defmodule Explorer.TransactionTest do use Explorer.DataCase alias Explorer.Transaction describe "changeset/2" do test "with valid attributes" do block = insert(:block) changeset = Transaction.changeset(%Transaction{}, %{hash: "0x0", block_id:, value: 1, gas: 21000, gas_price: 10000, input: "0x5c8eff12", nonce: "31337", public_key: "0xb39af9c", r: "0x9", s: "0x10", standard_v: "0x11", transaction_index: "0x12", v: "0x13"}) assert changeset.valid? end test "with a block that does not exist in the database" do {:error, changeset} = Transaction.changeset(%Transaction{}, %{hash: "0x0", block_id: 0, value: 1, gas: 21000, gas_price: 10000, input: "0x5c8eff12", nonce: "31337", public_key: "0xb39af9c", r: "0x9", s: "0x10", standard_v: "0x11", transaction_index: "0x12", v: "0x13"}) |> Repo.insert refute changeset.valid? assert [block_id: {"does not exist", []}] = changeset.errors end test "with invalid attributes" do changeset = Transaction.changeset(%Transaction{}, %{racecar: "yellow ham"}) refute changeset.valid? end test "it creates a new to address" do params = params_for(:transaction) to_address_params = %{hash: "sk8orDi3"} changeset_params = Map.merge(params, %{to_address: to_address_params}) changeset = Transaction.changeset(%Transaction{}, changeset_params) assert changeset.valid? end end end