defmodule ExplorerWeb.UserListTest do use ExplorerWeb.FeatureCase, async: true import Wallaby.Query, only: [css: 1, css: 2] @logo css("img.header__logo") test "browses the home page", %{session: session} do session |> visit("/") |> assert_has(css(".header__title", text: "POA Network Explorer")) |> click(@logo) |> assert_has(css("main", text: "Welcome to our blockchain explorer.")) end test "views blocks on the home page", %{session: session} do insert_list(5, :block, %{number: 4}) session |> visit("/") |> assert_has(css(".blocks__title", text: "Blocks")) |> assert_has(css(".blocks__row", count: 5, text: "4")) end end