import Config # Import all plugins from `rel/plugins` # They can then be used by adding `plugin MyPlugin` to # either an environment, or release definition, where # `MyPlugin` is the name of the plugin module. ~w(rel plugins *.exs) |> Path.join() |> Path.wildcard() |> defer = fn fun -> apply(fun, []) end app_root = fn -> if String.contains?(File.cwd!(), "apps") do Path.join([File.cwd!(), "/../../"]) else File.cwd!() end end cookie = defer.(fn -> cookie_bytes = :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(32) |> Base.encode32() :ok = File.write!(Path.join(app_root.(), ".erlang_cookie"), cookie_bytes) :erlang.binary_to_atom(cookie_bytes, :utf8) end) use Mix.Releases.Config, # This sets the default release built by `mix release` default_release: :default, # This sets the default environment used by `mix release` default_environment: config_env() # For a full list of config options for both releases # and environments, visit # You may define one or more environments in this file, # an environment's settings will override those of a release # when building in that environment, this combination of release # and environment configuration is called a profile environment :dev do # If you are running Phoenix, you should make sure that # server: true is set and the code reloader is disabled, # even in dev mode. # It is recommended that you build with MIX_ENV=prod and pass # the --env flag to Distillery explicitly if you want to use # dev mode. set dev_mode: true set include_erts: false set cookie: :"i6E,!mJ6|E&|.VPaDywo@N.o}BgmC$UdKXW[aK,(@U0Asfpp/NergA;CR%YW4;i6" end environment :prod do set include_erts: true set include_src: false set cookie: cookie set vm_args: "rel/vm.args" end # You may define one or more releases in this file. # If you have not set a default release, or selected one # when running `mix release`, the first release in the file # will be used by default release :blockscout do set version: "5.1.3-beta" set applications: [ :runtime_tools, block_scout_web: :permanent, ethereum_jsonrpc: :permanent, explorer: :permanent, indexer: :permanent ] set commands: [ migrate: "rel/commands/", seed: "rel/commands/", ] end