defmodule Explorer.Factory do use ExMachina.Ecto, repo: Explorer.Repo require Ecto.Query import Ecto.Query import Kernel, except: [+: 2] alias Explorer.Chain.Block.{Range, Reward} alias Explorer.Chain.{ Address, Block, Data, Hash, InternalTransaction, Log, Transaction } alias Explorer.Market.MarketHistory alias Explorer.Repo @dialyzer {:nowarn_function, fields_for: 1} def address_factory do %Address{ hash: address_hash() } end def contract_address_factory do %Address{ hash: address_hash(), contract_code: Map.fetch!(contract_code_info(), :bytecode) } end def contract_code_info do %{ bytecode: "0x6080604052600436106049576000357c0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000900463ffffffff16806360fe47b114604e5780636d4ce63c146078575b600080fd5b348015605957600080fd5b5060766004803603810190808035906020019092919050505060a0565b005b348015608357600080fd5b50608a60aa565b6040518082815260200191505060405180910390f35b8060008190555050565b600080549050905600a165627a7a72305820f65a3adc1cfb055013d1dc37d0fe98676e2a5963677fa7541a10386d163446680029", name: "SimpleStorage", source_code: """ pragma solidity ^0.4.24; contract SimpleStorage { uint storedData; function set(uint x) public { storedData = x; } function get() public constant returns (uint) { return storedData; } } """, version: "v0.4.24+commit.e67f0147", optimized: false } end def address_hash do {:ok, address_hash} = "address_hash" |> sequence(& &1) |> Hash.Address.cast() address_hash end def block_factory do %Block{ number: sequence("block_number", & &1), hash: block_hash(), parent_hash: block_hash(), nonce: sequence("block_nonce", & &1), miner: build(:address), difficulty: Enum.random(1..100_000), total_difficulty: Enum.random(1..100_000), size: Enum.random(1..100_000), gas_limit: Enum.random(1..100_000), gas_used: Enum.random(1..100_000), timestamp: DateTime.utc_now() } end def block_hash do {:ok, block_hash} = "block_hash" |> sequence(& &1) |> Hash.Full.cast() block_hash end def with_block(%Transaction{index: nil} = transaction) do with_block(transaction, insert(:block)) end def with_block(transactions) when is_list(transactions) do block = insert(:block) with_block(transactions, block) end def with_block(%Transaction{} = transaction, %Block{} = block) do with_block(transaction, block, []) end def with_block(transactions, %Block{} = block) when is_list(transactions) do, &with_block(&1, block)) end def with_block(%Transaction{index: nil} = transaction, collated_params) when is_list(collated_params) do block = insert(:block) with_block(transaction, block, collated_params) end def with_block( %Transaction{index: nil} = transaction, %Block{hash: block_hash, number: block_number}, collated_params ) when is_list(collated_params) do next_transaction_index = block_hash_to_next_transaction_index(block_hash) cumulative_gas_used = collated_params[:cumulative_gas_used] || Enum.random(21_000..100_000) gas_used = collated_params[:gas_used] || Enum.random(21_000..100_000) internal_transactions_indexed_at = collated_params[:internal_transactions_indexed_at] status = collated_params[:status] || Enum.random(0..1) transaction |> Transaction.changeset(%{ block_hash: block_hash, block_number: block_number, cumulative_gas_used: cumulative_gas_used, gas_used: gas_used, index: next_transaction_index, internal_transactions_indexed_at: internal_transactions_indexed_at, status: status }) |> Repo.update!() |> Repo.preload(:block) end def data(sequence_name) do unpadded = sequence_name |> sequence(& &1) |> Integer.to_string(16) unpadded_length = String.length(unpadded) padded = case rem(unpadded_length, 2) do 0 -> unpadded 1 -> "0" <> unpadded end {:ok, data} = Data.cast("0x#{padded}") data end def internal_transaction_factory() do gas = Enum.random(21_000..100_000) gas_used = Enum.random(0..gas) %InternalTransaction{ from_address: build(:address), to_address: build(:address), call_type: :delegatecall, gas: gas, gas_used: gas_used, output: %Data{bytes: <<1>>}, # caller MUST suppy `index` trace_address: [], # caller MUST supply `transaction` because it can't be built lazily to allow overrides without creating an extra # transaction type: :call, value: sequence("internal_transaction_value", & } end def internal_transaction_create_factory() do gas = Enum.random(21_000..100_000) gas_used = Enum.random(0..gas) %InternalTransaction{ created_contract_code: data(:internal_transaction_created_contract_code), created_contract_address: build(:address), from_address: build(:address), gas: gas, gas_used: gas_used, # caller MUST suppy `index` init: data(:internal_transaction_init), trace_address: [], # caller MUST supply `transaction` because it can't be built lazily to allow overrides without creating an extra # transaction type: :create, value: sequence("internal_transaction_value", & } end def log_factory do %Log{ address: build(:address), data: data(:log_data), first_topic: nil, fourth_topic: nil, index: 0, second_topic: nil, third_topic: nil, transaction: build(:transaction), type: sequence("0x") } end def market_history_factory do %MarketHistory{ closing_price: price(), opening_price: price(), date: Date.utc_today() } end def block_reward_factory do # Generate ranges like 1 - 10,000; 10,001 - 20,000, 20,001 - 30,000; etc x = sequence("block_range", & &1) lower = x * Kernel.+(10_000, 1) upper = Kernel.+(lower, 9_999) wei_per_ether = reward_multiplier = 1..5 |> Enum.random() |> reward = Decimal.mult(reward_multiplier, wei_per_ether) %Reward{ block_range: %Range{from: lower, to: upper}, reward: reward } end def transaction_factory do %Transaction{ from_address: build(:address), gas: Enum.random(21_000..100_000), gas_price: Enum.random(10..99) * 1_000_000_00, hash: transaction_hash(), input: transaction_input(), nonce: Enum.random(1..1_000), r: sequence(:transaction_r, & &1), s: sequence(:transaction_s, & &1), to_address: build(:address), v: Enum.random(27..30), value: Enum.random(1..100_000) } end def transaction_hash do {:ok, transaction_hash} = "transaction_hash" |> sequence(& &1) |> Hash.Full.cast() transaction_hash end def transaction_input do data(:transaction_input) end defmacrop left + right do quote do fragment("? + ?", unquote(left), unquote(right)) end end defmacrop coalesce(left, right) do quote do fragment("coalesce(?, ?)", unquote(left), unquote(right)) end end defp block_hash_to_next_transaction_index(block_hash) do import Kernel, except: [+: 2]!( from( transaction in Transaction, select: coalesce(max(transaction.index), -1) + 1, where: transaction.block_hash == ^block_hash ) ) end defp price do 1..10_000 |> Enum.random() |> |> Decimal.div( end end