# This file is responsible for configuring your application # and its dependencies with the aid of the Mix.Config module. # # This configuration file is loaded before any dependency and # is restricted to this project. use Mix.Config config :ecto, json_library: Jason # General application configuration config :explorer, ecto_repos: [Explorer.Repo], coin: System.get_env("COIN") || "POA", token_functions_reader_max_retries: 3 config :explorer, Explorer.Integrations.EctoLogger, query_time_ms_threshold: 2_000 config :explorer, Explorer.ExchangeRates, enabled: true config :explorer, Explorer.Counters.BlockValidationCounter, enabled: true config :explorer, Explorer.Market.History.Cataloger, enabled: true config :explorer, Explorer.Repo, loggers: [Explorer.Repo.PrometheusLogger, Ecto.LogEntry], migration_timestamps: [type: :utc_datetime] config :explorer, Explorer.Counters.TokenTransferCounter, enabled: true config :explorer, Explorer.Counters.TokenHoldersCounter, enabled: true, enable_consolidation: true if System.get_env("SUPPLY_MODULE") == "TransactionAndLog" do config :explorer, supply: Explorer.Chain.Supply.TransactionAndLog end if System.get_env("SOURCE_MODULE") == "TransactionAndLog" do config :explorer, Explorer.ExchangeRates, source: Explorer.ExchangeRates.Source.TransactionAndLog end config :explorer, solc_bin_api_url: "https://solc-bin.ethereum.org" config :logger, :explorer, # keep synced with `config/config.exs` format: "$time $metadata[$level] $message\n", metadata: [:application, :request_id], metadata_filter: [application: :explorer] # Import environment specific config. This must remain at the bottom # of this file so it overrides the configuration defined above. import_config "#{Mix.env()}.exs"