version: 2 jobs: build: docker: # Ensure .tool-versions matches - image: circleci/elixir:1.6.4-node-browsers environment: MIX_ENV: test # match POSTGRES_PASSWORD for postgres image below PGPASSWORD: postgres # match POSTGRES_USER for postgres image below PGUSER: postgres working_directory: ~/app steps: - checkout - run: mix local.hex --force - run: mix local.rebar --force - restore_cache: keys: - v2-mix-deps-get-{{ checksum "mix.lock" }} - v2-mix-deps-get-{{ checksum "mix.exs" }} - v2-mix-deps-get - run: mix deps.get - save_cache: key: v2-mix-deps-get-{{ checksum "mix.lock" }} paths: "deps" - save_cache: key: mix-deps-get-{{ checksum "mix.exs" }} paths: "deps" - save_cache: key: mix-deps-get paths: "deps" - restore_cache: keys: - v2-npm-install-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "apps/explorer_web/assets/package-lock.json" }} - v2-npm-install-{{ .Branch }} - v2-npm-install - run: command: npm install working_directory: "apps/explorer_web/assets" - save_cache: key: v2-npm-install-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "apps/explorer_web/assets/package-lock.json" }} paths: "apps/explorer_web/assets/node_modules" - save_cache: key: v2-npm-install-{{ .Branch }} paths: "apps/explorer_web/assets/node_modules" - save_cache: key: v2-npm-install paths: "apps/explorer_web/assets/node_modules" - run: name: "ELIXIR_VERSION.lock" command: echo "${ELIXIR_VERSION}" > ELIXIR_VERSION.lock - run: name: "OTP_VERSION.lock" command: echo "${OTP_VERSION}" > OTP_VERSION.lock - restore_cache: keys: - v2-mix-compile-{{ checksum "OTP_VERSION.lock" }}-{{ checksum "ELIXIR_VERSION.lock" }}-{{ checksum "mix.lock" }} - v2-mix-compile-{{ checksum "OTP_VERSION.lock" }}-{{ checksum "ELIXIR_VERSION.lock" }}-{{ checksum "mix.exs" }} - v2-mix-compile-{{ checksum "OTP_VERSION.lock" }}-{{ checksum "ELIXIR_VERSION.lock" }} - run: mix compile - save_cache: key: v2-mix-compile-{{ checksum "OTP_VERSION.lock" }}-{{ checksum "ELIXIR_VERSION.lock" }}-{{ checksum "mix.lock" }} paths: - _build - save_cache: key: v2-mix-compile-{{ checksum "OTP_VERSION.lock" }}-{{ checksum "ELIXIR_VERSION.lock" }}-{{ checksum "mix.exs" }} paths: - _build - save_cache: key: v2-mix-compile-{{ checksum "OTP_VERSION.lock" }}-{{ checksum "ELIXIR_VERSION.lock" }} paths: - _build - run: name: Build assets command: node node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --mode development working_directory: "apps/explorer_web/assets" - persist_to_workspace: root: . paths: - .circleci - .credo.exs - .dialyzer-ignore - .formatter.exs - .git - .gitignore - ELIXIR_VERSION.lock - Gemfile - Gemfile.lock - OTP_VERSION.lock - _build - apps - bin - config - deps - doc - mix.exs - mix.lock check_formatted: docker: # Ensure .tool-versions matches - image: circleci/elixir:1.6.4 environment: MIX_ENV: test working_directory: ~/app steps: - attach_workspace: at: . - run: mix format --check-formatted credo: docker: # Ensure .tool-versions matches - image: circleci/elixir:1.6.4 environment: MIX_ENV: test working_directory: ~/app steps: - attach_workspace: at: . - run: mix local.hex --force - run: mix credo deploy_production: docker: # Ensure .tool-versions matches - image: circleci/elixir:1.6.4 environment: MIX_ENV: test working_directory: ~/app steps: - attach_workspace: at: . - add_ssh_keys: fingerprints: - "c4:fd:a8:f8:48:a8:09:e5:3e:be:30:62:4d:6f:6f:36" # TODO update for deployment to AWS deploy_staging: docker: # Ensure .tool-versions matches - image: circleci/elixir:1.6.4 environment: MIX_ENV: test working_directory: ~/app steps: - attach_workspace: at: . - add_ssh_keys: fingerprints: - "c4:fd:a8:f8:48:a8:09:e5:3e:be:30:62:4d:6f:6f:36" # TODO update for deployment to AWS dialyzer: docker: # Ensure .tool-versions matches - image: circleci/elixir:1.6.4 environment: MIX_ENV: test working_directory: ~/app steps: - attach_workspace: at: . - run: mix local.hex --force - restore_cache: keys: - v2-mix-dailyzer-{{ checksum "OTP_VERSION.lock" }}-{{ checksum "ELIXIR_VERSION.lock" }}-{{ checksum "mix.lock" }} - v2-mix-dialyzer-{{ checksum "OTP_VERSION.lock" }}-{{ checksum "ELIXIR_VERSION.lock" }}-{{ checksum "mix.exs" }} - v2-mix-dialyzer-{{ checksum "OTP_VERSION.lock" }}-{{ checksum "ELIXIR_VERSION.lock" }} - run: name: Unpack PLT cache command: | mkdir -p _build/test cp plts/dialyxir*.plt _build/test/ || true mkdir -p ~/.mix cp plts/dialyxir*.plt ~/.mix/ || true - run: mix dialyzer --plt - run: name: Pack PLT cache command: | mkdir -p plts cp _build/test/dialyxir*.plt plts/ cp ~/.mix/dialyxir*.plt plts/ - save_cache: key: v2-mix-dialyzer-{{ checksum "OTP_VERSION.lock" }}-{{ checksum "ELIXIR_VERSION.lock" }}-{{ checksum "mix.lock" }} paths: - plts - save_cache: key: v1-mix-dialyzer-{{ checksum "OTP_VERSION.lock" }}-{{ checksum "ELIXIR_VERSION.lock" }}-{{ checksum "mix.exs" }} paths: - plts - save_cache: key: v1-mix-dialyzer-{{ checksum "OTP_VERSION.lock" }}-{{ checksum "ELIXIR_VERSION.lock" }} paths: - plts - run: mix dialyzer --halt-exit-status eslint: docker: # Ensure .tool-versions matches - image: circleci/node:9.10.1 working_directory: ~/app steps: - attach_workspace: at: . - run: name: ESLint command: ./node_modules/.bin/eslint --format=junit --output-file="test/eslint/junit.xml" js/**/*.js working_directory: apps/explorer_web/assets - store_test_results: path: apps/explorer_web/assets/test gettext: docker: # Ensure .tool-versions matches - image: circleci/elixir:1.6.4 environment: MIX_ENV: test working_directory: ~/app steps: - attach_workspace: at: . - run: mix local.hex --force - run: name: Check for missed translations command: | mix gettext.extract --merge | tee stdout.txt ! grep "Wrote " stdout.txt working_directory: "apps/explorer_web" - store_artifacts: path: apps/explorer_web/priv/gettext sobelow: docker: # Ensure .tool-versions matches - image: circleci/elixir:1.6.4 environment: MIX_ENV: test working_directory: ~/app steps: - attach_workspace: at: . - run: mix local.hex --force - run: name: Scan explorer for vulnerabilities command: mix sobelow --config working_directory: "apps/explorer" - run: name: Scan explorer_web for vulnerabilities command: mix sobelow --config working_directory: "apps/explorer_web" test: docker: # Ensure .tool-versions matches - image: circleci/elixir:1.6.4-node-browsers environment: MIX_ENV: test # match POSTGRES_PASSWORD for postgres image below PGPASSWORD: postgres # match POSTGRES_USER for postgres image below PGUSER: postgres - image: circleci/postgres:10.3-alpine environment: # Match apps/explorer/config/test.exs config :explorerer, Explorer.Repo, database POSTGRES_DB: explorer_test # match PGPASSWORD for elixir image above POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres # match PGUSER for elixir image above POSTGRES_USER: postgres working_directory: ~/app steps: - attach_workspace: at: . - run: mix local.hex --force - run: mix local.rebar --force - run: name: Wait for DB command: dockerize -wait tcp://localhost:5432 -timeout 1m - run: mix --umbrella - store_test_results: path: _build/test/junit workflows: version: 2 primary: jobs: - build - check_formatted: requires: - build - credo: requires: - build - deploy_production: filters: branches: only: production requires: - check_formatted - credo - eslint - sobelow - test - deploy_staging: filters: branches: only: master requires: - check_formatted - credo - eslint - sobelow - test - dialyzer: requires: - build - eslint: requires: - build - gettext: requires: - build - sobelow: requires: - build - test: requires: - build