import Config alias EthereumJSONRPC.Variant alias Explorer.Repo.ConfigHelper, as: ExplorerConfigHelper ###################### ### BlockScout Web ### ###################### port = ExplorerConfigHelper.get_port() config :block_scout_web, BlockScoutWeb.Endpoint, secret_key_base: System.get_env("SECRET_KEY_BASE") || "RMgI4C1HSkxsEjdhtGMfwAHfyT6CKWXOgzCboJflfSm4jeAlic52io05KB6mqzc5", http: [ port: port ], url: [ scheme: "http", host: System.get_env("BLOCKSCOUT_HOST", "localhost") ], https: [ port: port + 1, cipher_suite: :strong, certfile: System.get_env("CERTFILE") || "priv/cert/selfsigned.pem", keyfile: System.get_env("KEYFILE") || "priv/cert/selfsigned_key.pem" ] ######################## ### Ethereum JSONRPC ### ######################## ################ ### Explorer ### ################ database = if System.get_env("DATABASE_URL"), do: nil, else: "explorer_dev" hostname = if System.get_env("DATABASE_URL"), do: nil, else: "localhost" pool_size = if System.get_env("DATABASE_READ_ONLY_API_URL"), do: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("POOL_SIZE", 30), else: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("POOL_SIZE", 40) # Configure your database config :explorer, Explorer.Repo, database: database, hostname: hostname, url: System.get_env("DATABASE_URL"), pool_size: pool_size database_api = if System.get_env("DATABASE_READ_ONLY_API_URL"), do: nil, else: database hostname_api = if System.get_env("DATABASE_READ_ONLY_API_URL"), do: nil, else: hostname # Configure API database config :explorer, Explorer.Repo.Replica1, database: database_api, hostname: hostname_api, url: ExplorerConfigHelper.get_api_db_url(), pool_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("POOL_SIZE_API", 10) database_account = if System.get_env("ACCOUNT_DATABASE_URL"), do: nil, else: database hostname_account = if System.get_env("ACCOUNT_DATABASE_URL"), do: nil, else: hostname # Configure Account database config :explorer, Explorer.Repo.Account, database: database_account, hostname: hostname_account, url: ExplorerConfigHelper.get_account_db_url(), pool_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("ACCOUNT_POOL_SIZE", 10) # Configure PolygonEdge database config :explorer, Explorer.Repo.PolygonEdge, database: database, hostname: hostname, url: System.get_env("DATABASE_URL"), # actually this repo is not started, and its pool size remains unused. # separating repos for different CHAIN_TYPE is implemented only for the sake of keeping DB schema update relevant to the current chain type pool_size: 1 # Configure PolygonZkevm database config :explorer, Explorer.Repo.PolygonZkevm, database: database, hostname: hostname, url: System.get_env("DATABASE_URL"), # actually this repo is not started, and its pool size remains unused. # separating repos for different CHAIN_TYPE is implemented only for the sake of keeping DB schema update relevant to the current chain type pool_size: 1 # Configure Rootstock database config :explorer, Explorer.Repo.RSK, database: database, hostname: hostname, url: System.get_env("DATABASE_URL"), # actually this repo is not started, and its pool size remains unused. # separating repos for different CHAIN_TYPE is implemented only for the sake of keeping DB schema update relevant to the current chain type pool_size: 1 # Configure Suave database config :explorer, Explorer.Repo.Suave, database: database, hostname: hostname, url: ExplorerConfigHelper.get_suave_db_url(), pool_size: 1 variant = Variant.get() Code.require_file("#{variant}.exs", "apps/explorer/config/dev") ############### ### Indexer ### ############### Code.require_file("#{variant}.exs", "apps/indexer/config/dev")