@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ |
defmodule BlockScoutWeb.API.RPC.EthController do |
use BlockScoutWeb, :controller |
alias Explorer.Chain |
alias Explorer.Chain.Wei |
def eth_request(%{body_params: %{"_json" => requests}} = conn, _) when is_list(requests) do |
responses = responses(requests) |
conn |
|> put_status(200) |
|> render("responses.json", %{responses: responses}) |
end |
def eth_request(%{body_params: %{"_json" => request}} = conn, _) do |
[response] = responses([request]) |
conn |
|> put_status(200) |
|> render("response.json", %{response: response}) |
end |
def eth_request(conn, request) do |
# In the case that the JSON body is sent up w/o a json content type, |
# Phoenix encodes it as a single key value pair, with the value being |
# nil and the body being the key (as in a CURL request w/ no content type header) |
decoded_request = |
with [{single_key, nil}] <- Map.to_list(request), |
{:ok, decoded} <- Jason.decode(single_key) do |
decoded |
else |
_ -> request |
end |
[response] = responses([decoded_request]) |
conn |
|> put_status(200) |
|> render("response.json", %{response: response}) |
end |
defp responses(requests) do |
|, fn request -> |
with {:id, {:ok, id}} <- {:id, Map.fetch(request, "id")}, |
{:request, {:ok, result}} <- {:request, do_eth_request(request)} do |
format_success(result, id) |
else |
{:id, :error} -> format_error("id is a required field", 0) |
{:request, {:error, message}} -> format_error(message, Map.get(request, "id")) |
end |
end) |
end |
defp format_success(result, id) do |
%{result: result, id: id} |
end |
defp format_error(message, id) do |
%{error: message, id: id} |
end |
defp do_eth_request(%{"jsonrpc" => rpc_version}) when rpc_version != "2.0" do |
{:error, "invalid rpc version"} |
end |
defp do_eth_request(%{"jsonrpc" => "2.0", "method" => method, "params" => params}) |
when is_list(params) do |
with {:ok, action} <- get_action(method), |
true <- :erlang.function_exported(__MODULE__, action, Enum.count(params)) do |
apply(__MODULE__, action, params) |
else |
_ -> |
{:error, "Action not found."} |
end |
end |
defp do_eth_request(%{"params" => _params, "method" => _}) do |
{:error, "Invalid params. Params must be a list."} |
end |
defp do_eth_request(_) do |
{:error, "Method, params, and jsonrpc, are all required parameters."} |
end |
def eth_get_balance(address_param, block_param \\ nil) do |
with {:address, {:ok, address}} <- {:address, Chain.string_to_address_hash(address_param)}, |
{:block, {:ok, block}} <- {:block, block_param(block_param)}, |
{:balance, {:ok, balance}} <- {:balance, Chain.get_balance_as_of_block(address, block)} do |
{:ok, Wei.hex_format(balance)} |
else |
{:address, :error} -> |
{:error, "Query parameter 'address' is invalid"} |
{:block, :error} -> |
{:error, "Query parameter 'block' is invalid"} |
{:balance, {:error, :not_found}} -> |
{:error, "Balance not found"} |
end |
end |
defp get_action("eth_getBalance"), do: {:ok, :eth_get_balance} |
defp get_action(_), do: :error |
defp block_param("latest"), do: {:ok, :latest} |
defp block_param("earliest"), do: {:ok, :earliest} |
defp block_param("pending"), do: {:ok, :pending} |
defp block_param(string_integer) when is_bitstring(string_integer) do |
case Integer.parse(string_integer) do |
{integer, ""} -> {:ok, integer} |
_ -> :error |
end |
end |
defp block_param(nil), do: {:ok, :latest} |
defp block_param(_), do: :error |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
defmodule BlockScoutWeb.API.RPC.EthView do |
use BlockScoutWeb, :view |
alias BlockScoutWeb.API.RPC.EthRPCView |
def render("responses.json", %{responses: responses}) do |
EthRPCView.render("responses.json", %{responses: responses}) |
end |
def render("response.json", %{response: response}) do |
EthRPCView.render("response.json", %{response: response}) |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,199 @@ |
defmodule BlockScoutWeb.API.RPC.EthControllerTest do |
use BlockScoutWeb.ConnCase, async: false |
alias Explorer.Counters.{AddressesWithBalanceCounter, AverageBlockTime} |
alias Indexer.Fetcher.CoinBalanceOnDemand |
setup do |
mocked_json_rpc_named_arguments = [ |
transport: EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, |
transport_options: [] |
] |
start_supervised!({Task.Supervisor, name: Indexer.TaskSupervisor}) |
start_supervised!(AverageBlockTime) |
start_supervised!({CoinBalanceOnDemand, [mocked_json_rpc_named_arguments, [name: CoinBalanceOnDemand]]}) |
start_supervised!(AddressesWithBalanceCounter) |
Application.put_env(:explorer, AverageBlockTime, enabled: true) |
on_exit(fn -> |
Application.put_env(:explorer, AverageBlockTime, enabled: false) |
end) |
:ok |
end |
defp params(api_params, params), do: Map.put(api_params, "params", params) |
describe "eth_get_balance" do |
setup do |
%{ |
api_params: %{ |
"method" => "eth_getBalance", |
"jsonrpc" => "2.0", |
"id" => 0 |
} |
} |
end |
test "with an invalid address", %{conn: conn, api_params: api_params} do |
assert response = |
conn |
|> post("/api/eth_rpc", params(api_params, ["badHash"])) |
|> json_response(200) |
assert %{"error" => "Query parameter 'address' is invalid"} = response |
end |
test "with a valid address that has no balance", %{conn: conn, api_params: api_params} do |
address = insert(:address) |
assert response = |
conn |
|> post("/api/eth_rpc", params(api_params, [to_string(address.hash)])) |
|> json_response(200) |
assert %{"error" => "Balance not found"} = response |
end |
test "with a valid address that has a balance", %{conn: conn, api_params: api_params} do |
block = insert(:block) |
address = insert(:address) |
insert(:fetched_balance, block_number: block.number, address_hash: address.hash, value: 1) |
assert response = |
conn |
|> post("/api/eth_rpc", params(api_params, [to_string(address.hash)])) |
|> json_response(200) |
assert %{"result" => "0x1"} = response |
end |
test "with a valid address that has no earliest balance", %{conn: conn, api_params: api_params} do |
block = insert(:block, number: 1) |
address = insert(:address) |
insert(:fetched_balance, block_number: block.number, address_hash: address.hash, value: 1) |
assert response = |
conn |
|> post("/api/eth_rpc", params(api_params, [to_string(address.hash), "earliest"])) |
|> json_response(200) |
assert response["error"] == "Balance not found" |
end |
test "with a valid address that has an earliest balance", %{conn: conn, api_params: api_params} do |
block = insert(:block, number: 0) |
address = insert(:address) |
insert(:fetched_balance, block_number: block.number, address_hash: address.hash, value: 1) |
assert response = |
conn |
|> post("/api/eth_rpc", params(api_params, [to_string(address.hash), "earliest"])) |
|> json_response(200) |
assert response["result"] == "0x1" |
end |
test "with a valid address and no pending balance", %{conn: conn, api_params: api_params} do |
block = insert(:block, number: 1, consensus: true) |
address = insert(:address) |
insert(:fetched_balance, block_number: block.number, address_hash: address.hash, value: 1) |
assert response = |
conn |
|> post("/api/eth_rpc", params(api_params, [to_string(address.hash), "pending"])) |
|> json_response(200) |
assert response["error"] == "Balance not found" |
end |
test "with a valid address and a pending balance", %{conn: conn, api_params: api_params} do |
block = insert(:block, number: 1, consensus: false) |
address = insert(:address) |
insert(:fetched_balance, block_number: block.number, address_hash: address.hash, value: 1) |
assert response = |
conn |
|> post("/api/eth_rpc", params(api_params, [to_string(address.hash), "pending"])) |
|> json_response(200) |
assert response["result"] == "0x1" |
end |
test "with a valid address and a pending balance after a consensus block", %{conn: conn, api_params: api_params} do |
insert(:block, number: 1, consensus: true) |
block = insert(:block, number: 2, consensus: false) |
address = insert(:address) |
insert(:fetched_balance, block_number: block.number, address_hash: address.hash, value: 1) |
assert response = |
conn |
|> post("/api/eth_rpc", params(api_params, [to_string(address.hash), "pending"])) |
|> json_response(200) |
assert response["result"] == "0x1" |
end |
test "with a block provided", %{conn: conn, api_params: api_params} do |
address = insert(:address) |
insert(:fetched_balance, block_number: 1, address_hash: address.hash, value: 1) |
insert(:fetched_balance, block_number: 2, address_hash: address.hash, value: 2) |
insert(:fetched_balance, block_number: 3, address_hash: address.hash, value: 3) |
assert response = |
conn |
|> post("/api/eth_rpc", params(api_params, [to_string(address.hash), "2"])) |
|> json_response(200) |
assert response["result"] == "0x2" |
end |
test "with a block provided and no balance", %{conn: conn, api_params: api_params} do |
address = insert(:address) |
insert(:fetched_balance, block_number: 3, address_hash: address.hash, value: 3) |
assert response = |
conn |
|> post("/api/eth_rpc", params(api_params, [to_string(address.hash), "2"])) |
|> json_response(200) |
assert response["error"] == "Balance not found" |
end |
test "with a batch of requests", %{conn: conn} do |
address = insert(:address) |
insert(:fetched_balance, block_number: 1, address_hash: address.hash, value: 1) |
insert(:fetched_balance, block_number: 2, address_hash: address.hash, value: 2) |
insert(:fetched_balance, block_number: 3, address_hash: address.hash, value: 3) |
params = [ |
%{"id" => 0, "params" => [to_string(address.hash), "1"], "jsonrpc" => "2.0", "method" => "eth_getBalance"}, |
%{"id" => 1, "params" => [to_string(address.hash), "2"], "jsonrpc" => "2.0", "method" => "eth_getBalance"}, |
%{"id" => 2, "params" => [to_string(address.hash), "3"], "jsonrpc" => "2.0", "method" => "eth_getBalance"} |
] |
assert response = |
conn |
|> put_req_header("content-type", "application/json") |
|> post("/api/eth_rpc", Jason.encode!(params)) |
|> json_response(200) |
assert [ |
%{"id" => 0, "result" => "0x1"}, |
%{"id" => 1, "result" => "0x2"}, |
%{"id" => 2, "result" => "0x3"} |
] = response |
end |
end |
end |
Reference in new issue