defmodule Explorer.FetcherTest do use Explorer.DataCase alias Explorer.Block alias Explorer.Repo alias Explorer.Fetcher alias Explorer.Transaction @raw_block %{ "difficulty" => "0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe", "gasLimit" => "0x02", "gasUsed" => "0x19522", "hash" => "bananas", "miner" => "0xdb1207770e0a4258d7a4ce49ab037f92564fea85", "number" => "0x7f2fb", "parentHash" => "0x70029f66ea5a3b2b1ede95079d95a2ab74b649b5b17cdcf6f29b6317e7c7efa6", "size" => "0x10", "timestamp" => "0x12", "totalDifficulty" => "0xff", "nonce" => nil, "transactions" => [] } @processed_block %{ difficulty: 340282366920938463463374607431768211454, gas_limit: 2, gas_used: 103714, hash: "bananas", nonce: "0xfb6e1a62d119228b", miner: "0xdb1207770e0a4258d7a4ce49ab037f92564fea85", number: 520955, parent_hash: "0x70029f66ea5a3b2b1ede95079d95a2ab74b649b5b17cdcf6f29b6317e7c7efa6", size: 16, timestamp: Timex.parse!("1970-01-01T00:00:18-00:00", "{ISO:Extended}"), total_difficulty: 255, transactions: [], } @raw_transaction %{ "block_id" => "1", "hash" => "pepino", "value" => "0xde0b6b3a7640000", } @processed_transaction %{ hash: "pepino", value: 1000000000000000000, } describe "fetch/1" do test "the latest block is copied over from the blockchain" do use_cassette "fetcher_fetch" do Fetcher.fetch("0x89923") last_block = Block |> order_by(desc: :inserted_at) |> limit(1) |> Repo.all |> List.first assert last_block.number == 563491 end end test "when the block has a transaction it should be created" do use_cassette "fetcher_fetch_with_transaction" do Fetcher.fetch("0x8d2a8") last_transaction = Transaction |> order_by(desc: :inserted_at) |> limit(1) |> Repo.all |> List.first assert last_transaction.value == assert last_transaction.hash == "0x8cea0c5ffdd96a4dada74066f7416a0957dca278d45a1caec439ba68cbf3f4d6" end end test "when the block has a transaction with zero value it should store that zero value" do use_cassette "fetcher_fetch_with_a_zero_value_transaction" do Fetcher.fetch("0x918c1") last_transaction = Transaction |> order_by(desc: :inserted_at) |> limit(1) |> Repo.all |> List.first assert last_transaction.value == end end end describe "download_block/1" do test "returns a block for a given block number" do use_cassette "fetcher_download_block" do assert Fetcher.download_block("0x89923")["hash"] == "0x342878f5a2c06bc6146f9440910bab9c5ddae5dbd13c9a01d8adaf51ff5593ae" end end end describe "extract_block/1" do test "returns the struct of a block" do assert Fetcher.extract_block(%{@raw_block | "nonce" => "0xfb6e1a62d119228b"}) == @processed_block end test "when there is no nonce" do assert Fetcher.extract_block(@raw_block).nonce == "0" end test "when there is a transaction" do assert Fetcher.extract_block(@raw_block).transactions end end describe "extract_transactions/1" do test "that it parses a list of transactions" do transactions = Fetcher.extract_transactions([@raw_transaction]) assert transactions == [@processed_transaction] end end describe "extract_transaction/1" do test "that it extracts the transaction" do assert Fetcher.extract_transaction(@raw_transaction) == @processed_transaction end test "when the transaction value is zero it returns a decimal" do transaction = %{@raw_transaction | "value" => "0x0"} assert Fetcher.extract_transaction(transaction).value == 0 end end describe "decode_integer_field/1" do test "returns the integer value of a hex value" do assert(Fetcher.decode_integer_field("0x7f2fb") == 520955) end end describe "decode_time_field/1" do test "returns the date value of a hex value" do the_seventies = Timex.parse!("1970-01-01T00:00:18-00:00", "{ISO:Extended}") assert(Fetcher.decode_time_field("0x12") == the_seventies) end end describe "validate_block/1" do test "returns a valid changeset for an extracted block" do changeset = @raw_block |> Fetcher.extract_block |> Fetcher.validate_block assert changeset.valid? end test "that it puts a nested transaction into a changeset" do block = %{@raw_block | "transactions" => [@raw_transaction]} changeset = block |> Fetcher.extract_block |> Fetcher.validate_block first_transaction = changeset.changes.transactions |> List.first assert first_transaction.changes.hash == "pepino" end test "that it validates a nested transaction" do transaction = %{@raw_transaction | "hash" => ""} block = %{@raw_block | "transactions" => [transaction]} changeset = block |> Fetcher.extract_block |> Fetcher.validate_block transaction_changeset = changeset.changes.transactions |> List.first assert transaction_changeset.errors[:hash] == {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]} end end end