] | nil} |
@typep address_relation :: {:address_relation, :or | :and | nil} |
@typep amount :: {:amount, [{:from, Decimal.t()} | {:to, Decimal.t()}] | nil} |
@typep token_contract_address_hashes :: |
{:token_contract_address_hashes, [{:include, [Hash.Address.t()]} | {:include, [Hash.Address.t()]}] | nil} |
@type options :: [ |
tx_types() |
| methods() |
| age() |
| from_address_hashes() |
| to_address_hashes() |
| address_relation() |
| amount() |
| token_contract_address_hashes() |
| Chain.paging_options() |
| Chain.api?() |
] |
@spec list(options()) :: [__MODULE__.t()] |
def list(options \\ []) do |
paging_options = Keyword.get(options, :paging_options) |
tasks = |
options |
|> queries(paging_options) |
|> Enum.map(fn query -> Task.async(fn -> Chain.select_repo(options).all(query) end) end) |
tasks |
|> Task.yield_many(:timer.seconds(60)) |
|> Enum.flat_map(fn {_task, res} -> |
case res do |
{:ok, result} -> |
result |
{:exit, reason} -> |
raise "Query fetching advanced filters terminated: #{inspect(reason)}" |
nil -> |
raise "Query fetching advanced filters timed out." |
end |
end) |
|> Enum.map(&to_advanced_filter/1) |
|> Enum.sort(&sort_function/2) |
|> take_page_size(paging_options) |
end |
defp queries(options, paging_options) do |
cond do |
only_transactions?(options) -> |
[transactions_query(paging_options, options), internal_transactions_query(paging_options, options)] |
only_token_transfers?(options) -> |
[token_transfers_query(paging_options, options)] |
true -> |
[ |
transactions_query(paging_options, options), |
internal_transactions_query(paging_options, options), |
token_transfers_query(paging_options, options) |
] |
end |
end |
defp only_transactions?(options) do |
transaction_types = options[:tx_types] |
tokens_to_include = options[:token_contract_address_hashes][:include] |
transaction_types == ["COIN_TRANSFER"] or tokens_to_include == ["native"] |
end |
defp only_token_transfers?(options) do |
transaction_types = options[:tx_types] |
tokens_to_include = options[:token_contract_address_hashes][:include] |
tokens_to_exclude = options[:token_contract_address_hashes][:exclude] |
(is_list(transaction_types) and length(transaction_types) > 0 and "COIN_TRANSFER" not in transaction_types) or |
(is_list(tokens_to_include) and length(tokens_to_include) > 0 and "native" not in tokens_to_include) or |
(is_list(tokens_to_exclude) and "native" in tokens_to_exclude) |
end |
defp to_advanced_filter(%Transaction{} = transaction) do |
%__MODULE__{ |
hash: transaction.hash, |
type: "coin_transfer", |
input: transaction.input, |
timestamp: transaction.block_timestamp, |
from_address: transaction.from_address, |
to_address: transaction.to_address, |
value: transaction.value.value, |
fee: transaction |> Transaction.fee(:wei) |> elem(1), |
block_number: transaction.block_number, |
transaction_index: transaction.index |
} |
end |
defp to_advanced_filter(%InternalTransaction{} = internal_transaction) do |
%__MODULE__{ |
hash: internal_transaction.transaction.hash, |
type: "coin_transfer", |
input: internal_transaction.input, |
timestamp: internal_transaction.transaction.block_timestamp, |
from_address: internal_transaction.from_address, |
to_address: internal_transaction.to_address, |
value: internal_transaction.value.value, |
fee: |
internal_transaction.transaction.gas_price && internal_transaction.gas_used && |
Decimal.mult(internal_transaction.transaction.gas_price.value, internal_transaction.gas_used), |
block_number: internal_transaction.transaction.block_number, |
transaction_index: internal_transaction.transaction.index, |
internal_transaction_index: internal_transaction.index |
} |
end |
defp to_advanced_filter(%TokenTransfer{} = token_transfer) do |
%__MODULE__{ |
hash: token_transfer.transaction.hash, |
type: token_transfer.token_type, |
input: token_transfer.transaction.input, |
timestamp: token_transfer.transaction.block_timestamp, |
from_address: token_transfer.from_address, |
to_address: token_transfer.to_address, |
fee: token_transfer.transaction |> Transaction.fee(:wei) |> elem(1), |
token_transfer: %TokenTransfer{ |
token_transfer |
| amounts: [token_transfer.amount], |
token_ids: token_transfer.token_id && [token_transfer.token_id] |
}, |
block_number: token_transfer.block_number, |
transaction_index: token_transfer.transaction.index, |
token_transfer_index: token_transfer.log_index, |
token_transfer_batch_index: token_transfer.reverse_index_in_batch |
} |
end |
defp sort_function(a, b) do |
case { |
Helper.compare(a.block_number, b.block_number), |
Helper.compare(a.transaction_index, b.transaction_index), |
Helper.compare(a.token_transfer_index, b.token_transfer_index), |
Helper.compare(a.token_transfer_batch_index, b.token_transfer_batch_index), |
Helper.compare(a.internal_transaction_index, b.internal_transaction_index) |
} do |
{:lt, _, _, _, _} -> |
false |
{:eq, :lt, _, _, _} -> |
false |
{:eq, :eq, _, _, _} -> |
case {a.token_transfer_index, a.token_transfer_batch_index, a.internal_transaction_index, |
b.token_transfer_index, b.token_transfer_batch_index, b.internal_transaction_index} do |
{nil, _, nil, _, _, _} -> |
true |
{a_tt_index, a_tt_batch_index, nil, b_tt_index, b_tt_batch_index, _} when not is_nil(b_tt_index) -> |
{a_tt_index, a_tt_batch_index} > {b_tt_index, b_tt_batch_index} |
{nil, _, a_it_index, _, _, b_it_index} -> |
a_it_index > b_it_index |
{_, _, _, _, _, _} -> |
false |
end |
_ -> |
true |
end |
end |
defp take_page_size(list, %PagingOptions{page_size: page_size}) when is_integer(page_size) do |
Enum.take(list, page_size) |
end |
defp take_page_size(list, _), do: list |
defp transactions_query(paging_options, options) do |
query = |
from(transaction in Transaction, |
as: :transaction, |
preload: [ |
:block, |
from_address: [:names, :smart_contract, :proxy_implementations], |
to_address: [:names, :smart_contract, :proxy_implementations] |
], |
order_by: [ |
desc: transaction.block_number, |
desc: transaction.index |
] |
) |
query |
|> page_transactions(paging_options) |
|> limit_query(paging_options) |
|> apply_transactions_filters(options) |
end |
defp page_transactions(query, %PagingOptions{ |
key: %{ |
block_number: block_number, |
transaction_index: tx_index |
} |
}) do |
dynamic_condition = |
dynamic(^page_block_number_dynamic(:transaction, block_number) or ^page_tx_index_dynamic(block_number, tx_index)) |
query |> where(^dynamic_condition) |
end |
defp page_transactions(query, _), do: query |
defp internal_transactions_query(paging_options, options) do |
query = |
from(internal_transaction in InternalTransaction, |
as: :internal_transaction, |
join: transaction in assoc(internal_transaction, :transaction), |
as: :transaction, |
preload: [ |
from_address: [:names, :smart_contract, :proxy_implementations], |
to_address: [:names, :smart_contract, :proxy_implementations], |
transaction: transaction |
], |
order_by: [ |
desc: transaction.block_number, |
desc: transaction.index, |
desc: internal_transaction.index |
] |
) |
query |
|> page_internal_transactions(paging_options) |
|> limit_query(paging_options) |
|> apply_transactions_filters(options) |
end |
defp page_internal_transactions(query, %PagingOptions{ |
key: %{ |
block_number: block_number, |
transaction_index: tx_index, |
internal_transaction_index: nil |
} |
}) do |
case {block_number, tx_index} do |
{0, 0} -> |
query |> where(as(:transaction).block_number == ^block_number and as(:transaction).index == ^tx_index) |
{0, tx_index} -> |
query |
|> where(as(:transaction).block_number == ^block_number and as(:transaction).index <= ^tx_index) |
{block_number, 0} -> |
query |> where(as(:transaction).block_number < ^block_number) |
_ -> |
query |
|> where( |
as(:transaction).block_number < ^block_number or |
(as(:transaction).block_number == ^block_number and as(:transaction).index <= ^tx_index) |
) |
end |
end |
defp page_internal_transactions(query, %PagingOptions{ |
key: %{ |
block_number: block_number, |
transaction_index: tx_index, |
internal_transaction_index: it_index |
} |
}) do |
dynamic_condition = |
dynamic( |
^page_block_number_dynamic(:transaction, block_number) or ^page_tx_index_dynamic(block_number, tx_index) or |
^page_it_index_dynamic(block_number, tx_index, it_index) |
) |
query |
|> where(^dynamic_condition) |
end |
defp page_internal_transactions(query, _), do: query |
defp token_transfers_query(paging_options, options) do |
token_transfer_query = |
from(token_transfer in TokenTransfer, |
as: :token_transfer, |
join: transaction in assoc(token_transfer, :transaction), |
as: :transaction, |
join: token in assoc(token_transfer, :token), |
as: :token, |
select: %TokenTransfer{ |
token_transfer |
| token_id: fragment("UNNEST(?)", token_transfer.token_ids), |
amount: |
fragment("UNNEST(COALESCE(?, ARRAY[COALESCE(?, 1)]))", token_transfer.amounts, token_transfer.amount), |
reverse_index_in_batch: |
fragment("GENERATE_SERIES(COALESCE(ARRAY_LENGTH(?, 1), 1), 1, -1)", token_transfer.amounts), |
token_decimals: token.decimals |
}, |
order_by: [ |
desc: token_transfer.block_number, |
desc: token_transfer.log_index |
] |
) |
token_transfer_query |
|> apply_token_transfers_filters(options) |
|> page_token_transfers(paging_options) |
|> filter_token_transfers_by_amount(options[:amount][:from], options[:amount][:to]) |
|> make_token_transfer_query_unnested() |
|> limit_query(paging_options) |
end |
defp page_token_transfers(query, %PagingOptions{ |
key: %{ |
block_number: block_number, |
transaction_index: tx_index, |
token_transfer_index: nil, |
internal_transaction_index: nil |
} |
}) do |
case {block_number, tx_index} do |
{0, 0} -> |
query |> where(as(:transaction).block_number == ^block_number and as(:transaction).index == ^tx_index) |
{0, tx_index} -> |
query |
|> where([token_transfer], token_transfer.block_number == ^block_number and as(:transaction).index < ^tx_index) |
{block_number, 0} -> |
query |> where([token_transfer], token_transfer.block_number < ^block_number) |
{block_number, tx_index} -> |
query |
|> where( |
[token_transfer], |
token_transfer.block_number < ^block_number or |
(token_transfer.block_number == ^block_number and as(:transaction).index <= ^tx_index) |
) |
end |
end |
defp page_token_transfers(query, %PagingOptions{ |
key: %{ |
block_number: block_number, |
transaction_index: tx_index, |
token_transfer_index: nil |
} |
}) do |
dynamic_condition = |
dynamic( |
^page_block_number_dynamic(:token_transfer, block_number) or ^page_tx_index_dynamic(block_number, tx_index) |
) |
query |> where(^dynamic_condition) |
end |
defp page_token_transfers(query, %PagingOptions{ |
key: %{ |
block_number: block_number, |
token_transfer_index: tt_index, |
token_transfer_batch_index: tt_batch_index |
} |
}) do |
dynamic_condition = |
dynamic( |
^page_block_number_dynamic(:token_transfer, block_number) or |
^page_tt_index_dynamic(:token_transfer, block_number, tt_index, tt_batch_index) |
) |
paged_query = query |> where(^dynamic_condition) |
paged_query |
|> make_token_transfer_query_unnested() |
|> where( |
^page_tt_batch_index_dynamic( |
block_number, |
tt_index, |
tt_batch_index |
) |
) |
end |
defp page_token_transfers(query, _), do: query |
defp page_block_number_dynamic(binding, block_number) when block_number > 0 do |
dynamic(as(^binding).block_number < ^block_number) |
end |
defp page_block_number_dynamic(_, _) do |
dynamic(false) |
end |
defp page_tx_index_dynamic(block_number, tx_index) when tx_index > 0 do |
dynamic([transaction: tx], tx.block_number == ^block_number and tx.index < ^tx_index) |
end |
defp page_tx_index_dynamic(_, _) do |
dynamic(false) |
end |
defp page_it_index_dynamic(block_number, tx_index, it_index) when it_index > 0 do |
dynamic( |
[transaction: tx, internal_transaction: it], |
tx.block_number == ^block_number and tx.index == ^tx_index and |
it.index < ^it_index |
) |
end |
defp page_it_index_dynamic(_, _, _) do |
dynamic(false) |
end |
defp page_tt_index_dynamic(binding, block_number, tt_index, tt_batch_index) |
when tt_index > 0 and tt_batch_index > 1 do |
dynamic(as(^binding).block_number == ^block_number and as(^binding).log_index <= ^tt_index) |
end |
defp page_tt_index_dynamic(binding, block_number, tt_index, _tt_batch_index) when tt_index > 0 do |
dynamic(as(^binding).block_number == ^block_number and as(^binding).log_index < ^tt_index) |
end |
defp page_tt_index_dynamic(_, _, _, _) do |
dynamic(false) |
end |
defp page_tt_batch_index_dynamic(block_number, tt_index, tt_batch_index) when tt_batch_index > 1 do |
dynamic( |
[unnested_token_transfer: tt], |
^page_block_number_dynamic(:unnested_token_transfer, block_number) or |
^page_tt_index_dynamic( |
:unnested_token_transfer, |
block_number, |
tt_index, |
0 |
) or |
(tt.block_number == ^block_number and tt.log_index == ^tt_index and tt.reverse_index_in_batch < ^tt_batch_index) |
) |
end |
defp page_tt_batch_index_dynamic(_, _, _) do |
dynamic(true) |
end |
defp limit_query(query, %PagingOptions{page_size: limit}) when is_integer(limit), do: limit(query, ^limit) |
defp limit_query(query, _), do: query |
defp apply_token_transfers_filters(query, options) do |
query |
|> filter_by_tx_type(options[:tx_types]) |
|> filter_token_transfers_by_methods(options[:methods]) |
|> filter_by_token(options[:token_contract_address_hashes][:include], :include) |
|> filter_by_token(options[:token_contract_address_hashes][:exclude], :exclude) |
|> apply_common_filters(options) |
end |
defp apply_transactions_filters(query, options) do |
query |
|> filter_transactions_by_amount(options[:amount][:from], options[:amount][:to]) |
|> filter_transactions_by_methods(options[:methods]) |
|> apply_common_filters(options) |
end |
defp apply_common_filters(query, options) do |
query |
|> only_collated_transactions() |
|> filter_by_timestamp(options[:age][:from], options[:age][:to]) |
|> filter_by_addresses(options[:from_address_hashes], options[:to_address_hashes], options[:address_relation]) |
end |
defp only_collated_transactions(query) do |
query |> where(not is_nil(as(:transaction).block_number) and not is_nil(as(:transaction).index)) |
end |
defp filter_by_tx_type(query, [_ | _] = tx_types) do |
query |> where([token_transfer], token_transfer.token_type in ^tx_types) |
end |
defp filter_by_tx_type(query, _), do: query |
defp filter_transactions_by_methods(query, [_ | _] = methods) do |
prepared_methods = prepare_methods(methods) |
query |> where([t], fragment("substring(? FOR 4)", t.input) in ^prepared_methods) |
end |
defp filter_transactions_by_methods(query, _), do: query |
defp filter_token_transfers_by_methods(query, [_ | _] = methods) do |
prepared_methods = prepare_methods(methods) |
query |> where(fragment("substring(? FOR 4)", as(:transaction).input) in ^prepared_methods) |
end |
defp filter_token_transfers_by_methods(query, _), do: query |
defp prepare_methods(methods) do |
methods |
|> Enum.flat_map(fn |
method -> |
case Data.cast(method) do |
{:ok, method} -> [method.bytes] |
_ -> [] |
end |
end) |
end |
defp filter_by_timestamp(query, %DateTime{} = from, %DateTime{} = to) do |
query |> where(as(:transaction).block_timestamp >= ^from and as(:transaction).block_timestamp <= ^to) |
end |
defp filter_by_timestamp(query, %DateTime{} = from, _to) do |
query |> where(as(:transaction).block_timestamp >= ^from) |
end |
defp filter_by_timestamp(query, _from, %DateTime{} = to) do |
query |> where(as(:transaction).block_timestamp <= ^to) |
end |
defp filter_by_timestamp(query, _, _), do: query |
defp filter_by_addresses(query, from_addresses, to_addresses, relation) do |
to_address_dynamic = do_filter_by_addresses(:to_address_hash, to_addresses) |
from_address_dynamic = do_filter_by_addresses(:from_address_hash, from_addresses) |
final_condition = |
case {to_address_dynamic, from_address_dynamic} do |
{not_nil_to_address, not_nil_from_address} when nil not in [not_nil_to_address, not_nil_from_address] -> |
combine_filter_by_addresses(not_nil_to_address, not_nil_from_address, relation) |
_ -> |
to_address_dynamic || from_address_dynamic |
end |
case final_condition do |
not_nil when not is_nil(not_nil) -> query |> where(^not_nil) |
_ -> query |
end |
end |
defp do_filter_by_addresses(field, addresses) do |
to_include_dynamic = do_filter_by_addresses_inclusion(field, addresses && Keyword.get(addresses, :include)) |
to_exclude_dynamic = do_filter_by_addresses_exclusion(field, addresses && Keyword.get(addresses, :exclude)) |
case {to_include_dynamic, to_exclude_dynamic} do |
{not_nil_include, not_nil_exclude} when nil not in [not_nil_include, not_nil_exclude] -> |
dynamic([t], ^not_nil_include and ^not_nil_exclude) |
_ -> |
to_include_dynamic || to_exclude_dynamic |
end |
end |
defp do_filter_by_addresses_inclusion(field, [_ | _] = addresses) do |
dynamic([t], field(t, ^field) in ^addresses) |
end |
defp do_filter_by_addresses_inclusion(_, _), do: nil |
defp do_filter_by_addresses_exclusion(field, [_ | _] = addresses) do |
dynamic([t], field(t, ^field) not in ^addresses) |
end |
defp do_filter_by_addresses_exclusion(_, _), do: nil |
defp combine_filter_by_addresses(from_addresses_dynamic, to_addresses_dynamic, :or) do |
dynamic([t], ^from_addresses_dynamic or ^to_addresses_dynamic) |
end |
defp combine_filter_by_addresses(from_addresses_dynamic, to_addresses_dynamic, _) do |
dynamic([t], ^from_addresses_dynamic and ^to_addresses_dynamic) |
end |
@eth_decimals 1000_000_000_000_000_000 |
defp filter_transactions_by_amount(query, from, to) when not is_nil(from) and not is_nil(to) and from < to do |
query |> where([t], t.value / @eth_decimals >= ^from and t.value / @eth_decimals <= ^to) |
end |
defp filter_transactions_by_amount(query, _from, to) when not is_nil(to) do |
query |> where([t], t.value / @eth_decimals <= ^to) |
end |
defp filter_transactions_by_amount(query, from, _to) when not is_nil(from) do |
query |> where([t], t.value / @eth_decimals >= ^from) |
end |
defp filter_transactions_by_amount(query, _, _), do: query |
defp filter_token_transfers_by_amount(query, from, to) when not is_nil(from) and not is_nil(to) and from < to do |
unnested_query = make_token_transfer_query_unnested(query) |
unnested_query |
|> where( |
[unnested_token_transfer: tt], |
tt.amount / fragment("10 ^ COALESCE(?, 0)", tt.token_decimals) >= ^from and |
tt.amount / fragment("10 ^ COALESCE(?, 0)", tt.token_decimals) <= ^to |
) |
end |
defp filter_token_transfers_by_amount(query, _from, to) when not is_nil(to) do |
unnested_query = make_token_transfer_query_unnested(query) |
unnested_query |
|> where( |
[unnested_token_transfer: tt], |
tt.amount / fragment("10 ^ COALESCE(?, 0)", tt.token_decimals) <= ^to |
) |
end |
defp filter_token_transfers_by_amount(query, from, _to) when not is_nil(from) do |
unnested_query = make_token_transfer_query_unnested(query) |
unnested_query |
|> where( |
[unnested_token_transfer: tt], |
tt.amount / fragment("10 ^ COALESCE(?, 0)", tt.token_decimals) >= ^from |
) |
end |
defp filter_token_transfers_by_amount(query, _, _), do: query |
defp make_token_transfer_query_unnested(query) do |
if has_named_binding?(query, :unnested_token_transfer) do |
query |
else |
from(token_transfer in subquery(query), |
as: :unnested_token_transfer, |
preload: [ |
:transaction, |
:token, |
from_address: [:names, :smart_contract, :proxy_implementations], |
to_address: [:names, :smart_contract, :proxy_implementations] |
], |
select_merge: %{ |
token_ids: [token_transfer.token_id], |
amounts: [token_transfer.amount] |
} |
) |
end |
end |
defp filter_by_token(query, [_ | _] = token_contract_address_hashes, :include) do |
filtered = token_contract_address_hashes |> Enum.reject(&(&1 == "native")) |
query |> where([token_transfer], token_transfer.token_contract_address_hash in ^filtered) |
end |
defp filter_by_token(query, [_ | _] = token_contract_address_hashes, :exclude) do |
filtered = token_contract_address_hashes |> Enum.reject(&(&1 == "native")) |
query |> where([token_transfer], token_transfer.token_contract_address_hash not in ^filtered) |
end |
defp filter_by_token(query, _, _), do: query |
end |
Reference in new issue