#!/usr/bin/env bash set -x # Log a timestamped message to the console function log() { ts=$(date '+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') printf '%s [bin/deploy] %s\n' "$ts" "$1" } # Log an error message to the console and exit function error() { log "$1" exit 1 } # Perform the deployment for a specific chain function deploy_chain() { chain="$1" if [ -z "$chain" ]; then error "Expected a chain name as the first argument to 'deploy_chain', but did not get one!" fi chain_index="$2" if [ -z "$chain_index" ]; then error "Expected a chain index as the second argument to 'deploy_chain', but did not get one!" fi log "Creating deployment for chain '${chain}'.." ts="$(date --utc '+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')" app="${PREFIX}-explorer" bucket="${PREFIX}-explorer-codedeploy-releases" release_name="${CIRCLE_SHA1}_${CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM}" log "Pushing new revision to CodeDeploy app '${app}' in S3 bucket '${bucket}', as '${release_name}.zip'.." aws deploy push \ --description="${PREFIX} release at commit ${CIRCLE_SHA1} via build ${CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM} at ${ts}" \ --application-name="${app}" \ --s3-location="s3://${bucket}/${release_name}.zip" \ --source=./ log "Push successful!" deploy_config="CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime" deploy_group="${PREFIX}-explorer-dg${chain_index}" log "Creating deployment for CodeDeploy app '${app}', using deployment config ${deploy_config}, and group ${deploy_group}" aws create-deployment \ --description="${PREFIX} deployment of commit ${CIRCLE_SHA1} via build ${CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM} at ${ts}" \ --application-name="${app}" \ --deployment-config-name="${deploy_config}" \ --deployment-group-name="${deploy_group}" \ --s3-location="bucket=${bucket},key=${release_name}.zip,bundleType=zip" log 'Deployment successfully created!' log 'You may check deploy progress via the AWS Console or AWS CLI using the deployment ID shown above.' return 0 } # Make sure we got an environment as an argument to this script DEPLOY_ENV="${1:-$CIRCLE_BRANCH}" if [ -z "$DEPLOY_ENV" ]; then error "Expected deployment environment as an argument or via \$CIRCLE_BRANCH, but neither was provided!" fi # Strip deploy- prefix if one was set and convert it # to uppercase for environment variable lookups DEPLOY_ENV="$(echo "$DEPLOY_ENV" | sed -e 's/^deploy-//' | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')" log "Deploying to environment '${DEPLOY_ENV}'" # Make sure we have credentials set log "Verifying credentials.." if [ -z "$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" ] || [ -z "$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" ]; then error "Unable to perform deploy: missing AWS credentials!" fi # Lookup the infrastructure prefix for the target system in the environment log "Verifying infrastructure prefix.." PREFIX_VAR="AWS_${DEPLOY_ENV}_PREFIX" PREFIX="${!PREFIX_VAR}" if [ -z "$PREFIX" ]; then error "Unknown deploy environment '$DEPLOY_ENV', or AWS_${DEPLOY_ENV}_PREFIX is unset!" exit 1 fi # Lookup the list of chains for the target system in the environment log "Verifying deployment groups.." CHAINS_VAR="AWS_${DEPLOY_ENV}_CHAINS" CHAINS="${!CHAINS_VAR}" if [ -z "$CHAINS" ]; then error "AWS_${DEPLOY_ENV}_CHAINS is unset!" fi # Convert the comma-separated list of names into a newline-separated list of names CHAINS="$(echo "$CHAINS" | tr ',' '\n')" # Install AWS CLI if ! which aws >/dev/null; then log "Installing AWS CLI.." mkdir -p ~/bin wget "https://s3.amazonaws.com/aws-cli/awscli-bundle.zip" unzip awscli-bundle.zip ./awscli-bundle/install -b ~/bin/aws export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH log "Install completed successfully!" fi # For each chain perform a deployment i=0 for chain in $CHAINS; do deploy_chain "$chain" "$i" i=$((i+1)) done log "Deployment task has succesfully completed!" exit 0